Pella: Saint Mary's Church

Below is information about the Saint Mary's Church in Pella (726 218th Pl. formerly at 1203 Peace St.).

Interior Photo of Saint Mary's Catholic Church in 1978
The photo above is housed at Pella Community Memory Database with the following description: An interior photo of the altar at Saint Mary's Catholic Church in Pella, Iowa. A large cross hung on a stone wall dominates the front of the church. On either side are the metal pipes of an organ. A table covered with a with lace cloth is in the center of the dais and in front of the cross. Candles on tall stands are lined up in front of the table. On either side are alcoves containing religious statues. A lectern with microphone is at the right side of the dais. Pews line both sides of the sanctuary. The cathedral ceiling has exposed beams, and chandeliers hang from the beams.
Saint Mary's Catholic Church in 1978
The photo above is housed at Pella Community Memory Database with the following description: St. Mary's Catholic Church built a new building at 1203 Peace Street in Pella, Iowa in 1978. The modern church building is constructed of brick with a soaring roof, and stained glass windows on each side of the building. Wide glass doors and windows form the entryway to the building.
Saint Mary's Catholic Church in 1978
The photo above is housed at Pella Community Memory Database with the following description: Snow covers the ground in front of St. Mary's Catholic Church built in 1978 at 1203 Peace Street in Pella, Iowa. The modern church building is constructed of brick with a soaring roof, and stained glass windows on each side of the building. Wide glass doors and windows form the entryway to the building.

This page was created on 2023-09-29 by Al Hibbard.