Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb


Dow City News from the Dow City Enterprise
and Denison Review


February 26 - April 7

Dow City Enterprise

*For choice candy go to Rolls & Huntington's Restaurant.
*Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott March 12, a fine baby girl.
*J.B. Coburn and family have moved to near Buck Grove.
*Elder Chas. E. Butterworth preached twice at the L. D. S. church Sunday.
*The best line of good cigars and tobacco in Dow City at Rudd's restaurant.
*Rev. Place of Des Moines will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday morning at 10:45.
*All kinds of candy cheap, quality considered, at Rudd's restaurant.
*Joe McColl has purchased the John Coburn residence in the east part of town and will put it in good repair. He has rented it to Barney Volquardsen.
*O. A. Cooper and C. P. Stoley have rented a farm southeast of Dunlap and have engaged J. A. Kipe and J. W. Baber to work for them this summer.
*In a recent letter from Garfield Rule of Wagoner, Okla., when remitting for the Enterprise he takes occasion to say that the weather is fine, oats are all sown and the plum trees are in bloom.

*Elder C. J. Hunt was called from Deloit Wednesday to preach the funeral of the three year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson. The funeral was held in Gallands Grove. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones.

*L. E. Poitevin of Dow City topped the days trade in hogs at Chicago on March 12 with 67 head of 263 lbs. average, which were sold by Clay, Robinson & Co. at $6.95 per cwt., extreme top for the day, as well as being as high as any hogs have realized there since the second week in October of last year.

*We give the following from the Perry Advertiser which will be very interesting to the people of Dow City and vicinity. The fist act of the new board was one which will be received with acclaim by the entire city. They re-elected Prof. G. V. Whaley as superintendent for the coming year and gave to him an increase of salary which raises the amount the highest Perry ever paid. He asked for two weeks to decide in and if he stays in Perry it will be at the salary of $1500 a year. It goes without saying that it is hoped the Prof. Whaley will remain. No one can blame him for wanting to inspect some of the flattering positions which are opened to him and he would be unwise not to. But as an educator there is perhaps more for his future honor to be gained by remaining in Perry and bringing the schools here up to the standard where they belong and this is not lost sight of by him at this time and will be the largest factor in his determination of the question.

*Charles Carey, formerly a resident of Dow City, was married March 17 at Michigan City, Ind.
*The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Rudd of Rolfe, Iowa, died Wednesday and was buried today, Elder C. E. Butterworth went yesterday to preach the funeral being accompanied by J. R. Rudd. The bereaved ones have our sincere sympathy.
*Miss Lucy Healy has just returned from Cedar Rapids where she purchased a large stock of all the new millinery creations for this season and will soon have them open, for inspection in Dow City. remember her when you are ready for your new spring hat.
*A. Sykes, president of the Corn Belt Meat Producers' association, will address the farmers and feeders of this vicinity on the object and work of the association Mar. 26, at 1:30 p.m. Come and hear what Mr. Sykes has to say about what the association has done and what they are trying to do that will be a benefit to the farmer and feeder.

*Died - Joseph Burton, Son of Joseph and Myrtle Thompson, was born May 6th, 1906. Died March 16, 1909 age two years ten months and ten days.
There's a pair of little hands,
Laid to rest forever more;
There's two pearly dimpled cheeks
Whose rich blossoming is o'er;
Death has sealed two little eyes,
That will no more smile or weep;
Tiny Windows of the soul,
Little Burton's "gone to sleep,"
There's another bud removed
Ere it felt the blight of sin,
There's the door the angels made
Darling Burton has passed in;
Far beyond the azure skies,
Where the time star-eyes peep;
From all earth's sad doubts and fear,
Little Burton's gone to sleep;
He will wake in fairer lands,
Where the angel voices sing;
There the floweret shall expand
There shall love perfection bring;
He has reached the golden shore,
Thro' the river cold and deep;
Angels bore him safely there,
Little Burton's gone to sleep;

*Uncle Morris McHenry and wife, accompanied by their children, W. C. McHenry of Randolph, Iowa, Chas. McHenry of Sioux Falls, S. D., Mott McHenry and Mrs. N. R. Wilder of Dow City were all Denison visitors Tuesday.
*Notice - the school board of Union township have decided to strictly enforce the truant law, and for this purpose have appointed Ed Ahart as truant office. Mott McHenry, Sec.
*R. T. Baber was in Arion Friday.
*Clem Honz was over from Earling Monday.
*E. Shisler and wife returned Saturday from Chicago.
*J. F. Wiley and wife were Denison visitors Monday.
*James O'Meara was down from Buck Grove last Friday.
*James Walters and wife were Denison visitors Tuesday.
*N. R. Wilder was in Arion and Denison Tuesday on business.

*A. A. Luke transacted business at the county seat Tuesday.
*H. N. Codberson of Denison called on Dow City friends Monday.
*Mrs. J. F. Gibson and Miss Ola Rigsby went to Denison Saturday.
*Misses Bessie Butler and Vanda Kevan were Denison visitors Saturday.
*Gene Crandall was among the Dow City people who were in Denison Tuesday.
*Joe and Fred Pearsall were transacting business at the county seat Saturday.
*Mrs. D. C. Crandall went to Woodbine Wednesday and will visit a daughter near there.
*Miss Ellie Bays of Woodbine was an over Sunday visitor at the M. C. Norris home.
*Attorney E. H. Swasey and G. H. Huntington were county seat business visitors Monday.
*Misses Althea Wiley, Nellie McDonald and Rena Brake were Denison visitors Saturday.

*Wm. Edwards and family have moved to Armour, S. D. where will be their future home.
*County Supervisor Thos. Ahart was in Denison Tuesday doing business for the county.
*James Riddle returned from Creighton, Neb. Monday where he had been visiting a few months.
*Mrs. J. N. Bell and Mrs. W. A. Cameron returned last Friday from their visit with relatives at Cherokee.
*Mesdames E. H. Swasey, J. A. Creagon, J. E. Doser and S. E. Goddard were Denison visitors Wednesday.
*Herman Lazerus returned Wednesday from South Omaha where he had been invoicing a stock of goods recently purchased by L. Cohen.
*Ed Ahart was in Omaha Monday.
*Fred Jackson went to Dunlap Wednesday.
*Frank Howorth was an Omaha visitor yesterday.
*James Baber and Earl Ettleman were Sunday visitors in Dunlap.

*W. Jobe of Grand Island, Neb., visited a friend in Dow City this week.
*W. C. Rolls and wife and daughter Ruby were visiting in Dunlap Sunday.
*S. A. Dow and John Ahart were transacting business in Denison yesterday.
*D. Terrill and wife and George Binnall and wife were in Dunlap yesterday.
*Joe and Clark Best were called to Indiana this week on account of the death of a sister.
*Elvin Briggs has severed his connection with the Norris barber shop and has gone to Omaha.
*Joe and Albert Ahart started Wednesday for Crofton, Neb. near which place they had purchased a farm.
*Mrs. P. D. Moomaw and daughter Bessie of Council Bluffs visited over Sunday at the T. W. Swatman home.
*G. M. Goddard is now attending Highland Park college in Des Moines where he expects to fit himself for a pharmacist.
*Martin Christiansen and family were visiting the first of this week in Dow City. They will hereafter live at Kearney, Neb.

*H. W. Logsdon, Harold Alexander and wife, Mrs. A. A. Luke, Aunt Jennet Rae and Mrs. A. D. Quick were Denison visitors yesterday.
*It is about time for someone to see the first robin.
*The extra choice candy is found at Rudd's restaurant.
*The Poltevin sale was a success and prices very satisfactory.
*The great battleship fleet arrived at Hampden Roads Sunday.
*Mapleton is to have a new Catholic church to cost $20,000.
*All kinds of candy cheap, quality considered, at Rudd's restaurant.
*The assessor found very few families who were able to support just one dog.
*The Woodbine Normal basketball team have won every game played this winter.
*W. L. Swatman has installed a fine lighting plant in his bakery and grocery.

*The mail carriers are having a hard time making their rounds over these bad roads.
*I use good oil and will oil your harness right for $1.00. O. W. Nelson, Arion.
*There will be German services at the L. D. S. church next Sunday afternoon at 2:30.
*The financial statement of the Independent District of Dow City is published in this issue.
*Lots of snow fell Monday afternoon but much of it melted as soon as it reached the ground.
*If Wm. H. Taft lives until next Thursday he will take the oath as president of the United States.
*Those of our subscribers who change their address by moving this spring will please notify us of the change.
*The skating rink has been the scene recently of some good entertainment in the line of boxing and wrestling.
*"He had been married forty years," says an editor, writing the obituary of a deceased citizen, "and was prepared to die."
*Have your harness oiled and put in good condition before spring work commences. Nelson of Arion will do it for you.

