 Our Mission Statement:
The mission of the Friends of IAGenWeb is to provide financial support for the IAGenWeb project, an all-volunteer organization dedicated to gathering and presenting free on-line Iowa genealogical and historical information. The Friends accomplishes this by maintaining a general state website, individual websites for Iowa’s counties and various special project websites.
The IAGenWeb Project was founded on August 6, 1996, by a few people dedicated to having genealogical information free on the Internet. Today The IAGenWeb Project consists of nearly 100 volunteers working to transcribe data, develop web sites and respond to questions on the 99 county sites and numerous special projects.
Web space and programs funded by the Friends of IAGenWeb have enabled The IAGenWeb Project to achieve new heights in the gathering and presentation of genealogical information. They include:
- Searchable Iowa Genealogy Boards that have thousands of names in queries, obituaries, biographies and miscellaneous documents.
- The Gravestone Photo Project, which will one day soon, provide access to more than
a million Iowa gravestone photo records.
- Web space for any of the 99 IAGenWeb county sites and 10 IAGenWeb special projects that request it.
Membership and Support:
Gifts to Friends of IAGenWeb enrich the IAGenWeb Project making it possible to provide Internet web space and excellent tools for free genealogical research in every county of Iowa. There are several ways to support our goals:
"You are wonderful... just in case you have not already heard that today! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And my 80 year old mother's heart too!"
A. P., Virginia
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