April 18, 1895

Osceola Sentinel

Ottawa news

Ottawa school began, April 1st, Miss Burton as teacher and Mr. Root director...Dan Abrams has had quite a streak of fortune; a pension of $650 back pay and $12 per month future pay...Mrs. John Black, who has been seriously ill, is slowly recovering...Mr. Crow, of Kansas was visiting Mike Lyons and friends in this vicinity...Alfred Diehl and Jay Carson moved on the Bob Critchfield farm last week.llRev. Church has moved his family in the Messman property near the church...



Thursday, November 19, 1908



W. L. Garris has his new barn completed on his farm two miles northwest of town.  The Barn is one of the best in the county.   Geo Heston is building a new barn, three miles east of town.   Next Sunday is preaching day at the M E church.   Mrs. Clarence Moore, Belle Fowler and Rose Anderson were Chariton visitors the fore part of the week.   Mrs. John Cochran was a County Seat visitor Monday.  John Terbune shipper for Southern Iowa was in Chicago with several car loads of stock Monday. Mrs. Osenbaugh started to Oklahoma Tuesday to live with her son. Charlie Fishbach our blacksmith is off on a vacation this week.  The first vacation he has had for ten years.  Ed Lowery and wife were in Osceola Saturday.   Will Voris was a passenger to Osceola Wednesday.   There will be a Christmas tree at the M E church.  


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