1956 Clinton Directory:  Surnames F

Faber Marlyn J carmn hlpr C&NWRy r Mt Carroll Ill
FABER WALTER O 9Adele M), Mgr Dairypak Incorported, 1500 S 14th, Tel CHapel 2-5535, h501 Woodlands, Tel CHapel 2-7241
Fachett Harvey yd formn Thos Oakes r112 7th av S
Fagan Robt E (Natalie) linemn Interstate Power r Fulton Ill
Fager Geo A (Gladys R; Geo Fager Sporting Gds) h3 Westwood Ia
FAGER GEORGE SPORTING GOODS (George A Fager),Hunting and Camping Equipment, Pendleton Wool Sports Clothing, Fishing Tackle, 513 S 3d, Tel CHapel 2- 2214
Fahlbeck John W jr (Mary J) chem duPont h243 N 6th
--Mary J waiter Schuey's One Sixteen Grill r243 N 6th
Fahr Earl S (Minnie E) slsmn Clinton Paper h217 N Bluff blvd
Failing Elaine D Mrs pres The River Ben Girl Scouts Council h254 18th pl
--Henry D (Elaine D) IBM supvr duPont h254 18th pl
Fairbanks Geo H (Marie) clk Foley & Paulson Constn h620 Argyle ct
Faivre Marie I clk VanAllen's Dept Store r807 4th av S
Falconer Richd (Beverly) driver Car Carrier h910 1/2 5th av S
Fales Harry r821 S 4th
Fallesen Myron P (Marius) lab V A Domiciliary r RD 2
Fandersial Arth L slitter duPont r Fulton Ill
--Kenneth R chem duPont r Fulton Ill
--Mineo carmn CYNWRy r Fulton Ill
Fanger Henry h2907 Pershing blvd
--Rae emp Pillsbury Mills r Bryant Ia
Fannette Beauty Shoppe (Mrs Sarah F Beardslee) 415 2d av N
Farell Jay driver Lyons Produce r RD 2
Farley Ardis T (Ethel S; Domestic Plmb Co) r Camanche Ia
--Bruce S (Betty) estimater Domestic Plmb Co h1506 Lazy la
--Ethel D Mrs clk Domestic Plmb r Camanche Ia
--Kathleen D opr TelCo r420 9th av S
--Keith J (Patsy V) driver Interstate Power h2217 N 7th
--Mabel A (wid Wayne E) h420 9th av S
Farmer Jas eng C&NW r1013 S 4th
Farquhar Kenneth R (Bernice) pres Quarries Inc h812 Orchard la
Farr Donald E emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Ia
--John H (Mabel J) rigger Clinton Corn Processing h2504 Liberty av
--Mabel J Mrs treas Chancy Community Club h2504 Liberty av
--Nellie I (wid Kenneth E) h1610 N 6th
--Richd cook Port Hole Cafe r Camanche Ia
Farrell Esther r262 N Bluff blvd
--Marion C typ V A Domiciliary h557 8th av S
Farwell Mary Mrs h rear 639 1st av
--Nancy photo fnshr The Beil Studio & Photo Sup r101 10th av N
--Richd W with Univ of Iowa h2513 Sabula av
--Robt J (Marilyn K) furnace opr Alcoa h330 6th av S
--Ronald E mach opr Dairypak Inc r101 10th av N
Fatchett Harold L mech Machael Oil Co r422 2d av S
--Howard C (Lucille F) mtcemn Interstate Power h422 2d av S
__Wilbur R (Maxine M) chem duPont h1821 Pershing blvd
Fattchet Harvey lab h112 1/2 7th av S
Faulkner Chester E (Veral M) mach opr Ia Mach Wks & Fdry h 1606 S 3d
--Donna C Mrs waiter r2518 Sabula av
--Junior E driver Veteran Cab r1606 S 3d
Faur Eleanor M ofc sec V aA Domiciliary r 1520 S bluff blvd
--Grace (wid John E) h726 S 6th
--Henry J (Harriet D) clk Clinton Corn Processing Co h1131 8th av S
--Jacques B (Madonna M) USA r1328 N 2d
--Margt A (wid Henry F) h1520 S Bluff blvd
--Wm C (Mary J) trnmn C&NWRy h909 S 4th
Faverty Marion L (Helen I) eng C&NWRy h1036 15th av S
Favier Marie I slswn VanAllen's r521 2d av S
Fay Llewellyn N (Helen; Bragonier-Fay Chapel) h728 5th av S
Fear Edw E USAF r104 19th av N
--Lew E lab Pillsbury Mills r104 19th av N
Feckley Albert N (Clara C) lab Clinton Corn Processing h244 21st pl

Feddersen Arth L (Mary H) supvr Clinton Herald h2314 1/2 N 3d
--Hans f r638 3d av S
--Herbert M (Helga) teller City Natl Bank h831 N2d
--Mary H Mrs supvr duPont r2314 N 2d
--Vailard P (Eliz H) casting opr duPont h602 11th av S
Federal Discount Corp Lynn L Brubridge mgr 515 1/2 S 2d
Feeland Mary L legal sec County Attorney r317 7th av N
Felderman Ellen Mrs hsekpr trainee Jane Lamb Mem Hosp h3015 N 3d