*Monday was the anniversary of Washington's birthday. It was appropriately celebrated all over the county.
*There is no probability that either Arizona or New Mexico will be admitted to statehood at the present session of congress.

*Frank Jackson who lives south of Dunlap suffered the loss of all his household goods by fire last week, he house he was living in being burned. He had $500 insurance which would b e about half the loss.

*The high school will give a splendid entertainment this afternoon at the school house in honor of Washington, Lincoln, Lowell and Longfellow, whose birthdays all occur in February. It will be well worth going to hear.

*The Lincoln service at the M. E. church last Sunday evening was greatly enjoyed. Short addresses were made by E. H. Swasey and Prof. Gillispie, each of whom brought out some good points in the life of this great and good man. Mr. G. W. Huntington recited a poem on Lincoln that was likewise greatly enjoyed.

*Roy Campbell of Ato won first and sweepstake on corn exhibited at the short course at Correctionville. He won $80 in premiums and the sixty ears of corn sold for $50.75. He also won a ten dollar lap robe at the corn show at Anthon, Jan. 1 and ten ears sold for $26.00. It certainly pays to do good farming.

*On last Friday night Mr. Gillaspie entertained the football boys at the home of Mr. S. A. Dow. After a few games they did justice to the bountiful supper ready for them, at which each boy gave a toast. Floyd Sharp gave as his toast an original poem in which each member of the team was mentioned. Some of the boys are now smiling because they were so easy to be mesmerized.

*The annual meeting of the Independent district of Dow City will be held at the school house Monday March 8, from one o'clock to six o'clock p.m. Two directors are to be elected, one to succeed Clair Butterworth and one to succeed Ed. Riddle. The following proposition will be submitted to the voters; Shall we levy a tax of three thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting an addition to the present school house in Dow City, Iowa.

*The directors of the Crawford County Agricultural society held a meeting in Arion last week. They selected the date for the beginning of the fair to be September 21, if a four days fair was decided upon, and September 22, if a three days fair is to be held, a committee being appointed to decide the matter. This committee was also instructed to see if these dates conflicted with other adjoining fairs and if so to change the date.

*The following persons were appointed a committee on formulating a premium list: Thos. Rae, R. B. Smith, John Howorth, F. C. Buss and A. A. Conrad. The secretary, A. A. Conrad, and the treasurer, J. B. Glassburner, were appointed a committee to get the premium list printed. Wm. Eggers, N. P. Underhill and A. A. Conrad were appointed a committee on concessions.

*Elder H. O. Smith of Independence, Mo., preached three evenings at the L. D. S. church this week. Elder J. W. Peterson will continue the meetings over Sunday.

Dow City Enterprise

*New moon tomorrow.
*The stock shipments have been numerous from Dow City this week.
*County fair meeting yesterday. Will give an account in our next issue.
*February 15th, 1898 the battleship Maine was blown up in Havana harbor.
*Auctioneer Malone obtained very satisfactory prices at the Corey sale Monday.
*For Sale - some fine quality prairie hay. Enquire of W. M. Schouten.
*Lincoln's one hundredth anniversary was appropriately observed in many places.
*The editor did not get a valentine. This is an oversight we can hardly forgive.
*W. C. Rolls is engaged in taking the town assessment. When you see him coming hide the dog.
*Around the heels of a mule is no place for children to play although the mule may never have been known to kick.

*Manilla has a new $4,000 post office building which is certainly a credit to the town. The Times had a picture of it in last week's paper.
*Over twenty high school boys of Jefferson were expelled from the public school because they refused to obey a ruling of the board.
*Stephen Meyers who lived in this vicinity several years ago died last week at Central City, Nebr. He visited friends here last year.
*There will be German services at the L. D. S. church next Sunday afternoon Rev. H. Wunderllich of Yetter will preach the sermon.
*Wm. Ettleman was taken to Denison hospital Tuesday where he was operated on for appendicitis. He is reported as getting along very well.
*The saloon keepers do not like the month of February. It now has two legal holidays and four Sundays, leaving only twenty-two days to do business in.
*R. W. Houston came in from Colorado Springs Monday with his stock and household goods. Mrs. Houston came the week previous. We are glad to welcome them as residents of Dow City. The Woman's Home Missionary Society will have its monthly meeting next Saturday with Mrs. Van Metre at 3 p.m. The members are urged to be present and others that will come will be heartily welcome.
*A Missouri Valley boy lost a leg by being run over by the cars. He was doing no more than some Dow City boys are doing and that is jumping on and off moving trains. Better look out boys, it may be your turn next.

*The "Down Devil's Canyon Co." gave a good show here last week but owing to the weather being cold and the roads bad the attendance was not very large. They carry a splendid orchestra which rendered some splendid selections.
*A notice in the Enterprise this week gives out the information that the barber shops will be closed on Sundays after March 1. This is right for there is no more reason for a barber to work on Sunday than for any other business man.
*After observing what kind of weather we have had for a few weeks we are willing to take back all we have said about mild winters, winter resorts, nice weather, change of climate and many other things. We have concluded that Iowa can have an old time winter.
*Considerable sympathy is being extended the present legislature because of their having so many mistakes of previous sessions to correct. It looks to us as though future legislators will needs more sympathy when they come to correcting the mistakes made at the present session.
*As Wm. McBride was coming to town Tuesday he saw a jack rabbit and so informed C. L. Rudd who was desirous of securing the game, so together they rove to the country again and Mr. Rudd secured the game by shooting it. Jack rabbits are not very plentiful and this was C. L.'s first one.

*The L. D. S. conference, Sunday school and religio conventions were held in Dow City beginning Thursday evening and continuing over Sunday. The attendance was good although the weather was unpleasant. Representatives were here from Portsmouth, Persia, Logan, Little Sioux, Moorhead, Auburn, Deloit and Rockwell City.

*A Pleasant Surprise - A very pleasant and successful surprise was perpetrated on Mr. G. W. Langley lst Friday, it being his seventy third birthday. While Mr. Langley was down town his wife and daughters set the table with an abundance of the good things they are capable of preparing, and the guests which consisted of relatives and a few intimate friends to the number of two dozen had arrived. Mr. Langley was sent for and when he arrived he was taken by complete surprise. It is not necessary to say that all had a good time for it goes without saying that such was the case. Mr. Langley has long been a resident of this community and one of our best citizens. We are glad to note the fact of this pleasant occasion which is like the oasis in the desert. We trust he may live to enjoy many more such happy events. He and his estimable wife anticipates quite an extensive vacation the coming summer and all will wish that it might be realized and that it might do them good.


Hair-Cut, Face Massage and
everything in the tonsorial line
Neat and Sanitary
M. C. Norris

Having opened a bakery with grocery
store in connection, in the building first
door south of the Enterprise office, we
invite the public to give us a share of their
patronage. Our Groceries will always be choice and fresh.
Our Bakery Goods will be fresh every day
Try "Gold Medal" flour and "White Rose" flour - both warranted
W. L. Swatman & Co.
Dow City, Iowa

Denison Review
Wednesday - March 3, 1909

Dow City Items

*At a meeting of the school board held Monday night it was decided to withdraw from a vote the proposition to raise $3,000 to build an addition to the school house. Many thought that a new school law passed this winter at Des Moines would effect the attendance here. Dow City people are ever proud of the fact that outside tuition pays the salary of a teacher in the schools.

*The council on Monday evening selected Clark Sterrett as city marshal and street commissioner.
*The district superintendent, Rev. Baxter, will be here Saturday afternoon and hold quarterly conference in the League room.
*Messrs. Cohen & Lazarus have been in Omaha invoicing a stock of goods and Miss Bixler and Mrs. Cohen are running the store.
*The high school held a fine program on last Friday.
*Lucinda McHenry has returned from the hospital at Denison and is making gains in strength right along.
*Mrs. Winnie Crandall and her baby were at the M. E. church on last Sunday. This was the first time Mrs. Crandall had been at preaching services for a long time and her friends were much delighted to see her.
*Frank Butterworth and wife are here visiting at the homes of Clair and Leonard Butterworth.
*Mrs. John Turnland and child have been on the sick list of late.
*Bessie Alexander has been up to Denison seeing her friends with headquarters at the Hillebrant home.

*Some one is telling that our Odd Fellow boys thought the first course at the banquet given them at Jefferson was soup and put cream an sugar in. Well it's a fact someone did but some did not and these had some fun at the expense of the unthoughtful ones. Will it is not the first time, as good men as our Dow City boys have been misled that way.

