1887 Directory of Clinton, Lyons and Chancy - Surnames K

Kaadt, Nary Mrs., res 319 Oak st
Kabish, Wm., fireman C. & N.W., Res 242 2d ave
Kahl, Otto, saloon, 400 N 2d st, res same
Kahn, A., clothing and gents' furnishing goods, 213 5th ave, res 315 8th ave
Kaleen, Michael, section,man C. & N.W., boards 540 Railroad st
Kamer, Edward, cigar maker, res es 6th st and 2 s Jackson st, Lyons
Kamp, John G., works C. Lamb & Sons, res 900 N 2d st
Kannaka, Emanuel, shoemaker, works Edward Buchel's, res 128 4th ave
Kannaka, Louis, lab, boards 128 4th ave
Kapp, Andrew, res 624 4th ave
Kapp, Geo., lab, boards 624 4th ave
Katemann, Henry, watchman Court House, res 237 1st ave
Keating, Edward, lab, res 1013 11th ave
Kee, Chung, at Chinese Laundry, 139 5th ave
Keefe & Clancy (John Keefe and John Clancey) boots and shoes, 614 2d st
Keefe, Daniel, works W. J. Young & Co., boards 555 17th ave
Keefe, Francis, brakeman C. & N.W., boards 555 17th ave
Keefe, James, C. & N.W., res 314 13th ave
Keefe, James, works C & N.W., res 555 17th ave
Keefe, James, Jr., lab, boards 314 13th ave
Keefe, Jerry, lab, boards 314 13th ave
Keefe, John (Keefe & Clancy, boots and shoes), boards 314 13th ave
Keefe, Maggie E. Miss, bkpr and cash Scanlan & Mooney, boards 314 13th ave
Keefe, Mary, Miss, dressmaker, boards 314 13th ave
Keefe, Patrick, C. & N.W., round house, res 627 3d ave
Keefe, Thomas, engineer C. & N.W., res 303 8th ave
Keehn, A. J., bkpr Kendall & Co,m boards 134 7th ave
Keelan, Patrick, works Hemingway & Kelly, res cor 7th st and 3d ave
Keely, Daniel, night watchman Young's upper mill, res 310 14th ave
Keen, Ephraim C., blksmith, res 648 9th ave
Keenan, John, at Geo Kendall & Co's., boards 132 7th ave
KEEPERS, C. C., gen manager Clinton Bridge & Iron Co., boards Revere House
Keepler, J. G., C & N.W. shops, res 412 9th ave
Kehl, Fred, workd C. Lamb & Sons, res 521 DeWitt st
Keho, Bartholemew, works W. J. Young & Co., boards 311 14th ave
Keho, James, physician, 802 4th st, res same
Keho, John, lab, boards 311 14th ave
Keho, Martin F., works W. J. Young & Co., res 311 14th ave
Kehoe, Nellie Miss, dressmaker, boards 430 14th ave
Keho, Thomas, works W. J. Young & Co., boards 311 14th ave
Keith, Asa, machinist C. & N.W., res 539 6th ave
Keith, Chas. S., engineer C. & N.W., res 804 S 6th st
Keith, B. S., engineer, C. & N.W., res 323 10th ave
Keithley, John B., works C. Lamb & Sons, res 619 6th ave
Keithley, John B., Jr., works chair factory, boards 619 6th ave
Kellcher, Bridget Mrs., wid, res 602 Jefferson ave
Kelley, Ann Mrs., res 420 12th ave
Kelley, Ellen Mrs., res 538 2d ave
Kelley Eugene, brakeman C. & N.W., res 2 s Franklin st and Camanche ave
Kelley, G. H. agent C. B. & Q and B. C. R. & N., boards 400 8th ave
Kelley, James, lab, res 546 2d ave
Kelley, Joseph A., (Hemingway & Kelley, spring beds) res 414 2d ave
Kelley, Mary Miss, dressmaker, boards 538 2d ave
Kelley Patrick, lab, boards 422 12th ave
Kelley, Peter, works Hemingway & Kelley's spring bed factory, boards 538 2d ave
