1956 Clinton Directory:  Surnames B

B & J Grocery (Benj F and Mrs Joan E McChurch) 2401 Camanche av
Baade Anna H (wid H C) h551 4th av S
Baasch Georgianna tchr Lou Moor Sch r646 1/2 4th av S
--OttoJ (Helma 5) h1520 Lazy Ia
--Pauline L tchr Horace Mann Sch h646 1/2 4th av S
Babcock Christine M (wid John) h2730 Pershing blvd
--Harry A (Alice A; Paddy Babcock's Serv Sta) 11602 Main av
--MaxineD (wid JasE) h517 3d avS
BABCOCK'S PADDY SERVICE STATION (Harry A Babcock), Carburetors and Tune Up,
Wheel Balancing, General Overhauling, 731 N 2d, Tel CHapel 2-3852
Bach Arth N (Edna; Geo Hardersen Ca) h124 1/2 5th av S
--Carl E (Eleanor E; Carl E Bach Real Estate & Ins) h1117 8th av S
--Carl E Insurance (Carl E Bach) 117 Main av
--Carl E Real Estate (Carl E Bach) 117 Main av
--Chas (Nyula) emp Clinton Corn Processing h1535 27th av S
--Clarence C (Florence M; Bach's Men's Clothing) h126 1/2 5th av S
--Claude W (Helen A) ydmn C&NW h138 1/2 3d av S
--Dorothy F (wid Lawrence J) nurse W H Griffith h529 Kenilworth Ct
--Edna Mrs supvr Clinton Garment h124 1/2 5th av S
--Florence M Mrs (Ritz Millinery) h126 1/2 5th av S
--Helen A Mrs prs apr Clinton Lndry & Clns h138 1/2 3d av S
--John J (Thelma L) asst storekpr duPont h722 Isabella Ct
--Merrill S (Belnia B) trnmstr C&NW h146 N 5th
BACH'S MEN'S CLOTHING (Clarence C Bach), A Complete
Line Of Men's Clothing, "Quality At A Price You Can Afford," 126 5th av S.
Tel CHapel 2-6316 (See Yellow Page 14)
Bachelder Earle B USAF r637 Locust p1
BACHELDER ELSIE D MRS, Travel Counselor Motor Club of Iowa, 1531 N 2d, Tel
CHapel 2-1632, h637 Locust p1, Tel CHapel 3-1200
--Fred T (Elsie D) p1mb 637 Locust pl h do
--Geo W pilot Clinton Municipal Airport r637 Locust p1
--Marie M Mrs h221 1/2 3d av S
Bachman Mabel Mrs bkpr Clinton Ice & Fuel h318 Thorwaldsen pl
--Ray L (Beverly A; McGladrey Hansen Dunn & Co) h373 19th p1
--.Rlchd H (Lois E) prntr Clinton Herald b334 Myra p1
--V D (Mabel) insp Climax Eng & Pump Mfg h318 Thorwaldsefl pl
Backbaugh Clinton mgr Omar Bakery r Decatur Ia
Backer Peter J (Elise H; Backer & Wagner) h1306 Pershing
--& Wagner(Peter Backer Jos Wagner) elec appliances 131 5th av S
Bacon Orland mech Carstensen Frt Lines r Box 86 Camanche Iowa
Bader Alvin H (Dorothy L) trucker Allied Structural Steel 11 648 1/2 5th av S
--Ervin H (Loretta) driller Allied Structural Steel h1007 Briar Cliff Ia
Badrick Frank W h1122 N 2d
--Hobart W (Oath M) asst forum Clinton Corn processing h727 N 4th
Badtke Max C (Elsie E) h1707 Pershing blvd
Babnsen Chris J (Frances A) yd clk C&NW h2300 Prospect
--E Mae (wid Chris) nurses aide St Joseph's Mercy Hosp h2309 Dunham
--Elaine M ofc wkr Clinton Corn Processing r2344 N 7th
--Fred A (Lucille K) pipe ftr Clinton Corn Processing h2352 N 6th.
--Geo C (Celia M) h246 2d av S
--Glenn R emp Alcoa h1544 27th av S
--Jacob C (Margt M) h1013 8th av S
--Janice M clk Curtis Co r2344 N 7th.
--Kathryn J typ Savanna Ord r2352 N 6th
--Lulu (wid John) h1210 Camanche av apt 1
--Paul H (Alvena J) asst city street comnr h2344 N 7th
--Paul W atndt Earl's Shell Serv r2344 N 7th
--Pauline slswn John D VanAllen & Son r317 7th av S
--Sophia M (wid Chris) h2715 N 3d
Bahr Margueritha (wid Chris) h339 1st av
Bailey Alma 0 Mrs emp Clinton Garment r Fulton Ills
--Arth W (Lucille H) mach opr Curtis Co h3115 N 3d
--Bertha G (wid A R) mach opr Curtis Co h901 22d av N
--Bessie (wid Earl A) h210 2d av N
--Chas driver Thos Oakes rl547 13th av S
--Delores studt r2907 Garfield
--Donald I r601 Kenilworth ct
--Donna H Mrs h2309 N 9th
--Donna L bkpr Barkan's r2907 Garfield
--Eug P constn wkr r901 22d av N
--Florence A (wid David A) gro 440 16th av S h442 16th av S
--Frank M h601 Kenilworth ct
--Gerald P insp Climax Eng & Pump Mfg r1808 Roosevelt
--Glenn A (Irene P) formn Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h 1808 Roosevelt
--Harry R (Thelma R) pipe ftr Clinton Corn Processing h 2002 N 10th
--J Lee (Donna) emp Alcoa h2619 1/2 N 4th
--Jas A (Sadie M) h207 S 4th
--Jas L (Eliz C; Clinton Radio & TV Serv) h1830 N 5th
--LeRoy M (Joyce M) constn wkr American Bridge h1811 1/2 Pershing blvd
--Lucille H Mrs sten Pillsbury Mills h3115 N 3d
--Mary S (wid Herbert) h1122 S 5th
--Maxine A Mrs supvr Clinton Garment r RD 2 Fulton Ill
--Merrill T lab r901 22d av N
--Rich r300 5th av S
--Thelma R fctywkr Curtis Co r2002 N 14th
--Vernis S (Lillian A) firemn Clinton Water Wks h414 16th av S
--Wm W (Grace L) lab Swlfts h1547 13th av S
--Wm W jr lab Clinton Drive-In r1547 13th av S
Bain Cecil M ydmn C&NW h312 1/2 N 4th
Balr Nona I (wid Chas M) h1200 N 2d
BAIRD NEWTON J (Cressa M) (Baird Radio & TV), 801 2d av S, Tel CHapel 2-0911,
h801 2d av S, Tel CHapel 2-0911
BAIRD RADIO & TV (Newton 3 Baird), Radio, TV, Hi-Fl, Record Players, Public
Address Systems by RCA Victor, 801 2d av S, Tel CHapel 2-0911 (See Yellow
Page 59)
Baker Albert V driver Savannah Ordnance r2529 N 4th
--Anna K tcbr Washington Jr HS r1311 Caroline
--Bernard (May) mtcemn City Bridge Comn r510 7th av
--Bernard porter Wards r Fulton Ill
--Carl V (Frances E) chauf VA Domiciliary h2511 N 4th
--Carye G Mrs supvr W Atlee Burpee Co r848 11th av S
--Cecilia M Mrs ofc sec Federal Discount r600 N 4th
--Clyde E (Ellen M) clk Ia Liquor Store No 25 h417 5th av S apt 3A
--Dale D (Dorothy L) millwright Clinton Corn Processing h 3313 Garfield
--Dorothy C Mrs clk Climax Engine & Pinup Mt g r2344 Camanche av
--Earl C (Minnie C) h311 1/2 N 4th
--Edw W (Margt F) lab Clinton Corn Processing h2422 N 2d
--Elaine nurses aide Jane Lamb Mem Hosp r638 S Bluff
--Ella M (wid Clyde) h2529 N 4th
--Frances E Mrs supvr VA Domicillary h2511 N 4th
--(Geo E (Carye G) dry cm Clinton Lndry & Dry Gins h848 11th av S
--Gilbert L (Jenis M) mgr Botsock Beverage h2553 Camanche av
--Harry C (Vivian H) jan Washington Jr Hi Sch h433 7th av N
--Harry W fctywkr Curtis Co r719 S 6th
--Ida M (wid Jason R) b525 10th av S
--Irvin L (Virginia R) with Frontier Motel h2300 Hwy 30
--Jake emp Pillsbury Mills r Thomson Ill
--Jas E (Dorothy C) hlpr Dairypak Inc h2344 Cainanche av
--Jeanne clk Wards r Fulton Ill
--Loren L (Velda M) h1415 1/2 N 2d
--Marjorie A slswn Lyons Drug r2422 N 2d
--Marvin E (Shirley E) chem hlpr duPont h2920 Garfield
--Mary A (wid Matt H) clk VanAllens h531 1/2 4th av S
--Phyllis E studt r2422 N 2d
--Ralph P (Maye E; Ralph P Baker & Son) h2109 N 2d
--Ralph P jr (Peggy T; Ralph P Baker & Son) h218 S 11th
BAKER RALPH P & SON (Ralph P and Ralph P Jr), Real Estate and Insurance, 1319
N 2d, Tel CHapel 2-8444
--Raymond C ship dept wkr duPont r241 N Bluff blvd
--Robt D (Barbara) eng duPont h Woodlands
--Robt E (Judith A) USA r224 14th av S
--Robt L (Mildred L) driver Veteran Cab h224 14th av S
--Ross M (Clinton Cycle Shop) r656 7th av S
--Sarah M Mrs h231 N Bluff blvd
--Sheila ofc sec Federal Discount r600 N 4th
--Thelma E bkr Kresges r2529 N 4th
--Virginia R Mrs (Frontier Motel) h2300 Hwy 30
--Wm (Bill's Television Serv) r Thomson Ill
--Wm E refining dept wkr Clinton Corn Processing r241 N Bluff blvd
--Winifred I (wid Wm C) h241 N Bluff blvd
Baldwin David S (Ellz L) p1mb Geo Hardersen Co h600 1/2 S 1st apt 2
--Eva r262 N Bluff blvd
--Franklin A (Erina M) carrier P0 h2023 S Bluff blvd
--(leo A (Alma) plant wkr Clinton Corn Processing h1448 Prospect av
--Harry S (Helen S) h543 16th av
--Ralph D (Minda A) h2025 S Bluff blvd
--Sherman (Vera L) cement fnshr Greenleaf Constn Co h 1527 Fairway dr
--Vera L Mrs cafeteria duPont h1527 Fairway dr
Bales Barber Shop Alf A Earhart mgr 407 S 2d
--Earl 0 h66 26th av N
--Monte r2220 Roosevelt
Balk Clara slswn Grants r Fulton Ill
--Kenneth E appr C&NWRy r Fulton Ill
Ball Eleanor Mrs tchr Longfellow Sch r706 12th av S
--Harold W (Rose A) servmn Clinton Typewriter h306 1/2 N 2d
--Jos T (Ella A) lab C&NWRy h210 N 3d
--Robt J (Joyce) emp Savanna Ordnance h1631 1/2 N 4th
Ralle Nels C (Fern E) estimater Collis Co 1h412 4th av N
Balster John D (Reka H) lab Clinton Corn Processing h818 11th av S
--John H (Johanna P) chem duPont h1821 8th av S
--Merle R (Agnes T) door dept Curtis Co h134 3d av S
--Robt W (Betty L) slsmn F W Means & Co h1419 Grand-view dr
Balz Sylvia P lab R C Bennett Box Co r Savannah Ill
Bancroft Bernadine C Mrs cook duPont h554 19th av S
Bandy Don L (Grace M) setup mn Clinton Wire Cloth h321 8th av S
--(leo H (Nancy L) slsmn Brown & Bigelow h1416 Grand view dr
--Mary L Mrs h820 1/2 S 4th
--Nancy L clk Interstate Power r1416 Grandview dr
Banker Betty Mrs dept mgr A&P r421 N 5th
--C Arnold clk Curtis Co r823 7th av S
--Clarence A (Edna L) glazer Curtis Co h823 7th av S
--John M (Agnes C) h511 9th av S
--John M Jr (Eleanor C) home consultant Eclipse Lbr h728 Argyle Ct
--John M III (JoAnn) pntr-dec 1418 S 12th h do
--Ray J grinder Curtis Co r823 7th av S
Banks Howard hsemn Lafayette Hotel r444 11th av S
--Howard D mgr Seven States Oil Co r220 1st av
--John G (Doris) eng duPont h414 N 13th
Bannister Ruth 0 bkpr Clinton Federal Say & Loan Assn h334 1/2 3d av S
Banse Robt L (Helen L) mach opr duPont h3512 N 2d
Baptist Lester K (Jean E) mgr Smith Oil Co r Fulton Ill
Barajas Arturo M (Amparo) weigher Clinton Corn Processing h2605 Cleveland
Barbara's Bakery (Chas and Mrs Dorothy Dolch) 224 6th av S
Barber Earl G wtchmn Clinton Corn Processing h915~ S 5th
--Elsie Mrs drsn2kr 617 1/2 S 2d h do
--Tracie F (wid Wash H) h672 18th av S
--Wm E (Harriet M) civ eng Modjeski & Masters h647 18th av S
Bardwell Maud E (wid W H) mus tchr 830 6th av S 11 do
Baresh Anton F (Eva M) glazer Curtis Co h747 6th av S
Bargholtz Lillian S clk County Treasurer r234 22d p1
--Wm J (Ann) h234 22d p1
Barhite Dean E (Marilyn J) litho K&T Litho Press h2518 N 2d
Barholz Geo T (Violet V) pkr Collis Co h2003 Garfield
Bark Corlus J (Bernice E) prntr Clinton Herald h3013 Roosevelt
--Duane W (Adeline) lab Climax Engine & Pump Mfg Co r Sabula Ia
--Frank h1420 S 3d
--lone r311 8th av S
--Richd E lab Clinton Carl Processing h242 35th av N
Barkalow Brothers Co Margt E Spears hostess newspapers 603 S 2d
Barkan Herman I genl mgr Barkan'S r Rock Island Ia
BARKAN'S, Herman I Barkan General Manager, Clothing for Men, Women and
Children, 235 5th av S, Tel CHapel 2-6554
Barker John E (Marian M) slsmn Sanitary Farm Dairies h 2500 Liberty av
--Melvin E jan Grand Hotel r do
Barkhurst Chas L (Christine D) b633 Locust p1
-John J jan Country Club h411 Locust p1
Barnard Margt R studt r616 N Bluff blvd
--T Harvey (Rose Z) food technologist Clinton Corn Processing h616 N Bluff
Barnell Bettie J Mrs sten J Q Jefferies & Co h715 16th av N
--Win J (Bettie J) slsmn Wards h715 16th av N
Barnes Dean S (Jeanette H) coating duPont h806 11th av S
--Jeanette H Mrs cafeteria duPont h806 11th av S
--John W (LaVonne J) driver Borbeck Lbr & Fuel Co h110 N 4th
