1887 Directory of Clinton, Lyons and Chancy - Surnames L

LABOR REVIEW PUBLISHING CO., Hugh Leslie, editor; office 227 5th ave
LaFountain, Nelson, master builder C., M. & St. P., res 211 6th ave
Lake, John, fireman C. & N.W., boards 419 19th ave
Lake, Wm., attorney-at-law and real estate agent, room 11 Toll block, res 419 10th ave
Lake, Wm., Jr., engineer C. & N.W., res 443 10th ave
LAMB C. & SONS, C. Lamb, pres; L. Lamb, vpres; A. Lamb, sec and treas; saw and planing
mills, office 1100 2d st, sw cor 31th ave, mills cor 1sr st and 11th and 12th aves and Chancy
LAMB, ARTEMUS, sec and treas C. Lamb & Sons, 1100 2d st, res 402 5th ave
LAMB BLOCK, C. Lamb, prop, ne cor 5th ave and 3d st
LAMB, CHANCY, (C. Lamb & Sons) res 305 7th ave
Lamb, Charles, retired, boards 241 4th ave
Lamb, Garrett E., at C. Lamb & Sons' office, boards 402 5th ave
Lamb, J. Dwight, at C. Lamb & Sons' office, boards 402 5th ave
LAMB, LAFAYETTE, vpres C. Lamb & Sons, res 317 7th ave
Lamb, Patrick, lab, res 518 17th ave
Lambert, George W., engineer at water works building, res 527 7th ave
Lambertson, A. T., carp, res 2 w of 7th st, ns 5th ave
Lanaghan, Mary Mrs., wid, res 431 9th ave
Lancaster, John, res 638 9th ave
Landt, Fred, lab, boards 120 2d ave
Langdon, Milo, lab, boards 1211 3d st
Lange, Mathias, carp, res 410 N 3d st
Langle, Henrich, carp, boards 400 N 4th st
Lannigan, James, lab, boards 10th ave House
Lanning, Charles K., brakeman C. & N.W., res 306 5th st
Lanning, Eli, shipping clerk Curtis Bros. & Co., res 219 4th ave
Lappe, Albert C., clerk Eaton, Kraft & Co., boards 406 6th ave
Larsen, Andreas, works W. J. Young & Co., boards 505 16th ave
Larsen, Oloff, works W. J. Young & Co., boards 505 16th ave
Larsen, Soren, lab, res 418 Basin st
Larson, Alec, lab, res 3 w 7th st, ns Sunnyside ave
Larson, Andrew, lab. boards 605 2d ave
Larson, C. P., works W. J. Young & Co., 523 16th ave
Larson, George, lab, boards 616 1st st, Farmers' Home
Larson, Hans, at Lamb & Sons' mill, Chancy, boards K Chancy yard
Larson, Otto, shoemkr, 908 4th st, res 667 11th ave
Larson, Rasmus, lab, res 446 16th ave
Lass, Peter, engineer at chair factory, res 542 17th ave
Lauer, Barbara Miss, boards Mathias Lauer
Lauer, John, bkpr Clinton Brewery, boards Mathia Kauer
Lauer, Matias, prop Clinton brewery, res Ravine road
Laumbach, H., prop Green Tree boarding house, 1407 S 3d st
Laurens, Reimer, works Lamb & Sons, Chancy, res Howes st, 6 w Camanche ave
Laurens, Wm., works C. Lamb & Sons, Chancy. boards Howes st, 6 w Camanche ave
Laurensen, Paul, works C. & N.W. shops, ss 4th ave, 1 w 7th st
Lauritsen, Nels, res 519 18th ave
Lauritsen, Louis H., works C. Lamb & Sons, res 519 18th ave
Lausen, Claus, lab, boards 922 N 1st st
Lausen, John, works C. & N.W. yard, res 922 N 1st st
Lausen, John, Jr., works C. & N.W., boards 922 N 1st st
Lawler, D. S., switchman C. & N.W., boards 423 14th ave
Lawler, James, tinsmth C. & N. W., boards 423 14th ave
Lawler, John, foreman tinshop C. & N. W.,m res 413 15th ave
