White Account Book 1869

Fri Jan l, l869 B.B. White in acct with P.G. Farnsworth, settlement claimed and made in January l869.  Act pd P.G. Farnsworth in leallutions up to date $282.00.  Amount received as commission by (illeg) B.B. White was 28.75 in all. Balance due B.B. White $25.00

Jan 2. B.B White received of Langle $575 Jan l7, l869 applied act of P.G. F of $l3.50.  Balance due P.G. F is on Langle bill $77.5l.  Bill will be taken as part payment of B.B. White lelaise   P.G. Farnsworth has received of Langle $77.5l.  P.G. Farnsworth $25.00 to B.B. White, recd cash Jan l7. L Langle $5.75.   $l7.25.

Jan 3 P.G. Farnsworth received concerning the H. Aickman Acct 8.00 p.g.f pd 8 dollars for team.  H Aickman acct cost $83 pd acct of H Aickman (illeg)

Jan 4 Rec of W Tuly $l8.  H Elsand received $l0.  Rec for F.H. Wandsworth $20. F.H Wandsworth rec $l0.  Both claims receipt in full (in a different hand, quite young, is written ‘Benny B White’; and the alphabet, obviously B B jr about l874 when he was an orphan in Mississippi.)

Jan 5 sent letter west for money of A.W. Dickmon

Jan 6 Collect for Shoecraft, her comes are all collected

Jan 7 Rec money from T Hayly for Geo Spencer.  Received in full. $4.00 rec corn on all.

Jan 8 Received for l/2 Wm Mcying $l.50 of slowery.  Received corns on Slowery $l.50

Jan 9 Received not of Liffauf on Geo A Wager, not collected

Jan l0 Paid J.W. Gottlob $4.00 borrowed money

Jan ll Pd J.W. Gottlob $l2.25 form O Smith, no corns (in another pen, possibly going over the books later ) “all settled aug l8, l869.  All pd.

Jan l2 Received acct of John Beller against W.G. Wilson $57.46 held suit and dismissed said defendant and the cost (in another pen) all settled March l9, l869

Jan l3 Rec bill on H.S. Mckinly in favor of Clausen and co.  Sued.  Judgement found in favor of Plaintiff (other pen) not paid.

Jan l4 Recd of H Wovels, conductor of CWRR $9.00 all is in my faovr (other pen) J. J. Vitl bill all paid.

Jan l5 Paid cost of suit of T Clark in his favor, found against defendent and cost defendent $l0.  S James Shaffer. Paid W Chase $2.00 all settled.

Jan l6 Sued U Utsea for $57.50 found judgement endangered with him for stay bound on five horsemen.

Jan l7 Received payment on L.Langle $757 on P.G. Farnsworth bill of $l3.50 P.G. Farnsworth rec’d Baler in l2 days afterwards of L.Lange bill all pd

Jan l8 Received of John Cook $4.00 on acct of T.U. Clark. Pd T. Clark $4.00 No corns received.  Due B.B. White 50

Jan l9 Received of John Bellers bills against Clark and J Holfrund.

Jan 20 Settled of E Vomeff bill for $50 against Belle in suit of John E Voniff (other pen) least not to B.B. White least $2.50

Jan 2l Went to Fulton to see W.G. Wilson.  Did not see her. $l.00 expenses

Jan 22 P. Clark sold attachment under Samileu in M. C. Gentry (other pen) lease not pd B.B. White fus $2.50

Jan 23 Rec Bale of W Conkwell. Claims T Clark no loans to me (other pen) rec...wood land at $6.00 dollars

Jan 24 Rec of J Slour l cord wood.  T Clark rec to wood B.B. White all of bill.

Jan 25 Received money of C.J.W Chase $l.00 Took letters to W.Toole to his house (other pen) all paid.

Jan 26 Rec goods from T Clark charged to me and aud coms (sic) due me $8.00 (other pen) not pd B.B.White

Jan 27 B.B White l/2 to Clark $25.90

T.C. Clark rec of cost $20.90


Jan 28 Sent letter to Norrison for money on note of L.Ervin

Jan 29 Rec note from F. Holway not to pay Nosyee

Jan 30 Sent money to G.W. Wovelbry $l4 money asdr (other pen) all pd B.B. White

Jan 3l Recd F. Hol.oway in loan of E.S. Tebbles $6.65 (third hand, maybe son) “B.B. White l869.

Feb l Rec 5.00 from Kiklemen in paint (other pen) all paid

Feb 2 Settled claim $6.65 with Holeway. He paid Oyster (sic) fr all hands (other hand) settled in full.

Feb 3 T. Clark 8.00 dollars for James Glynn. No corns pd B.B. White

Feb 4 Ed Galloloo piad T Clark. No corns paid B.B. White

Feb 5 Rec money from O. Barnes $l0 for selling farm.  Balance due $65.75 l0 $65 amt due B.B. White.  L.00 recd in rent 5 months at 8.33 amount due B.B. White 20.84

Feb 6 Rec of C Hurlyshu his horse to rent

Feb 7 Rent A.L. Laffey house to W.F. Ademss for $l0 Jimsmont lease made

Feb 8 Rec of J. Fitche on the acct of L. Buvard $l7.50 Helberg wife and wife Reeve & amt due (illeg)

Feb 9 Rec & made for John Beller mortgage on four of W. Back

Feb l0 sent note on Clark and Co for John Beller for with payment rent

Feb ll Next day they rent and remove.