--Jacob F (Betty M) condr C&NWRy h241 16th pl
--Margt bkpr Clinton Thrift r641 4th av S
--Orie E (Ellen K) linemn Interstate Power h3015 N 3d
--Roy H (Margt) asst mgr T M Gobble Co Inc h641 4th av S
Feldman Philip J (Jeanette I) clk PO h806 S 6th
Feldpausch Geo L (Leona C) constn wkr Danl Haring Co h1321 S 3d
Feldt Frank J (Anna E) h2930 Roosevelt
--Frank L jr (Wanda) mach opr duPont h817 5th av N--Harold S (Laura E) mach opr duPont h823 6th av N
--Herbert G (Patricia) slitter duPont h2930 1/2 Roosevelt
--Patricia Mrs opr TelCo h2930 1/2 Roosevelt
Fell Gertrude M (wid Ernest) r1928 Roosevelt
Feller Larry L studt r1807 Pershing blvd
--Mel G (Mildred C) asst credit mgr Clinton Corn Processing h1807 Pershing blvd
--Mildred C Mrts maid Sterling Motel h1807 Pershing blvd
Fellman Alice E (wid Garfield) h303 8th av S
Fellows Eliz r2220 Roosevelt
--Robrt E (Theors M) pipe ftr Clinton Corn Processing h302 22d av N
--Vanessa B Mrs h117 22d pl
--W Bradley (Eliz; The Spudnut Shop) r403 Main av
--Willard E (Matilda H) h403 Main av
Fenchel Florence P Mrs slswn Fenchel's h304 N 5th
--Julius R (Florence P; Fenchel's) h304 N 5th
Fenchel's (Julius R Fenchel) women's clo 207 5th av S
Fenley Elsie clk Wards r Thompson (Thomson)Ill
Fenlon John studt r711 Park pl
--Lois W (wid Leslie K) tchr Washington Jr HS h711 Park pl
--Mabel G h523 7th av S
Fenn Alberta L r1116 Camanche av
--Earl R mach C&NW h1116 Camanche av
--Melba R nurse r1116 Camanche av
--Shirley J maid Lafayette Hotel r1116 Camanche av
Fenzel Bernice A (wid John( h98 25th av N
--Chas W (Sally)emp Clinton Corn Processing h2323 Wallace
Fergesen Jas A r540 3d av S
--Ferguson Clyde T studt r 1223 S 7th
--Mary mrs h423 1/2 15th av S
--Virginia S (wid Walter J) sten City Natl Bank h1205 1/2 N 2d
--Walter J r1205 1/2 N 2d
--Willard Q (Hilda) insp Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r RD 2
--Wm T (Marvel J) mldr Climax Eng & Pump Mfg h1223 S 7th
Ferrel Barbara I sten Curtis Co r2321 N 7th
--Richd R USAF r2321 N 7th
--Roy B (naomi) eng C&NW h2321 N 7th
Ferrell Bruce B (Phyliss D) emp Clinton Corn Processing h 516 1/2 S 2d
--J Lloyd emp Clinton Corn Processing r516 1/2 S 2d
Ferrera Tony brkmn C&NW r333 8th av S
Ferris Janet M (wid Richd) IBM opr dupont h Breezy Point dr
--Ronald P studt r Breezy Point dt
Ferstenberg Benita V (wid Wm F) h524 7th av S
Fester Frank E (Velma L) lab Fred Fester Sht Mtl h704 6th av S
--Fred A (Mary J) tinner 1117 4th av N h906 11th av S
Fetters Tora M (wid Harry) r1308 N4th
Fetzer Marion M studt r754 5th av S
--Walter R (Hulda I) chf chem Clinton Corn Processing h754 5th av S]Fick Carl L (Ula G) jan Jefferson Sch h1068 15th av S
--Edw H (Helma) h2345 N 7th
--Helma M emp Ford Hopkins Drug Store r2345 N 7th
--LeRoy r2345 N 7th
--Ula mach opr Clinton Garment r1068 15th av S
FIDELITY LIFE ASSOCIATION, A Mutual Legal Reserve Company, Walter C Below President, Lyle H Barnhart Secretary-Actuary, William H Rothermel Assistant to The President and Director of Sales, John Loots Treasurer, Edward H Sieb Publicity Director, Fulton. Illinois, Tel 2311 (See Yellow Page 32)
Field Helda R (wid Alt T) librn Christian Science Reading Rm h4445 6th av S
Fier Don F clk Clinton Corn Processing r2810 N 3d
--Dorothy J Mrs mach opr Clinton Grament Co h647 1/2 7th av S
--Edw R (Helen E) lab Curtis Co h2810 N 3d
--Raymond S (Margt) lab Curtis Co h2714 N 3d
Fiett Aug fctywkr Curtis Co r 2617 Pershing blvd
Fife Olga Mrs cook E & L Cafe h1002 1/2 S 4th
--Weldon W (Sara E) slsmn Machael Oil h340 9th av S
--Wm M h2344 Wallis av
Fili Walter C (Azuel C) plmb Clinton Plmb Co h1008 1/2 N 2d
Filip Robt T (Lenore V) sec Izaak Walton League h514 15th av N
