Plymouth County

Lt. Donald L. Cross




Lt. Donald L. Cross of the Medical Corps, U.S. Naval reserve, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cross of Akron, who for some time was stationed at the Navy dispensary in Hawaii, has recently been transferred to the U.S. Naval hospital at San Diego, Calif., where he is receiving treatment for a knee injury sustained while in active service in the medical corps in the Southwest Pacific area.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, February 19, 1945

NEWS of the Boys in the Service

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cross spent the latter part of last week with their son, Lt. Donald Cross, and family at Coon Rapids, Iowa. Lt. Cross, who saw service in the U. S. Medical Corps in the South Pacific and was stationed in Honolulu, H. I., before being returned to San Diego a few months ago. He will enter the Great Lakes Naval Hospital, near Chicago, for treatment for trouble with one of his knees.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, May 4, 1945

NEWS of the Boys in the Service

Lt. Donald Cross, who is spending a furlough at his home in Coon Rapids, came with his wife and two sons last week for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cross and other relatives and friends in Akron. Lt. Cross served in the Medical Corps in the South Pacific during the Tarawa and Kwajalien campaigns. He has been bothered with a knee ailment for some time.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, June 12, 1945

***Further Research:

Donald L. Cross was born Mar. 15, 1905 to Levi Julian and Dolly Leone “Dott” Root Cross. He died Nov. 8, 1984 and is buried in Linwood Park Cemetery, Boone, IA.
