General Tools for Genealogy Research

Please suggest tools to be added here that are not found elsewhere on the site.

First name abbreviations
This page lists many common first name abbreviations that have been used. For example, Geo for George, Chas for Charles, Jno for John, and Marg for Margaret. It helps to be familiar with these as you review records.
City directory abbreviations
City directories are quite useful in confirming a residence of your ancestor and sometimes to know when a husband died (since sometimes the wife is listed as widow of him). They also usually give an occupation and sometimes an address. It is very helpful to know what h means vs r.
Occupational abbreviations (a to e) (f to o) (p to z)
In city directories and other historic documents, a person's occupation is often abbreviated. Use the three links above, based on the starting of the occupation, to identify your abbreviation.
Wikipedia: obsolete occupations   75 occupations   another list   a longer list
Given above are several links to general lists of old names for various occupations and their descriptions. Not enough lists? Try ThoughCo for other niche lists and more.
Names and descriptions of old English occupations
As part of the research wiki at, this is an extensive resource for those with ancestors from the U.K.
Descriptions of old German occupations
As part of the research wiki at, this is a resource for those with ancestors from Germany that describe the nature of various occupations. Also review Understanding Occupations in German Research
Old German professions, occupations, and illnesses
Originally in German, this is the English translation that can be helpful when reading German documents. It is quite extensive. You never know when you need to learn what it means when you read that your ancestor was an Barfuesser.
German Genealogical Word List
As part of the research wiki at, this is an extensive and thorough German word resource for those with ancestors from Germany.
Dutch Genealogical Word List
As part of the research wiki at, this is an extensive and thorough Dutch word resource for those with ancestors from the Netherlands.
Dutch Occupations
A Dutch genealogical researcher has a list of Dutch occupations with their English translations.
Latin Genealogical Word List
As part of the research wiki at, this is an extensive and thorough Latin word resource for those with ancestors from any country where some older records may be written in Latin (such as many parts of Europe).
French Genealogical Word List
As part of the research wiki at, this is an extensive and thorough French word resource for those with ancestors from France, Quebec, Luxembourg, parts of Belgium and Switzerland and other locations.
Genealogy Word Dictionary
This has a list of words and abbreviations that apply to genealogy with their explanations.
Genealogy Latin Dictionary
This has a list of Latin words and abbreviations that apply to genealogy with their English meanings. Note that this takes you to the page starting with "a" and use the menu at the top of the list for the other letters.
Wikipedia - deprecated disease names   TX-Montgomery   PA-Harrisburg   NJ-Morris   verywellhealth   Merriam-Webster
Given above are several links to general lists of old names (now deprecated) for various illnesses and their descriptions or modern names. Some of these come from other sites like this IAGenWeb/Marion site (and are so listed).