*Allen Haworth, Will Sterrett and Lou Rudd are up at Wendt looking after their claims.
*At the coming school election the terms of Clair Butterworth and Ed Riddle expire. The election comes next Monday.
*The LaDell-Fox Concert company will give the entertainment in the course on Thursday evening, March 4th.
*Mr. Doser has sold the drug stock to Mr. Ed Chamberlain and Martin Goddard will be in charge. Martin is a fine young man and quite reliable. Mr. Doser will soon be off for Artesia, N. M. He has a hot of friends who hope for him renewed health and much prosperity.
*Mrs. Isaac Bickler moved to the cottage in the east part of town recently vacated by the James Reed family.
*Grandpa Barber was taken Friday to live with his son, James, west of town.
*On Saturday Miss Edna Fritz had the pleasure of a call from her friends Lucy and Helen Miles of Dunlap.
*Ed Chamberlain has been called to Virginia, Ill. by news of the severe illness of his mother.
*Mrs. Earl Baker of Sioux City has been visiting relatives in town for some days.
*James Turnland has been called on to clerk in the Bremser store. This firm seems to have a rushing business when there is anything doing.

*W. A. Barber returned Monday from Overton, Neb. where he has been for two months.
*Our banker Mr. Fishel has fitted up a kind of gymnasium in the rear room at the bank and can be seen daily pounding on a punching bag. Guess he is working up muscle for bank robbers.

Dow City Enterprise

*Mapleton has organized a base ball team.
*The series of meetings at the L.D. S. church closed Sunday night.
*"Yank" Brown will play base ball with Philadelphia again this year.
*The roads have been very bad this week but have commenced to get better.
*For a good clean lunch or a square meal go to Rolls & Huntington's restaurant.
*Gotch, the world's champion wrestler, will wrestler with Mahmout, the "Terrible Turk," April 14th in Chicago.
*Allan Haworth and Will Sterrett loaded their cars and shipped to Wendt, S. D., Tuesday, where their claims are located.
*Carl Nickelson and family moved this week to Bloomfield, Neb. We wish them the best of health and success in their new home.
*G. V. Jordan bought the Weatherbee farm south of Dow City which was sold by R. W. Houston, administrator of the estate, last Friday.
*Have your harness oiled and put in good condition before spring work commences. Nelson of Arion will do it for you.

*The National Corn Exposition has been made a permanent thing for Omaha. Western Iowa farmers should make preparations for the next exhibit.
*Elder J. W. Peterson gave lectures upon the "manner and customs of the South Sea Islanders" in Woodbine and Logan last week and in Dow City Saturday evening.
*John Junkin, a negro, has confessed to the killing and robbing of Miss Clara Rosen at Ottumwa about a month ago. He is now in jail in Des Moines for safe keeping.
*The lecture on the Society islands and the habits and customs of the people, by Elder J. W. Peterson at the L. D. S. church Saturday night was very well attended and very much enjoyed.
*Tobacco and cigars, all the best brands at Rolls & Huntington's restaurant.
*About a hundred teams were on the streets of Dow City at one time Saturday afternoon. If it could be known how many teams had gone home before the county and how many came afterwards, it would probably make at least two hundred during the day.
*W. C. Rolls and Harry Huntington have opened a new restaurant next to the drug store. They have spared no expense in fitting it up first class and invite the public to come and see them.
*The funeral of T. J. Phillips who died in Arion Wednesday evening will be held at the M. E. church in Dow City Friday afternoon at 2:30. He has been a resident of this community about thirty years.
*J. E. Doser sold his drug store and started Wednesday with his wife for Artesia, New Mexico, where they will make their future home. We sincerely wish them health and happiness which is the greatest blessing anyone can enjoy.
*A man at Anthon, Iowa has a piece of United States money representing one third of a dollar that was issued in Feb. 1776, over one hundred and thirty three years ago. He prizes his keepsake very highly. It is two and a half by three inches in size.

*The families of John Thompson and W. H. Corey loaded their effects and moved to Overton, Neb. this week. Last Saturday night their neighbors gathered with them at the school house where they all had a good time, and where they showed their respect for these excellent families by presenting each with a fine set of silver knives and forks. It is pleasant to be thus remembered and especially so when going to another state among strangers.


Bath room open Sundays
My bath room will be open from 9:00 to 12:00 Sundays.
M. C. Norris.

*James Riddle went to Dunlap yesterday.
*Mrs. J. U. Wise was in Denison Saturday.
*Mrs. Frank McHenry was in Denison Friday.
*Mrs. J. W. Lee was a Denison visitor Friday.
*Nelson Butler went to Woodbine Monday.
*A. M. Talcott and wife were in Denison Tuesday.
*Fred Butler returned from Nebraska Wednesday.
*O. A. Cooper was in Council Bluffs on business Monday.
*S. E. Goddard transacted business in Dunlap Tuesday.
*Elder C. E. Butterworth preached in Deloit last Sunday.

*W. A. Baber returned from Overton, Neb., Sunday evening.
*The family of H. A. Rudd came up from Omaha this week.
*Frank Binnall transacted business at the county seat Saturday.
*Chris Brink and wife were among the visitors to Denison Tuesday.
*James Baber and Earl Ettleman were Dunlap visitors last Sunday.
*G. W. Huntington transacted business at the county seat Wednesday.
*Gene Crandall and wife and E. H. Swasey and wife were at Denison Wednesday.
*Miss Mary Howorth and Miss Lucinda McHenry were in Denison Wednesday.
*Uncle Wilson Keairnes of Dunlap visited at the Alfred Jackson home last Friday.
*Mrs. A. A. Fishel returned from Denison Tuesday where she had been visiting friends.

*Cecil Shafer of Omaha visited with his mother and sisters in Paradise township last week.
*J. E. Doser and his mother Mrs. Ana Doser were among the Dow City people in Denison Tuesday.
*James Turner, Geo. V. Jordan and Bartley Healy were transacting business in Denison this week.
*Aunt Maggie Talcott and Aunt Janet Rae returned Saturday from Denison where they had been visiting.
*P. W. O'Meara, John Walters, Gus Anderson and H. C. Stempel were doing business at the county seat Monday.
*Elder H. O. Smith of Minneapolis who held meetings in the L. D. S. church Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings left for Des Moines Friday morning.
*N. R. Wilder, Harry Huntington, Fred and Joe Pearsall and R. W. Houston were visitors at the county seat Friday.
*David Clark, Sam Brasel, N. R. Wilder, Edwin Poitevin and N. P. Hansen were transacting business at the county seat Tuesday.
*Miss Lucinda McHenry who has been in the Denison hospital for a couple of weeks returned to Dow City Friday afternoon feeling fine.
*Uncle Morris McHenry went to Denison Monday. His friends will all be glad that he is able to be on duty again as county surveyor.

*Mrs. Dr. VanMetre, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Swasey and daughter Helen and Miss Trenna Chamberlain went to Omaha Saturday to attend the automobile show.
*Frank Reed went this week with a car of stock, machinery and household goods to Crofton, Neb. where he will live in the future. His brother George and family also went to the same place. We wish them success.
*There will be a caucus in Ahart's hall Saturday evening at eight o'clock for the purpose of nominating two candidates for school directors of the Independent district of Dow City.

*If you desire to witness a scene of domestic bliss just step into the home of Mark Norris. It takes the ordinary man some time to adapt himself to circumstances, but not so with Mark. He at once ordered his shop clothing washed, starched and ironed and placed in the bureau drawer; his working tools were ordered, polished and carefully laid away, he then donned his "go to the meeting clothes," and now occupies the best easy chair in the parlor, where he may be holding in his parental arms nine pounds of unsullied bliss, and singing, "Hush, my babe, lie still and slumber." Surely this is a picture for the angels to gaze upon. Later - he has decided to don working clothes and will at all times be found at his place of business, leaving the care of baby to others. We congratulate.

*Original Notice - State of Iowa, Crawford county, ss: in the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Crawford County, at the March term A. D. 1909. Clara B. Wilder, plaintiff vs. Harry G. Wilder, Defendant, To Harry G. Wilder, Defendant: You are hereby notified that on or before the 11th day of February A. D. 1909, a petition will be filed by said plaintiff Clara B. Wilder, in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Crawford County, Iowa, claiming of you a divorce absolute from the bonds of matrimony, possession and control of the child of yourself and the plaintiff, and the right to remarry within one year, the same being based upon the grounds of desertion by you of the plaintiff. And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said Court, commencing at Denison, Iowa the 29th day of March A. D. 1909; default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon and decree of Court entered as prayed. Dated this 8th day of February A. D. 1909. Clara B. Wilder, E. H. Swasey, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Denison Review

Dow City Items

*Dow City, like the rest of the county about, experienced the blizzard on Tuesday. The mail carriers started out despite the bad out look.
*Postmaster Wiggins has been laid up for some days this week, but the post office was in good hands for Miss Cross is exceptionally capable.
*Mr. Barber, the old marshal is again on duty. The office pays little and there are not many anxious for it.
*Hazel Williams has returned to Boonsteel, S. D. after visit at the Fred Jackson home.
*There has been considerable playing push around among the houses. Geo. Spence folks have moved out on the Jas. Houston farm, where he will work. Then Ralph Roy moved to the house Spence vacated; Mr. Vaughn to the Roy house and Claud Stoley to the house Vaughn left.
*Mark Riley is to be substitute carrier for routes one and two.
*Carrier Rule initiated Mark on the stormy Tuesday which was enough to discharge him.
*Lillie Gibson may not be able to stick on her pony, but she has the grit not to give up. Coming to town the other day she was thrown twice, the last time breaking two fingers. She captured the animal and rode it in and to the doctor's office. If we remember rightly, her sister, Mrs. Ida Talcott, had some experience as a horse back rider.
*Mrs. Al Rudd will move down from Omaha and live over the restaurant.