BARNES MARK E (Virginia L), Aetna Life Insurance Go, 218 Hawes Bldg 419 S 2d,
Tel CHapel 2-3736, h714 1/2
Argyle ct
BARNES ORVIL W "BARNEY" (Maxine W), Insurance and Real Estate, 102 Weston
Bldg 523 S 2d, Tel CHapel 2-5335, h518 4th av S, Tel CHapel 2-3462
--Virginia L Mrs sec Pillsbury Mills h714 1/2 Argyle ct
--w Edw (Florence M) carp h2617 N 4th
Barney's Tavern (Barney L Hurlburt) 242 Main av
Barnhart Fred (Bertha A) driver h2124 McKinley
--Lyle H (Barbara R) sec Fidelity Life Assn h817 23d av N
Barnicle Mayme M (wid Ed H) h813 9th av S
Barrent Milton E (Vivian M) MD 208 Tucker bldg h214 Lawrence
Barrett Alice M Mrs supvr Clinton Garment h916 1/2 S 4th
--Bessie W (wid Chas I) of c sec Fidelity Life Ins Assn h1015 23d av N
--Carla C (wid Edmund W) slswn Greenfield's h119 Fayette
--Chas I jr r1015 23d av N
--Dan J (Alice M) bartndr Virtus P Hansen h916 1/2 S 4th
--Gene W (Gladys I) meat ctr Foodland h2338 N 3d
Barrette Francis T (Dolores E) cable splicer TelCo h68 20th avN
Barron Etta (wid Henry C) h437 9th av S
Barrows Orville emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Iowa
Barry Frank J pntr r219 3d av N
--Frank J Rev h2718 Pershing blvd
--Jos V (Margt Y) clk C&NW h909 S 6th
--Lorraine Mrs waiter Lyons Drug h309 1/2 10th av N
--Norbert (Lorraine) driver Interstate Power h309 1/2 10th av N
Barsema Frank lab Ringland-Johnson Constn r Fulton Ill
--Herman (Marion L) hlpr duPont h518 N 4th
--Marilyn W Mrs of C clk Sanitary Farm Dairies h559 1/2 7th av S
--Vernon E (Marilyn W; Vein's Standard Serv) h559 1/2 7th av S
Barstow Margt L tech Stewart's Medical Laby r737 5th av S
Bart's Television (Elnao V Bartlett) repr 404 N 2d
Barteau Clark (Mildred A) asst mgr Lyons Lbr h424 11th av S
Bartch Minnie (wid Fred) r1107 11th av S
Bartchen Walter W firemn C&NW r1518 Camanche av
Bartell Mary N (wid Floyd) clk Barkalow Bros h249 19th p1
Bartels Auto Repairing (Herman R and Herbert O Bartels) l2l N 4th
--Francis R (Janet R) mtcemn duPont h96 28th av N
--Francis W (Agnes P) supvr duPont h605 N 13th
--Fern opr TelCo r3 17 7th av S
--Harlan hlpr Allied Structural Steel r RD 1 Bryant Iowa
--Herbert O (Elva M; Bartels Auto Repairing) h2347 Chancy
--Herman R (Bartels Auto Repairing) h121 1/2 N 4th
--John L (Berniece A) lab Clinton Corn Processing h1807 N 3d
--Joyce K dental asst Martin C Hurley r1807 N 3d
--Ralph lab h45 Main av
Bartlett Elmo V (Bart's TV) r844 5th av S
--Glenn slsmn Wards r Fulton Ill
--Martha C (wid Chas) h2459 Camanche av
--Nancy Mrs r912 14th av S
Bartlow Juletta Mrs h110 21st pl
Bartsch Fred (Minnie) lab h1550 1/2 Camanche av
Bartz Adam A (Emma M) widr ColIis Co h407 15th av S
--Emma M Mrs mach apr Clinton Garment 1h407 15th av S
Basarich Ann Mrs supvr Swifts h2382 Barker
--Danl (Mary) h679 18th av S
--Eli r679 18th av S
--Isaac X grinder Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r679 18th av S
--Jennie M Mrs cook Ted's Car-A-Teria h517 6th av N
--Nick insp C&NWRy r679 18th av S
--Robt 3 (Jennie M) drill press opr International Harvester h517 6th av N
Bass Francis Rev asst pastor St Mary's Church r516 9th av S
Bassler Faustina M (wid Louis) nurse duPont h2918 N 2d
--Vincent J (Bassler's Shoe Shop) r Fulton Ill
Bassler's Shoe Shop (Vincent J Bassler) repr 110 S 2d
Basta Nolan (Clara) USAF h318 18th p1
Bates Harold F (Mazel M) mech Cunningham Nash h1504 S 3d
--Hazel M Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h1504 S 3d
--Minnie E (wid Chester A) h110 S 10th
--Norma E Mrs clk Paaske Shops h2353 N 5th
--Robt J fcty Curtis Co r427 1/2 13th av S
--Wm L (Viola M) lab C&NWRy h427 1/2 13th av S
--Wm P car washer Clinton Lincoln-Mercury r1504 S 3d
--Willis A (Norma E) opr Clinton Corn Processing h2353 N 5th
Bathalter Joesphine E tchr Lyons Jr Hi Sch h112 1/2 N 2d
BATHER ANDREW FLORIST INC, Ralph 3 Bather Pres, Mrs Jeanette D Potter Sec,
Ewart D Potter Treas-Mgr, Retail and Wholesale Florists "Since 1865," 935
13th av N, Tel CHapel 2-2603 (See Yellow Page 23)
--Arth H (Gleyn C) h1302 Camanche av
--Edith h735 13th av S
--Ernest (Mary E) h719 14th av S
--Gertrude T (wid C R) h1208 Pershing blvd
--Ralph J pres Andrew Bather Florists Inc h735 13th av S
Baty Arlie J emp Clinton Corn Processing r Low Moor Iowa
--Arlie L (Doris L) servmn duPont h928 5th av N
--Carl V (Carolyn J; Baty's Skelly Serv) h423 6th av S
--Carolyn J Mrs opr Clinton Corn Processing h423 6th av S
BATY'S SKELLY SERVICE (Carl V Baty), Nation Wide Trailer Rental, One Way and
Locals, Tarps and Hitches Furnished, We Give S&H Green Stamps, 1 Block West
of Gateway Bridge on Hwy 30 338 8th av 5, Tel CHapel 2-9755
Bauer Arnold H (Helen K) carp Clinton Corn Processing h3522 N 3d
--Hedwig smstrs St Joseph Mercy Hosp r447 2d av S
Baugh Brenton A (Janet B) of c mgr C E Armstrong h837 7th av S
--C Gary (Helen L) fcty Curtis Co h232 1/2 12th av S
--Chas J (Margt C) emp Clinton Corn Processing h618 7th av S apt 2
Baughnian Beverly 3 studt r2613 Cleveland
--Floyd sht intl wkr H A Shaw & Son r RD 3
--Herbert F cupola charger Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r RD 3
--w Eug (Florence L) sewer clnr 2613 Cleveland h do
Baum Eliz Beauty Shop (Mrs Sigma E Schlarbaum) 1720 N 2d
Baumeister David J (Joan) emp Curtis Co h2120 Garfield
--Francis D (Gertrude W) h1011 Pershing blvd
oan Mrs nurses aide St Joseph Mercy Hasp h2120 Garfield
Baumgart Edith E (wid Henry G) h838 12th av S
Baumhover Jas C (Sadie D) h814 S 3d
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co Richd Bertram mgr 203 WIlson bldg
Beach Doris ofc sec YWCA r Albany Ill
--Jas L (Vivian V) fornm Western Weighing & Insp Bur h434 1/2 llth av S
Beaird J B Co Inc Arth H Brown dist sls mgr Manufacturing Meadows
Beal Edwin S (Jean M) pres Collis Co h Oakhurst
--Ralph W (Blanche M) mgr Clinton Pub Golf Links h2b Oakhurst apts
Bealer Ralph E (Lucille) slitter duPont h2114 Garfield
Beall Hazel 3 (Laundroinat) h701 N 2d
--T Maynard lab Pillsbury Mills r1320 Main av
--Vee L treas Clinton Paper Co r Akron Ohio
Bean Lewis C (Marion K) chf clk C&NWRy h805 N 3d
Beans Louis A casting duPont r Camanche Iowa
Bearbower Allan B (Florence M) sismn Peter Pan h2919 Meadowbrook dr
--Allan B Jr studt r2919 Meadowbrook dr
Beard Mary nurse Maryelda Rockwell r414 Ruth p1
--Raymond G (C Mary) eng duPont h414 Ruth p1
Beardslee Arth h217 8th av N
--Chas S (Sarah F) h415 8d av N
--Harry W (Bonnie's Scenic Tavern) h2116 Harrison dr
--Ray W emp Clinton Corn Processing r327 1/2 10th av S
--Sarah F Mrs (Fannette Beauty Shoppe) h415 2d av N
--Allan B Jr studt r2919 Meadowbrook dr
--Carl F (Mildred M) asst fornin Clinton Corn Processing h436 2d av N
--Jos E emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Iowa
--Loretta M hlpr Gateway Inn r436 2d av N
--Mildred M Mrs waiter Gateway Inn h436 2d av N
Beatty Sylvester C (Fannie R) slsmn Boegel's Men's Wear h823 14th av S
Beaumont Corn E (wid Chas E) h739 13th av S
Beauty Nook (Ruby Kruse) 806 S 4th
Beaver Gerald V (Shirley) lab State Hwy h803 1/2 13th av S
--Jas W (Evelyn M) USA h818 1/2 3d av S
--Shirley Mrs mach apr Clinton Garment h803 1/2 13th av S
Bebensee Edw R studt r242 16th p1
--Fred C (Frances B) lab Clinton Corn Processing h242 16th p1
--Jas F studt r242 16th p1
--Robt E (Lorraine G) driver Schneider Produce h2326 Garfield
Beck Frank W r544 7th av S
--Richd C (Lillian M) eng C&NWRy h254 19th P1
Becker Carl (Mabel G) cabtmkr h231 7th av S
--Edna M (wid C R; Cllnton Dental Ca) h700 4th av S
--Lois S (wid Carl G) nurse Richd 0 Emmons h431 1/2 6th av S
--R Margt M studt r2602 N 3d
--Robt C driver Roehl-Phillips Furn r431 6th av S
--Seed Co (Win A Becker) seed ret 250 Main av
--Wm A (Stasia R; Becker Seed Ca) h2602 N 3d
Beckwith Dwight E (Shirley J) slsmn Ever Lite Awning Co h423 3d av S
Bedeger Lloyd H (Loess J) driver Carstensen Transfer h354 23d pl
--Wm E (Clara P) wire wkr Coils Co r422 2d av N
Beecher Margt J (wid Harold) cook Elks Club h537 4th av S
--Marion C wldlr C&NWRy h901 N 2d
--Robt F insp Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r537 4th av S
Beeck Alma D Mrs slswn John D VanAllen & Son h1122 N 3d
--Vertus H (Alma D) supvr Curtis Co h1122 N 3d
Beedle Clyde E (Muriel M) slsmn Fallbrush Co h426 1st av
--Muriel M Mrs nurse Jane Lamb Mem Hosp h426 1st av
Beelendorf Frank r423 10th av S
Beer Ida M (wid Henry) h738 4th av S
--Leota F nurse 1506 N 2d h do
--Margt r436 2d av S
--Sadie (wid Michl) h436 2d av S
Beery Hulls E (Ann B) dept mgr Clinton Corn Processing h100 N 10th
Beets Marilyn C Mrs sten duPont h2353 N 8th
Beez-Mousel Dress & Hat Shop (LeRoy J and Mrs Bernadette Mousel) 2319 N 2d
Bege Otto L emp C&NWRy r731 11th av S
Behan Nellie I r249 20th p1
Behlke Arth J (Marie) eng C&NWRy h735 12th av S
Behr Chas C (Vivian L) mfrs agt 1368 Harrison dr h do
--Chas D (Phyllis J) pilot Dairy Pak h646 1/2 8th av S
--Detlef C (Dorothea A) h700 13th av S
--Edw D (Mildred G; Automatic Vending Co) h1360 Harrison dr
--Robt E (Claire E) h320 5th av S
Behrend Forrest L (Lois M) mtce Allied Structural Steel h 802 12th av S
--Jerrold A (Ruth A) clk PTS h745 1/2 13th av S
--John J h232 2d av S
--Lawrence E (Jeanette) clk C&NWRy h712 1/2 Douglas ctI
Behrens Ann G (wid Chris) h2340 N 8th
--Arth J (Rosalie W) clk duPont h1353 2d av S
--Aug C (Anna) carp h3018 Pershing blvd
--Dorothy (wid Carl) r1032 Pershing blvd
--Edna A r2340 N 8th
--Garrett L (Peggy) plant wkr Clinton Corn Processing h 1235 2d av S
--Henry h318 15th av S
--Herman F (Lena 8) farmer h1032 Pershing blvd
--John (Amanda E) h338 6th av N
--John A (Shirley L) mech Clinton Corn Processing h631 2d av S
--Jos A studt r1353 2d av S
--Margt ofc sec City Engineer r338 6th av N
--Minnie C (wid John P) h1422 Pershing blvd
--Rosalie W Mrs ofc sec Clinton Herald r1353 2d av S
--Wm T (Lela M) formn Clinton Corn Processing h145 1/2 4th av S
Beil Clarence A (Lyda C) h420 N 3d
--Clarence M Rev (Doris H) pastor Reorganized Ch of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints h259 16th p1
--Doris H Mrs clk Clinton Sr Hi Sch h259 16th p1
--Forrest F (Eleanor) dept mgr Curtis Co h1254 Florence av
--Gary studt r259 16th p1
--Reuben H (Hansine C; The Beil Studio & Photo Supply) h620 4th av S
--Rlchd A USAF r1254 Florence av
--Roy C (Celesta) formn Curtis Co h2531 Prospect
BEIL STUDIO & PHOTO SUPPLY THE (Reuben H Bell), 200 S 2d, Tel CHapel 2-3751
(See Yellow Page 49)
Bekowies Werner E (Hazel G) formn Maquoketa-Clinton Machine h2211 N 5th
Belcher Ella Mrs ofc Clinton Corn Processing h1202 1/2 S 9th
--John H (Ella) formn C&NWRy h1202 1/2 S 9th
Bell Arth F (Margt E) sta firemn Clinton Corn Processing h S 18th
--Chas A. (Jeane M) slsmn h1905 Glendale rd
--Chas L (Curtis D) pres Lubbers & Bell Mfg Co h436 5th av S
--Clifford (Ellz J) guard VA Domiciliary h326 10th av S