Feb l2 Rec bill fro John Biller 47.85.  Alfred Fairy to judge $3.85.  F Clarke Scanlin (other pen) not paid.  (Back to original pen) Tower O.00 Freen 7.85 pd.  W.F. Pratt 28.45.  L0 pd with F Pratt.

Feb l3 Rec money from W. Prasle for O.R. Ankley pd my bill (other pen) served notice of A.S. Mckinley to leave (illeg) notice sent to G.T. Sleffs. 50

W.W. Stevens charges. .25

A Nolin not pd (illeg) .75

Feb l4 Sent note to McKinley to leave house of Clausau (pencil) B.B. White–sent notice, he left the same week,

Feb l5 Rec money from W.W. Stevens o Smith Rickoff $4 dollars

Feb l6 Rec $5 from W.W. Steven s. Pat McBride pd John Beller $3.00

Feb l7 Received money from John Beller for cost of (illeg) of John Tomlinson.  Cost pd to all. Pd nothing to B.B. W for his cost (other pen) due B.B. White $l.00

Feb l8 Rec money from E.E. basset for F Burleny home cost not pd

Feb l9 Rec money form E.E. Bassett for J. Williams for B.T. Andrews cost pd.

Feb 20 (poencil) P.Clark (illeg) with P Faard. P.Clark settled the claim by taking P.Faards note for $50.00 dollars B.B. White agent (ink) cost not pd $2.00

Feb 2l

Feb 22 Owed before F.G. Irwin. Pat McBride for labor due 5.50 found good payment

Feb 23 Sent to H Aleans for my extra license as tax.

Feb 24 Rec money from McKinley for Andsaud $4 dollars.  Balance settled April l.  Received bill $2.85 settled in full.

Feb 25 Rec money from John Beller $8.00 cost he was owing me.

Feb 26 pd cost of John Beller (illeg, page torn)

Feb 27 This day with John Beller settled claim of J.E. Vameffobo pd $48.00 Beller l/2 to B.B. White 50 cts as cost.  Beller l/2 to B.B. White 5.00 J.E. Nonuff.  30.46 Beller l/2 to B.B. White l5.00 W>J. B Wilson .  35.46 due Beller.  BB White pd cost in suit of Gralaw.  Judgement rendered in favor of J.Beller l0 dollars with interest cost to be added hereafter

Feb 28 Recd Jams Graham Judgement $l.00 Recd $l0.00 dollars J. Hoger $l5.00

March l served notice on P Clark and Colfrue to leave (page torn)

March 2 Received of W. Green $6.00 dollars for John Bellers.  B.B. White took 6.00 for cost and pd G.Gottot $6.00

March 3 Rec 35 cts due me for telegraph co of Clinton Iowa

March 4 Rec l.60 for W Cormick from T Welch toward for bonus pd l/2 to M Cormic $l.50

March 5 rented house of C.W.  Yarbeshu to W.F. Kisney for $l5.00 (illge) per month.

March 6 Sent M Rosenberg for John Landmark completed.  Suit postponed until Saturday in May l7, l869.  Rec bills form John Land to caller.

March 7 Rec judgment in favor of H. Mark against E Ronkewell. Not good

March 8 Rec money from R Fusco l.25 my tax unpaid (other hand) pd tax May l4, l869

March 9 Recd judgement in John Tonlomans suit Refult A refforms in claim to C.W. Chase (other pen) not settled as yet and in the cost.

March l0 Rec money form Clark Holfru l0.00 pd to John Beller (other pen) fees not pd

March ll Received from W.M. Wilson 50 dollars to reduce to 47 all pd

March l2 pd Mrs Kelly of South Cluttac $l.50 my bill

March l3 Received money from Mrs Mard $3.30 my bill

March l4 rec money from R.W. (Illeg) through John Beller $l0 dollars (other pen) pd MF. Tito bil. Pd John Beller this is the above bill mentioned.

March l5 Recd from John Beller orders to refer suit of John Tonlinson to C.W. Chase

March l6 Recd orders on J.W. Fry reced pd $7.50

Mach l7 Recd money from A McKinley 82.85 paid in full of all demand (othe rpen) to JBT Adamas dated April l, l869

March l9 Rented A Vandres house, drew lease all pd

March 20 pd G Gibson $4.00 dollars for painting

March 22 Recd of Curtis and Brutt (illeg) $l.50 l0 days credit, all pd $l.50 in full

March 23 Recd money of Papa Miller $7.50

March 24 Recd money of To Gottlob amt pd $2.00

March 25 Recd money of Mrs Monroe $2.65 my bill all pd

March 26 Rec money of acct of A Barnes of $40 dollars.  A Knultern all pd to A Barnes.  House not pd $4.00 dollars due B.B.White