Kelley, R., bartndr, 619 2d st, boards same place
Kelley Thomas, works Hemingway & Kelley's spring bed factory, boards 538 2d ave
Kelley, Wm., carp, res 528 2d ave
Kelley, Wm., Jr., works Hemingway & kelley's spring bed factory, boards 538 2d ave
KELLOGG, C. F., physician, office 311 10th ave, res same
Kelsey, Louis, boards 230 8th ave
Kelty, Celia, cook
Kelty, Owen, section man C. & N.W., 1118 4th st
KENDALL, GEO. & CO., (Geo. Kendall and C. D. McNeil), plumbing, steam heating, gas and
steam fitting, sporting goods, 409 2d st
KENDALL, GEO., (Geo. Kendall & Co) plumbers, 409 2s at, res 418 6th ave
Kennedy, Anna Miss, seamstress at 340 8th ave, boards 423 14th ave
Kennedy, Dennis, boards 213 Elm st
Kennedy, Dennis, clerk, res 334 15th ave
Kennedy, James, drayman, res 100 5th st
Kennedy, James, lab, res 623 Washington ave
Kennedy, James, clerk, res 334 15th ave
Kennedy, James, lab, boards 526 Railroad st
Kennedy, James F., carp, res 720 N 3d st
Kennedy, John, res 526 Railroad st
Kennedy, John, Jr., lab, boards 213 Elm st
Kennedy, John J., works W. J. Young & Co., res 715 N 3d st
Kennedy, John, painter, res 226 6th ave
Kennedy, John Mrs., res 423 14th ave
Kennedy, Joseph, works C. & N.W., round house, boards 311 12th ave
Kennedy, Maggie, Miss, dressmaker, boards 213 N 2d st
Kennedy, Mary, Miss, dressmaker, boards 213 N 2d st
Kenndey, Mathew, lab, boards 526 Railroad st
Kennedt, Nichael, lab, res 402 15th ave
Kennedy, Michael, sectionman, C. & N.W., res 524 Railroad st
Kennedt, Nicholas, works Lafayette Lamb, res 317 14th ave
Kennedy, Patrick, works C. & N.W., round house, res 311 12th ave
Kennedy, Patrick, Jr., salesman Mnfrs Clothing Houdr, 520 2d st, boards311 12th ave
Kennedy, Patrick, clerk, boards 313 12th ave
Kennedy, Patrick, lab, res 532 Railroad st
Kennedy, Thomas, lab, boards 423 14th ave
Kennedy, Thomas, lab, res 522 Camanche ave
Kennedy, Thomas, boards 526 Railroad st
Kennedy, Wm., works C. Lamb & Sons, boards 317 14th ave
Keogh, Edward, works W. J. Young & Co., res 414 N 3d st
Keogh, Michael. lab, res 233 Hickory st
Keogh, Michael, Jr., works Clinton, Lumber Co., boards s side Hickory st, 4 e N 3rd st
Keough, James, lab, boards 430 14th ave
Keough, Thomas, switchman C. & N. W., res 430 14th ave
Keough, Wm., machinist. res 632 8th ave
Kerivan, Edward, driver Monroe & Spaulding, boards 639 4th ave
Kerivan, John F., works C. & N.W., shops, boards 639 4th ave
Kerivan, Kate, tailoress, boards 639 4th ave
Kerivan, Maggie, dressmaker, boards 639 4th ave
Kerivan, Mary, bookbinder L. P. Allen, boards 639 4th ave
Kerivan, Wm. M., works oil room C. & N.W., res 639 4th ave
Kester, Charles, caro, res 423 2d ave
Kester, Minnie Miss, boards 423 2d ave
Kidd, Arthur, painter Henry Rumble, boards 419 9th ave
Kilduff, Edward, lab, boards 631 Camanche ave
Kilduff, John, lab, res 631 Camanche ave
Kilduff, Mary E. Miss, boards 631 Camanche ave
Kilduff, Thomas, boilermaker, res 327 15th ave
Kilduff, Thomas H., lab, boards 631 Camanche ave
Kill, Henry, boilermaker, res 418 1st ave