Filippi Mike J carmn C&NW r Nelson Ill
Finch Has R (Barbara) slitting duPont h574 1st av
--Clifford E (Vesta F) plmb Brick & Sons h1214 S 9th
Finch Coal & Machine Co (W C Finch), Coal and Custom Machine Works and Welding, 34 23d av N. Tel CHapel 2-5461 (See Yellow Page 15)
--Dolores A Mrs clk Clinton Herald r2808 Pershing blvd
--Earl L (Sally M) electn Clinton Corn Processing h830 1/2 14th av S
--Edwin G lab Clinton corn Processing h839 13th av S
--Edwin L (Clara) lab Clinton Corn Processing h839 13th av S
--Elsie L (wid Chas C) h2314 N 5th
--Neatha j1615 S 5th
_Norvin (Nellie M) h320 4th av N
--Robt W (Jennie M) mach opr DuPont h630 3d avc S
--Thos mach opr Finch Coal Co r2413 N 2d
--Wilbut C (Bernice I; Finch Coal & Mach Co) h2413 N 2d
Finck Francis J (Clara M) clk Clinton Corn Processing h622 10th av S
Findlay Wm P (maryl The Music Box) h725 N 11th
Fink Genevieve M chf dietn V A Domiciliary r Nurses Qtrs
--Honora C (wid J L) j826 N 2d
----Jack A (Kathryn L) sslsmgr Machael Oil h754 11th av S
--Jack R studt r753 11th av S
--Jas A studt r754 11th av S
--Mary E (wid Arth S) h900 S 6th
--Richd G fctywkr Curtis Co r711 8th av S
--Ruth C Mrs slswn John D VanAllen & Sons r RD 2 |Box 84 C Albany Ill
--Ruth M (Geo L) county health nurse h711 8th av S
Finkle Fred r2335 N 3d
Finlayson Jas C (Mary S) supvr Pillsbury Mills h1231 Pershing blvd
Finley Jas T ((Johanna M l Finley Studio) r324 1/2 8th av S
--Johanna M (Finlley Studio) r324 1/2 8th av S
--Studio (Jas T and Johanna m Finley) 400 S 2d
Finn Edwin J (kath C) pntr Clinton Corn Processing h2424 Liberty av
--Kathryn C Mrs prs opr Collis Co h2424 Liberty av
Finnerup Carl A h423 1st av
Finnicum Howard H (Marie C) pntr F W Means Co h2303 Dunham
--Marie C Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment Co r2303 Dunham
--Victor R pkr Clinton Corn Processing h510 1/2 4th av N
Fiore Patk j (Viola M) plant supt R C Bennett Box Co h814 B 2d
Fire Fighters Local No 609 John E Hulten sec 344 3d av S
Firestone Store Chas W Glazebrook mgr 215 4th av S
First Assembly of God Gospel Tabernacle Rev Chesteen E Thompson pastor 447 1st av
--Baprist Church Rev Alf J Waln pastor 4th and 7th av
--Church of Christ Scientist 314 3d av S
--Congregational Church Rev Harold W Putney pastor 522 7th av N
--methodist Church Rev Lawrence D Havighurst S 4th and &th av
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Rev Bruce McCullough Pastor, 400 5th av S, Tel CHapel 3-1142
--Presbyterian Church (Kirk House) 412 5th av S
--Spiritualist Church 411 S 3d
Fischer Dor J (wid Herman P) h407 1/2 5th av S
--Geo J (Mildred B) slsmn J A Jefferies & Co h842 1/2 6th av S
Fish Fred F (Pearl R) slsmn Cooke Coffee Co h1718 Pershing blvd
Fishbowl The (Geo L and Mrs Anna P Hansen) 702 S2d
Fishburn Jeanne M tchr r2021 N2d
--Mary C studt r2021 N 2d
--Mary E (wid Mark) h2021 N 2d
Fisher Albert J carmn C&NW r Morrison Ill
--Archie R (Lysla E) dentist 211 1/2 5th av S h1211 Pershing blvd
--Arth O (Jeanette) asmblr Climax Eng & Pump h1215 S 3d
--Bernice B (wid J E) h538 10th av S
--Eliz S Mrs h845 10th av S
--Homer A (Sarah S) h230 14th av S
--Jas R (Patricia A) USA r250 1/2 N 6th
--Jas R (Dorothy C) trnmn C&NW h318 6th av N
--Jeanette fountain wkr Kresges r541 10th av S
--Patricia A ofc wkr Clinton Corn Processing r146 N 5th
--Robt L (Shirley C) ofc mgr Pillsbury Mills h909 14th av S
--Robt T (Charlotte A) pharm Milo J John Co h377 22d pl
--Ronald E lab R C Bennett Box Co r RD 1 Camanche Ia
--Sarah S Mrs nurses aide Jane Lamb Mem Hosp h230 14th av S
--Virgil jr emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Ia
Fishwild Leslie L (Elma L) tchr Clinton Ind Sch Dist h509 4th av S
--Owen L emp Clinton Corn Processing r 509 4th av S