Lawler, Wm., boilermkr, res 536 2d ave
Lawless, Michael, car oiler C. & N. W., res 423 17th ave
Lawless, Miles, lab, res 315 13th ave
Lawless, Patrick, lab, boards 332 2d ave
Lawrence, Abigail Mrs., wid, res 831 10th ave
Lawsen, Andrew, lab, boards 327 DeWitt st
Lawsen, John, lab, res 228 14th ave
Lawson, Olander, lab, res 327 DeWitt st
Lawson, L., machine shops C. & N. W., res 239 2s ave
Laycock, Andrew, lab, 1190 5th st
Layden, Kate Miss, boards last house on ss 9th ave
Lea, George B., carp C. & N. W., res 315 10th ave
Lea, J. W., boards 315 10th ave
Leach, Emma Mrs., res 617 11th ave
Leach, O., Mrs., res 336 1st ave
Leaden, James, res 336 1st ave
Leaden, Michael, works Star boiler works, boards 336 1st ave
Leaf, Charles A., groceries and provisions, 800 4th st, res 327 16th ave
Leahy, Michael, bridge carp, boards 519 6th ave
Leake, J. W., res 534 4th ave
Lease, Merrick E., special agent and adjuster Norwich Union Insurance Society, office
room 2, Lamb block
Lease, Powell, lab, res 550 18th ave
Leasure, B., supt water supply, C. ^ N.W., res 523 6th ave
Lee, Charles, marble cutter, 707 2d st, res Lyons
Lee, Chas. H., travel agent Clinton paper company, res 808 S 6th st
Lee, Cronwell & Gregory, (Edward Lee P. Crowell and S. O. Gregory) dry goods, 243 5th ave
LEE, FRANCIS, drugs, wall paper, paints, oils, glass, etc., 501 2d st, res 320 5th ave
Lee, Harry, Monarch billiard parlor, 209 5th ave, res 328 3d ave
Lee, Joseph, res 518 11th ave
Lee, Julia Mrs., head laundrywoman at Windsor House, res 417 1st ave
Lee, Thomas, engineer C. & N.W., boards 411 3d ave
Lee, Walter, tinsmith C. & N.W., boards 506 10th ave
Lee, Wm., stockyards, res 11 n stock yards, ws Liberty st
Lee, Wm A., Rev., res 506 10th ave
Leese, John H., fireman C. & N. W., res 219 7th ave
Leese A. A., fireman C. & N. W., res 219 7th ave
Leethanz, Frank, tailor, works Joseph Rust, res 231 Oak st
Leffingwell, Geo. M. bkpr J. K. Sweney & Co., boards 229 4th ave
LEFFINGWELL & PATTERSON, (W. B. Leffingwell and N. D. Patterson) coal and wood, building
material and steamboat agency, foot of 6th ave
Leffingwell, Robert L. baggageman C. M. & St. P., boards Gerhard House
LEFFINGWELL, W. B., (Leffingwell & Patterson) res 503 5th ave
LEGG, E. B., drugs and fancy goods, 248 5th ave, boards Revere House
Lietz, Fred, groceries and provisions, 223 S 2d st, res 302 3d ave
Leitz, Henry, compositor Iowa Volks-Zeitung, res 415 11th ave
LEITZ, JOHN, editor and prop Iowa Volks-Zeitung, res 415 11th ave
Lemann, Fred, works C. Lamb & Sons' mill, res 343 Oak st
Lemont, Levi P., boards 421 4th ave
Lench, Andrew, lab, res 2d e of 6th st, ss 1st ave
Lenon, Pat, boilermkr, res 604 7th ave
Leonard, E. Mrs., wid J., res 239 7th ave
Leonard, James R., (T. M. Gobble & Co.) res 515 5th ave
Leonard, John, res Bluff road, foot Mt. Pleasant park
Leonard, S. J., Mrs., boards 239 7th ave
Leonard, Thomas, L., watchman W. J. Young & Co., res es Bluff road, 2 n 2d ave
LeProvost, F. W., bkpr Clinton bridge and iron co., boards 226 6th ave
