Pella: First Christian Church

Below is information about the First Christian Church in Pella (824 Franklin Street).

Photo of the church building taken in 2022, but now a book store
The photo above is housed at Pella Community Memory Database with the following description: The undated photo shown here is similar to what the building looks like in 2022. It is currently called Pella Books. The proprietor sells rare and used books. This is a one room brick building built ca. 1860. The rear addition was added in 1970. In 2022, this is the only remaining original church building from the earliest settlers. The building was called the First Christian Church. Worshippers were followers of Dominie H. P. Scholte. After some dissension within the church, Scholte separated from the church. Eventually, other groups used the building. They were: Ziel Slaperts Kirk (Soul Sleeper's Church), Pella YMCA, First Reformed Church of Pella and the Plymouth Brethren Church. Additional information may be found at the National Register of Historic Places, Item #07000206.

This page was created on 2023-09-29 by Al Hibbard.