Fisk Altheia J clk W Atlee Burpee Co r315 1/2 N 2d
--Frank G (Lena) h315 1/2 N 2d
Fitch Alice Mrs r 244 3d av S
--Robt B (Marilyn R) slsmn Rod Fitch's Boat Mart h210 N 11th
FITCH RODNEY B9Ada C) (Rod Fitche's Boat Mart), 100 6th av N, Tel CHapel 2-6652 (Rod Fitch's Martin Morris Sports Dept), 229-31 5th av S, Tel CHapel 2-3305, h 1227 Pershing blvd, Tel CHapel 2-4850
FITCH'S ROD BOAT MART (Rodney B Fitch), Boats, Motor, Marine Hardware, Service, 100 6th av N, Tel CHapel 2-6652 (See Yellow Page)
FITCH'S ROD MARTIN MORRIS SPORTS DEPARTMENT (Rodney B Fitch), "It Pays to Play," 229-31 5th av S. Tel CHapel 2-3305 (See Yellow Page 59)
Fitzgerald Anna E (wid Frank) h707 11th av S
--Edw J (Emily M) formn C&NW h802 14th av S
--Jack W acct McGladrey Hansen Dunn & Co h519 1/2 5th av S
--Jane M tchr Longfellow Sch r425 1/2 4th av S
--Mae H Mrs waiter Machael's Coffee Shop h206 1/2 Main av
--Margt M nurse Warren H Foster h519 9th av S
--Tim J lab C&nw
Fitsimmons Laura (wid Jas) prsr Laundromat r420 11th av S
Fix-It-Shop (Dale E Flack) radio repr 1600 Camanche av
Flack Alvin E (Laura) h205 13th av S
--Chas E lubrication mn Clinton Corn Processing h230 1/2 13th av S
--Clifton formn Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Ia
--Dale E (Rosa S; Fix-It-Shop) h1600 Camanche Av
--Edw L (Loma M) lab Clinton Corn Processing h447 16th av S
--Harold L (Ruth E) bir opr Clinton Corn Processing h111 S 6th
--Jas C (Valeria R) millwright Clinton Corn Processing h227 12th av S
--Valeria emp Swifts r227 12th av S
Flanagan Michl J (Edna M) h407 1/2 2d av S
Flannery Ann r262 N Bluff blvd
--Jeanette mrs ofc sec V A Domiciliary r Fulton Ill
--Lois B Mrs recpt A H Amesbury h1850 Glendale rd apt 41
--Vernana kitch wkr Jane Lamb Mem Hosp r2216 N 6th
Flannigan Martin r561 5th av S
Flauher Robt S (lois K) mgr Rialto Theatre h519 17th av N
Fleming John H (Helen)h3400 McKinley
--Meda (wid Arley) r253 17th av N
Flemming Roland A slitting duPont r Sabula Ia
Flesch Jas (Phyllis M) mtcemn Curtis Co h546 18th av S
Flesner Otto F lab Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r Fulton Ill
Fletcher Chas J (Clara E) h515 1st av
--Chas W (Malinda) candy mixer Marcuccis h521 7th av N
--Mervin D r1806 Harrison dr
--Mervin L (Emily M) purch agt Curtis Co h1806 Harrison dr
Fletchic Patricia A waiter Civ (Circle) G Restr r Box 21 Camanche Ia
Flick Geo C (Dorthe J) eng slsmn Genl Elec h3503 Pershing blvd

Flikkema Geo D (B May) formn duPont h1707 N 7th
--Gerald N. (Hazelle L.) slsmn Earl Phelham Cheese Co. h 218 1/2 19th av N.
--Hazelle bkpr Earl Pelham Cheese Co. r 218 1/2 19th av N.
--Wm L. studt r 218 1/2 19th av N.
Flockhart Evelyn (wid David) h 409 8th av S.
Floerchinger Janet E sten Daviypak Inc r DeWitt Ia
Flood, Donald studt r300 5th av S.
--Donald D. driver Seven-Up Btlg Co r 2114 Liberty ave
--Gus r2220 Roosevelt
--Marvin A USAF r2114 Liberty Av
Florence Carl H. (Grace A) meat ctr A& P h716 4th av S
Florian Mamie F hlpr Lafayette Hotel h239 2d av S.
FLOWER SHOPPE THE (Dolly N Enright), "Flowers For All Occasions," 117 S 4th, Tel CHapel 2-2931
Flowers A. Leola (wid Armstrong) r 638 7th av S
Flynn Arth E (Mabel E) lab V & NW h235 4th av N
--Arth E jr (Lois M) mach opr Hill's Wood Products h549 4th av S
--Franklin emp Pillsbury Mills r Thomson Il (not Ia)
--Harry E prsmn Patent Novelity Co 718 S 8th
--John E (Ella C) blrmkr Clinton Corn Processing h220 25th Pl
--LaVerne J meter rdr Interstate Power r RFD 2 Fulton, Ill
--Leland V mach C & NW r235 4th av No
Flynn--Leonard J. (Angela M) driver Clinton Corn Processing h438 16th av S.
--Leonard J jr (Dolores D)carrier PO h240 3av N
--Myrl F (Florence E) condr C & NW h334 10th ave S.