Leslie, Cyrus, baggageman on Marshalltown passenger, res 430 3d ave
Leslie, George, machinist, res 418 7th ave
LESLIE, HUGH, editor Labor Review, res 419 9th ave
Leslie, Hugh, Jr., boards 419 9th ave
LESLIE, JAS., (jAS. lESLIE & cO.,) RES 434 7TH AVE
LESLIE, JAMES & CO., groceries and provisions, 230 5th ave
Leslie, Mary Mrs., boards 418 7th ave
Leslie, Robert, works F. D. McDowell & Co., boards 419 9th ave
LESLIE, W. W., (Jas, Leslie & Co.,) head sakesman Curtis Bros. & Co., res 437 7th ave
Lessering, Edward, brakeman C. M. & St. P., res 510 10th ave
Lessering, J. W., boards 510 10th ave
Lesring, J. E., brakeman C. M. & St. P., boards 508 N 2d st
Lillie, M. D., teamster, res 646 5th ave
Lillis, P. T., fireman C. & N. W., res 319 10th ave
Limbeck, Henry A., works W. J. Young & Co., res 221 13th ave
Kimbeck, John R., retired, res 221 13th ave
Limbeck, Joseph F., teamster, boards 221 13th ave
Limbeck, Peter, works W. J. Young & Co., boards 331 16th ave
Limbeck, Peter V., works G. G. Bauder & Co., res 221 13th ave
Lind, Edward, clerk Jas. Leslie & Co., res 518 2d ave
Lind, Peter, Lamb's yard, Chancy, res E Harrison st
Lindblom, John, lab, res 1222 3d st
Lindgren, Otto, lab, res 412 16th ave
Lindon, Wm., prop Farmers' Home, 215 1st ave
Lindquist, Gust, carp, res 337 16th ave
Lindsey, Jane E. Miss, boards 609 Camanche ave
Lindsey, Jennie, Miss, dressmaker, boards 609 Camanche ave
Lindsey, O. K., dealer in Domestic sewing machines and musical instruments, sheet music,
etc., 305 5th ave, res 546 6th ave
Lines, C. A., Mrs., res cor 6th st and 1st ave
Lines, C. A., fancy poultry breeder, res 220 N 6th st
Lines, G. M., prop training stable, 207 3d ave, res 6th st and 1st ave
Lissenden, Belle, Mrs., res 606 6th ave
Lissenden, Wm. H., fireman C. & N. W., res 606 6th ave
Litster, A., Mrs., wid Wm., res 547 Camanche ave
Litster, Thomas J., shipping clerk C. E. Armstrong & Co., boards 547 Camanche ave
Littke, Emil, works C. Lamb & Sons, res 647 2d ave
Little, Chas. E., works J. Glatis & Co., boards 410 9th ave
Little, E., engineer, res 527 8th ave
Little, James, carp, res 410 9th ave
Lloyd, John, sectionman C. & N. W., boards 230 12th ave
Lloyd, John L., stockman, res Drover's Hotel, Liberty st
Lockhart, E., res 511 7th ave
Lockman, Albert, fireman C. & N.W., boards 1013 4th st
Lockman, Herman, fireman, boards 1013 4th st
Loendorf, John, works C. Lamb & Sons, res 814 N 1st st
Lofft, Wm. H., mason, res 828 11th ave
Logue, James E., lab, boards 1304 3d st
Logue, John, lab, res 1304 3d st
Logue, Hugh, teamster C. & N. W., res 429 16th ave
Logsdon, Lawrence, brakeman C. & N. W., res 648 6th ave
Lonergan, P. J., works C. & N. W., round house, res 317 13th ave
Longe, Otto, works C. Lamb & Sons, Chancy, res ns Harrison ave, 5 w Camanche ave
Long, E. R., bus driver, res 112 3d ave, upstairs
Long, G. M., clerk Kimball & Co., 241 5th ave, boards Revere House
Long, J. H., jeweler, 818 4th st, res same
Long, Maggie Miss, dressmaker, 340 8th ave