--Earl J sten C&NWRy r Fulton Ill
--Edw F (Elma A) carp Ringland-Johnson Constn Co h3126 Roosevelt
--Harry L firemn Clinton Water Wks r230 4th av S
--Irene M dental asst Robt R Bell r1003 N 4th
--J Walter (Maxine P) supvr duPont hub Oakhurst Apts
--Jas h516 1/2 N 4th
--Josephine Mrs maid St Joseph Mercy Hasp r538 12th av S
--Lawrence A (Wilma) mtcemn Dairypak Inc r Camanche Ia
--Nellie R (wld Chas R) h333 S 4th av
--Richd T (Charlotte M) laby wkr duPont h448 3d av N
--Robt A (Ann 0) production mgr Coils Co h518 Kenhlworth Ct
--Robt C (Margt M) mach C&NWRy h737 11th av S
--Robt R (Irene P) dentist 603 Wilson bldg h1003 N 4th
--Tonie (Pauline) h323 2d av N
Belles Eug F clk CB&Q r306 17th av N
--Robt R (Ruth C) h306 17th av N
Below Mack W (Ruth P) buffer Coils Co r Camanche Ia
BELOW WALTER C (Irene), President Fidelity Life Association, r801 10th av,
Fulton, Illinois, Tel 2531
Belson Glenn A (Bernice E) dist storekpr C&NWRy h854 14th av S
Belt F Elven (A Marie) tchr Lyons Junior High Sch h2364 N 4th
Bembenek Jane B ofc sec Maquoketa Co r912 12th av S
--Margt E tchr Longfellow Sch r912 12th av S
--Wm A (Nellie N) carp Clinton Engineering Co h912 12th av S
Bemis Marcella Mrs admn asst Jane Lamb Mem Hosp h630 6th av S
Ben Franklin Store (Joe Robinson) 2323 N 2d
Ben's Market (Ben F Bruggenwirth) gas sta and gro 2119 Hwy 30
Bender Adam F (Bertha W; Bender's Rexall Store) h2302 Roosevelt
--Arth J (Dorothy 3; Bender Music Co) h3624 N 3d
--Bertha W Mrs (Bender's Rexall Store) h2302 Roosevelt
--Bina C (wid Henry P) r1923 Pershing blvd
--Music Co (Arth J Bender) 411 S 2d
BENDER'S REXALL STORE (A F Bender), R Ph, Rexall Products, Prescriptions and
All General Drugs, 97 Main av, Tel CHapel 2 0211
Bendlxen Fredk A (Kath D) h919 4th av N
BENDIXEN H A (Mildred M), V-Pres and Genl Sales Mgr Clinton Corn Processing
Co, 1801-2449 Liberty, Tel CHapel 2-1121, h3110 Cleveland, Tel CHapel 2-4013
--LeRoy F formn Clinton Corn Processing r919 4th av N
--Martha M (wid Hans) h3304 Pershing blvd
Bendtschneider F Ray (Eleanore) slitter duPont h2119 Garfield
--J Adolph r2119 Garfield
--John S (Diana) lab duPont h121 25th av N
Benedict Edw J teleg apr Western Union r523 1st av
--Evelyn K Mrs bkpr W Atlee Burpee Co r260 North Bluff blvd
--Jas L (Mathllda M) h523 1st av
--Kenneth L (Evelyn H) hlpr Interstate Power r260 North Bluff blvd
--Margt A (wid Ken L) h260 North Bluff blvd
--Margt A h631 12th av S apt 3
--Marian E r523 1st av
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks Does Clinton Drove No 76 Mrs Agnes 0
Walton treas 136 1/2 5th av S
--Protective Order of Elks No 199 Everett A Strelt exalted ruler 136 1/2 5th
av S
Bengtson Andrew F (Luella) slitter duPont h715 19th av N
--Carl M (Alice) mtcemn Finch Coal Co h2424 Pershing blvd
--Donald W emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Ia
--Ernest W h716 19th av N
--Frank r900 S 15th
--Harold carp Eric A Carlberg r Camanche Ia
--Herman A (Margt M) mtcemn duPont h616 S 7th
--Leonard 0 (Ruby C) mtce Industrial Towel Serv h2308 N 9th
--Luella hlpr Sweetheart Bky r715 19th av N
--Maria D studt r2424 Pershing blvd
--Wm E Jr (Tillie B) plshr Central Steel h518 19th av N
Benhart Henrietta Mrs dep County Aud h2910 Pershing blvd
--Otto Jr (Henrietta) collr City of Bridge Comm h2910 Pershing blvd
Bwls]aek Dorothy J Mrs tchr Washington Jr High Sch h806 Pershing blvd
--Fred H (Dorothy J) trainmn C&NW h806 Pershing blvd
BENNER CECIL G (Virginia F), Wire Chief Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, 520 S
2d, Tel CHapel 2-9901, h903 S l8th, Tel CHapel 2-1153
--Virginia F Mrs nurses aide Jane Lamb Mem Hasp h903 S 18th
Bennett Apartments 417 5th av S
--Douglas M asmblr Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r RD 1 Camanche Ia
--Frank P (Gertrude B) slsmn Liberty Mut h1704 N 5th
--Geo H (Edna M) h224 12th av S
--Helen Mrs ofc sec John R Jowett r Camanche Ia
--Jack M designer Flower Shoppe r Fulton Ill
--Jas F atndt V A Domiciliary r Fulton Ill
--Jos W (Mildred) asst chf cook V A Domiciliary r RD 1 Camanche Ia
--Lloyd E lab Clinton Corn Processing h2414 N 10th
BENNETT LUMBER CO. B Morthland Manager, Building Materials, "The Best--For
Less," 823 S 3d, Tel CHapel 2-1221 (See Yellow Page 38)
--Martha studt r1704 N 5th
--Mervin parts mgr McEleney Mtrs r Fulton m
--Mildred M stockwn Kresges r Camanche Ia
--U C Box Co Blair M Morthland ingr 407 12th av S
--Robt F emp Clinton Corn Processing r RD 2 Fulton Ill
--Roy P forum duPont r Camanche Ia
--Wm J (Edna M) hlpr Clinton Corn Processing h422 3d avN
Benney Gladys L Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h74 1/2 Main
Bennison Robt W (Esther) nutritionist Pillsbury Mills h1439 Fairway dr
Benoit Alice N laby tech Pillsbury Mills r524 1/2 N 5th
--Katharine G mach apr Clinton Garment r534 11th av S
--Lester P (Alice) slsmn Clinton Tob Candy & Sup h3606 N 3d
--Lillian M Mrs waiter Ford Hopkins Drug Store h1151 1/2 Camanche av
--Merle A (Kath) cast opr duP&nt h2125 1/2 Garfield
--Robt r1151 1/2 Camanche av
Benson Aug P (Ellse M) h343 4th av N
--Aug P (Vernetta B) h1031 N 4th
--Bernice A Mrs chkr Fourth St Sanitone Cins 11924 15th. av S
--Clarence C (Bernice A) mech Widner Body Shop h924 15th av S
--Edw J (Darlene B) weigher Clinton Corn Processing h239 13th av S
--Eug B (Lola M) clk Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h730 Douglas ct
--Gus r325 4th av S
--Harold A (Ellen L) mech McEleney Mtrs h1021 Roosevelt
--Jos A wtchmn Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h102 1/2 N 2d
--LaVeta E Mrs asst Gilbert 3 Mueller h710 S 7th
--Marilyn studt r1239 2d av S
--Maynard H (LaVeta) pipe ftr Clinton Corn Processing h710 S 7th
--Nels O custdn City Natl Bank r303 230 av N
--Paul A (Martha F) mgr Krambeck LowMoor h843 14th av S
--Robt hlpr A & M Constn Co r924 15th av S
--Shirley M clk Prudential Ins r1031 N 4th
--Vlrtus M (Gladys) mech duPont h1239 20 av S
--Wayne O guard duPont r518 S 2d
--Wm F laby wkr duPont h1619 S 14th
Bent Robt B studt r137 Lawrence
Bentley Alvin W (Alice M) lab Clinton Corn Processing h512 12th av S
--Bernice C Mrs of c Clinton Corn Processing h438 15th av S
--Cecil W (Josephine B) electn C&NW h239 18th p1
--Dora A (wid Buren R) h558 2d av S
--Ellen Mrs h2923 Cleveland
--Elmer B blrmkr C&NW
--Henry J (Joan A) lab Clinton Corn Processing h2506 S 14th
--Jay L (Faye 3; Bentley's Mkt) h Elvlra rd RD 1
--Margt L Mrs h62 1/2 Main av
--Ralph B (Bernice L) prsmn Pinney Prntg h127 1/2 5th av S
--Virgil P (Marian Z) meat ctr D & L Mkt h868 5th av N
--Wm W (Bernice C) h438 15th av S
BENTLEY'S MARKET (Jay L Bentley), Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Meats and
Fresh Vegetables, Free Delivery Service, 560 2d av S, Tel CHapel 3-1155 (See
Yellow Page 28)
Bentrup Carl C (Helen M) ship clk Pinney Prntg r510 Roosevelt
--Edw L (Eunice M) pkr Colhls Co h1909 21st av S
--Eunice M Mrs wire wkr Coils Co h1909 21st av S
--Frank L (Mae W) lab Clinton Corn Processing h229 6th av N
---Fred W h514 Roosevelt
--Fred W jr genl wkr Bd of Educ r514 Roosevelt
--Herbert (Lola A) processer Clinton Corn Processing h923 Roosevelt
--Wm C (Lucille M) wood wkr Curtis Co h2223 N 6th
Bentson Frances M Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h543 1/2 5th av S
--Wm E (Frances) mgr City Products Corp h543 1/2 5th av S
Bentz Larue C (June H) eng duPont h1228 3d av N
Berdan Helen studt r610 3d av S
--Hubert J (Mabel K) constn wkr h610 3d av S
--Jas studt r610 3d av S
Berding Aug (Dena M) h407 Main av
--Celestlne H (Ann C) bartndr Thomsen's Tavern h515 19th av N
--Clara M Mrs h2618 N 2d
--Frank driver State Hwy Comn h2357 N 6th
--John H jan Paaske Shops h2324 Grant
Berg Fred R (Jane) pharm Lyons Drug h2215 1/2 Pershing blvd
--Harriet M mach opr Clinton Garment r2030 McKinley
--Kate (wid Victor H) cook Clinton High Sch h614 8th av S
--Sophia A (wid H P) h1314 S 4th
Bergendahl Anders N (Clara H) mach C&NW h757 14th av S
--Clara H Mrs ofc sec Grover B Bickelhaupt h757 14th av S
Berger Orval J (Harriett A) dist supt Eclipse Lbr h722 ArgyleCt
Bergeson Leonard D Ila M) pasteurizer Sanitary Farm Dairies h105 22d pl
Bergman Ina E (wid Carl L) h2525 N 4th
--Jos L (Eleanor B) formn Aluminum Co of America h2426 Cleveland
--Mary J (wid Louis) dietary dept St Joseph Mercy Hasp h 2826 Pershing blvd
--Raymond W slitting duPont r2508 N 3d
Bergstresser Ray R (Nel) lab h214 1/2 4th av S
Bernat Yarns Mrs Mary B Collins rep 417 3d av N
Berner Darlene Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h1900 Glendale rd apt 63
--Wm H (Darlene) lab Curtis Co h1900 Glendale rd apt 63 Bernhard John H
(Leona N) h1728 N 3d
Bernie's Beauty Shoppe (Mrs Bernadine H Magee) 522 N 4th Bernstort Alvin
(Bernstorf Beverage Ca) r720 Douglas Ct
--Beverage Co (Alvin Bernstorf) 47 25th av N
--Wm J (Ruth O) driver Bernstorf Beverage h720 Douglas Ct
Berntsen Arnold J (Doris V) agt Allstate Ins Co h342 6th av N
Berry Dicie 3 slswn Kline's Dept Store r YWCA
Berryman Don L (Jeanette E) clk Genl Elec h733 N 3d
--Jane slswn Kline's r317 7th av S
Berthel Wm H (Mary P) mech Clinton Mercury h271 30th av N
Bertoncella Thos J (Joyce J) slitter duPont h729 S 9th
Bertram Richd A (Jean E) mgr Bausch Lamb Optical h1129 7th av S
Bertramsen Anton (Esther D) h1300 2d av S
--Dale R ate duPont r2338 N 3d
--Frances C (wid Peter) h1306 2d av S
--Marie B reporter Credit Bur of Clinton Inc r1306 2d av S
--Valeria M bkpr Baird Radio & TV r1306 2d av S
Bertrand Herman P (Margt A) casting opr duPont h219 27th av N
--Phillip A (Alice M) h619 Locust p1
Bertremsen Clifford F slsmn Carlsen Paint & Wallpaper Store r Camanche Ia
Berzins Ernest (Regina) emp Curtis Co h705 6th av S
--Regina Mrs time wkr Clinton Garment r705 6th av S
Best Albert O (Jeanette A) eng C&NW h334 6th av S
--Jeanette A Mrs nurses aide Jane Lamb Mem Hasp h334 6th av S
--Ruth opr Am Beauty Salon r334 6th av S
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Rev Wm A Simpson pastor 303 S 3d
--Wm body mn Clinton Lincoln-Mercury r271 30th av N
Betsinger Mae r2525 N 4th
--Robt W (Sylvia C) lab Clinton Corn Processing h117 Fayette
Betts Clyde M wire wkr Collis Co r Goose Lake Iowa
Bice Clair T (Viola J) pipeftr Clinton Corn Processing h2324 Camanche av
--Merle P (Ruth I) condr C&NW h545 4th av S
--Merle P jr (Helen V) appr C&NW h616 10th av S
--Nancy A studt r2324 Camanche av
--Rolland B USAF r2324 Camanche av
--VioIa Mrs emp Clinton Corn Processing h2324 Camanche av
Bickelhaupt Grover E (Alma M) real est 110 Weston bldg h845 5th av S
BICKELHAUPT MOTOR CO (Robert E Bickelhaupt), Packard Cars and International
Trucks, Sales and Service, 127-33 6th av 5, Tel CHapel 2-3424 (See Yellow
Page 4)
--Robt E (Frances K; Bickelhaupt Mtr Co) h340 S 14th