Foged Charlotte M tchr h344 2d ac N
Fogel G. Paul ( Leona E: The Inn) h2441 Barker
Fogg, Leslie H (Patricia M) pipe ftr C & NW h633 10th av S.
--Mary M.(wid Arth) h3091/2 8th av S
--Sidney R (Gertrude E.) cabt mkr Curtis h3519 Cleveland
Foley Alyce L. Mrs ofc wkr duPont r810 S 12th
--Chas E (Rose M:Foley & Paulson Constn Co) h1030 College
--David B (Alyce L.) slitting opr duPont h810 S 12th
--Hazel K (wid Jas S.) h514 4th av S
--John S. (Irene) emp C & NW h2118 Garfield
--Michl J (Fern) h529 18th av S.
FOLEY & PAULSON CONSTRUCTION CO (Chas E Foley, Howard O Paulson), Earth Moving Contractors, Crane Service and Steel Erection. PO Box 495, Res Tel CHapel 2-9290 and CHapel 3-2641
--Raymond J (Mary C) formn Alcoa h610 Roosevelt
Folger Everett F (Freda L.) city editor Clinton Herald h248 1/2 N 6th
Folsom, Chris h2614 N 3d
Foodland (Glenn C Timmons) 93 Main av
Forbes Bertha Mrs r315 3d av N
--Donald W (Mable S) slsmn Nelson's Cashway Lbr Store h305 2d av S
--Donna J studt r305 2d av S
--Mable S Mrs bkpr W Atlee Burpee Co h305 2d av S
Ford Hopkins Drug Store Bob Noble mgr 224 5th av S
--Ward A (Daisie O) supvr duPont h610 N Bluff blvd
Forest Dale A (Eileen L) chiropractor 212 23 d av N h2303 Pershing blvd
--Dwight D slsmn Joyce Lbr h2709 N 4th
Forkins, Frank firemn C. & NW r1013 S 4th
Forney, Elmer F (Fern) h2456 Liberty Av
--Elmer F jr (Kathleene M) carmn C & NW h1610 S 3d
Forney, Emmett G (Mary J) mtcemn duPont h319 4th av N
Forrest Harry J.. (Eliz D) vet 2329 Garfield h81 1/2 Main av
Forsee Agnes M (wid Wm D) h421 10th av S
--Corinne M tchr Clinton Sr High Sch h7411/2 6th av S
--Wm L (Margt O) mtcemn duPont h722 10th av S
Forsyth Eliz B clk Pillsbury Mills r317 7th av S
Fort Geo B (Mary C) Lino opr Clinton Herald r FD l Long Grove, Ia
Foss, Maggie (wid Lars) h714 S 8th
Foster, Allan S USA r2536 Prospect
--Anna M slswn Penneys r244 28th av N
--Arth R (Lois A) prs opr Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r RD 2 Fulton Ill
--Betty J Mrs Walter Maid Rite h3051/2 S 2d
--& Carey (Warren H Foster Edw T Carey) MD's annex ofc 202 Wilson bldg
--Carol clk duPont h2314 1/2 N 2d
--Carol studt r 244 28th av N
--Carolyn M ofc wkr duPont r2314 N 2d
--Dennis (Helen) wtchmn Climas Engine & Pump Mfg Co r RD 2 Fulton Ill
--Donald, J. (Hazel N) driver Carstensen Frt Lines h 318 S 7th
--Dorcas H. Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment r RD 2 Fulton Ill
--Doris Mrs serv asst Tel Co r3031 Roosevelt
--Francis J. (Mary E) formn Climas Eng & Pump Mfg Co h3106 N 3d
--Frank J. (Meyme A) h3101 Roosevelt
--Geo carmn hlpr C & NW r Fulton Ill
--Geo F setup mn Collis Co h2519 Garfield
--Howard S (Helen C) servmn Baird Radio & TV h3103 Roosevelt
--Hubert W (Anna M) slsmn W A Sewell h244 28th av N
--Jas I (Emma R) custdn Presbyterian Ch h2442 Barker
--Joan M clk Climax Eng & Pump Mfg Co r3106 N 3d
--John W (Gertrude P) pipe coverer Armstrong Cork h433 7th av S
--Jos A (Elsie) kitchen wkr V A Domiciliary h 3206 Cleveland
--Loalis Mrs instr TelCo h 3027 Cleveland
--Mabel, tchr Clinton Sr HS r2442 Barker
--Mabel E (wid Robt E) h242 18th pl
--Marion M (wid Michl) h3112 Roosevelt
--Metta M (wid Fred) r2519 Garfield
--Millard A (Emma A) balancer Climax Eng & Pump Mfg h3109 Roosevelt
--Patricia waiter Grants r3106 N 3d
--R J h2715 Roosevelt
--Raymond J (Doris) servmn Baird Radio & TV h3031 Roosevelt
--Rich J (Lualis) bkbinder Clinton Book Bindery h3027 Cleveland
--Thos S (Hannah) mach opr Clinton Corn Processing h2536 Prospect
--Warren, H (Margt L.) MD 408 Wilson Bldg h1353 8th av S
--Willard A (Dagmar W) supvr duPont h806 4th av S
Foughty Otto C r1117 9th av S.