March 27 27 recd money of John Beller $2.00 dollars

March 29 Recd of Mr Beller house value at $l.00 dollar

March 30 rec of Mal Brighto $4.00 all pd to Tetty $4.00

March 3l pd $3.00 pd acct of P.G. Farnsworth to (illeg) pd to H Sikman $8.50 claim

April l paid cost to Brothfo $l.50

April 2 Recd $8.00 of Mr Man of Cedar Falls all pd

April 3 Recd of A.G. Gales $20 all pd

April 5 Recd 2.03 of C.T. Man in full moneypd out for my money owe to Cowkey unti order form John Beller of M.F. Prato

April 6 recd of F.K. Tlonx to order of Wm H of $8.00

April 7 Recd of the seed man orders to get a girl $l.00 found one (illeg)

April 8 sent a man to Wirkybshu

April 9 recd l6.00 Futland Illinois all pd moved for $l.50 pd

April ll Recd of H Hordman with Sfener and against R. Donbar $25.67 sued judgement found

April l2 Recd judgement and rec note of sale $25 R Donbar secured by Ed Galeman

April l3 recd of LW Stevens $l8.00 From Chicago paid rail man in full

April l4 recd of Mrs Nowell labor on my doors $2.00 pd Blackfall $2.00 of Nowell. Pd Mrs McDowell $2.50 rent due on Sat leased by Bylit. Pd Sept l8, l869 3.00 to be applied on rent of said lot.  Pd her by selling l bay crib at 3.00/5.00

April l5 recd of John Brooks 0.00

April l6 recd Sealbrook Planting half day $4.00 dollars

April l7 Recd of l/w Hober and Wm Slack acct of $7.50 John Bing (illeg) recd 30c postage

April l9 Recd of John Grumorde l7.00   l0 pd   $7 unpaid

April 20 recd $l.50 cash leas W.M Adama

April 2l made under 30cts (illeg) per day( illeg) Stakman rec note and collected. Note at half 50 dollars S.R. Clugh.

April 22 recd of Mr Belle $l.50 l/2 bill J.A. Frottlich

April 23 rec S.D. Veil amt $2.l3 F. Gottlob

April 24 Recd of Mr Brink $8.00 dollars Brink Broadway house

April 25 Recd of L. Liffany $l.00

April 26 recd of R Wilson $l.00 all pd

April 27 recd of Pat Mquire $8.00 all pd

April 28 recd of Mr John Mathim acct of Salubo West Plains N.B.

April 29 recd of S Adams house and all pd $58.58

April 30 recd of John Brilough Beerman, Auroa Ill $l0.00 all pd

May l Recd of John Beller acct of John Sanlin $l5.00 dollars acct not pd

May 2 Rented my house recd $4.00 all pd

May 3 recd 4.00 rent of my house.  Recd of H.C. Reaker last $l.50 all pd.  Due $4.00 rent du me on my house

May 4 recd of Millers the l6 dollars all pd

May 5 Rec 50 of (Illeg) scross l2 day bottls

May 6 recd of J. Brownley $4.50 on P.G. Farnsworth owe P.G. Farnsworth bill

May 7 rec (illeg) 4.00 on D Syman for H.Brawley. Extra pd

May 8 recd $l.50 Casso sq bill all pd

May 9 rent due O.Baust not pd l6.00 dollars

May l0 recd John Hentlett in payment that P.G. Farnsworth his recd a Hellington (illeg)

May ll recd l.00 all pd (illeg) 20 bo all pd B.B. (Illeg)

May l2 rec of Joh Sfloman last 4.00 dollars in W.G. House of Lyons by not attending to matters.  Brought 8.00 not 4.00 B.B White (illeg) F.K. Phoenix

May l3 recd of A.K. Senser rent of C.H. Derbyshire

May l4 recd of A.R. Spenser for C.H. Derbyshire pd c.h. $l4 corns l dollars

May l5 recd of Mrs E Anthony l.00 dollar.  Mile Lawless board bill of $5.00

May l7 rec of Mr Stevens $2l.00 James Graham l0.50 after cost pd, J.Hogen l0.00 no cost, cost on J. Graham 2.50 B.B. White pd, 4.00 dollars to be pd John Biller 4.00, J. Morgan bill l0.00, Alfred Facy Bill 5, Total l9.00   Recd of B. F. Shaffer amt for settlement and pd J.Strawr $l.75

May l8 recd acct of B.C. Dickman Chicago $8.00           

May l9 Wed recd of Hewland 5.00

(Pages missing)

June 5 Recd l dollar rent of A.W. Sygmore as rent of my house

l4th of (illeg) Recd order from John Fry to find the parties who robbed him of $l9.50 in money and some (illeg) l/2 of all I recd from them.  Found them on the 27th at Nafello (illeg) money with them.

July 17 July memorandal

Daniel Gray to B.B. White Dr l00

Mr Heath 25

C McCan l5.00

C Bayon 25.00

L.J. Alleny 75

L.N. Ankeny l5.00

C.W. Alnagle 20.00

H Marks 5.00

J.T. Newell l5.00

To Saunders 50.00

Debt due the last of l869 $345


total 399.40

Clinton Jan l2 D Gray to B.B. White Dr $l00.00