Bicker Merle L (Florence M; Bicker's Radio & TV Serv) h1352 Main av
Bicker's Radio & TV Service (Merle L Bicker) 1352 Main av
Bickert Bernadine clk CB&Q r525 4th av S
--Chas A (Lucia M) carrier P0 h525 4th av S
--Chas A Jr (Mary J) plumb Geo Hardersen Co h819 11th av S
Bickford Floyd H (Mary I; Bickford's Barber Shop) h522 20 av S
--Floyd M casting opr duPont h2507 Prospect
--John V (Patricia C) chem dept duPont h842 13th av S
Bickford's Barber Shop (Floyd H Bickford) 402b S 2d
BICKLE CHAS B (Louise S), Sec-Treas Clinton Federal Savings & Loan Assn, 128
5th av 5, Tel CHapel 3-1512, h749 4th av 5, Tel CHapel 3-2263
--Leonora (wid Chas) h749 4th av S
Bidrawn John studt r3703 N 3d
--Sam L (Marion) farmer h3703 N 3d
Bieber Adolph 3 (Annabel M) toolmkr Collis Co h2202 Pershing blvd
--Arnold W (Eileen H) meat ctr A&P h337 3d av N
--Chancey O (Dorothy E) lab Clinton Corn Processing h920 N 3d
--Kenneth L (Rose M) emp Curtis Co h419 1st av
--Rose M Mrs fctywkr Curtis Co h419 1st av
Biel C Arth h233 N 6th
--Lilly M clk Jane Lamb Mein Hosp r233 N 6th
--Myra B tchr Jefferson Sch r233 N 6th
Bielema Anko jan Clinton Eng r Fulton Ill
--Ben slsmn Roehl-Phillips Furn r Fulton Ill
--Ben Jr driver Carnes Oil Co r Fulton Ill
--Dorothy M clk W Atlee Burpee Co r RD 1 Morrison Ill
--Harold E chem duPont r RD 2 Fulton Ill
--Jake (Minnie) reel apr Clinton Corn Processing h656 1st av
--John carmn C&NW r Fulton Ill
--Jos carmn C&NW r Fulton Ill
--Raymond lab Pillsbury Mills r Fulton Ill
--Raymond E r819 12th av S
--Ren (Ellen A) carmn C&NW h819 12th av S
--Roy (Mary C) stopper rod mkr Northwestern Steel & Wire Co h527 20 av S
Bielenberg Bruce W chem duPont r Charlotte Ia
Bier Arth 0 (Emma M) lab Curtis Go h240 S 14th
--Emma M Mrs fctywkr Curtis Co h240 S 14th
--Esther G (wid Win) slswn Warren's Confy h622 1/2 2d av S Bierman Gladys
armature staker Clinton Mfg r Camanche Iowa
Biermann Gene C (Gloria F) clk Clinton Natl Bank h1426 Grandview dr
--Raymond F coating duPont r Box 703 Camanche Ia
--Richd A laby wkr duPont r628 6th av S
--Walter K (Daisie L) mach C&NW h628 6th av S
Biers Esther clk Warren's Confy & Tavern r622 1/2 2d av S
Big Shoe Store The Orval O McKim mgr 203a 5th av S
Bigbee Lydia tchr Irving Sch r531 6th av S
Bigger Claude R lab Clinton Corn Processing h3128 N 3d
Biggs Geo W lab Clinton Corn Processing h501 3d av N
--Kenneth R (Mary E) agt Prudential Ins h411 29th av N
Bigwood David L (Mary A) lab Clinton Corn Processing h1201 Camanche av
--Donald W (Jean N) emp Curtis Co h2413 S 14th
--Jean N Mrs opr TelCo h2413 S 14th
--John B (Marianne S) lab Clinton Corn Processing h1954 Glendale rd
--Marianne S Mrs rep TelCo h1954 Glendale rd
--Robt F (Helen J) lab Clinton Corn Processing h1116 1/2 N 2d
--Wm H (Anna A) sht mtl wkr Clinton Corn Processing h224 1/2 6th av S apt 12
Bill's Place (Wm Hurlburt) 228 Main av
--Television Service (Wm Baker) 424 N 20
Billings Forrest R (Lucille) clk A&P h1830 Roosevelt
--Lloyd C (Edith M) mach G I Case Co h636 1/2 19th av S
Bing Albert A (Lorraine B; Bing Lbr Sls Co) h515 Argyle ct
--Lumber Sales Ca (Albert A Bing) whol 515 Argyle ct
Bingaman Anna M (wid Claude S) tchr Camanche Schs h717 8th av S
Bingham Bertha B phys asst Artemus B Henningsen h342 6th av S
--Chas C r220 7th av S
--Geo W (Joyce L) meat ctr EG Skinner & Co h514 6th av S
Binz Lillian r262 N Bluff blvd
Bird Carlton M (Wanda A) slsmn C B Armstrong h216 19th pl
--Geo W (Shirley M) emp A to Z Auto h214 1/2 12th av S
--Richd M studt r216 19th p1
--Wanda A Mrs beauty opr Heron Beauty Salon h216 19th p1
Birdsall Kenneth B (Mary B) slsmn Sieg Co h370 23d p1
Birdsley Chester A (Clarabell A) lab Clinton Corn Prods h316 35th av N
--Hiram G (Gertrude A) lab Clinton Corn Processing h618 19th av N
--Saml R (Emma J) h261 19th p1
Birely Jas A (Lois M) slitter duPont h2117 McKinley
--Robt M (Kathryn V) driver Eclipse Lbr h2214 McKinley
Blrkett Raymond R (Lois F) plate mkr Pinney Prntg h717 S 5th
--Rcbt J (Francis) h117 N 6th
Birkner Jane K Mrs ofc wkr duPont h411 S 14th
--Orville B (Jane K) mtcemn duPont h411 S 14th
Birt Earl A ship clk Swifts h539 18th av S
--Wm E h429 1/2 N 2d
Bisdorf Hazel M (wid Clarence C) sls rep Investors Diversified Serv h1005 N
Bishop Alton H (Esther E) lab Clinton Corn Processing h2456 1/2 Liberty av
--Eliz M mach opr Clinton Garment Fcty r719 4th av S
--Essie M Mrs h719 4th av S
--Janet M ofc wkr Clinton Corn Processing r437 16th av S
--Robt M (Dorothy) meat ctr Lyons Super Circle Mkt h12 MtPleasant pk
--Steph H (Florence E) farmer h1000 N 11th
Bisson Elsie Mrs nurses aide Jane Lamb Mem Hosp h2421 Pershing blvd
--Larry D (Elsie) emp Clinton Corn Processing h2421 Pershing blvd
Bitler Albert L emp Clinton Corn Processing r RD 2 Fulton Ill
Bitner Anna G (wid Albert) h3118 N 2d
Bittner Clara (wid Win) h414 N 3d
Bjornas Nettie V (wid Lars) h1315 1/2 Camanche av
Blaas Hanna P (Detlef F) r1610 Pershing blvd
--Helen C v-pres Clinton Bridge Corp h1610 Pershing blvd
Black Alta L clk W Atlee Burpee Co r Albany Ill
--Donald R casting duPont r1820 S 6th
--Elmo B (Louise L) lino opr Clinton Herald h210 1/2 S 2d
--Lois J Mrs clk Collis Co h811 13th av S
--Patk R (Lois J) mtcemn duPont h811 13th av S
--Saml R (Helen B) blrmkr Clinton Corn Processing h18208 6th
Blacketer Donald P prsmn Pinney Prntg h422 18th av N
--Hazel r422 18th av N
Blaess Walter F (Marjorie) carmn C&NW h9508 10th
Blair Howard B (Juanita H) carp h1201 23d av N
--Juanita slswn Singer Sewing Mach r1201 23d av N
--Phillip G (Ellen B) eng duPont h731 S 9th
Blake Hortense J asst Stone Tower Studio r724 S 12th
--Luella G Mrs h210 16th p1
--Mae D (wid Edmund R) h718 9th av S
--Margt S (wid Win R) h724 S 12th
Blakely Miriam C girls counselor Clinton Sr RB h444 5th av S
Blanchard Geo M (Anna B) lab h931 Roosevelt
--Harold J (Lillie M) prin Irving Sch h1115 7th av S
--Jos (Norene) slsmn Watkins Mtrs h1639 13th av S
--Llllie M Mrs tchr Franklin Sch h1115 7th av S
--Susan H (wid Herman) r515 S 5th
Blandford Clinton P (Eliza; A B C Dry Clns) h756 7th av S
Blankenship Harold lab R C Bennett Box Co r Fulton Ill
Blasing Elaine Elsie M Mrs nurse St Joseph Mercy Hosp h 221 Lawrence
--Everett A (Elaine M) nutritionist Pillsbury Mills h221 Lawrence
--Mary D (wid Alf C) h505 Melrose ct
Blatchley Sophie (wid Ceylon B) h552 11th av S
Blazler Arth W h2409 McKinley
Bleakley Betty B Mrs waiter Reynolds r656 7th av S
--Paul W clk Curtis Co r1745 14th av S
Bledsoe Ruth S (Truman C) reporter Clinton Herald h515 1/2 5th av S
Blessington Edw C (Mary J) emp Clinton Corn Processing h924 1/2 S 4th
--Helen M Mrs ofc sec Walter W Eggers h131 Fayette
--Herbert J lab Clinton Corn Processing h525 9th av S
--Jos C (Maxine) utilitymn Clinton Water Wks h2517 Camanche av
--Leonard M (Helen M) atndt V A Domiciliary h131 Fayette Bilesmer Harry P
(Pauline E) setupmn Collis Co h392 21st p1
--Margt (wid Henry) r724 Park p1
--Pauline E Mrs coil winder Clinton Mfg h292 21st p1
Blink Jacobus emp Pillsbury Mills r Fulton Ill
--Martha nurse 2525 N 4th h do
Blinknsop David J (Delores) electn Electric Serv of Clinton h612 Locust p1
--Etha recpt Hill Portrait Studio & Camera Shop r363 19th p1
--Geo D (Etha E) ydmn C&NWRy h363 19th p1
--Lloyd R (Anna L) laby tech Alcoa b2414 Barker
--Ray W (Helen S) ofc Clinton Corn Processing h807 11th av S
--Richd E (Earleen G) wldr C&NWRy h205 Adams p1
--Win R slsmn Wagner Beverages r807 11th av S
Block Harry (Marie W A) jan Zion Parish Hail h928 11th av S
--Henry (Margie) h3219 N 3d
--Marion P WAC r928 11th av S
BLOCK W G (JO, Lawrence M Subcleff Vice-President, Cement Products, Coal and
Building Supplies, 817 S 2d, Tel CHapel 2-6727 (See Yellow Page 16)
Blohm Geo W (Pauline C) chiropractor 321 4th av S h do
--Louise (wid John) r609 11th av S
--Robt R studt r321 4th av S
--Sophia L (wid J H) sheeting dupont h438 11th av S
Bloom Archie C (Marjorie J) dentist 405 Wilson bldg h518 Argyle Ct
Blount Billy E (Barbara F) lab Clinton Corn Processing h800 1/2 2d av S
--Chas E (Veronica M) wldr Olson Constn h2528 McKinley
--Edna M Mrs wire wkr Collis Co r1227 14th av S
--Edw W (Edna M) mtce mech h1800 23d av S
--Geo A studt r1914 14th av S
--Howard L (Doris H) crane opr Allied Structural Steel h1914 14th av S
--Mary F studt r2528 McKinley
--Oscar S (Anna M; Blout's Garage & Salvage Co) h1318 S 14th
Ronald R (Bernice) emp ClintonCorn Processing h1900Glendale rd apt 26
--Timmie J studt r1914 14th av S
Blount's Garage & Salvage Co (Oscar S Blount) 1318 S 14th
Bloy Richd L (Diane S) asst sls mgr W Atlee Burpee Co h423 Ruth p1
Blue Star Drive In (Win C and Mrs Mildred L Power) 229 8th av S
BLUEBIRD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO (LeRoy I Schroeder), Agents For Greyvan Lines,
Local and Long Distance Moving, Insured Warehouse Storage, Free
Estimates,2119 Camanche av, Tel CHapel 2-1355 (See Yellow Page 46)
Bluff View Apartments 1003 N 4th
Blumberg Esther M Mrs (Clinton Tobacco Candy & Sup) h102 N 5th
--Melvin R (Carol) mgr Clinton Tob Candy & Sup h Millcrest ct
--Michl E (Esther M; Clinton Tobacco Candy & Supply Co) h102 N 5th
Blume Merlin C (Edna) emp F W Means & Co h1900 Glendale rd apt 36
Blumer Doris clk Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r Fulton Ill
--John H emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Iowa
--Rlchd L processor Clinton Corn Processing r677 18th av S
--Wiley emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Iowa
--Wm E (Celia E) crane opr Clinton Corn Processing h677 18th av S
Blunck Ann h423 1/2 6th av S
--Fred C (Deborah) bkpr Clinton Block h607 Kenilworth ct
Blunt Business Equipment (Roger W Blunt Erwin J Wasta) 301 N 4th
--Edw L studt r1611 N 3d
--Jeannete L Mrs ofc sec Blunt Business Equip h259 16th av N
--Roger W (Jeanette L; Blunt Business Equip) h259 16th avi' N
--Sharon J studt r259 16th av N
Bly Marie A (wid Frank L) h762 10th av S
Boardsen Arnold B appr Domestic P1mb r1815 8th av S
--Danl USA r1651 Circle dr E
--Elnar B (Phyllis K) acct Carstensen Frt Lines h645 5th av S
--Harry G studt r1651 Circle dr E
--Ingvard (Jensine) carp h1651 Circle dr E
--Irving mtcemn CB&Q r1651 Circle dr E
--Viola E Mrs recpt Eclipse Lbr r1815 8th av S
Boardway C Graham (Maxine S) dentist 609 Wilson bldg h549 5th av S
Boblnski Geo (Stafani L) lab Clinton Corn Processing h268 21st p1
--Mlchl P (Frances) lab Clinton Corn Processing h543 9th av S
Bobzien Will h1518 N 4th apt 2
Bock Arlo J(Arlene A) driver Dohrn Trans h732 Albany Ct
--Harlan A (LaVonne E) casting duPont h516 2d av S
--Marvin J (Ada M) ofc wkr Curtis Co h1201 S 10th
--Norvln H (Evelyn J Andy's Tavern) h914 1/2 S 6th
--Walter C (Helma L) h914 S 6th
Bockel Walter G (Marion J) slsmn Manning Norbury Chevrolet-Cadillac h523