Kill, Henry, Jr., boilermaker, boards 418 1st ave
Kill, Werner, carp, res 418 1st ave
Kill, M. Werner, Jr., lab, boards 418 1st ave
Killeen, John, engineer, C. & N.W., res 430 10th ave
Kimball, Carrie, Miss, res 1222 S 4th st
Kimball, Eugene, painter, res 818 10th ave
Kincade, Michael, works Young's upper mill, last house ss Park ave
Kingeade, Wm., teamster, res 168 Park ave
Kinch, Frank, engineer B. C.R. & N., res 522 7th ave
Kinch, Frank, hostler B.C.R. & N. round house, boards 600 7th ave
Kinch, Warren C., engineer C. & N.W., res 600 7th ave
Kindred, Ben, lab, boards 322 13th ave
Kindred, Frank, lab, res 129 4th ave
Kindred, James, blksmth, res 322 13th ave
Kindred, James, Jr., clerk, boards 322 13th ave
Kindred, Wm., lab, bpards 322 13th ave
Kindred, W. O., engineer Lamb's ferryboat, res 1500 S 3d st
King, Cyrus H., capt "Lady Grace," res 514 4th ave
KING, E. H., (King & Lowell) physician, 227 5th ave, res 418 4th ave
Office hours 10-11 a.m., 3-4 and 7-8 p.m., telephone at office and residence.
King, George, teamster, boards 411 15th ave
King, Fred, C. & N.W., boards 514 4th ave
King, Harry, teamster, res 445 11th ave
King, Horace, foreman Curtis Bros, & Co's lumber yard, res nw cor Railroad and 5th st
King, R. W., trav salesman, boards Windsor House
KING, 7 LOWELL, (E. H. King, M.D. and J. S. Lowell, M. D., physicians, himeopathic.) 227
5th ave; telephone at office and residences
KINGSBURY, J. F., manager Singer Mnfg Co's office, 215 5th ave, res same
Kinnagan, E., shoemkr, 417 2d st, res 128 4th ave
Kinney, Frank, lab, res 226 8th ave
Kinney, Michael, lab, res 326 15th ave
Kinnon, John Chas., lab, res 617 2d st
Kinsley, Ellen Mrs., res 326 15th ave
Kinsley, Owen, lab, res 425 3d ave
Kipp, Henry, lab, res 620 6th ave
Kirby, L. S., housemover, res 421 1st ave
Kirkham, Mark, 43w last house Franklin st, ws
Kittleson, Hans, lab, res 546 19th ave
Kleinsmidt, Christ, works C. Lamb & Sons, res 218 Oak st
Kleinschmidt, John, retired, boards 218 Oak st
Kleusli, Mary Mrs., wid Adam, res 408 Basin st
Klinesmit, August, lab, res 433 Oak st
Kline, John, tel opr on bridge, boards 330 3d ave
Kling, Jens, teamster, res 431 DeWitt st
Klinsmit, August, lab, res 315 DeWitt st
Knapp, W. F., stenographer Curtis Bros. & Co., rooms 214 6th ave
Knight, Eugene, works W. J. Young & Co., boards 1300 4th st
Knight, W. F., conductor C. & N.W., boards 329 1st ave
Knight, W. H., res 329 1st ave
Kniskern, D/B ?. H., Dr., physician and surgeon, res 807 Camanche ave
Knowles, Bertha Mrs., laundress, res 1006 S 4th st
Knowlton, O. S., (Glatts & Co.) res 126 2d ave
Knudson, Peter, boards 403 2d st
Knudson, Peter, works F. D. McDowell & Co., res 509 2d ave
Knutsen, Albert, lab, res 445 16th ave
Knutsen, Charles O., Clerk E. M. Davis, boards 445 16th ave
Knutsen, Herbert A., works C. Lamb & Sons, boards 445 16th ave
Knutzen, Carl, works Curtis Bros. & Co., res ss Parker stm 1 w Church of Christ
Kock, Christ, plasterer, boards 533 16th ave
Koetter, John R., wholesale liquor dealer, 217 1st ave, boards 226 6th ave
