Plymouth County

Cpl. Verdon J. Doud




Our Neighbors in the Service

Remsen, Iowa --- Word was received from Camp Livingston, Alexandria, La. That Verdon J. Doud, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Doud, Oyens, was seriously injured during maneuvers in Louisiana. Mr. and Mrs. Doud have left for Camp Livingston.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, July 5, 1943

Soldier Nearly Drowned When Water Cans Tipped Over

Remsen Bell-Enterprise: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Doud of Oyens returned from Camp Livingston, Alexandria, La., where they went following receipt of word that their son, Verdon Doud, was seriously injured while on army duty, report that the lad is out of danger although he narrowly escaped death.

Verdon, with several other army boys on the night of June 29, went for a truck-load of water, carried in 100 cans, each can full weighing 50 pounds. Verdon was riding the cans on the return trip, and during the dim-out the driver missed the road and the truck rolled off a steep embankment.

Verdon was caught under the avalanche of cans, and besides injuries inflicted by the cans themselves, was nearly drowned by the spilled contents. Quick aid saved his life although he was unconscious for seven hours. He suffered two head injuries, both regarded as serious, besides many bad cuts on his lower body.

Mr. and Mrs. Doud, traveling by auto, arrived at his bedside the following night and spent several days with him. Army authorities had provided every accommodation for them and the Oyens couple declare they received splendid services from the Red Cross as well. They left their son in a much improved condition and by Monday, this week, he was well enough to telephone his parents at Oyens, saying the doctors expected him to remain a hospital patient for two weeks longer, after which he will go to a convalescent ward for a like period.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, July 19, 1943


~Verdon J. Doud, Oyens lad who on June 29 was seriously injured when he was thrown from an overturned truck near Camp Livingston, La., has suffered a relapse, according to word received last week by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Doud. However, his condition is not alarming. After having improved sufficiently to be out of bed, Verdon is reported to be suffering with severe head pains and a heart ailment, and is again confined. A long period of complete rest is required, according to army doctors.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, July 26, 1943

Verdon Doud Of Oyens Among Eleven Cited For Bravery

Remsen Bell-Enterprise: For “meritorious service in action beyond the ordinary” a contributing factor to the successful advance of their battalion, eleven American men on the Italian front were recently awarded a citation, which brought honor to Verdon Doud, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Doud, of Oyens.

A copy of the citation was received by the Oyens soldier’s parents this week and reads as follows:

“In military operations against an enemy of the United States _________ from May 14 to May 16, 1944, laying wire from ______ across _______ hills _____ and __________ these men were a contributing factor to the successful advance of their battalion. Constantly exposed to enemy artillery and small arms fire, without sleep or food they laid wire by hand over terrain so inaccessible that at times they had to wrap the wire around their bodies to leave hands free for climbing. Sustaining two casualties from shrapnel and one from an exploding mine, they nevertheless continued devotedly and in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles to make sufficient communication with their organization. The vital service rendered by these loyal and courageous men has won the esteem of their comrades and represents the highest traditions of the armed forces.”

Verdon “V. J.” Doud entered the Army February 18, 1943, at the age of 19 years and went overseas with the 88th Division in December of the same year, landing in Africa. Three weeks later he was sent to Italy and has been on the fighting front ever since. Before leaving this country and while still in Louisiana, he was severely hurt when a truck carrying water overturned into a ditch, much of the load falling on him.

The parents were informed recently that Verdon, on a five-day pass, June 21-25, gained audience with Pope Pius and received the pontiff’s blessing. While in Rome he had the pleasure of a meeting with Sgt. Lewis Treinen, Jim Hardacre, Cy Groetken, Phil Dominick and George Case, all members of old Co. K, and a joyful meeting it was. It was the first time the Oyens lad had met a local acquaintance since entering the service.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, July 25, 1944

Our Neighbors in the Service

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Doud of Oyens have received word that their son Verdon, has received a citation for bravery in action on the Italian front.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, July 26, 1944

Corporal V. J. Doud Has a Phone Talk With Lou Treinen

A member of the Globe-Post staff has received the following letter from Cpl. V. J. Doud, formerly of Oyens:

Received a package today from home and enclosed were two Globe-Posts so figured I had better drop you a line. We are up again, but outside of Jerry whipping a few in, it isn’t too bad.

We have had quite a bit of snow over here and also a little rain which makes the rough as the devil.

If our belting Russian buddies keep going they are going to have old Jerry in a bad way which won’t make me feel bad.
We have quite a wire set up here but have been having pretty fair luck with them as they seem to mess them every once in awhile.

I called up K Co. a few weeks ago and spoke to Lou Treinen and even though we couldn’t hear too good we could make out each other and it sure sounded swell to be talking to someone from home. I just wish I could tell you how hard it was to get him and how many switchboards I had to go through.

The other day the Italians here (the few that are around) butchered a hog and really did a swell job on him. He was a big one also. Some of them are OK and will do anything for us and others aren’t worth a hoot.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, February 19, 1945

***Further Research:

Verdon James Doud was born Nov. 14, 1923 to Jacob Lawrence and Kathryn Helen Orban Doud. He died May 16, 2005 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, LeMars, IA. 