Kenhlworth Ct
Bodenstedt Emma (wid Wm A) h3257 McKinley
Boe Emma M ofc Curtis Co h2423 N 2d
--Martha r2423 N 2d
Boegel Alice P Mrs (Alice's Beauty Nook) h412 1/2 S 2d
--Donald K (Alice P; Boegel's Men's Wear) h412 1/2 S 2d
--Herbert H ofc Clinton Corn Processing r1130 N 2d
--Karl H h1130 N 2d
--Karl H Jr (Janet D; Boegel's Men's Wear) h212 3d av S
BOEGEL'S MEN'S WEAR (Donald K and Karl H Boegel Jr), 412 S 2d, Tel CHapel 2-
Boehde Carl L (Kathleen E) clk Clinton Auto Parts h2414 ~ Roosevelt
Boehmer Math h2831 Pershing blvd
Boehnke Hllda M (wid Otto) mach opr Clinton Garment h437 4th av S
Boekeloo Beatrice D clk Climax Engine & Pump Mfg r333 9th av S
--Dale E lab Clinton Corn Processing r333 9th av S
--Grace A (wid Frank) h333 9th av S
--Howard W (Ernestlne M) mach opr Coils Co h307 12th av S
--Joyce L clk TelCo r333 9th av S
--Robt O (Beverly 3) pntr h230 2d av S
--Wayne W (Lois) slsmn Kwlkmrk h333 1/2 9th av S
Boeker Francis H (Leora E) mach opr Clinton Corn Processing h617 Buell av
--Jane (wid Jos) r617 Buell av
Boelkens Marvin E (Joyce A) servmn Machael Oil h1616 N 2d
Boelker Clara B (wid Frank) h2348 N 9th
Boerema Herman 3 (Marian L) utilitymn Clinton Water Wks h418 4th av N
--Isaac slitter dupont r Fulton Ill
Boettger Anna (wid Chas) r552 11th av S
--Maxine M ofc Curtis Co h552 11th av S
--Wm (Henrietta) h514 1st av
Boggs Glatha J Mrs h3403 N 2d
--John W supt F N Means Clean Towel Serv of Clinton 5220 S 7th st
Bogle John (Leona) electn Electric Serv of Clinton h434 3d av N
Bohlke Dora M Mrs clk City Assessor h703 8th av S
--Glenn H (Dora M) tchr Clinton Sr High Sch h703 8th av S
--Patricia studt r703 8th av S
Bohn Edw N (Clara A) ydmn C&NWRy h2206 McKinley
Bohne Earl asst formn Clinton Corn Processing r2524 Liberty av
--Marjorie Mrs r529 6th av N
--Wm H (Pearl J) h2524 Liberty av
Bohnson Bernard (Mary 3) sec-genl mgr Clinton Street Ry Co h1910 Pershing
--Frank P (Florence C) genl mech VA Domiciliary h2512 McKinley
Boileau Wayne H (Clara M) scale mn Pillsbury Mills h602 3d av N
Boiler Makers Local No 129 Henry Qualman sec 613 S 2d
Boisen Christian H (Marie A) h922 Roosevelt
--Clarence C (Olive L) eng Allied Structural Steel h701 11th av S
Boltman Alvina (wid Vills) r705 6th av S
--Robt W (Austra) p1mb Domestic P1mb h705 6th av S
Boka Jos B h444 2d av S
--Leola M (wid Henry) ofc sec John E Murphy h1208 Camanche av
--Stanley D (Virginia L) lab Clinton Corn Processing r1208 Camanche av
--Teresa H clk Fidelity Ins h2303 N 2d
Bokelmann Metta time wkr Clinton Garment r308 8th av S
Boland Beverly clk Curtis Co r729 1/2 6th av S
--John D (Beverly C) mach C&NWRy h729 1/2 6th av S
Boldke Frank r1106 Camanche av
Boles Ronald L (Beverly J) acct Pillsbury Mills h417 5th av S apt 2A
Bolt Carl (Joan) lab Central Steel & Tube Co h rear 806 15th av S
Bolte Alf (Mildred) h517 1/2 N 3d
--Carl F (Louise C) formn Collis Co h1212 S 18th
--Christian L lathe opr Clinton Mfg r Camanche Ia
--Geo E (Louise C) carp h1246 14th av S
--Julie A bkpr Gabriel Lbr & Fuel r1246 14th av S
--Mildred E Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment r2312 McKinley
--Robt W (Berneice) toolmkr Clinton Mfg r Camanche Ia
Bon Ton Shop (Mrs Pearl G Kruse) women's clo 806 S 4th
Bond-Walgreen Drug Co Glenn Evans mgr 215 5th av S
Bonde Anna K (wid Andrew) h430 6th av N
--Mardell S Mrs clk W Atlee Burpee Co h427 7th av N
--Peter H (Macdell 5) h427 7th av N
Bonebrake Frank A (Flossie E) asst formn Clinton Corn Processing h2128
Liberty av
--Kay A nurse r2128 Liberty av
Bongers Herman V Rev chaplain St Joseph Mercy Hosp r1410 N 4th
BONNER GEORGE AUTOMOTIVE (George E Bonner), Auto Specialty Service and
Repairing, Brakes, Wheel Alignment, Tuning, Electrical, Goodyear Tires, Exide
Batteries, Shell Petroleum Products, 701 S 2d, Tel CHapel 2-5405 (See Yellow
Page 57)
--Geo E (Verle M; Geo Bonner Automotive) h542 5th av S
Bonnie's Fabric & Sewing Center (Mrs Blossom H Freeland) sewing machs 323 S
--Scenic Tavern (Harry W Beardslee) 2116 Harrison dr
BONNY BRITE CLEANERS (Sylvester F Bradulski), 130 5th av S Tel CHapel 2-8321
(See Yellow Page 13)
Bontrager Delmar J (Nelle M) crane opr Allied Structural Steel h238 6th av S
Boonstra Elmer F sht intl wkr Clinton Ice & Fuel r Fulton Ill
Boos Jas A (Patricia C) meter rdr Clinton Water Wks h737 1/2 1st av S
Boots' Tavern (Francis E Whalen) 141 4th av S
Booth Ada M Mrs asst cash Iowa State Say Bk h2228 N 2d
--Alice M h2228 N 2d
--Blanche M r1215 Camanche av
--Cecil S (Irene W) eng duPont h1226 N 2d
--Cleo R lab Clinton Corn Processing h621 1/2 Kenilworth ct
--Clyde lab Clinton Corn Processing r621 1/2 Kenilworth Ct
--Corris (Kay) mech R H Peters Mtrs h1535 25th av S
--Donald E (Barbara J) mtcemn duPont h2343 Chancy
--Dorothy studt r1226 N 2d
--John H (Mary E) brkmn C&NW h1217 S 3d
--Jos L (Margt G) widr C&NWRy h701 Park p1
--Kirtland F (Ada M) treas Oakland Cemetery Assn Inc h 2228 N 2d
--Lewis E (Patricia A) slsmn Sears h318 3d av S
--Patricia A Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h318 3d av S
--Roy E (Ivy G) insp Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h1304 S 3d
Boots Jas R (Mary A) optom 201b 5th av S h1611 Pershing blvd
--Mary A Mrs recpt Jas R Boots h1611 Pershing blvd
Boquist Martin G (Marve J) slsmn Pillsbury Mills h1019 5th av S
Borbeck Frank J (Beatrice R; Borbeck Lumber & Fuel Co) h2501 Pershing blvd
--Lumber & Fuel Co (Frank J Borbeck) 48 23d av N
Borden Co-Iowa Milk & Ice Cream Division Sylvan A Momberg mgr 123 4th av S
Borggard Louis C (Marie L) mach shop Maquoketa Co h2136 Liberty av
Borgman Henry order filler C&NWRy r Fulton Ill
--John forum Ole Jorgensen & Sons Constn r Fulton Ill
--Louis (Darlene A) mach opr Allied Structural Steel r Fulton Ill
Borgstrom Anthony (Mary) emp Clinton Corn Processing h1525 27th av S
--Mary G mach opr Clinton Garment r Albany Ill
--Victor R emp Clinton Corn Processing r1525 27th av S
Borman Clara K (wid Frank) h805 N 4th
--Elsie M (wid Herbert) bkpr Iowa State Say Bk h2373 N 9th
Born John R (Julia L) eng duPont h1223 4th av N
Bornhoft Ingrld tchr Lyons Jr High Sch h632 1/2 2d av S
Bort Mary L (wid Walter E; Stone Tower Studio) h728 S 12th
Borup Ellen T Mrs sec First Presby Ch h435 1st av
--Gerald D (Ellen T) mason contr 435 1st av h do
--Howard C (Christine D) eng duPont h1022 Pershing blvd
Bos Edw J (Gertrude S) sgt D-X Sunray Oil Co h1348 Harrison dr
--Rensie (Lorene A) wldr Allied Structural Steel h1307 N 4th
Bosch Arth L (Gertrude) slsmn Machael Oil h1701 Roosevelt
--Gertrude Mrs srtr Dairypak Inc h1701 Roosevelt
Bossard Byron L (Charlotte M) engineering detailer Curtis Co h324 8th av S
Bossen Andreas H (Wilma M) p1mb 1518 N 3d h do
--Apartments Rooms 214 1/2 4th av S
--Henry h615 Douglas ct
--Lee studt r1153 7th av S
--Lyle G (Leona; Bossen Realty Co) h1153 7th av S
--Norbert H (Marjorie R) slsmn Dodge-Gilbert h1414 N 3d
BOSSEN REALTY CO (Lyle G Bossen), Real Estate, Sub-dividing and Insurance,
Agents for Clinton's Largest Subdivision, Galbreith Acres, 1153 7th av 5, Tel
--Rose N Mrs bkpr Creglow's h1425 Pershing blvd
Bost Dorothy M wrapper Eagle Food Center r510 N 2d
--Jacob A (Kath A) h723 12th av S
--Kath A Mrs Il wkr Clinton Wire Cloth h723 12th av S
Bostock Beverage Co (Thos A Bostock) beer distr 2547 Camanche av
--Richd slsmn Bostock Beverage Co r1935b 15th av S A
--Thos A (Lavina 5; Bostock Beverage Co) h1935b 15th av S
Bott Geo H (Laura) h3019 Cleveland
--Hans (Bertha E) farmer h1417 N 3d
Botzen Lillian M (wid Edw 3) mach opr Clinton Garment h217 Lee's Ct
Bough Florence A (wid Peter 3) h268 14th av N
Boulton Harold lab Clinton Corn Processing h224 1/2 6th av S apt 9
--Janet E apr TelCo r535 1/2 10th av S
--Jerry studt r535 1/2 10th av S
--Lois E Mrs opr TelCo h535 1/2 10th av S
--Rabt J studt r535 1/2 10th av S
--Robt W (Lois E) lab Clinton Corn Processing h535 1/2 10th av S
Bousman Clarence D (Joyce U) cook V A Domiciliary h2201 McKinley
--John lab Economy P1mb & Sup
--John W (Betty E) constn wkr h1905 Roosevelt
--Orval H (Dorothy I) lab Economy P1mb & Sup h11410 11th av S
--Wesley (Blanche) driver Kamlnsky Iron & Steel Co h1822 Spence ct
Boutwell Orville L (Eleanora) lab Clinton Corn Processing h 219 7th av S
Bouvia Helen L (wid Chester L) timewkr Clinton Garment h 730 1/2 14th av S
--Vernon (Mary) cook VA Domiciliary r Fulton Ill
Bow Knot Gift Shop (Alice 3 Hingtgen) 523 S 3d
Bower Carl D set-up mn Collis Co r Camanche Iowa
--Chas G (Eleanor) bartndr LaCantina h2516 McKinley
--Frances (wid Clinton D) h445 6th av S
--Howard (Marilyn) asst to production mgr Collis Co r Camanche Iowa
--Jas F (Evelyn M) tool mkr Collis Co r Camanche Iowa
--Marilyn W Mrs wire wkr Coils Co r Camanche Iowa
Bowers Clarence R (Lillian R) watch mkr J H Potts & Son h 418 19th av N
--Doll Hospital (Mrs Sue H Bowers) 618 6th av S
--John H (Mary) sup ofcr VA Domiciliary r do
--Sue H (wid Clyde C; Bowers Doll Hosp) h618 6th av S
Bowersox Fred C (Margt H) county supt of schs h1956 Overlook ct
Bowes Gordon P (Thelma O) mgr Sears h1010 College av
Bowler Wm J r1532 Camanche av
Bowman Harry L (Leona) h2012 Garfield
--Jean tchr Irving Sch r625 6th av S
--Lyndell C (Rubie) formn Pillsbury Mills h625 6th av S
--Rubie M slswn Kresges r625 6th av S
Boy Scouts of America Wm L Law scout exec 217 1/2 6th av S
Boyce Dean W (Edythe B; Boyce Monument & Wilbert Vault Do) h412 15th av N
--Monument & Wilbert Vault Co (Dean W Boyce) 1935 N 2d
--Richd (Rose) h315 1/2 5 5th
--Rosa Mrs slswn John D VanAllen & Son h315 1/2 S 5th
--Wm L h511 1/2 N 2d
Boyd Elsie W Mrs sr cLk Clinton Water Wks h1056 15th av S
--L Ethel r706 10th av S
--L Reed formn Climax Eng & Pumping Mfg Co h706 10th av S
--Marilyn R ofc wkr Curtis Co r1058 15th av S
--Raymond C (Elsie W) personnel mgr Climax Eng & Pump Mfg Co h1056 15th av S
--Virgil C jr (Patsy J) mech eng duPont h444 2d av S
--Wm r240 3d av S
Boyd's Marine Shop (Boyd F Reter) 3333 McKinley
Boyer Frank L wtchmn Collis Co h919 Roosevelt
--Robt J (Lois M) eng duPont h2360 Chancy
Boyert Anna M Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h432 6th av N
--Arnold B (Thelma B) truck hlpr Clinton Corn Processing h308 14th av S
--Arnold B jr (Lorraine) lab Curtis Co r308 14th av S
--Edmund clk Rupert Gro r RD 1
--Kenneth P (Anna M) fctywkr Curtis Co h432 6th av N
--Lorraine mach opr R C Bennett Box Co r308 14th av S
--Shirley M studt r308 N 9th
Boyjisky Ethel H (wid 3 G) h148 Fayette
Boyle Cath E studt r1403 1/2 Pershing blvd
--Chas J (Kathryn R) h627 10th av S
--Ethel B (wid Thos V) clk Capitol Theatre h654 7th av S
--Eug J (Ethel M) clk Ford Hopkins h1403 1/2 Pershing blvd
Boysen Chris (Laura; Chris Boysen Hdw) h246 1/2 Main av
--Chris Hardware (Chris Boysen) 246 Main av