Koetter, Jenry L., salesman John R. Koetter, boards cor 4th st and 1st ave
Kofoid, Fred, works chair factory, boards 531 18th ave
Koffod, Otto, lab, boards 403 2d st
Kohl, Ludwig, peddler, boards 616 1st ave, Farmer's Home
Kohler, Frank, stone mason, res Elm st 3 w 5th st ss
Kohler, John, works C. Lamb & Sons, Chancy, boards 211 12th ave
Kohler, Sophia Mrs., res 413 Basin st
Kohlman, Fred, Jr., lab, boards 412 Elm st
Kohlmeyer, August, lab, res 412 Elm st
Kohlmeyer, Chas., works Curtis Bros. & Co's office, boards 412 Elm st
Konkle, C. W., teamster, boards 421 2nd ave
Konkle, E. H., carp
Konkle, G. W., lab, res 622 Jefferson ave
Konkle, M. E., mrs., res 421 2d ave
Koons, Chas., fireman C. & N.W., rooms 21 Koon's block
Koons, Frank, C. Lamb & Sons, Chancy, boards 1 w Camanche ave on Harrison st
Koons, Jacob, lab, res 220 7th ave
Koons, Wm., res ss Harrison 1 w Camanche ave
Koop, Wm., works Lamb & Sons, Chancy, boards 211 12th ave
Korb, Charles, works Pipping Bros., boards 619 2d st
Korner, Wm., shoemaker, 304 2d st, res 504 N 1st st
Kornhauser, Herman H., salesman Joseph Stern, boards Gerhard House
Kough, Edward B., tinsmith Geo. Spencer, boards 225 3d ave
Kracht, Hans, lab, res 538 19th ave
Kracht, henry, salesman Namanny & Frahm, res 309 1st ave
Kraft, Charles, meat market, 501 11th ave, res same
KRAFT, W. E., (Eaton, Kraft & Co.,) boards Revere House
Kranbeuhl, S. R., jeweler, boards 344 11th ave
Kraus, Clara Mrs., res 1513 3d st
Kraus, Wm., steamboat engineer, res 1512 3d st
Kraus, William, harnessmkr at Schmidt Bros., boards 229 3d ave
Krayenhagen, Christ M., works Lamb & Sons, res 1802 S 6th st, cor Washington ave
Krayenhagen, Ernst H., carp, res 539 16th ave
Krebs, Anna, boards 125 7th ave
KREBS, CHAS., prop Clinton bakery, 605 2d st, res 125 7th ave
Krebs, Emma Miss, boards 125 7th ave
Krebs, Henry G., works Chas. Kreb;s bakery, boards 125 7th ave
Krebs, Mary, Miss, clerk, boards 125 7th ave
Krenz, Augusta, Miss, cook, boards se cor 5th ave and 4th st
Krenz, George, grocery and bird store, 1400 S 3d st, res same
Krenz, Wm., lab, boards 1407 3d st
Kreim, Henry, Sr., retired merchant, res 222 4th ave
Kreim, Henry, Jr., hardware, stoves, tinware, etc., res 317 2d ave
Kreim, Herman, grocery store, 300 2d st, res same
Kreim, Wm., clerk of courts, res 210 4th ave
Kroeger, Chris, Jr., lab, boards 448 DeWitt st
Kroeger, Henry, lab, res 448 DeWitt st
Kromand, Johannes, works C. Lamb & Sons, res 902 11th ave
Krukow, Fred, works Lamb & Sons' mill, res 220 Fayette st
Krumland, Fritz, lab, boards 407 2d ave
Krumland, Herman, saloon, 405 2d ave, res 407 2d ave
Krumland, John, works Clinton Lumber Co., boards 407 2d ave
Kube, Frederick, res 1 n carbarn ws Camanche ave.
Kubic, Robert, tinsmith Henry Kreim, Jr., res 308 S 2d st
Kugel, John, lab, boards 225 1st ave
Kuhrtz, John, works C. Lamb & Sons, chancy, boards es Camanche ave 1 n Franklin st
Kunzel, Mary, Mrs., boards 319 9th ave
Kunzel, P. M., cigar mnfr., 317 9th ave, res 319 9th ave