Fountain Lunch (Chas & Mrs Elsie Longschwag

--Carl E emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Ia
--Elsie M (wid Robt E) h1330 N 2d
Fowler, Celia nurse Jane Lamb Mem Hosp
Fox, Alf F. btlr M & S Btlg Co r DeWitt Ia
--Harold C slsmn Brock Wrecking r Mt Carroll Ill
--Jas E slitting duPont r DeWitt Ia
--John L bkpr Cunningham Nash r DeWitt Ia
--Rosalie M Mrs waiter Wagon Wheel h 1900 Glendale rd apt 12
--Wm G. (Theodora) prsmn Pinney Prntg r DeWitt, Ia
Foy Chas W (Lucille G; Foy Hatcheries) h321 19th av N
--Hatcheries (Chas W Foy) 321 19th av N
Frahm, Anna r 262 Pershing blvd
--Anna H h2804 Pershing blvd
--Elsie M gifts 1110 1/2 2d h do
--Harvey M r 414 19th av N
--John H hlpr Allied Structural Steel r 408 1/2 N 2d
--John P h257 12 av N
--Lester E (Nellie I) chem duPont h105 21st av N
--Marvinb J (Lavina A) h411 16th av N
--Minnie C (wid Detlef) h214 4th av N
--Minnie C h414 19th av N
--Nannett asst Robt B Norris r105 21st av N
--Nellie, I Mrs clk W Atlee Burpee Co r105 21 av N
--Shirley D sten Pillsbury Mills r105 21st av N
--Wm F (Valeta M) supvr duPont h279 22d av N
--Wm. J mtcemn C & N W h319 1/2 15th av S
--Wm K USN r279 22d av N
Frame, Eliz (wid Jas R) h204 20th av
--Jas R (Velma L.) buyer Clinton Corn Processing h521 1st av
--Robt E (Clara C) bus driver Clinton St Ry h212 20th av N
Frampton, Ethel M (wid Geo) hsekpr 607 2d av S r do
France Danl D (Bessie J) clk Lafayette Hotel h324 1/2 8th av S apt 3
Francescon Paul L. (Herta H) archt ofc 408 Weston bldg r Beaver Island
Francois Dora (wid Henry) hsekpr St Mary's Rectory r516 9th av S.
Frandsen Otto fcty wkr Curtis Co r2424 Garfield
--Soren (Fern C) linoleum layer Paaske Shops h82 19th av N
Frank, Erwin J (Florence B) plater Collis Co h1829 22 av S
--Ethel M (wid Clarence L.) h712 1/2 S 4th
--Harvey C chem duPont r DeWitt Ia
--Jack H emp Clinton Corn Processing r824 Roosevelt
--Jos B mtcemn Clinton Corn Processing h rear 235 5th av N
--Jos I jr fcty wkr Curtis Co r902 Roosevelt
--Nettie C Mrs pkr Swifts h902 Roosevelt
Frank's Standard Service (Frank Gillespie) 201 S 2d
Franklin Apartments 55 1/2 Main av
--School 1049 7th av S.
--Violet Mrs exec hsekpr Jane Lamb Hosp r612 S Bluff blvd
Franks, Chas W. (Imogene) tree trmr 30 21st av N h do
--Imogene Mrs grabber Dairypak Inc h30 21st av N
--Jack L. (Mildred B) lab Clinton Corn Processing h824 Roosevelt
--John h2382 Chancy
--John W r30 21st av N
--Marilyn waiter Porky's Inn r 21st N
Franscico Wayne r2030 Grant
Franzen, Donald D (Irene M) brklyr Ole Jorgensen & Sons Constn h637 12 av S
--Eug R lab r673 18th av S
--Francis J casting duPont r Camanche Ia
--Georgia D smstrs 323 6th av N h do
--Hugo C wtchmn Bennett Box h673 18th av S
--Irene J Mrs wireworker Collis Co r Camanche Ia
--Jas P (Mae) emp Pillsbury Mills h725 Isabella ct
--Marletta Mrs nurses aide St. Joseph Mercy Hosp r725 Isabella ct
Faternal Order of Eagles Ladies Auxiliary No 705 Mrs Augusta G Schafer pres 222 1/2 S 2d
FATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES WAPSIE AERIE NO 705, Herman Hansen Sec, 222 1/2 S 2d, Tel CHapel 2-1174
Frazier Donald H. (Harriet M) slitting duPont h1627 N 4th
--Marvin (Maxine) formn Climac Eng & Pump Mfg Co r Fulton Ill
--Robt L. (Eliz M) mach opr duPont h310 16th av S
Freda's Beauty Shop (Freda Schaefer) 138 3d av S
Frederick Earl H (Emma C) h224 13thav S
--Eug C (Joyce J) laby wkr duPont h236 14th av S
--Geo D (Nancy L) mach opr Collis Co r RD 3
--John A (Romona C) brklyr Ringland & Johnson h1804 23d av S
--Maynard E (Margery J) brklyr Ringland & Johnson Contr h237 13th av S
Fredericksen Alf S (Lois L) brkmn C & NW h400 21st Pl