Long, Melvin, brakeman C. & N. W., res 1112 3d st
Loof, John, works C. Lamb & Sons, Res 402 N 3d st
Loof, Daniel. lab, res 227 12th ave
Loomis, Chas. A., 1st asst traindispr C. & N. W., boards Revere House
Loomis, W. H., restaurant and ice cream parlors 1010 4th st
LORENZEN, CHRIST, (C. E. Armstrong & Co.) res 517 4th ave
Lorenzen, Henry, lab, res 338 14th ave
Lorenzen, Herman, works C. Lamb & Sons, Chancy, res ss Franklin 1 w Liberty st
Lorenzen, Julius, works C. Lanb & Sons' mill, boards 602 N 1st st
Lorenzen, Louis, at Lamb & Sons' mill, Chancy, res D Harrison ave
Lorenzen, W. C., prop Farmers' Home, 616 1st st, res same
Lorenzen, Ocke, works C. Lamb & Sons' mill, boards 216 Elm st
Lorenzen, Paul, works C. Lamb & Sons' mill, res 602 N 1st st
Lorenzen, Thomas, woks C. Lamb & Sons, Chancy, res Liberty st 17 s Harrison st
Loucks, C. H., fireman at electric light works, res 216 14th ave
Loucks, E. Mrs., res 216 14th ave
Love, Levi, boilermkr C. & N. W., res 842 11th ave
Love, John, foreman F. D. McDowell & Co's blksmth shop, rooms 227 6th ave
Loveder, Gao. F., timekeeper C. Lamb & Sons, res 611 8th ave
Loveder, Mable Miss, bkpr Thomas Richardson, boards 611 8th ave
Lovejoy, Geo. W., engineer C. & N.W., res 612 4th ave
Lowderbaugh, Lulu Miss, boards 520 7th ave
LOWELL, J. S., M.D., (King & Lowell) 227 5th ave, res same; office hours 9to 10 a.m.,
2-3 and 7-8 p.m.; telephone at office and residence
Lubbers Paul, deputy county treas. res 542 6th ave
Luce, Joseph, lab, res 4 s 11th ave on 5th st
Luce, Wm. F., works C. M. & St. P., res 104 Elm st, cor 1st
Lucke, George, lab, res 554 Railroad st
Luck, Bahne, works C. Lamb & Sons, Chancy, res Liberty st, 2 s Howes st
Luck, Edward, works C. Lamb & Sons, Chancy, boards Liberty st, 2 s Howes st
Luck, Otto, works C. Lamb & Sons, Chancy, res Liberty st 2 s Howes st
Luckey, Wm., plasterer, boards 1 e 8th st ns 10th ave
Ludka, Chas., works W. J. Young & Co., boards 523 DeWitt st
Ludka, Frederick, works C. Lamb & Sons' mill, res 523 DeWitt st
Lund, Chris, at Lamb & Sons' mill, Chancy, res K in Chancy yard
Lund, Daniel, clerk Wm. Bock, 827 4th st, boards 827 4th street
Lund, Godfrey, works C. & N. W. machine shop, boards 406 N 4th st
Lund, Jens, lab, res 822 11th ave
Lundeen, Alfred, lab, boards 749 Camanche ave
Lundgren, Andrew, lab, res 336 16th ave
Lundgren, Carl, lab, boards 336 16th ave
Lundgren, John, lab, boards 336 16th ave
Lundgren, S. F., lab, res 753 Camanche ave
Lundgren, Wm. A., works W. J. Young & Co., res 665 11th ave
Lundy, Wm., lab, res 534 19th ave
Luthard, John, lab, res 312 1st ave
Luthard, John, Jr., lab, boards 312 1st ave
Luttje, henry, works Curtis Bros. & Co., res 533 2d ave
Lutz, Samuel, at stock yards, res 5 n stock yards, ws Liberty st
Lye, Jacob, lab, res 540 17th ave
Lynch, Bridget, boards 514 Railroad st
Lynch, Honora Mrs., res 329 15th ave
Lynch, Nellie, Miss, boards 514 Railroad st
Lyon, Hannahm Miss, boards 780 Camanche ave
Lyon, Richard A., retired farmer, res 780 Camanche ave