Bechtel - Brock


Shown below are veterans of the World War II known to have resided in Madison County. Information has been gathered from the Winterset Madisonian, Madison County Recorder's Office, gravestones/markers, and relatives.
Names with a grey background were killed while serving in the military.


Name Service Branch Service Record
Bechtel, Gene    
Bechtel, Jack    
Bechtel, Junior D.    
Bechtel, Victor    
Bechtel, Virgil    
Beck, Stewart    
Bedwell, Gerald    
Beebe, Roland    
Beedle, Perry    
Beedle, Walter US Army Private, enlisted 23 Jan 1943 at Camp Dodge
Beeler, Carl Eugene US Marine Corps Enlisted 1943, Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division. Served in combat operations in Saipan, Okinawa and Tinian.
Beeler, Charles, Jr.    
Beeler, Gene D.    
Beem, Elzia C. US Navy Communications Technician, Chief Petty Officer
Beem, Owen Leroy    
Beerbower, James    
Bek, Gerald C.    
Bell, Dale E. US Army Inducted 20 Jul 1944; oversees Jan 1945, Co. A 109th; KIA 13 Mar 1945
Benge, Carol    
Benge, Eddie US Army POW, captured at Faid Pass, Tunisia, Feb 1943
Benge, Herbert    
Benge, Leland    
Benge, Perry F.    
Benge, Richard    
Benge, Robert    
Bennett, Charles Burton US Army  
Benoit, Adolph    
Benoit, Robert    
Benson, Albert C.    
Benson, Ralph, Jr.    
Benson, Raymond    
Benson, Robert H. US Navy  
Benton, Melvin O.    
Berch, John    
Berch, William P.    
Berg, Stanley C. US Army Private First Class
Berry, Charles C.    
Berry, George C.    
Berry, Leslie L.    
Berry, Robert M.    
Berry, Walter    
Bertholf, Cheney    
Betts, Lawrence US Navy  
Beverlin, Ernest    
Beverlin, Jack    
Bindel, Leo    
Binder, Charles C.    
Binns, Gerald R.    
Binns, Leonard E. US Army Corporal
Bishop, Charles    
Bishop, John E. US Navy  
Bishop, Wayne    
Black, Robert    
Black, Roy Kenneth US Coast Guard  
Black, Victor H.    
Blackburn, Loren    
Blair, Merle Alexander US Army Air Corps Enlisted 10 Oct 1942, discharged Feb 1946
Blair, Robert Frederic US Navy Commander
Blomgren, Paul    
Bloomquist, Harold Edward US Navy Seaman, 1st Class, Died on ship Spence on December 18, 1944 near Philippine Islands
Boblett, Johnnie    
Bobst, Robert L.    
Boden. H. N.    
Bodwell, Melvin US Army Per the Madisonian he was inducted, along with numerous other Madison County men, August 19, 1943 to report to duty Sep 9th. Army records shown him to have enlisted. It was reported in the Madisonian that on Sep 29th he had been sent to Camp Gruber, Oklahoma for basic training. The Army recorded that in October, 1943 (day not reported) he entered the hospital at Camp Gruber and in November (day not reported), he was discharged for disability due to medical conditions existing prior to induction including loss of fingers and other unnamed deformities. He was in the Army for about 2 months and appears to have been put on the path to medical discharge at what would have been the start of basic training.
Bond, Lloyd R.    
Bond, Robert    
Bonham, Robert W.    
Boren, Robert E.    
Boswell, Monroe Jack    
Boudewyns, James    
Boudewyns, Theodore Eugene US Army Enlisted 03 Feb 1943 for duration plus 6 months
Boughton, Elias G.    
Bowlin, Charles L.    
Bowlin, Joseph J.    
Bowlin, Lester G.    
Bowlin, Lloyd F.    
Boyd, Guyn H.    
Boyd, Harland    
Boyd, Herbert    
Boyle, Dale R.    
Boyle, Lester    
Braden, Wayne F.    
Brafford, Everett    
Brayman, Floyd    
Brazzle, James W.    
Brazzle, Walter F.    
Breeding, Charles Farris    
Breeding, Earl Junior    
Breeding, Hubert Wayne    
Breeding, Orville C.**    
Breeding, Robert A.    
Breen, John    
Breen, Raymond    
Breen, Robert    
Bricker, Russell    
Bridenstine, Reese Wayne US Navy  
Briggle, Edward   Died: 25 Apr 1945, France
Briggs, James H.    
Brittain, Donald    
Brittain, Dow J.    
Brittain, Ernest    
Brittain, Gerald S.    
Brittain, Walter    
Brittain, William A.    
Brizzle, E. Edward    
Brock, Raymond L. US Army Air Corps 1943-46 2nd Lieutenant, 23rd Weather Squadron



Maintained by the County Coordinator This page was created in January 2011.
This page was last updated Thursday, 05-Sep-2024 16:42:29 CDT .