*Nelson Butler has gone to Spokane, Washington.
*L. Vore and Frank Downs returned from Chicago on Tuesday morning. They had each been in with two cars of stock.
*The M. E. Sunday school has averaged 120 in attendance for the past three months which is very good.
*The old school directors, Butterworth and Riddle were reelected.
*Robert Fishel, son of A. A. Fishel, who was with the fleet on the trip around the world, will soon be at home having a vacation of fifteen days. Hope he will be willing to tell people something of his experiences.
*Wm. H. Rudd, having served his time in the navy, took to himself a wife on Wednesday. The bride is Miss Anna C. Rannigar. The wedding took place at the home of her brother at Denison. They will go to farming on the McNear place, west of Dow City. His brother, our mail carrier, was up at the wedding.
*Born on last Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Norris, a son.
*The funeral of Mr. Phillips, who died at Arion was held in the M. E. church Friday afternoon in charge of the Masonic order. Rev. Curtis preached the funeral sermon. The funeral was largely attended by friends. Interment in the Dow City cemetery.

*Inset on Mr. Phillips funeral - Sudden Death at Arion - T. J. Phillips, Arion Assessor, the Victim of a Sudden Illness - Mr. T. J. Phillips, who has been living in Arion for sometime, was suddenly seized with sickness on Tuesday evening, March 2nd and passed away at 6:30 the following evening. The funeral was held on Friday the 5th of March in the Methodist church at Dow City and the burial in the Dow City cemetery. The funeral services were under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge at Dow City, Rev. Curtis conducting the religious services in the church and preaching a very appropriate sermon from the text, "No man liveth for himself and no man dieth to himself." showing very forcefully that every one has an influence in this world even though they may think they are without any at all. He enforced the truth that the influence should be of the right kind. The Masons conducted the services at the cemetery according to the Ritual of their order. Both the services in the church and at the cemetery were highly appreciated; many being present both at the church and cemetery who had never seen a Mason's funeral service. Mr. Phillips was born at Rockland, New York, April 12, 1839, and passed away March 3rd, 1909, lacking forty days of being 70 years of age. He came with his father's family to Clayton county, Iowa in October 1853. About thirty years ago he came to Crawford county and was employed at farm work by various people in the vicinity of Dow City, part of the time farming on his own account. For the past seven years he has been associated in Business with Mr. Underhill at Arion, where they conducted a successful business in grain, coal and livestock. During his residence in Arion he has been elected to various offices of trust by his fellow citizens. At the time of his death he was the town assessor. Mr. Philips was highly esteemed for the probability of his character in assuming his position, careful attention to business and never failing courtesy and kindness to those with whom he came in contact. He was also of a deeply religious and spiritual nature, always serving the house of God and giving freely to support the ministers of the gospel. His emotions was not of a Demonstrative nature, but he was always ready to lend a helping hand to any needy cause and worthy servant of the Lord, and never failed to have a good work to say of the preachers of the Gospel. Politically he officialed with the Republican party and fraternally associated with Freemasonry. Mr. Phillips is survived by two brothers, one who is at Washington, D. C., the other at Huron, South Dakota, who was able to be present at the funeral. He remained unmarried and lived a blameless life for these 36 years he has been in Crawford county. Much sympathy if felt to the bereaved brothers. His memory will be cherished and his varieties emulated.

*The last number of the lecture course was last Thursday evening and was said to be one of the best of the course. The managers will have to pay about twenty-five dollars as the admission fees will not cover expenses.

*Mr. Ed Nelson of Denison visited his brothers Henry and Sears in Dow City Sunday.
*The lightning Sunday afternoon burnt out several telephone batteries.
*Which came out ahead, Friday afternoon at the hall - the Masons or the Royal Neighbors? As members of either side.
*The Misses Hildur and Kate Turnland each close a successful term of school next Friday.
*Rev. Place of Des Moines, preached in the Baptist church Sunday forenoon and evening. He is expected to preach again next Sunday.
*Mr. Toon and family are now occupying rooms at the Joe Pearsall home.
*Jesse Bremser and family arrived from Nebraska Saturday.
*N. R. Wilder, Mr. Stempel went to Missouri Saturday.
*G. W. Huntington is quite sick and Mr. Fritz is taking his place, looking after the school houses.
*Miss Brummer and Miss Langer of Denison, have been visiting for a few days at the Chas. Smith home.

*John Rudd Jr. of Sioux City, is visiting relatives in town.
*On the next Friday in 1909, - at 8 o'clock we'll say is the time, Come Juniors and Seniors both so gay,
At the home of the Stempels over the way,
Where Miss A. B.L. and Mr. J. A. G
At home to both classes there will be.
Come dressed to represent some song
And help to pass the time along;
Lay aside dignity regardless of size,
And we will promise not to mesmerize.

*In response to this invitation about twenty guests gathered at the Stempel home. Many of them were unique and original costumes representing popular and well known songs. The guessing of the songs represented by those costumes furnished much amusement during the first part of the evening. Mildred Butterworth and Gold Lee won the prizes for guessing the greatest number of songs. Other games were played and Ferne Butler carried off first prize. A wandering Gypsy fortune teller happened in and many found out their "past, present or future." A dainty three-course supper was served and all departed declaring that Mr. Gillaspie & Miss Lisle were ideal entertainers. Eugene Wiggins and Martin Goddard did fine as waiters.

Dow City Enterprise
March 12, 1909 - Friday

*H. R. Rudd went to Boone Friday.
*Mrs. A. L. Jackson went to Dunlap last Friday.
*Geo. Young went to Aberdeen, S. D., Friday.
*Mrs. L. A. Vore was a Denison visitor Friday.
*Frank Binnall went to Omaha Monday on business.
*James O'Meara was down from Buck Grove Friday.
*Frank Odell was a passenger for the east last Friday.
*C. O. Miller was doing business at the county seat Monday.
*Chas. Smith went to the county seat on business Tuesday.
*Fred F. Jackson and wife were visiting in Denison Friday.

*W. E. Fishel returned Monday morning from Council Bluffs.
*W. V. Whaley transacted business at the county seat Saturday.
*Tim and Phil Cronin were business visitors at the county seat last Friday.
*Mrs. A. Alexander and daughter Bessie were Denison visitors Saturday.
*Attorney E. H. Swasey transacted business at the county seat Saturday.
*Mrs. L. E. Poitevin was in Omaha last week having her eyes fitted with glasses.
*Supervisor Ahart went to Deloit Saturday to view a road that is being petitioned for.
*Ed Nelson was down from Denison Sunday visiting his brothers Henry and Sears.
*J. F. Rudd was down from Sioux City a few days the first of the week visiting friends.
*Mrs. J. U. Wise and her daughter Mrs. Wm. Seemann were Denison visitors Saturday.

*Mott McHenry was a visitor at the Isaac Howorth home in Goodrich township Saturday.
*H. J. Cummings was down from Denison last week to attend the funeral of T. J. Phillips.
*Mrs. Dr. VanMetre and Miss Grace Howorth were Denison visitors Monday afternoon.
*Mrs. Maggie McKim came up from Omaha Monday where she had been visiting for a few days.
*Misses Alice Langer and Agathe Brummer were visiting last week at the Charles Smith home.
*Miss Hazel Williamson started Monday for her home at Bonesteel, S. D. after quite an extended visit with her relatives here.
*Mrs. Jas. Ballantine went to Omaha yesterday.
*John Birkhofer and son went to Denison yesterday.
*Mrs. W. E. Fishel and daughter Lola were Denison visitors yesterday.

*Melvin Graul was at home a few days recently. He is now employed at Clinton.
*Mrs. A. D. Quick, Mrs. Jas. Ballantine and Mrs. Harold Alexander were Denison visitors Friday.
*Mrs. J. B. Rae and James Walters and wife were among the Dow City people who were in Denison yesterday.
*J. F. Wiley, John Ahart and James Ballantine were transacting business at the county seat Wednesday.
*N. R. Wilder and H. C. Stempel are viewing the sights of St. Louis and other places in Missouri this week.
*Mrs. E. N. Chamberlain returned from Virginia, Ill., yesterday. Mr. Chamberlain could not return at this time.
*Henry Messenbrink of Denison visited a few days with his cousins wet of Dow City and returned home Monday.
*Nelson Butler started Saturday for Spokane, Wash., after a few months stay with relatives and friends near here.
*B. F. Judd and wife are soon to leave us and go to Excelsior Springs, Mo. in hopes of benefiting Mrs. Judd's health.
*Miss Grace Swatman went to Council Bluffs Saturday where she will visit relatives, after which she will go to Sidney for a further visit with relatives. She will be absent a few weeks.

