The Blockton News
by R.S. Bonham
Published every Thursday
subscription $1 a year
Entered at the postoffice, Blockton, Iowa, as
second class mail matter.

Excerpts from The Blockton News

Issue of Jan 20?, 1898 (front of newspaper is gone, this page is prior to Jan 27, 1898)


V. Danford is at Bedford to-day.

O. Franklin was down from Gay Monday.

A.L. Bibbins was over from Bedford Monday.

Corn is worth 25 and oats 23 cents on the local market.

Mrs. Rev. Cronk has been seriously ill for several days.

Capt. Vint Worthington was down from Maloy, Thursday.

Build up another home enterprise by patronizing the Blockton Mill.

C. Wertz is at Bedford this week. He is serving on a petit juror.

A second Cripple Creek is said to have been discovered in the Black Hills.

Mrs. J.F. Rose returned Friday from an extended visit with Mt. Ayr friends.

G.W. Richardson, of Mt. Ayr, passed through here Saturday on his way to Bedford.

It is estimated that about one-sixth of this year's corn crop is still in the field in this vicinity.

Robt. Larrison, of Stanberry, Mo., an uncle of our barber, Chas. Davis, was visiting in our city on Friday.

Charley Nicholson, of Bedford, formerly of this place, was shaking hands with old friends on our streets Friday.



F.B. Wisdom called at the News office Saturday and states he has 600 bushels of corn ungathered. A good many other farmers are in about the same shape.

T.E. Babb has returned from Alvarado, Texas, where he had a position on the M.K. & T. R.R. He resigned his position and will go to work on the Great Western.

The hunter who gets quail passes through the most frequented streets on his way home; the one who gets rabbits takes the back way.

Col. J.E. Babson received blanks Saturday for making out the annual report of Abe Flick Post, G.A.R. He will call a special meeting during the month, so he informed the News.

J.R. Iles has purchased the butcher shop of R. McClure and will move it in the building now occupied by the steam laundry. The laundry will be moved into the Albaugh building, first door west of Roberts' clothing store.

A first-class wagon box for sale. J.B. Kennedy

John Larrison, of Clayton township, was in town Friday.

Cal Driver conveyed a load of court witnesses over to Bedford Tuesday.

A soldier's letter, either to or from the Phillipines is carried for 2 cents postage.



Editor Stafford of the Progress, Jim Todd and John Jordon came down from Diagonal Sunday returning home the same day.

Passenger train No. 1, due here at 9:57, was derailed just out of Des Moines Monday, and didn't arrive here until 3 p.m.

A party of hunters killed a deer near Siam one day last week. It is supposed the animal followed the 102 up from the Missouri river bluffs.

A.N. Morrell sold one of his fast drivers this week to a party at Holton, Kansas. He delivered the animal by freight, leaving Tuesday morning.

The foundation for the new church is about completed and the carpenters are at work getting out the frame. Two car loads of lumber has been placed on the ground.

The Sheridan bank robber was caught, and the court at Grant City made short shift of him yesterday by giving the fellow 5 years in the pen. About $600 of the money was returned.

L.M. Lowenthal has just added a fine line of Watches and Jewelry to his other lines--he will also put in a line of Clocks, Celluloid novelties in plush and fancy cases, which will be sold at right prices. See him--at the Post Office.



Mrs. Smith went to Leon, Tuesday and will spend the winter at Lamar.

T.J. Thompson, of Indianola, Iowa, is visiting for a few days with his brother, Eli Thompson.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shields were in town Saturday to remove their household effects from here to Afton.

The grand jury was engaged Tuesday in investigating the case of the thieves who stole Mrs. Susan Snyder's pullets several weeks ago.

Ed Chamberlain, of Bedford, was in town two or three days last week.

Geo. Newton left two ears of corn at this office which is some of Taylor county's finest product.

Lincoln Bent returned Tuesday from Creston, where he has been working on the new depot.

Following is a list of those who have paid cash on subscription since our last issue and for which they have our thanks: Frank Quinn, R. Ostrander, R.C. Quick, Wm. Younkins, Tobe Zarbaugh, J.H. Poor and Wm. Beeson.

REMEMBER: Dr. Mather, dentist, is in Blockton from the 1st to 24th of each month.

Florence Judkins, who has been at the Blockton hotel, returned to her home at Parnell City, Sunday.

BOB SLED: I have a first-class bob sled for sale. Corrugated chilled steel shoes. J.S. Kennedy

Will Ostrander and family have moved into the rooms recently vacated by Sherman Hickenlooper.

David Rankin, the Tarkio cattle king, is said to pay his employes on an average of $300 every day.

W.H. Patrick has moved on the H.T. Miller farm near Redding, for whom he will work the coming year.

Cranberries, New Orleans molasses, Krout, mixed sweet and sour pickles, codfish and mincemeat now on tap at Morrell & Campbell's.

See those car loads of dry, extra No. 1 barn boards arriving at I.W. Collins'. They are simply out of sight, as a barn covered with it and extra Star A. shingle.

The following from Blockton and vicinity will attend court at Bedford this week: Attorney's Wisdom, Spence and Gillett, John Minor (grand juror), M.R. Chandler, P. Frederick, C. Wertz (petit juryman), J.M. Bean, Al Sober, and H.L. Carr.

Jos. Love's little girl died at Savannah last week.

Mrs. Davis is here from Stanberry visiting her son, Chas. Davis.

C.S. Liggetts have made their daughter Vivian the present on a handsome new piano.

Miss Fannie Blakemore visited with her friend Retta Harrison at Redding, from Friday until Sunday evening.

M.R. Chandler and the News man made a trip to Bedford Tuesday to get a look at that august machinery called a district court. The legal mill has about the usual amount of grist, judging from the length of the docket.