Newspaper Items - July 1875

Source: Lyons Weekly Mirror: July 24, 1875

The Distillery burned at Sterling last spring is to be repaired, and the new buildings are already up.  The capcity will be 25,000 bushels of corn in 24 hours. (Note: Sterling is in Jackson County.)
James McCraw, a promising youth, the Sentinal says, was drowned on the 2d in Brown's pond near Spragueville, while bathing.
Delmar's Grain Trade for the year ending July 10th, as detailed by the Journal aggregated 133,484 bushels.
Rev. Jos. W. Hubbard, of  Dayton, N. J. has become President of the Northern Illinois College at Fulton.
Thomas Torbert was drowned inthe Wapsy, at Buena Vista Ferry, on the 16th, by the sinking of a boat.