*G. W. Huntington is on the sick list this week.
*Geo. Spence has moved to the James Houston farm in Boyer township.
*C. P. Stoley moved into the Riddle residence vacated by Valia Vaughan.
*Snow fell nearly all day Tuesday and it likewise melted nearly all day. Postmaster M. G. Wiggins was off duty a couple of days this week on account of not feeling well.
*Valia Vaughan purchased the house formerly occupied by Ralph Roy and has moved into the same.
*Mrs. E. S. Plimpton, a pioneer resident of Denison, died in Des Moines this week and was buried in Denison.
*The Hargens brothers who had a sale Tuesday went yesterday to Woodbine where they will make their future home.
*Those girls that were occupying the band stand in the part Saturday were reminded Sunday that the park season had not opened.
*At the school caucus last Saturday evening Ed Riddle and Clair Butterworth were nominated for directors, and at the election Monday they were elected.

*Fred F. Jackson has accepted a position with Hill Bros., manufacturers of marble and granite monuments, at Denison and has commenced work as a solicitor for them.
*Horsemen should be sure and see the fine imported Belgian horses owned by Geo. W. Binnall in Dow City. These horses will be found during the entire season in Dow City.
*A. J. Kelley of West Side, who was a resident of Dow City at one time, is arranging for a big shooting tournament in June in his home town. Why can't Dow City have such a tournament?
*Prof. Gillaspie and Miss Ada Lisle entertained the seniors and juniors at the H. C. Stempel home last Friday evening. Reports come to us that a very enjoyable time was had with games and refreshments.
*There will be a special teachers examination held at the county superintendent's office in Denison Friday and Saturday, March 19-20. This is done in order that all schools may be supplied with teachers if possible. If interested please take notice.

*Vivid flashes of lightning followed by peals of thunder visited Dow City Sunday afternoon, but what made it seem unusual was the fact that snow was falling fast at the time. Some telephone batteries were burned out and the lines put out of business.

*We are pleased to learn that Miss Lottie Rae is improving in health and that she is teaching school about fifty miles from Lamar, Colo. This is very much out in the frontier and she is deprived of the pleasures of mingling in the society of friends, but she has the courage, grit and determination to make a success and from the knowledge we have of her we feel assured she will make a mark in the world.

*M. B. Lewis Dead - M. B. Lewis died in the hospital for the insane at Cherokee, Sunday evening, March 7, 1900, at the age of 67 years, 2 months and 2 days. Mr. Lewis came to Dow City in 1874 going into the mercantile business with Wm. Cook and some time afterward running a drug store for A. L. Manning. He was postmaster for a long time and then went into the drug business for himself. He was a veteran of the civil war serving in an Ohio regiment. It is thought his remains will be taken to Grand Island, Neb. for burial beside his daughter Lizzie.

Denison Review
3-17-1909 - Wednesday

Dow City Items

*Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, March 12, a fine baby girl.
*Roy Rupp of Ames was visiting relatives in town Friday.
*The John Coburn family moved Thursday over near Buck Grove. They sold their property to Jos. McColl.
*The Friday Club met this week at the home of Mrs. Will Jordan in the country. All report a good time.
*The post office inspector was here Friday and Saturday. Walter Swatman will not have to give up his mail route and can conduct the store too as it does not conflict with the mail work.
*Al Rudd's family has come up from Omaha and moved into the Crandall house recently vacated by the Pearsall family.
*Starr Goddard and wife have moved into the house recently vacated by the Judd family.
*Mrs. James Ballantine was taken to Omaha Friday for a surgical operation. All wish for her a speedy recovery.
*Grace Swatman is in Lincoln, Neb., for a visit with relatives and will visit other places before returning home.
*Robert Fishel, who has been in the U. S. Navy for over two years and has been with the great war fleet, arrived home Sunday on a thirty day's furlough.

*Eight of Miss Barbara Scott's nephews and nieces surprised her by coming to spend Friday evening. They brought a nice supper and spent a pleasant evening with games and other amusements. Miss Barbara expects to go to Idaho about the first of April and if she likes the country and climate, will make that her home. She is one of our best dressmakers and will be very much missed by all.
*Miss Florence Johnson of Woodbine visited at the McColl home over Sunday.
*The Baptist people have given to Rev. Peace, of Des Moines, a call to the pastorate of their church. He has not accepted yet, but it is expected that he will. He is a man with whom everyone is pleased.
*Joe Hallowell and Eldredge Bryan went to Chicago Saturday night with a shipment of cattle.
*The high school will give a program next Friday evening.
*Dr. VanMetre's little son fell through the glass door of a bookcase Sunday and cut his forehead quite bad.

*Ross Rudd started Friday for Seattle, Wash. On the way he will visit Denver, Cheyenne, Salt Lake City and other places. He graduated last year at Ames in electrical engineering.
*A typographical error last week made it appear that William H. Rudd was married. It should have been Wm. H. Rule. Also Baber and not Barber for town marshall.
*Wednesday evening of this week the Friday club gave a St. Patrick's day party at the I. O. F. hall. A nice supper was served and the evening very pleasantly spent.
*The Royal Neighbors will have their anniversary entertainment Friday afternoon of this week. The Arion Camp has been invited to be guests at this meeting.
*Wilder and Stempel have returned from Missouri. They did not trade the hotel as they did not like the prospects down there.

*Rule-Ranniger Wedding - A Pleasing Home Wedding on Wednesday, March 10. On Wednesday last occurred the marriage of Mr. Howard Rule of Dow City and Miss Anna Ranniger of Denison, Rev. DePree officiating. The ceremony was at one o'clock at Cedar Place, the home of the bride's brother, must east of town. Only a small company of relatives and friends were present. Mendelsohn's Wedding March was played as they entered the parlor. The bride was becomingly gowned in white and carried cream roses. After a three course wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Rule drove to their new home five miles west of Dow City. The bride is a young lady of culture and refinement. Being of an ambitious nature, she strove to improve her opportunities for a wider usefulness. After spending two years in Ames College, she became one of Crawford county's most successful teachers. Mr. Rule comes from a highly respected family and has proved himself a capable and worthy young man. Some years ago he entered the U. S. Navy, where his service was given conscientiously and faithfully. He was recently discharged with exceptionally high honors. Mr. and Mrs. Rule has the good wishes of numerous friends.

Dow City Enterprise
Friday, March 19, 1909

*Mrs. F. Binnall was in Denison Sunday.
*S. G. Norris was up from Dunlap Monday.
*S. A. Dow drover over to Defiance last week.
*Mrs. Dr. Toon and son went to Onawa Friday.
*Miss Ellen Scott was a Denison visitor Saturday.
*C. P. Stoley and wife went to Woodbine Saturday.
*James Sharp and wife were Denison visitors Monday.
*Eli Baber was in Council Bluffs and Omaha last week.
*R. W. Paul and C. E. Butterworth were Denison visitors Monday.
*Ed Riddle transacted business at the county seat Friday.

*Attorney E. H. Swasey and Clark Best were county seat visitors Saturday.
*Dr. Toon, O. A. Cooper, A. Alexander and C. P. Stoley were Dunlap visitors Friday.
*Miss Lela Norris of Dunlap was a Saturday and Sunday visitor at the M.C. Norris home.
*Mrs. W. H. Wiggins and her sister Miss Ann Griffin attended church in Denison Sunday.
*Miss Lydia Klick of Denison was visiting her mother Mrs. A. A. Fishel south of Dow City.
*Archie Norris of Dunlap was assisting his brother Mark in the barber shop here last Saturday.
*Editor F. J. Branaka and family were over Sunday visitors at the W. H. Buss home west of Dow City.
*Will Seeman and wife, Mrs. S. A. Dow and daughter, Genevieve were in Denison Saturday evening.
*Mrs. W. H. Kent was up from Woodbine last week visiting friends. She returned home Saturday.
*Mrs. Dr. Carr and son Vernon visited a few days in Dow City and returned to their home in Denison Sunday.