--Christian H (Borghild B) lieut Fire Dept h1647 8th av S
--Christine M hl00l Roosevelt
--Elsebe A bkpr Ole Jorgensen & Sons Constn rl00l Roosevelt
--Eva L (wid C Peter) h830 Roosevelt
--Harold J (Mary A) guard VA Domiciliary h214 27th av N
--Harry B (Florence E) cash RyExp h121 25th av N
--Henry (AlvIna H) bartndr Busk Tavern h919 Pershing blvd
--John P (Anna S) power hse duPont h104 N 5th
--Marie M undwrtr Fidelity Life Ins Co (Fulton Ill) r238 16th p1
--Wm P ruler Clinton Book Bndry h238 16th pl
Brabender Edith chkr Clinton Lndry & Clns r2513 Sabula av
--Geo (Edith) emp Clinton Corn Processing h2513 Sabula av
Brace Jas B (Betty E) plant wkr Clinton Corn Processing h225 16th p1
Brackemyer Robt 3 (Dorothy) driver Ruan Oil Co h2210 N 7th
Braden John 3 (Willie M) slsnin Iowa Liquor Store No 25 h 757 6th av S
--John 3 Jr slitting duPont r757 6th av S
--LaVerne M Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment h704 S 7th
--Nellie cash Capitol Theatre r757 6th av S
--Willie A (LaVerne M) driver R C Bennett Box Co h704 S 7th
Bradford Frank (Geraldine) car washer Machael Oil h211 2d av N
--L Earl lab C&NW r222 2d a-v N
Bradley Clyde E studt r2524 McKinley
--Everett M (Marie) driver Treloar Trucking h418 16th av S
--Jos E (Laura E) asst formn Clinton Corn Processing h2524 McKinley
--Leola A Mrs h1216 9th av S
--Max 3 (Dolores I) pnt contr 800 16th av N h do
--Myron E (Muriel I) pntr Allied Structural Steel h1215 14th av S
--Nancy C (wid John) h2426 1/2 N 2d
--Phillip L studt r2524 McKinley
--Roger 0 (Eula) forum Allied Structural Steel h1812 22d av S
Bradour Harold L (Beverly A) lab Central Steel h229 3d av N
--L E (Tillie H) junk dir 227 3d av N h do
Bradshaw Blanche (wid Harry) r105 2d av S
Bradstream Eva M (wid Geo) h2731 Pershing blvd
BRADULSKI F & SON (Sylvester F Bradulski), Men's Furnishings, 130 5th av S,
Tel CHapel 2-6321 (See Yellow Page 13)
--Frank (Magdalene) with F Bradulski & Son h130!/2 5th av S
BRADULSKI SYLVESTER F (Geraldine) (F Bradulski & Son) (Bonny Brite Cleaners),
130 5th av S, Tel CHapel 2-6321, h831 7th av S, Tel CHapel 2-4701
Brady Ruby T (wid Thos) r430 6th av S
--Wesley G (Helenmae) kitchen wkr VA Domiciliary h2819 Garfield
BRAGONIER-FAY CHAPEL (Mrs Ruth Bragonier Wallace and Llewellyn Fay), Funeral
Home "Since 1903," 226 7th av S, Tel CHapel 2-1244 (See Yellow Page 26)
Brainerd Robt cement fnshr Ole Jorgensen & Sons Constn r Rock Falls Ill
Brall Mich J lab Clinton Eng r Erie Ill
Bramow Marjorie bkpr Domestic P1mb r405 21st p
--Ralph A (Marjorie) slsmn Carnes Oil Co h405 21st pl
Brand John W (Clara M) process wkr Clinton Corn Processing h1709 N 3d
Brandenberg Ernest r106 1/2 S 2d
Brandenburg Alf E (Minnie A) district Ct reporter h1107 N 3d
--Dale lab Pillsbury Mills r Andover Ia
--Henry W (Gladys A) lab Clinton Corn Processing h742 9th av S
--Hilda prsr Wardrobe Gins r610 7th av S
--John C (Hllda B) hlpr C&NW h610 7th av S
--Lester (Mildred; Dutch Treat Tavern) h111 S 7th
--Lester M mgr Skelly Oil Co h235 5th av N
--Richd E studt r742 9th av S
--Robt J USAF r742 9th av S
--Velma Mrs prsr Fourth St Sanitone Clns h432 8th av S
--Wm lab All State Serv r742 9th av S
BRANDT AUTO CO (Leon B Brandt, Harold L Dekker), Buick Sales and Service,
"Since 1916," 137-39 4th av S, Tel CHapel 2-8922 (See Yellow Page 4)
--Deborah M (wid Bert E) h2109 Roosevelt
--Gertrude vlk W Atlee Burpee Co r2208 N 6th
--Harry (Mildred) lab h223 7th av S apt 23
--Joan C ofc sec Elmer P Weih r2208 N 6th
--John bartndr Plezall Cigar Store r1330 Camanche av
--Leon B (Carrie P; Brandt Auto Go) h2l5 3d av S
--Marvin V (Florence E) mach opr Curtis Co h804 1/2 S 4th
--Oliver W (Nellie E) dept mgr duPont h626 11th av S
--Ralph (Nellie) dye setter Patent Novelty h2208 N 6th
--Roy V (Ethel M) tmkpr Clinton Corn Processing h2203 Garfield
Brandtner Hllda A chief nurse VA Domiciliary r do
Brandy Nancy L Mrs clk Interstate Power Co r1416 Grandview dr
Brashear Celdon emp Pillsbury Mills r Fulton Ill
Bratsch Walter H (Laura L) carpet layer Paaske Shops h9l2 N 3d
Bratthauer Daryl L (Carol J) carp Soenksen Constn h2359 S 14th
Braudt Jimmy N studt r2100 Iowa av
--Norton L (Ruth V) mech Bickelhaupt Mtr h2100 Iowa av
--Ruth V Mrs ofc sec Clinton Sr Hi Sch h2100 Iowa av
Brauer Alvin P (Mildred R) city sanitarian h506 4th av N
Braun Joe sec Hank's Auto Stores r Chicago Ill
Braunlin Kathryn M Mrs r2204 Roosevelt
Bray Jas D (Marie C) slsnin Ting Korn Stamp Co h14451 Fairway dr
--Lyle E (Bessle R) wldr Central Steel h878 6th av N
--Robt A (Ella M) solr Interstate Finance h2723 Cleveland
Brayford E Robt (Bridle M) eng duPont h2915 Pershing blvd
Brayton Emily C (wid Frank C) h2706 Pershing blvd
Breaton Jerry studt r515 10th av S
Brecher F Richd st.udt r555 9th av S
--Fulton slat intl wkr Clinton Ice & Fuel r2229 1/2 Roosevelt
--Wm H (Virginia M) carrier PO h921 6th av S
Brechon Chas USA r3519 N 3d
--Henry (Clara) plant wkr Sanitary Farm Dairies h3519 N 3d
--Joy clk Pillsbury Mills r3519 N 3d
Brechtel Edith G mach opr Clinton Garment h541 1/2 6th av S
Breckllng Bahne M (Jotta M) lab Clinton Corn Processing h118 23d av N
Bredow Martin S Rev (Dorothy C) pastor Zion Evangelical Lutheran Ch h212 S
Breen Chas C (Ruth A) h2931 Roosevelt
--David A mach Clinton Corn Processing r2931 Roosevelt
--Harold L driver Veteran Cab r522 5 1st
--Ruth A Mrs sec Clinton County Soldier Relief Comn h2931 Roosevelt
Breezy Point Apartments Breezy Point dr
--Point Farm (Olie D Collis) Breezy Point dr
Breitbach Paul J (Betty M) ydmn R C Bennett Box Co h416 1/2 N 2d
Breiter Bertha r262 N Bluff blvd
--Henry C (Amelia L) h2568 Liberty av
--John E (Myrtle J) driver Clinton Pure Butter h330 23d p1
--Wm E (Dorothy) driver Joyce Lbr h235 8th av N
Bremhorst Henry (Sylvia L; House of Fun) h204 N 3d
--Lorretta A ofc wkr Clinton Herald r204 N 3d
--Sylvia Mrs (House of Fun) h204 N 3d
Breneman John A (Helen B) eng duPont h1025 N 4th
Brennan Alf T (Lavlnia) cook Blue Star Drive In h224 1/2 6th av S apt 13
--Cora B (wid John T) h722 13th av S
--Earl F (Leona W) tralnmn C&NWRy h916 S 5th
--John E (Grace A) slitting duPont h234 17th p1
--Mary L Mrs r722 13th av S
Brenstron Dwight R city mgr Reserve Life Ins Co r108 Weston bldg
Breson Anthony H (Gussie M) swtchinn CMStP&P h2403 S 14th
Bretthauer Adam (Louise) driver Ole Jorgensen & Sons Constn h243 1/2 23d av N
Brewbaker Dorothy F merchandise supvr Kresges r Albany Ill
Brewer Elmer L emp Clinton Corn Processing r413 12th av
--Paul sergeant Salvation Army r Camanche Iowa
--Wm H (Florence J) mach opr C&NW h1410 S 4th
Brewster Hiram S h120 Fayette
--Lane R weaver Clinton Wire Cloth r Camanche Iowa
--Lorraine M ofc sec Wilbur M Walliker h514 7th av S
Brezee Josephine G (wid Grant) r316 9th av S
BRICK AGENCY (Robt I Brick), Insurance and Real Estate, 1824 N 2d, Tel CHapel
2-4066 (See Yellow Pages 32 and 53)
BRICK JOSEPH W (Mary A) (Brick & Sons), 120 Main Tel CHapel 2-2015, b2215
Pershing blvd, Tel CHapel 2-4865
--Judy J ofc Clinton Corn Processing r RD 2
--Julia A clk Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h507 Buell av
BRICK MAURICE G (Kath S) (Brick & Sons), 120 Main, Tel
CHapel 2-2015, h2711 Pershing blvd, Tel CHapel 2-4865
--Robt J (K Bette; Brick Agcy)h516 22d av N
BRICK & SONS (Joseph W and Maurice G Brick), Plumbing and Heating,
"Established 1905," 120 Main, Tel CHapel 2-2015 (See Yellow Page 50)
Bricklayers Masons & Plasterers International Union No 15 Jack M Hubbart sec
613 S 2d
Brickley Betty M Mrs nurses aide Jane Lamb Mem Hosp h1034 2d av S
--Robt A (Betty M) formn h1034 2d av S
Bridge & Structural Iron Workers Local No 647 613 S 2d
Bridges John 0 (Beatrice J) tire recapper Machael Oil h235 2d av S
Brieske Paul F (Helen S) mach opr Allied Structural Steel h219 Adams p1
Briggs Edmund W Jr (Anna E) int decorator 810 13th av N hdo Bright Jas A
(Cath M) lab Clinton Corn Processing h214 19th p1
Brlghtinan Matilda r239 4th av S
--Pearl A (wid John W) h252 21st p1
Brlghtwell Omie chem duPont r Goose Lake Iowa
Brlll Paul W (Kath L) pntr W C Hanger h1119 9th av S
Brinker Wm atndt Seven States Oil Co r534 18th av S
Bristol Guy L (Margary) eng C&NW h433 4th av S
--John M studt r433 4th av S
--Jos J studt r433 4th av S
--Louise T (wid Paul E) meat dept Eagle-United Super Mkts hl304 9th av S
Britch Wallace (Marion) asmblr Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h122 27th av N
Britt Alf W brklyr Ringland-Johnson Constn r Thomson Ill
--Ann M Mrs ofc duPont h548 7th av S
--Jas E (Mary J) dist mgr Natl Federation of Independent Business h1507 N 3d
--Maurice A jr (Ann M) mtce duPont h548 7th av S
--Vincent P (Kath B) agt John Hancock Mutual Life Ins h1231 Camanche av
Broadrick see also Broderick
--David F (Emma M) carrier PO h549 16th av S
--David F jr appr McCune Contr r549 16th av S
--John W h1506 S 3d
--Margt A Mrs ofc sec A & M Realty & Ins Co h221 1/2 3d av S
--Martin P lab Collis Co rll00 Main av
--Thos E (Delores J) planer Curtis Co h712 20th av N
--Wm J (Margt A) glazier Curtis Co h221 1/2 3d av S
Broadwater Lawrence V (Josephine) power opr duPont h333 29th av N
Brock Clarence (Agnes) driver Car Carrier h1104 1/2 S 4th
--Glen E (Leona M; Brock Wrecking Co) h604 4th av S
--Harold (Betty J) mech R H Peters Mtr h2221 1/2 N 2d
--Lois J Mrs h115 1/2 2d av S
--Wrecking Co (Glen E Brock) bldg 2001 McKinley
Brockett Earl (Mary) sanitation dept City of Clinton h2706 Cleveland
--Elmer hlpr Porky's Inn h rear 325 McKinley
Broderick see also Broadrick
--Alice M r1122 S 5th
--B Eug (Geneva M) farm store mgr Montgomery Ward h215 S 7th
--Geneva M Mrs cash VA Domiciliary h215 87th
--Helen E hlpr Green Basket r317 14th av S
--Jas E (Lucille A) hlpr Hill's Wood Products h332 14th av S
--Jas P (Bertha S) cooper Clinton Corn Processing h317 14th av S
--Wm J jan Pillsbury Mills h1122 S 5th
--Wm J Jr elev opr Curtis Co r1122 S 5th
Broders Aug H (Lucy G) supt of mails PG h840 14th av S
Brodersen Edw H (Ethel M) plant wkr Sanitary Farm Dairies h251 17th p1
--Erma M (wid Chris) r3006 N 3d
--Ethel M Mrs recpt Jas H Taylor r251 17th p1
--Jean slswn Stuedemann Expert Fitters r3006 N 3d
--Peter emp Clinton Corn Processing r RD 2
--Richd jan Central Cigar Store r Petersen apt
--Robt J (Rita M) mach Clinton Corn Processing h317 10th av S
--Russell N (Jean M) laby wkr duPont h3006 N 3d
Broderson Edith clk Henning Drug Store r414 2d av S
--Gerald 0 (Laura E) millwright Curtis Co h1407 S 14th
--Nelle (Nelle Brody Beauty Shop) h744 4th av S
--Nelle Beauty Shop (Nelle Brody) 744 4th av S
Brogan Gladys M Mrs kitchen wkr VA Domiciliary h1401 Camanche av
--Walter L (Gladys M) h1401 Camanche av
Brogger (leo F (Malta A) slsmn Clinton Provision h820 11th av S
Bromann Karl O F (Elaine) slitter duPont h613 1st av
