Answer to Pop Quiz about Lake Red Rock

The six "lost towns" of Red Rock are Coalport, Cordova, Dunreath, Fifield, Red Rock, and Rousseau. Cemeteries remain above the water at Coalport, Dunreath, and Red Rock.

An excellent brochure published by the Marion County Rural History Buffs shows the location of each town and gives a description of each town. You can href="" view it here [LINK fails since site is taken down - I am working on this with them about an alternative. Here is their FaceBook page.]. Another great resource is Grace Karr's Cordova News (available at the PHSM gift shop) and the History of Red Rock (available at the visitors' center at South Overlook).

Grace Karr's description of giving up her beloved farm to the waters of the lake are heart-wrenching. Those who had loved ones buried where the lake would be were given the opportunity to disinter them to another cemetery--many did, with a large proportion of those bodies being reinterred at Greenwood, Price, and other surrounding cemeteries. Others chose to leave their loved ones' bodies where they lay.

Fun (?) Fact: Approximately 60 bodies were refused reinterment, as they had died of the "black measles," and the Army Corps of Engineers was unwilling dig them up for fear of an epidemic occurring.