--Esther V Mrs marker John D VanAllen & Son r1627 N 2d
--Kenneth lab Pillsbury Mills r Fulton Ill
--Lillian L (wid Wm) r335 1st av
Frederuckson, Willie H (Marian Z) pipeftr h649 5th av S
Frederick Phillip W (Patricia A) laby tech Clinton Corn Processing h500 10th av S
Fredricks Beatrice r2300 N 5th
Fredricksen, Arnols H (Dot L) sec-treas Clinton Mfg Co (Camanche, Ia) h1812 9th av S
--Emil K (Esther W) stmftr h1627 N 2d
--Esther W Mrs rec clk Van Allen r1627 N ed
--Sena G (wid Jens J) h232 N 6th
Freeland Bonnie H Mrs (Bonnie's Fabric & Sewing Center) h317 7th av N
--Mary L ofc sec County Atty r317 7th av N
--Robt D (Bonnie H; Bonnie's Fabric & Sewing Center) h317 7th av N
Freelove John L. USAF r631 1/2 12th ave S
--Michl S (Zola) ordnance eng Quad Cities h631 1/2 12th av S
--Zola clk Wards r631 1/2 12th av S
Freels Eug V (Mary C) h327 2d av N
--Eug V jr (Laura E) lab Curtis Co h327 1/2 2d av N
--Laura press opr Clinton Lndry & Clns r218 3d av S
Freeman, Effie E (wid G. H.) h1117 9th av S
Frehse Carl W (Nora) h408 S 6th
French Jennie B Mrs nurses aide St. Joseph Mercy Hosp h2221 N 5th
--John W (Jennie B) chf eng Clinton Mfg h2221 N 5th
Frerichs Carl B (Darlene L.) crane opr Allied Structual Steel h719 16th av N
--Darlene bkpr Bond-Walgreen Drug r719 16th av N
--Jule G (Grace I) utilityman Clinton Independent Schools h921 4th av S
--Meta C asst purch agt Eclipse Lbr Co h547 1/2 6th av S
Frett Aug J (Verconia) carp Curtis Co h2617 Pershing blvd
--Joan ofc wkr Curtis Co r2617 Pershing blvd
--Jos J (Bernadette) carp Ole Jorgensen & Sons Constn h417 1/2 2d av S
--Joyce C Mrs clk Climas Engine & Pump h840 1/2 11th av S
--Robt B lab C & NW Ry
--Vincent N (Margt M) carrier PO h911 S 5th
Freudenberg Marvin B (Shirley) slitter duPont h1531 Fairway dr
--Norbert J (Alice M) laby wkr duPont h1034 Grandview dr
Freund Constance h2720 N 2d
--Omer S (Dorothy M) slitter duPont h629 6th av S
Frey Anna M (wid Wm) r823 15th av S
Freyer Fred T (Delilah B) fctywkr Clinton Corn Processing h1630 N 6th
--Herbert J (Patricia A.) pkr Clinton Corn Processing h1716 Garfield
--Jack W r1630 N 6th
--Joan D kitcchen hlpr Chuck's Sandwich Shop r262 17th av N
--LaVerne F fctywkr Curtis Co r1639 N 6th
--Rich L. (Carol) emp Collis Co h116 1/2 S 2d
Friederichsen Alwine C (wid Ray) h116 1/2 S 2d
--Ray A (Nellie M) mach Maquoketa Co h427 2d av S
Friedrichs Elsie M h2408 Pershing blvd
Friedrichsen, Earnest F (Kath M) h425 N Bluff blvd
--Frank O (Ella H) h516 S 9th
--Ludwig C (Rose) mach Central Steel h220 7th av S
--Peter F W (Rose; Pete's Plmb & Heating) h1511 Pershing blvd
Fries see also Friis
--Alice Mrs bkpr Monkton Mtr Sls r2451 S 14th
--Harry plstr r301 1/2 S 2d
--Henry J (Darline A) detective sergt Police Dept h1009 2d av S
--Henry J jr (Alice I) meat ctr VA Domicilliary h2451 S 14th
Friis Dorothy Mrs waiter Grants h400 1/2 S 2d
--Eug L (Bertha F) driver Car Carrier h96 25th av N
--Hans K (Kath A) mldr Ia Mach Wks & Fdry h1809 Roosevelt
--Harold (Lura A) mtcemn duPont h269 19th ave N
--Harry M (Ruth S) brklyr h220 21st pl
--Margt I (wid Chris F) h2811 N 3d
--Robt A USN r2811 N 3d
--Russell R (Phyllis J) mach appr Clinton Corn Processing h304 23d av N
Frimoth Elmer R (Stella S; Sanitary Butter Co) h341 Thorwaldsen pl
Fritschel Margarete E (Christian Book Store) h905 S 5th
Fritzgerald Jane tchr Longfellow Sch r425 1/2 4th av S
Fritzsche Paul A r1417 Pershing blvd
Frizzell Floyd W (Lucille) whsemn Wards h408 23d av N--John O r2117 N 2d
--Merle L (Lois) aud Swift Co h2117 N 2d
Froeschle Florence E (wid Chas) h2533 Camanche av
--Shirley sten duPont r2533 Camanche av
Frohm John lab Clinton Bridge Wks r408 1/2 N 2d