*Chas. McHenry and daughter was down from Sioux Falls, S. D. visiting their many relatives and friends here this week.
*B. F. Judd and wife started Monday for Excelsior Springs, Mo. where they will make their future home after a visit in St. Joe.
*S. A. Dow returned lat week from Denver. He reports Abner Graves being recently married. The Enterprise extends congratulations.
*Alfred Birkhofer went to Vail Monday to buy horses.
*Miss Lillie Gibson visited her sister in Arion Tuesday.
*J. R. Best was transacting business in Dunlap Monday.
*W. J. McKnight was up from Dunlap last week.
*E. N. Chamberlain returned Sunday from his visit to Virginia, Ill.
*Misses Hildur and Kate Turnlund were in Denison yesterday.
*S. A. Dow and Ed Ahart went to Mills county Monday on business.

*W. C. McHenry was here from Randolph, Iowa this week visiting relatives.
*Mrs. C. W. Carr came down from Denison Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. W. E. Dow.
*A. Monington of Overton, Neb., stopped off here yesterday on his way home from Illinois.


Spring Goods are Here
We can't say spring is here, but we can say that most of our Spring Goods are here and we would be glad to have you come in and look them over whether you want to buy or not. What we want is to have you know what we have to see this spring, and there is no better way for you to know it than to see the goods.
Sheeting - full 81 inches wide - Unbleached 28cents yd., Bleached - 30 cents yd., These goods are the best for the money ever offered at our store
Muslin - In muslins we have a complete stock of Bleached and Unbleached at 7-8-10-12 1/2 - 15-16 cents yd. - Will make a special price on a bolt.
Pillow Tubing - Bleached only - 42 inch - 18 cents/yd., 45 inch - 20 cents/yd.
Ginghams - The largest and best line we ever carried, at 8-10-12 1/2 cents/yd. Also a good assortment of Zephyr at 18 cents/yd, French at 25 Cents/yd.
Glasgow Cloth - White, blue and pink. This is a very good substitute for Linen; it is fully shrunk and will launder well. Per Yard 15 cents
Laces and Embroideries - In this line we have nothing to say - the Goods and prices will speak for themselves.
There May Be Something in This List You Are In Need Of
Standard Calico 6 cents/yd.;36 in. percale - 10 cents/yd.
; Cambric, Chambry, Madras, Cheviot, India Linen, black & white, Persian Lawn,
Nainsook, Long Cloth, Butchers Linen, Art Linen, Handkerchief Linen,
Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Sash curtain material,
Embroidered Collars 25 cents;
Buster Brown Collars - 15 cents,
Ruching, wide and narrow
Don't' forget we are carrying a line of Fancy Work and Embroidery Silks.

D. E. Bremser, Dow City, Iowa

Dried Fruits
3 one-pound packages - Fancy Seeded Raisins - 25 cents
3 pounds Fancy Dried Peaches - 25 cents
1 pound carton Evaporated Apples - 12 cents
1 pound carton Evaporated Raspberries - 35 cents

Willis H. Wiggins

*Mrs. John Rollins of Kenwood visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cole Sunday.
*Thos. Ahart was attending to some county business near the north part of the county Tuesday.
*J. B. Thompson who recently returned from South Dakota was a passenger for Denison Monday.
*James Clark and his mother were among the Dow City people who were in Denison Tuesday.
*Mrs. Eva L. Tawzer was elected as a member of the school board of the independent district of Sloan.
*Fred F. Jackson who is the employee of Hill Bros., the Denison monument men was at the county seat on business Tuesday.

*Attorney E. H. Swasey, Walter Bryan, Gene Wiggins, Lars Peterson and Ed Ahart were all transacting business at the county seat Tuesday.
*H. R. Rudd started for the west last Friday and is probably in Spokane, Wash., today. He stopped off on the way at Denver and Salt Lake City.
*The Misses Rena Brake, Grace and Daisy Glassburner and Mrs. J. U. Wise were among the Dow City ladies who were in Denison Tuesday.
*Herald Salisbury and family came from Carroll county Tuesday to visit relatives and attend the wedding of Wm. Cross which occurred Wednesday.
*R. H. Fishel who went around the world with the battleship fleet came home Sunday for a month's visit with relatives and old friends and is kept busy telling them the many interesting things he learned during his two years absence. He will return to Hampden Roads about April 10.

Denison Review

Dow City Items

*The Methodist people are preparing for two musical programs at Easter. The Sunday School has a program in the morning and the choir a sacred concert at night.
*The little one of Mrs. W. A. Cameron has been quite ill.
*Bernice and Bessie Alexander, Miss Lisle and Alfreda Gloe made up a group of girls who were at Denison Saturday.

*The thirty-eighth wedding anniversary of our postmaster, Mr. Wiggins came this week. He and his bride, Miss Sarah E. Hays, were married at Denison at the home of H. C. Laub and wife, Rev. Glanville, the M.E pastor officiating. That makes them old residents. Although a little before hand, their children made the celebration on last Sunday. All the sons and daughters and their wives, husbands and the grandchildren were at the home. There were Willis, Mildred, Gene and Flora Wiggins, Mrs. Grace McBride, Mrs. Emma Poitevin and Mrs. Winnie Crandall. There are six grandchildren. The happy father and mother were given a handsome hanging lamp. Such occasions are bright spots in life.

*The many robins flying about in the trees, the bright sun, and the drying of the roads has made Dow City people feel that spring was indeed here.
*We hope the farmers will note the address on Friday, Mar. 26, at 1:30 by President Sykes of the Corn Belt Meat Producers Assn. This association has certainly done great things for the farmers of Iowa and should have the support of the people whom it has benefited.

*The big social event of the week was the banquet given by the ladies of the Priscilla club to their husbands and invited gentlemen on Wednesday evening. It was no ordinary affair.
*Dr. VanMetre himself was on the sick list this week and a doctor from Denison was down.
*Lon Rudd has gone again to his land at Wendt, S. D.
*Mrs. H. Alexander is reported sick with the grippe.
*Mrs. Dr. Toon and son have returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Cooper at Onawa.
*Robert Bell and Thos. Rule were at the county seat Tuesday.
*Miss Rena Brake was among those to take a trip to Denison on Tuesday.
*Our people are showing Robert Fishel some attention during his stay at home.
*Mrs. Harry Huntington will entertain the Friday club this week.
*The markets on Tuesday were as follows: Hogs $6.20 - $6.40; corn on cob 53 cents; shelled 55 cents; wheat $1; oats 45 cents; barley 55 cents; eggs 15cents; chickens 9 cents.

*Mr. and Mrs. Rolls know how to make pleasing the life of little Ruby. On Monday she was seven years old and she had a party to which some twenty-five of the little ones were invited. They had a nice time.

*To have surely a "quiet wedding" a couple came down from Omaha the other day and were married at Dow City. The groom was Stephen Steinberg of Council Bluffs and the bride Miss Evelyn Carter of Omaha. They sought Rev. Curtis and the knot was duly tied. The groom is in the telephone service at the Bluffs. The fee was a find also to the pastor who has had many extra expenses this winter. There is talk of the good people of Dow City making Rev. Curtis a special donation under all the circumstances of the illness in his family.

*Wednesday evening, March 17, Mrs. Striker of Boone, president of the Rebekah assembly, visited the Dow City lodge. A half dozen of the brothers and sisters of the Denison Lodge drove down. Light refreshments were served and all enjoyed the evening very much.

*A dispatch was received Thursday that the little two months' old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Rudd of Rolfe, Iowa had died. Elder Chas. Butterworth and Mrs. A. H. Rudd attended the funeral.
*Born, March 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. George Rule, a nice baby girl.
*The pupils of the Grammar room will give a program Friday afternoon and it will be a good one.
*Last Friday afternoon the Royal Neighbors held a very enjoyable meeting. It was the ninth anniversary of the local lodge. Some of the Arion Camp were down. After a short business session there was a number of amusing contests. Mrs. Ethel Binnall and Mrs. Mary Butterworth were the prize winners. A nice supper was served and all went home feeling glad they were Royal Neighbors.

*Sometime ago one of the town women received a number of anonymous letters of an objectionable nature, which were placed in the hands of the post office department. When the inspector was here he traced them to a neighbor woman and when accused she finally owned up. This is a serious charge. The lesson may be sufficient to stop such offenses.
*Mr. Berks, the jeweler, has had two watches stolen from one of his show cases. The last one on last Saturday. He suspected who stole them and overhauled the boys on the street and got one watch. This time it is a country boy. We do not know what action will be taken, but there should be a stop put to shoplifting among the boys.
*Miss Barbara Scott has gone to Carroll for a week's visit.
*Sears Nelson was in Denison Saturday on business.

*One evening last week Assistant Cashier Wiggins entered the bank sometime after banking hours and discovered a fire. The fire started in the waste basket and burned quite a place in the floor. It was easily extinguished, but had it not been discovered in time, it would have been serious. The fire was in a big waste basket at the end of the counter where the books rest during the day. Mr. Fishel is unable to account for the way the fire started. All valuables were in the vault.