Bromley Corwin W (Marie C) slsmn Volckman Furn & Carpet Co h123 Fayette
--Glen D (Wilhelmlna J) tool grinder Central Steel Tubing h630 4th av S
--Ira W (Gladys P) h807 S 4th
--Jesse V (Emeline M) emp Clinton Corn Processing h2407 S 14th
Brondyke Dewey jr (Helen M) dockflan Carstensen Frt Lines h213 5th av N
--Donald L (June 3) rtemn Rapid Thermogas h617 Locust p1
Bronenkant Cath (wid Frank) h521 3d av S
--Clarence r521 3d av S
--Edna M (wid Henry; Bronenkant Trucking) h424 3d av S
--Florence (wid Jacob) h336 17th av S
--Trucking (Mrs Edna M Bronenkant) 424 3d av S
Bronkema Ethel sheeting duPont r Fulton Ill
Bronkenia John carmn hlpr C&NWRy r Fulton Ill
Brooke Tyrrell W slsnan Curtis Co r380 22d p1
Brooker Lay 3 (Mabel B) guard duPont h808 S 8th
Brookfleld Pest Control Co Ray 3 Gleason rep 308 Tucker bldg
Brooks Cath E mach opr Clinton Garment r Charlotte Ia
--Cora r2335 N 3d
--Emmett L (Jeanette D) slitting duPont r612 5th av S
--Jack E (Helen V) opr Brooks Tavern r430 5th av N
--Jeanette D Mrs bkpr Maquoketa Co r612 5th av S
--Jerrine M Mrs lndry wkr St Joseph Mercy Hosp h213 1/2 S 2d
--John (Jerrine M) lab CB&Q 11213 1/2 S 2d
--O'Connor & Brooks Ralph K Brooks br mgr accts 309 Tucker bldg
--Ralph E (Gladys M) h322 10th av S
--Ralph K (Thelma R) br mgr Brooks O'Connor & Brooks h1341 15th av S
--Thos S (Martha) coml flshermn h2527 Grant
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Roy B Jamison sec-treas 341 8th av S
--of Railway Employees Floyd G Clark sec-treas 341 8th av S
--of Railway Trainmen 183 Elvin R Grimes pres 400 S 1st
Brotherson Floyd H (Beryl R) ofc Gabriel Lbr & Fuel h123N 6th
Brougham Frances E Mrs r2414 1/2 Roosevelt
Broughton Gladys T (wid Herschel) tchr h2418 Pershing blvd
Brown Alf (Ida M) h2304 Cleveland
--Alma E h563 6th av S
--Alonzo driver E J Stewart Transfer r 3d av N
--Arth H dist sls mgr J B Beaird Co Inc r Manufacturing Meadows
--Barbara J Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment 1h523 15th av S
--Beatrice W Mrs elev opr Wilson bldg r331 2d av N
--Blanche M (wid Walter C) h124 N 3d
--Bruce D servmn duPont r Cainanche Ia
--Carl F (Barbara 3) mldr Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h523 15th av S
--Carl W (Grace M) press opr Allied Structural Steel h544 17th av S
--Chas A (Mary E) h2322 Chancy
--Clyde L r300 5th av S
--Darrel M (Dorothy E) carp A&M Constn Co h557 1/2 6th av S
--Delores L Mrs clk Interstate Power r913 S 6th
--Dennis G (Flossie A) plater Collis Co h421 N 5th
--Diedrich P emp Clinton Corn Processing r619 N 5th
--Donald E (Louise M) driver (Giunta Bros h331 2d av S
--Doris Mrs of C Carstensen Frt Lines r Thomson Ill
--Edw A (Mary A) lab Clinton Corn Processing 11222 19th p1
--Etta L (wid Henry T) h209 4th av N
--Eug R atndt Cunningham Nash r2613 N 3d
--Frank M (Cora B; Brown's Foods) h110 S 7th
--Fred I (Marion I; Brown's Shoe Repr h213 30th N
--Forest J driver Car Carrier r1509 13th av S
--G Milton (Irene H; Smith's Drive In) h409 32d av N
--Geo W (Faye C) clk Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h649 5th av S
--Geo W (Dorothy E) lab Clinton Corn Processing h310 23d p1
--Gilbert J (Hilda K) slsmn Hess & Hopkins Leather Co h433 8th av S
--Guy C (Maude E) h2422 McKinley
--Harold slsmn h436 1/2 6th av N
--Harold E (Doris I) lino opr Clinton Herald r Thomson Ill
--Harry R asst purch agt Climax Engine & Pump MIg Co h822 6th av S
--Helen L Mrs ofc see Clinton Corn Processing h1850 Glendale rd apt 58
--Ida E r619 N 5th
--Ira V (Grace) condr C&NWRy h2123 West Court
--Irene slswn Darlene's r409 32d av N
--Jacqueline I studt r418 15th av S
--Jas J (Helen M) laby tech Clinton Corn Processing h rear 2543 1/2 Camanche
--Jas O (Annette) emp Clinton Corn ProcessIng h338 Myra p1
--Jeanine M studt r622 8th av S
--Jeannette nurses aide Jane Lamb Mem Hosp
--Jerome K (Bonnie L) burner Allied Structural Steel h746 6th av S
--John F emp Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Ia
--John L (Theresa C) formn Coils Co h855 13th av S
--John P (Eva D) h707 10th av S
--Josephine I tchr Clinton Sr Hi h832 3d av S
--Kenneth M hlpr C&NWRy
--Leon W (Marquelle) laby wkr duPont h2613 N 3d
--Leonard 3 (Jeannette 5) hlpr Allied Structural Steel h515 N Bluff blvd
--Leslie E (Edna D) mach shop Maquoketa Co h525 7th av S
--Lonzo car cln Machael Oil Co r214 3d av N
--Louis W (Eliz) mtce duPont h2320 McKinley
--Louise M Mrs supvr Clinton Garment h331 2d av S
--Marquelle Mrs clk VA Domiciliary h2613 N 3d
--Mildred asst dept mgr Coml Serv r418 15th av S
--Pau1 D (Lena J; Paul's Tavern) h1313 S 8th
--Pauline M (wid Roy; Milady's Beauty Shop) h830 N 3d
--Phyllis A opr TelCo r3112 N 2d
--Ray J (Adelheid B) county assessor h3112 N 2d
Raymond H (Cathryn J) h1817 Garfield
--Richd P refinery wkr Clinton Corn Processing h619 N 5th
Richd W (Marilyn B) slsnm Curtis Co h835 7th av S
--Robt r436 1/2 6th av N
--Robt (Christine M) h1403 Camanche av
--Robt F lab Clinton Corn Processing r523 15th av S
--Robt H (Mildred R) bartndr Moose Club h418 15th av S
--Robt N interviewer State Emp Serv r445 9th av S
--Roy J (Ann) h1120 5 9th
--Sidney E (Bernice J) mgr Arwell Inc h310 3d av S
--Vilas F asst formn Clinton Corn Processing r Camanche Ia
--Vincent P (Josephine S) meat ctr Kirschners Mkt h2600 Pershing blvd
--Walter G (Phyliss A) asst formn E & M Constn Co h234 23d pl
--Will r821 S 4th
--Wm A (Martha 3) coatIng duPont h904 Circle dr N
--Wray O (Lyllian 3) carp Jens Oleson h622 8th av S
Brown's Foods (Frank M Brown) 110 S 7th
--Shoe Repair (Fred I Brown) 213 30th av N
BROWNFIELD GLEN H (Jeanette A), Mgr Holland Furnace Co, 1008 S 4th, Tel
CHapel 3-1170, h602 4th av S, Tel CHapel 2-5696
Broyles Chas E (Eliz) lab C&NW h1928 Garfield
--Eliz Mrs bobbin winder Clinton Wire Cloth h1928 Garfield
Bruce Florine A Mrs personnel asst Pillsbury Mills h1125 5th av N
--Wayne C (Florine A) dir County Sch Bd h1125 5th av N
Brucker Marion C tech Stewart's Medical Laby r434 6th av S
Bruellisauer Alf E (Saverna M) h327 4th av N
Bruffett O Richd (Evelyn A) driver Car Carrier h rear 2320 McKinley
Bruggenwirth Ben F (Margt M; Ben's Mkt) h2117 Hwy 30
--Betty E asst mgr Ben's Mkt r2117 Hwy 30
--Dorothy J slswn Ben's Mkt r2l17 Hwy 30
--Robt (Patricia) brklyr Eric A Carlberg h2345 Prospect
Brugman Leo A (Alice 3) castIng duPont h2528 N 3d
--Peggy L studt r330 9th av S
Brugmaann M Josephine hsekpr St Mary's Rectory r5l6 9th av S
Bruhn Arnold H (Mildred I) lab Clinton Corn Processing h406 10th av S
--Arth H (Alice M) mach C&NW h263 18th p1
--Donald E chief acct Eclipse Lbr r2133 Camanche av
--Edw A (Rollne V) coating opr duPont 112 River la
--Eunice M (wid Arnold E) h1900 Glendale rd
--Jack A (Roberta A) mtce duPont h1210 4th av N
--Marvin E (Ina) county sheriff and (Modern Way Lndry) h242 6th av N
--Mary E (wid Henry D) pres Army Mothers Club h2133 Camanche av
--Mary L Mrs opr TelCo h827 1/2 4th av S
--Raymond E (Mary L) caller C&NW h827 1/2 4th av S
--Richd J (Joanne J) field eng Worthington Corp (Chicago) h217 1/2 19th p1
--Robt H (Helen G) mach opr Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h2100 Center Ct
Brumer Gus A (Mamie G) with Brumer's Jwlry Store h700 2d av S
BRUMMER'S JEWELRY STORE (Delbert H Dudley), Diamonds, Watches, Silverware,
Gifts, 509 S 2d, Tel CHapel 3-2825
Brunson Mabel (wid Merle) waiter Clinton Country Club h514 4th av N
Bryant Calvin J h808 3d av S
--Fannie (wid A P) h605 S Bluff blvd
--Fern (wid Harold B) r605 S Bluff blvd
--Frank emp Clinton Corn Processing r2336 Camanche av
--Joy studt Jane Lamb Mem Hosp r638 S Bluff
Bryden Edw H (Lois L) electn Clinton Corn Processing h1016 14th av S
--Jennie R (wid Walter F) clk W Atlee Burpee Co h819 13th av S
Bubenyak Michl E (W Alberta) lab Clinton Corn Processing h2327 Chancy
Buchacker Alice M studt r442 15th av S
--Merle M (Viva E) rivet heater Allied Structural Steel h442 15th av S
Buck Chas (Selma A) meat ctr h340 3d av S
Buckley Benoit A (Mildred G) driver 0 W Rasmussen h555 17th av S
--Cornelius J (Bernadette M) h432 2d av S
--Lillian M (wid Jas) h98 8th av N
Buckman Chas E (Mary E; Chuck's "66" Serv) h1431 Prospect av
--Elmer T (Evelyn A) h2225 N 5th
--Evelyn A Mrs nurse St Joseph Mercy Hosp h2225 N 5th
--Jill nurses aide Jane Lamb Mem Hosp r216 13th av S
--Jos C (Eliz C) pntr Prieskhorn h652 1st av
--Levi L (Eleanor E) dept mgr Clinton Gas & Appliance h216 13th av S
--Mary E Mrs personnel asst VA Domiciliary h1431 Prospect
--Royce E (Jeanette A) plmb Brick & Sons h513 S 7t
Bud Wm lab C&NW h309 1/2 8th av S
Budd Dorothy Mrs slswn Penneys h746 1/2 11th av S
Budde Elmer E (Dorothy) lab Clinton Corn Processing h746 1/2 11th av S
Budget Shop The (Allen Judge) furn 108 N 2d
Buech Otto C (Alfrieda A) h1524 Pershing blvd
Buechner Agnes r1327 N 3d
--C Albert exec sec Bd of Pk Comnrs h2308 Garfield
Buell Andrew H boiler opr Clinton Corn Processing h2317 7th
--Dale A lab Clinton Corn Processing r1020 N 2d
--Elijah School 216 31st av N
--Glenn W laby tech Clinton Corn Processing r300 5th av
--Wm C (Elfrieda L) carrier P0 h1020 N 2d
Buelow Albert C (Dorothy L) formn C&NW h650 19th av S
--Carl R (Lillian B.) forum Pillsbury Mills h1612 N 5th
--Chas F (Pearl F) slsmn Sanitary Farm Dairies h549 8th av S
--Earl G (June F) nailer Alcoa h2423 S 14th
--Elsie C Mrs mach opr Collls Co h818 13th av S
--Emil G (Augusta) h665 18th av S
--Emil J (Elsie C) pipe ftr Clinton Corn Processing h818 13th av S
--Gladys M Mrs armature winder Clinton Mfg h345 1/2 2d av S
--JoAnn M Mrs teller Clinton Federal Savings & Loan Assn h1702 N 6th
--Les O (Janeen) pntr Climax Engine & Pump Mfg h529 16th av S
--Lester R (Gladys M) lacquerer Collis Co h345 1/2 2d av S
--Phyllis J clk Dohrn Trans r345 1/2 2d av S
--Ralph E (JoAnn M) fcty Curtis Co h1702 N 6th
--Reinholdt E (Anna) eng C&NW h745 13th av S
--Ronald W studt r749 15th av S
--Walter H (Ada E; Buelows TV Serv) h749 15th av S
--Wm J (Margt; Buelow's Gro) h825 N 3d
Buelow's Grocery (Wm J Buelow) 1929 N 6th
--T V Service (Walter H Buelow) 131 5th av S
Buerge Clyde B (Myrtle G) eng C&NW h1622 Iowa
Buford Cleo Jr (Oath) r207 N 3d
Bugbee Clarence J h2421 Pershing blvd
--Maynard V (Dora I) mech Veteran Cab h621 12th av S
Buikema Clarence driver C&NW r Fulton Ill
--Donald A (Mary M) processor Clinton Corn Processing h2015 1/2 Roosevelt
--Epe material O&NW r Fulton Ill
--Gerald J boring mill opr Climax Engine & Pump Mlg r Fulton Ill
--John (Hazel I) bartndr Central Cigar Store h331 3d av N
--Lewis R (Sylvia) food processor Clinton Corn Processing h2000 Iowa av
--Louis J (Dorothy) colr City of Clinton Bridge Comn r Fulton Ill
--Mary M Mrs ofc sec W Atlee Burpee Co r346 9th av S
--Raymond H (Dorothy M) dept mgr B. H Peters Mtr h324 16th av S
--Robt J slitting duPont r Fulton Ill