Fromang Elmer C (Cora) asmblr Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h706 1st av
--Geo H (Petrea M) pipeftr Clinton Corn Processing h639 Locust pl
Frommelt Sylvan J exec v-pres Clinton Awning Co r Dubuque Ia
Frondle, Arth C servmn duPont r756 11th av S
--David T ( Mary E) partsmn Machael Oil h rear 1601 2d av S
-- Ethel I (wid Frank) h756 11th av S
--John A (Shirley M) hlpr Allied Structural Steel h74 1/2 Main av
Frontier Motel (Irvin L & Mrs Virginia R Baker) 2300 Hwy 30
Frost, Arleigh M (wid Alan O) h1930 Pershing blvd
Fry M Louise (wid Ellwood R) h210 N 5th
--Paul collr Iowa State h1214 1/2 N 2d
Frye Arth J (LaVerne L) mach opr Collis Co r35 Mt Pleasant Park
--Felix E (Majorie A) servmn Creglow's h1313 15th av S
--John driver Yellow Cab r Mt Pleasant Pk
--John A (Alma) h35 Mt Pleasant Pk
--Marjorie A Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h1313 15th av S
Fryer, Lloyd r1928 Garfield
Fryslie Florence E Mrs supvr VA Domiciliary h3702 N 3d
--Kenneth (Florence E) emp Alcoa h3702 N 3d
Fuchssteiner Walter R (Laura) acct Carstensen Frt Lines h407 Myra pl
Fuess Geo F (|Clara) electrn C & NW Ry h3512 Roosevelt
Fugate Gelea J r1339 Camanche av
--Hazel R (wid Wayne L) collr mgr Coml Serv h1339 1/2 Camanche av
--Howard D (Ann M) casting duPont h2340 Barker
--Wm W (Esther) telg opr C & NW Ry h1505 25th av S
Fuhr Walter E (Miriam J) eng C M & St P P Ry h411 S 6th
Fuhrmann Fred M (Mary C) capt Fire Dept h824 12th av S
--Frieda Mrs cafeteria wkr Clinton High Sch h811 Melrose ct
--Mary E Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h834 12th av S
--Walter (Doris E) formn Schaffer Shops h2306 N 12th
Fuidge Jas R (Verta V) ofc wkr Clinton Corn Processing h1212 2d av S
Fullan John A (Audrey) plant mgr Standoil h754 1/2 9th av S
--Clyde E (Norma L) slitter duPont h628 2d av S
Fuller, Dave atndt Mel's Gulf Serv r523 16th av S

-- (wid A J) r 1230 Pershing blvd
--Merlin D electn C & NW Ry
--Norma L Mrs bobbin winder Clinton Wire Cloth h628 2d av S
--Robt G (Audrey A) carp Earl H McCune h346 3d av N
--Robt M (Fay A) mtce,m dupont h523 16th av S.
--Ruth E nurse Jane Lamb Mem Hosp r715 6th av S
--Vern M (Clara M) rep Bates Steel Corp h715 6th av s
--Verna P Mrs nurse Jane Lamb Mem Hosp h1103 4th av N
--Walter r441 4th av S
--Wm J (Maude B) h1306 S 9th
Fullerton Andrew T (Alice M) trnmn C & NW Ry h514 Kenilworth ct
--Ernest E firemn VA Domiciliary r2429 Garfield
--Jas D (Mae E) trnmn C & N W Ry h809 9th av S
Fullick Agnes M Mrs wire wkr Collis Co h914 Lincoln blvd
--Fred L hlpr Dairypak Inc h1318 S 17th
--Fred W r1318 S 17th
--Harvey L (Agnes M) mach opr Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h914 Lincoln blvd
--Joyce bkpr Bob Scott Htg r Camanche Ia
--Malcom E (Frances) prsmn Dairypak Inc h1318 S 17th
--Raymond E laby tech Clinton Cron Processing r Camanche Ia
Fulrath Clarence M (Philaura H) h1713 N 2d
Fulton Addie L Mrs (Town Talk Prntrs & Publ) h1047 Grandview dr
--John E studt r1121 Camanche av
--Mary E (wid Jas) r1121 Camanche av
00Robt (Alice) lab Clinton Corn Processing h1153 1/2 Camanche av
--Robt F (Patricia M) mgr Town Talk Prntrs & Publs h1116 13th av S
--Robt J (Marion C) carmn hlpr C & NW h1121 Camanche av
--Virginia E (wid Wm F) h406 21st pl
Fun Fashions (Peter N Garfield) womens clo 225 b 5th av S
Funnell Alf L (Valeria B) lab Clinton Corn Processing h926 13th av S
--Alf S h327 19th pl
--Chas E (Della M) lab Clinton Corn Processing h304 18th pl
--Earl W (Gertrude L) h718 1st av
Furbos Maud A h773 13th av S
Furlough Jerry L (Rose; Depot Lunch & News) h320 15th av S
--Rose Mrs (Depot Lunch & News) h320 15th av S