Dow City Enterprise
Friday, March 26, 1909

*L. Cohen is in Chicago this week.
*Link Riddle was at the county seat Monday.
*Miss Ola Rigsby was in Arion Wednesday.
*Frank Wettengil was up from Dunlap Monday.
*Mrs. F. W. Berka was an Arion visitor Saturday.
*Roger Paul and wife were Denison visitor Monday.
*E. H. Swasey transacted business in Jefferson this week.
*O. A. Cooper was a business visitor in Manilla Monday.
*Mrs. Mav Brake and daughter Rean were in Denison Tuesday.
*Lon Rudd went to Wendt, S. D. to look after business affairs.

*James Baber was a Dunlap visitor Sunday, returning Monday.
*O. A. Cooper transacted business at the county seat Wednesday.
*Mrs. R. T. Baber and Mrs. A. Rigsby drove to Arion Wednesday.
*Vernon and Ward Spence were down from Deloit over Sunday.
*Dr. Brannon of Denison had a professional call to Dow City Monday.
*A. A. Birkhofer was in Panama and E. P. O'Meara in Defiance last Friday.
*Herman Logsdon and daughter Gertie were Denison visitors Monday.
*Mrs. C. P. Stoley and Mrs. G. H. Alexander were in Denison this week.
*Mrs. F. F. Jackson and children visited her sister in Arion this week.
*Dug McIntosh was down from Denison over Sunday visiting at the John Pett home.

*J. W. Smith was down from Denison Saturday. He is now writing life insurance.
*Dr. Fannie Pett and her brother Oliver were Denison visitors the first of the week.
*Prof. G. V. Whaley came from Perry Tuesday to visit his parents and friends a few days.
*Mrs. Dr. VanMetre, Mrs. J. H. Young and Miss Rena Ahart were in Denison Wednesday.
*J. S. Bremser and family went to their home in Nebraska after a visit here with relatives.
*H. C. Stempel, E. H. Swasey and A. A. Fishel and Robert were transacting business in Denison Monday.
*Attorney John Shaw Van of Denison was assisting in E. H. Swasey's law office a few days this week.
*Herman Kramer, N. P. Hansen and John Datterl were transacting business at the county seat Monday.
*Robert Bell and T. J. Rule of Paradise Township came to Dow City Tuesday and went from here to Denison.
*Miss Marie Fritz of Cedar Rapids, is the trimmer in Miss Healy's Millinery department in Cohen & Sons store.

*Mrs. E. H. Swasey, Mrs. J. A. Creagon, Mrs. R. T. Baber and Mrs. James Sharp were Denison visitors this week.
*Misses Bernice and Bessie Alexander, Alfred Gloe and Ada Lisle were among the Dow City people who were in Denison Saturday.
*Arthur Butterworth returned home yesterday from Hogan, N.W., where he has been employed as engineer for a railroad construction company.
*Whaley & Randel, New Insurance Firm - This new firm will be found in the Whaley office prepared to write Fire, Lightning, High Winds and Cyclone Insurance. Also Hail Insurance on your and on your buildings. We solicit your patronage and will give you the same careful services, if not better, than you received from Whaley. W. V. Whaley, Art. S. Randel.
*Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rule, Monday, a girl.
*Birkhofer and O'Meara shipped a car of horses Sunday night.
*Miss Ruby Rolls entertained a large number of her little friends at a birthday party Monday afternoon.
*Did you see the new sign in front of Swatman & Co's store? It was painted by S. E. Goddard. It is a dandy.
*Miss Healy, assisted by Miss Fritz of Cedar Rapids, is now ready to show her customers all the latest designs in millinery.
*Rev. Place of Des Moines has accepted a call as pastor of the Baptist church in Dow City and will move his family here soon. He will preach here next Sunday morning.

*The teachers in our schools were entertained by Miss Ellen Goddard Friday evening and by Miss Bernice Alexander Monday evening at their respective homes where all had a good time.
*We overlooked the fact that Mrs. L. B. Thompson had returned from Washington and that they had moved into Dow City occupying the residence recently vacated by T. E. Baber in the east part of town.
*James Ballantine went to Omaha yesterday and expects to return with Mrs. Ballantine today. She has recovered from the operation for appendicitis and her friends will be glad to know that she is at home again.
*Joe McColl is remodeling his elevator and engine house and is installing a feed grinder which will materially add to his elevator equipment and keep him busy during the dull season when there is not much grain coming in.

*We received a copy of the Evening Blade published at Santa Ana, Cal., the same being sent by Mr. G. N. Copeland, who will be remembered as being an Arion business man a few years ago. He is now engaged in selling horses, buggies and harness at Santa Ana.
*Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Wiggins were married thirty eight years last Tuesday, but on Sunday their children and grandchildren to the number of about twenty met to help them celebrate the event. It is needless to say that it was a happy time for Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins and the children certainly all enjoyed themselves.
*Martin Miller of Hettinger, N. D. and Miss Anna C. Hansen, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Hansen, were married Wednesday, March 24 at the M. E. Parsonage in Dow City, Rev. A. L. Curtis officiating, using the pretty ring ceremony. They will go to housekeeping on the grooms farm in Dakota. The Enterprise extends best wishes.

Dow City Enterprise
Friday, April 2, 1909

*Mrs. S. E. Rudd was in Denison Tuesday.
*R. W. Tech was over from Charter Oak Monday.
*John Turnlund went to Council Bluffs Friday.
*J. R. Griffin spent a few days last week at Mickling, S. D.
*Eugene Crandall and wife were Denison visitors Friday.
*Arthur Butterworth came home from New Mexico last week.
*R. H. Fishel and Mrs. G. H. Huntington were Omaha visitors Wednesday.
*C. K. Shafer and Miss Alta Schafer were up from Omaha last week on a visit.
*Julius Ahart, F. M. Cole and A. H. Harper were county seat visitors Monday.
*Prof. Gillaspie visited during the week at Albia, Iowa, and Miss Lisle at Linden.

*John Ahart and Mott McHenry were transacting business in Arion Wednesday.
*Mrs. F. J. Thompson and Mrs. L. B. Thompson were Wednesday visitors in Denison.
*John Rolls and wife were up from Dunlap Wednesday visiting at the W. C. Rolls home. J. W. Vertrees and daughter Mrs. Clara Wilder were attending court in Denison Wednesday.
*Fred Beane and wife, Sam Brasel and Geo. Binnall and wife were at the county seat Tuesday.
*Miss Bessie Butler went to Woodbine Saturday where she will spend a week with her parents.
*W. E. Fishel, A. Alexander and M. Ettleman were in Omaha last week to see the wrestling match.
*Mrs. A. A. Luke, Mrs. E. N. Chamberlain and Miss Lulu Howorth were Denison visitors Saturday.
*F. F. Jackson, E. L.Thomas and S. A. Dow were transacting business at the county seat Saturday.
*Paul Wight and wife of Council Bluffs have recently been visiting at the R. Wight home in Dow City.

*Mrs. R. W. Butterworth and daughter Ester of Merrill, Iowa, were visiting relatives in Dow City recently.
*Mrs. A. H. Rudd and Mrs. R. T. Baber went to Deloit Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. J. T.
*Miss Fern Crandall who has been staying in Boone is home this week on account of the sickness of her mother.
*Mrs. W. H. Buss has recently been to Schleswig caring for her sister, Mrs. Branaka who has been quite sick.
*A. A. Luke, S. A. Dow, John Killion and G. V. Jordan were transacting business at the county seat Monday.
*Wm. Jordan and wife, Mrs. Geo. Fritz and daughter Edna and Chris Suhr and wife were Saturday visitors in Denison.
*Mrs. L. A. Vore and son Charlie and Mrs. F. C. Buss were among those from this vicinity who were in Denison this week.
*H. W. Messenbrink, H. C. Stempel and Gene Baber were in Denison Tuesday. The latter having some dental work done.

*J. L. Butterworth visited in Logan and Omaha last week and this week went to Lamoni to attend the L. D. S. conventions and conference.
*Attorney E. H. Swasey has, owing to the volume of legal business he has to attend to, been attending court nearly every day during the week.
*A. C. Dobson and wife of Selby, S. D., stopped last Friday night at the editor's home, being on their way to Deloit with the remains of Mr. J. T. Newcom, father of Mrs. Dobson.
*Lon Rudd went Wednesday to Quincy, Ill. where he reported for duty yesterday. He will play ball again this year with the Quincy team and we feel sure he will make good.
*H. G. Scott went to Omaha yesterday.
*Mrs. J. Turnlund was in Arion Tuesday.
*Mrs. G. H. Alexander was a Dunlap visitor yesterday.
*Dr. C. W. Carr came down from Denison Tuesday.
*Sears and Henry Nelson were in Denison Saturday.
*Fred Baber and wife and son Virgil were over from Gallands Grove Sunday.