--Roy J carmn C&NW r Fulton fll
--Stella Mrs clk W Atlee Burpee Co r Fulton Ill
BUILDERS SUPPLY Co (Herbert G Melchert), Cabinets an Custom Milwork, Screens,
Windows and Doors, 200 N 4th, Tel CHapel 2-7961 (See Yellow Page 45)
Bull Geraldine P clk Pillsbury Mills h122 1/2 S 2d
--Ray B (Alice M) coating duPont h437 2d av N
--Wilson B (Dorothy B) farmer h348 6th av N
Bullard Elmer B (Sylvia L) lab Ole Jorgensen & Sons Constn h139 1/2 3d av S
--Marvin J (Mary B) emp Swifts h3101 Pershing blvd
Bllis Lonnie R (Eva) clk Swlfts h558 1/2 7th av S
Bulow Harry F (Genevieve) barber 721 S 6th h do
--Hulda H (wid John) h239 16th p1
Bultema Louise M mach opr Clinton Garment r Fulton Ill
Bumann Jack L r617 Locust p1
--Marion E hlpr C&NW r617 Locust p1
Bunce Gertrude D (wid Wm) h241 1/2 7th av S
Bunn Carl B (June I) carp Ringland-Johnson Constn Co h1926 N 5th
--Carl G lab rl926 N 5th
--Cbas A (Freda R) r719 Isabella Ct
--Wilbur D (Eliz J) ofc wkr duPont h122 N 5th
Buntemeyer Elmer A (Buntemeyer & Sons) r RD 1
--Fred 3 (Tillie M) jan Ankeny bldg h200A Ankeny bldg
--Leroy F (Buntemeyer & Sons) r Elvira rd
BUNTEMEYER & SONS (Elmer A, Leroy F and Virgil E Buntemeyer), Heating
Contractors, 100 S 4th, Tel CHapel 2-3112 (See Yellow Page 30)
--Virgil E (Marvel; Buntemeyer & Sons) h2009 Garfield
Bunting Arnold G (Doris B) dist supt Joyce Lbr Co h240 S Bluff blvd
--Harriet B studt r240 S Bluff blvd
Burbridge Lynn L (Doris M) mgr Fed Discount Corp h1338 15th av S
Burchill Wm J (Ruth) pres Clinton Mfg Co r RD 1 Fulton Ill
Burde Helen L (wld Carl) dept mgr Midwest Food Serv Inc h446 1st av
--Marilyn J designer Hilmes Greenhse r446 1st av
--Martin C (Jessica L) florist Bother Greenhse h722 6th av S
Burden John L slsmn Sieg Home Sup r520 2d av S
--Paul D (Regina M) ofc Clinton Corn Processing h1231 lIarrlsofl dr
Richd (Mary A) h520 2d av S
Burdick Bruce B Rev (Janice L) pastor Clinton Ch of Christ h414 23d av N
--Ethel O (wid Jay J) h437 5th av S
--Susan V (Wid Arth D) h740 1/2 5th av S
Buren Frank F (Emma 3) h1067 7th av S
Buresh Louise emp Swifts r230 4th av S
Burg Jennie A (wid Chas) h1227 9th av S
--Karl J (Carmella) drftsmn Clinton Mfg r1227 9th av S
Burgdorf Paul H Rev (Stella D) pastor St John's Evangelical Luth Ch h422 Main
--Robt E forum Genl Elec r422 Main av
Burgess Lester B (Arlene) slitting duPont h936 S 10th
--Robt L (Nancy D) slsmn Sears h1025 14th av S
Burgmeyer Cheryl A of c Clinton Corn Processing r754 12th av S
--Clarence A (Alma M) wldr C&NW h754 12th av S
--Janeen M rep TelCo r754 12th av S
Burke Albert B p1mb h262 36th av N
--Ambrose J Msgr pastor St Mary's Ch h516 9th av S
--Beverly J Mrs dept mgr Cottage Inn Bakery h1118 23d av N
--Chas G (Ella 0) farmer h928 N 2d
--Edmund J (Nellie) h327 13th av S
--Edw L shop formn Sanitary Farm Dairies r1118 23d av N
--Elvera E Mrs clk W Atlee Burpee Co r RD 2 DeWitt Iowa
BURKE EUGENE T (Marion H), Attorney, 313-14 Howes Bldg 419 S 2d, Tel CHapel
2-1133, h300 12th av N, Tel CHapel 2-4691
BURKE FLORIST (Francis J Burke), "Say It With Flowers," 210 6th av S, Tel
CHapel 2-1155
--Francis J (Hazel B; Burke Florist) h1314 Florence av
--Hattie N (wid Wm) h324 13th av S
--Hazel B Mrs designer Burke Florist h1314 Florence av
--Jas (Saverne) electn Aldridge Elec h1326 23d av N
--Jas A (Madonna M) laby tech Clinton Corn Processing h 740 4th av S
--Jas J (Hazel) mach C&NW h759 13th av S
--Jas T (Alice E) chem dept duPont r2819 Roosevelt
--John A bus opr Clinton St Ry h2434 Camanche av
--John 3 (Marie) slsmn Fidelity Life Ins h275 22d av N
--Jos B (Florence L) h515 1/2 Argyle Ct
--Leonard J (Dorothy P) guard VA Domiciliary h68 23d av N
--Pearl E Mrs beauty opr Marie's Beauty Salon r543 7th av S
--Philip B (Mae B) bartndr La Cantina h2919 Roosevelt
--Philip h2819 Roosevelt
--Robt A (Dorothy L) eng drftsmn County Eng h240 36th av N
--Rose A (Rose Burke Beauty Shop) h2917 Cleveland
--Rose Beauty Shop (Rose A Burke) 97 1/2 Main av
--Thos r56l 5th av S
--Thos J (Pearl E) slitting duPont h543 7th av
--Wm E (Grace A) guard VA Domiciliary h503 N 3d
--Wm J r2917 Cleveland
Burkehammer Al L (Stella M) caretkr Shady Haven Trailer Ct r2335 N 3d
Burken Arnold B (Louise A) h557 3d av S
--Catharine E mach opr Clinton Garment r Preston Iowa
--Cletus O (Evelyn E) forum Swifts h513 3d av S
--Edgar H (Rita F) slsmn Shull's h431 8th av S
--Hubert F jr (Helen N) lino opr Clinton Herald h552 3d av S
--Jas stock mn Eagle Food Center r431 8th av S
--Jane A studt r552 3d av S
--John A (Rose O) h553 3d av S
--Loren F USN r431 4th av S
--Robt D (Margt) lab Clinton Corn ProcessIng h919 1/2 N 2d
Burkert Geo M (Theresa J) supvr Clinton Corn Processing h 902 14th av S
--Herbert L (Georgetta) chiro 214 8th av S h do
--Leo M (Bessie M) mach C&NW h1026 Grandview dr
--Merlin V (Joan E) mtcemn duPont 11517 15th av N
Burkey David (Lena) eng C&NW 11427 10th av S
Burkhardt Robt B emp Clinton Corn Processing r Fulton Ill
--Wm E mtcemn duPont r1003 10th av
Burkholder Dale A chem duPont r Morrison Ill
Burkley Clinton I (Bernadine B) mtcemn duPont h231 5th av N
Burleson Cath E ofc wkr Clinton Corn Processing h619 1/2 9th av S
Burlingame Ben F (Anna N) h327 12th av S
--Claud E (Lady E) h526 1/2 2d av S
--Connie nurse Clinton Nursing Home
--Dorothea B Mrs (Burlingame's Gro) r RD 1
--Eleanor M Mrs ofc sec Commonwealth Loan Co h760 9th av S
--Ernest (Dorothea B; Burlingame's On,) r RD 1
--Geo (Virginia R) carmn C&NW h330 4th av N
--Jas P (Ada B) chf clk C&NW h913 S 5th
--Jas P jr (Janet M) formn duPont r S 18th and 2d av
--Marvin E (Eleanor M) coating opr duPont h160 9th av S
--Oliver S (Ada M) custdn Carstensen Trans Stge hll0 S 5th
--Richd G (Doris I) pntg contr 327 7th av N h do
--Virginia corsetiere Clinton Baths r330 4th av N
Burlingame's Grocery (Mrs Dorothea B and Ernest Burlingame) 1738 8th av S
Burrmahl Aug C (Marie A) Jan Collis Co r Preston Iowa
Burmeister Carolyn J mach opr Clinton Garment r534 5th av N
--Jos D (Louise M) weigher Clinton Corn Processing h534 5th av N
Lawrence D millhse wkr Clinton Corn Processing r534 5th av N
--Ra1ph (Elsie) driver Kaminsky Iron & Steel Co h1804 Spence ct
--Virgil G (Hazel) emp Clinton Corn Processing h1810 N 2d
--Wm A (Dons L) emp Clinton Corn Processing h232 12th av S
Burnett Alva chem dept duPont h1317 12th av S
--Alva E Jr lab Clinton Corn Processing r914 1/2 S 4th
--Mary A Mrs h914 1/2 S 4th
--Paul B (Inga M) auctioneer and real est 819 Park pl h do
--Warren B studt r1803 Roosevelt
Burnotte Eloise K Mrs h1900 Glendale rd apt 30
Burns Alice clk Eagle United Super Mkts r701 Park p1
--David J (Eloise) appr Clinton Corn Processing h1533 N 8th
--Laura J slswn Kresges r Albany Ill
--Mary A (wid Wm B) h709 10th av S
--Mary A Mrs asst chf opr TelCo h630 10th av S
--Patk W trninn C&NW r1602 Pershing blvd
--Patk W jr (Grace) brkmn C&NW h1602 Pershing blvd
--Robt D (Dorothy I) Il surfacing contr 264 21st p1 h do
--Robt J (Mary A) asst cash Clinton Natl Bank h630 10th av S
--Seward A (Genevieve J) carp Alcoa h1216 4th av N
--Wm S (Virginia B) opr Clinton Corn Processing h723 Park p1
BURPEE W ATLEE CO, Eug Veit Jr General Mgr, Seed Growers, 615-19 N 2d, Tel
CHapel 3-1323 (See Yellow Page 57)
Burrell Margt L Mrs clk Fidelity Life Ins r2010 Glendale rd
Burroughs Corp Jack Helfrich serv mgr business machs 309 S 2d
Burrows Ida Mrs h243 27th av N
--Margt L (wid Otto A) clk County Aud h2627 Roosevelt
Burt Albert L (Velma W) carp Clinton Engineering 1121 5th av N
--Velma W Mrs tchr Kirkwood Sch h218 5th av N
Burton Ada M (wid Leo B) h432 9th av S
--Eula A (wid Walter L) r2410 Camanche av
--Jos R (Anna M) designer Genl Elec h615 9th av S
Burzlaff Aug r115 N 3d
--Emil F (D Lucy) pntr Allen Printing Co 529 3d av S
--Paul N (Elsie A) carrier P0 h1163 7th av S
Busch Wm J Jan Joyce Lbr h803 1/2 12th av S
Bush Clifford P (Iola R) eng C & N W h87 28th av N
--Gretchen A Mrs mach opr Clinton Garment r Fulton Ill
--Paul E mach C&NWRy
--R C (Shirley L) mgr Scott's Shoes h1430 Pershing blvd
Business & Professional Women's Club Lucille Southern pres meet 3d Tues of
month YWCA
Busk Frank H (Ella T; Busk Tavern) h104 19th av N
--Lucille ofc mgr MeEleney Mtrs r3131 Cleveland
--Russell H (M Lucille) ofc Clinton Corn Processing h3131 Cleveland
--Tavern (Frank H Busk) 121 Main av
--Butka Mary B (wid Frank) h107 N 5th
--Butler Amanda L Mrs h1805 N 10th
--Ben F reprmn C&NW h715 Park p1
--Howard M emp Clinton Corn Processing r RD 2 Fulton Ill
--Jos J (Anna) eng C&NW h1225 S 9th
--Norman (Regina) oil division Clinton Corn Processing h816 Roosevelt
--Regina Mrs insp Dalrypak Inc h816 Roosevelt
--Richd A (Betty L) sheeting duPont h603 2d av S
Butt Maurice F (Alice M) plant wkr Sanitary Farm Dairies 1601 Pershing blvd
Butterfield Margt C (wid Thos) r615 5th av S
Butz Claire M (Brma) serv duPont h415 1/2 2d av S
--Lester A tchr Arth Murray r2710 Roosevelt
--Steven (Martha E) carp Collis Co 2710 Roosevelt
-Steven B studt r2710 Roosevelt
Butzbach Andrew R r231 12th av S
--Elsie J (wid John N) h763 11th av S
--Fred J (Alvlna K) formn Curtis Co h824 11th av S
--Jeannette B r231 12th av S
--Ruth K (wid W J) slswn Martin Morris Co h125 1/2 5th av S
Buxton Harold B (Edna R) emp Clinton Corn Processing h702 S 7th
--Ruby A kitchen wkr Jane Lamb Mem Hosp r702 S 7th
--Buzard Walter S h227 3d av S
Byam Don R (Irene A) driver Western Auto h717 N 2d
--Raymond J (Sophia L) toll collr City of Clinton Bridge Comn h415 7th av N
--Sophie waiter Lafayette Hotel r415 7th av N
Byer Aug A carp h1315 9th av S
Byers Bernice M (wid Oliver) h227 14th av S
--Chas F (Helen I) lab Clinton Corn Processing h419 13th av S
--Dave F (Anne T) woodwkr Curtis Co h517 3d av N
--Ellen M (wid Forest) h1416 Roosevelt
--Geo S (Ann D) eng C&NW h839 6th av S
--Ida A (wid Jerry) smstrs ABC Dry Clns h1016 1/2 S 5th
--Jack A mech Sanitary Farm Dairies r314 18th p1
--Jack R (Marion) refiner Clinton Corn Processing h2303 Garfield
--Jerry W (Patricia A) casting duPont h440 8th av S
--Jesse S (Nellie E) h730 10th av S
--John W (Harietta A) formn duPont h1504 Pershing blvd
--LaVern (Darlene) fcty Curtis Co h421 11th av S
--Lucius A (Hilda D J) lab Clinton Corn ProcessIng h2014 Liberty
--Mary J kitchen wkr Jane Lamb Mem Hosp r419 13th av S
--Maurice W atndt Sears h227 14th air 3
--N Wilda MrS h441 2d av N
--Wm D (Marion L) appr Clinton Corn Processing h1928 N 7th
--Wm H (Hulda A) eng C&NW h314 18th p1
Byllesby Robt B (Sereta M) pres Hearth & Home Inc h314 14th av N
--Sereta M Mrs treas Hearth & Home Inc 1h314 14th air N
Bylsema Dick emp Pillsbury Mills r Fulton Ill
--Jacob (Marion C) lab Curtis Co h518 8th air S
Byrge Leona bkpr C B Stukas & Son h420 1/2 N 3d
Byrnes Timmy (Mary) clk Iowa Liquor Store No 25 h600 1/2 S 1st apt 1