For that which has passed and gone let us feel thankful. The New Year is here - let us hail it with joy. May it be bright and bring hopes of a rosy future with 365 days of new life, fresh hope and added opportunity. Let's all try to dodge the humps and holes, if we can, and make the new year better than ever before. ~Postville Herald, Thursday, January 1, 1925

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A New Year's resolution should be made for one day only. This is the natural limit of man's spiritual fortitude. And each morning, for as long as possible, the resolution should be repeated. A resolution that stretches out for a year is intoleraby hard to keep, but one that begins each morningand ends each night is both simple and practical. It asks not more of us than we can do and it makes each ay the measure of our responsibility, endurance and growth. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, January 5, 1955

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In 2025 ...

A brick wall will fall
Grandma's maiden name will be found
The search for someone's parents names will finally end
A great-granddad's burial place will be discovered

Happy ancestor hunting!

Allamakee County, Iowa
One of the 99 great county genealogy websites in the

Maintained by Sharyl Ferrall, volunteer coordinator
e-mail address

IAGenWeb is a part of

USGenWeb ®

The entire Allamakee co. IAGenWeb site & contents are ©2024 by IAGenWeb, Sharyl Ferrall & the individual contributors ... please ask for permission before you copy!


Research Collections

Biography Board - Post, search or browse biographies from sources other than the specific collections. The board bios are also indexed:
A-H * I-Z

  • References & Resources -County, Iowa & general research guides. Lots of Information that will give you an edge-up on your family research.

  • Reunions - Family reunions often named relatives who lived in other places

  • School Records Collection - photos, school histories and more

  • Surname Registry -Make a connection with others who are also researching your families!

  • Tax Records

  • Thank-you! Everything on this website has been contributed by volunteers. A heartfelt thank-you to our volunteers for their gifts of time. Contributions are always welcome and transcribed data is always needed to grow this site. What do you have to share?

New Items, Site Search & General Information

What's New & updated? If you are a returning visitor- be sure to check the updates journal for content added recently and for special alerts or announcements.

Search this website ... but don't rely entirely on the search engine, browsing the records can reap hidden rewards!

Clicking on one of the general topics in the menu to the left, will take you to more specific menus.


Search Allamakee co.

Many of the records on this website have been transcribed from very old, hard to read records or have been translated from another language. Be creative when entering a surname into the search or browse the records looking for your ancestor. Search for your ancestor "John Doe" and "Doe, John" or try initials for first names. Also, old records often used shortened versions of names, ie: Thos., Jos., Wm. for Thomas, Joseph & William. Women often went by nicknames, ie: Etta for Henrietta, Minnie for Wilhelmina, etc. The search looks for exactly what you put in the box.

powered by FreeFind

Advanced Search * FreeFind Search Tips

The FreeFind search does not include the query, biography & obituary boards, but each of these boards has a search engine. Board search tips & tricks


A note from Sharyl...

Please use the Query Board. I'll reply to your query if I can help. As much as I'd love to be able to assist everyone with their research, I'm not able to because I don't live in or near Allamakee county.

Be sure to check neighboring counties for your ancestors:

Server space for Allamakee co. is made possible by
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Everything on this website has been contributed by volunteers. What do you have to share? Email the coordinator, it's easy, and I do respond! Submissions can be made by email attachments, or posted on the Document Board where the postings will be moved to the appropriate place on this website.

Do you have questions about the IAGenWeb project?
Our Leadership Team 2024-2025:
- Lynn Diemer-Mathews, State Coordinator
- Jennie Williams Pahls, Asst. State Coordinator
- Linda Zieman, Immediate Past State Coordinator

Join the IAGenWeb Team!


The small print...

In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual or on any other website! Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author or the submitter and from the Allamakee Co. Coordinator. Please read the IAGenWeb Terms, Conditions & Disclaimer -- all of which applies to the entire Allamakee co. website and message boards.

The entire Allamakee co. IAGenWeb website will remain a permanent part of the IAGenWeb Project.
Copyright 2025 IAGenWeb, Sharyl Ferrall & the individual contributors
- please ask before you copy -

This page was updated on December 31, 2024

Thanks for visiting .... come back soon!