*Wm. Dwine returned from Chicago Tuesday where he had been with stock.
*Mrs. R. T. Baber and Mrs. W. C. Rolls were Denison visitors Saturday evening.
*Wm. Kelly and W. T. Kevan were transacting business at the county seat Wednesday.
*Henry Young and John Ahart returned from Chicago this week where they had been with stock.
*Mrs. A. L. Jackson went over into Shelby county Wednesday for a few day's visit with her parents.
*E. D. Butts, G. H. Huntington, J. U. Wise, Al Rudd and J. R. Griffin were county seat visitors Wednesday.
*W. E. Fishel and E. N. Chamberlain returned from their hunting trip down the Boyer but without much game.
*A. Black of Gallands Grove was in Dow City Sunday and took the train to Denison to see his mother who has been sick.
*Mrs. Cora Beach and children returned to their home in Omaha yesterday after a visit of a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Talcott.
*G. W. Huntington has his house shingled this week.

*Miss Mildred Wiggins entertained the Priscilla club Tuesday.
*S. A. Dow is foreman of the grand jury during the present session.
*J. L. Butterworth shingled one of his residence properties last week.
*Willis Renfroe moved Monday into the house vacated by Lee Cramer.
*Remember the millinery opening Saturday, April 3rd, at Cohen's store.
*Special preparations are being made for Easter services at the M. E. church.
*Mrs. Sarah Blackman is having an addition built on her residence property in town.
*Rev. Place, the new Baptist pastor will preach next Sunday morning at the usual hour.
*Mrs. D. C. Crandall has been quite sick with an attach of erysipelas but at present is much better.
*Lee Cramer moved Monday on a farm southwest of Dunlap where he will work for Cooper & Stoley.

*Barney Volquartsen moved into the house recently vacated by John Coburn in the east part of town.
*Best & Renfroe have finished the shed they were building for their threshing machinery and engine.
*Mrs. D. E. Bremser entertained the G. H. C. Saturday. Refreshments were served and all had a good time.
*The ground was covered with about half inch of snow yesterday morning which will check the farm work just a little.
*There are a few cases of spring fever in town, some of them have lasted a full year with no prospects of being broken up.
*On account of court business and time for paying taxes there have been lots of Dow City people at the county seat this week.
*O. A. Cooper who is agent for the Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines received a shipment of several machines Tuesday.
*Clair Butterworth has installed a new lighting plant in his meat market and now has as light a business house as there is in town.
*It is thought that nothing serious will come to the child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baber on account of it getting concentrated lye in its mouth.
*Four men in Beuna Vista county fought with pitchforks, two against two and as a result one will probably die while the others are badly disfigured.

*Miss Healy, ably assisted by Miss Fritz of Cedar Rapids, is now ready to show prospective customers all the newest and latest designs in millinery.
*Bennie Booth who grew to manhood in Dow City died last week in Idaho. He had been in poor health for several years. Our sympathy goes out to his relatives.
*W. H. Wiggins has made some changes in the appearance of his store and among other things has put in an elegant plate glass front which materially improves the looks of his place.
*Dr. Burks of Omaha was here March 19th and 20th. He will be here in about four weeks so that anyone wanting glasses should wait until his next visit, of which due announcement will be made.
*A surprise was tendered Robert Fishel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huntington Friday evening of last week. A large number of his friends were present and had a very nice time. Delicious refreshments were served.

*The picture enlarging faker is abroad in the land again this spring. We he visits you don't give him any work to do. Any photographer can get the work done for you and without charging double price, and any furniture man will furnish the frame for one fourth what they charge.

*Some say we are to have a Fourth of July celebration this year while some say we should not. Well, let us all agree to have it or agree to have a carnival at some other time. We certainly must have something and whatever that something is will be a success. Let all begin to think about what it will be.

*New lighting plants have been installed during the week in the Odd Fellow's hall, Ahart's hall, meat market and pool hall besides some new lights in the drug store and Roll's restaurant. The business houses in town are now all well lighted, so for the present there will be no use of talking electric lights.

*Mr. A. Sykes, president of the Corn Belt Meat Producers' Association delivered an address to a few farmers and others in Dow City last Friday afternoon. He discussed several subjects that are of vital importance to the farmer, feeder and shipper and it is to be regretted that more people did not avail themselves of the opportunity to hear the able address.

*Mr. J. F. Wiley Dies Suddenly - Tuesday morning J. F. Wiley came to Dow City in his usual good health and before noon was a corpse, the cause of death being heart failure. When is felt the attack he went as soon as he could to his daughter's Mrs. S. E. Goddard, but only survived a short time passing away March 30, being 57 years and eleven months old. He was born in Logan county Ohio May 2, 1851, but with his parents came to Cedar county when he was two years old. In 1871 he came to Crawford county where on June 28th, 1874 he married Miss Elizabeth Thompson. To this union ten children were born. Frank lives at Sheldon, Mo., Josie McBride at Palouse, Idaho, Bert at Osmond, Neb., Mrs. S. E. Goddard in Dow City while Fred, Althea and Fancheon are still at home. The other three Lyda, Pearl and Zatha died some years ago. He had one brother and seven sisters, three of the latter being dead. His mother Mrs. Ellenor Hardy survived him and is living at his home. He is gone. Another name is stricken from the ever lessening roll of our old settlers and a lonely home is left to attest how sadly he is missed. It must be so; those tender human ties cannot be severed without a pang. His life was done and well done although he was not an old man. The grief that was felt over the close of his long career was widespread and sincere. His best monument will be the good report he has left behind him in the community in which he has lived so long. We are informed that he made no profession of religion but all know that he exemplified in his life the teachings of the golden rule. The funeral will occur today at the M. E. church, being conducted by Rev. Hall of Woodbine, and the remains buried in the Defiance cemetery. All of the obsequies will be under the direction of the I.O.O.F. of which he was a member. The Enterprise joins the host of friends in extending sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives.

Denison Review
April 7-1909

Dow City Items

*J. U. Wise moved into the house vacated by John Turnlund this week.
*Bert Wiley returned to his home in Osmond, Neb. Monday morning, being here to attend the funeral of his father.
*H. D. Kies spent Saturday and Sunday in Dow City, returning to Britt to resume his school duties.
*Geo. Fritz purchased the Harry Huntington property. Harry is going to his claim in Dakota to make his future home.
*J. O'Meara of Buck Grove is to occupy the Huntington residence.
*Frank Wiley came from Missouri to attend the funeral of his father.
*Mrs. A. H. Rudd is visiting her daughter, Vinnie at Lamoni.
*Oliver McBride of Logan attended the funeral of Jess Wiley.
*A daughter was born to Ralph Roy and wife April 2.
*Mrs. Mark Norris visited in Dunlap last week.

*Mrs. H. Huntington and Robert Fishel were Omaha visitors last week.
*Miss Bernice Alexander has accepted a position as teacher in Idaho. She will go next year.
*Morris Wilder was a Denison visitor Thursday.
*The Priscilla club met at the home of Mildred Wiggins last Thursday.
*Blanche Cole gave an April fool party last Wednesday evening. All report a good time.
*School opened Monday after a week's vacation.
*Mrs. Van Meter was at Denison Monday.
*There as a big attendance at the funeral of Mr. Wiley held in the M. E. church on last Friday at 10 a.m. The Odd Fellows had the funeral in charge. The Christian pastor from Woodbine gave the sermon. Burial was made at Defiance.

*Rural Carrier Brake reports that the patrons of his route are keeping his road up in a manner that makes the other carriers envious. Before the last storm he had twenty miles of dragged road and half of his route has been dragged since. This is certainly a credit to the farmers and highly appreciated by him. Let the good work go on.
*W. V. Whaley went to Perry Saturday evening to visit a few days with his son, G. V. and family. Mrs. Whaley has been there for a week.
*The Odd Fellows have had a lighting plant installed in their lodge room. This is a good improvement, as all the lodges meet there.

*Mr. and Mrs. Frank Binnall went to Rochester, Minn. last Friday.
*Quite a number of the Denison Odd Fellows attended the Wiley funeral at Dow City Friday.
*Mrs. Maggie Gibson-Willett was visiting the home folks for several days last week.
*It is reported that Dr. Toon started to Kentucky Sunday on account of the illness of his father.
*Section Foreman John Turnland has moved to Arion. We regret to lose this family from our town but thee are not enough houses to supply the demand.
*Miss Barbara Scott returned home from Carroll Tuesday from a two-week's visit.
*Mr. and Mrs. Luke, Mrs. VanMetre, W. S. Fishel and Sears Nelson were Denison visitors Monday.
*The Easter program at the M. E. church Sunday evening will be well worth hearing.
*School commenced Monday, after a week's vacation. It is reported that a number of the present teachers will not be candidates for re-election.
*Mrs. Eli Baber and daughters spent several days last week visiting her sister near Vail.

Dow City news articles submitted by Melba McDowell

Blue Folder Name and Date Index