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Audubon County


History > 1892 Audubon

Bus. Directory


Floral Divider Bar

LUMBER.--Among the popular and industrious young business men of Audubon Mr. Weighton stands among the first on the list. He is a worthy example of what pluck and energy coupled with honesty and integrity may accomplish in this mighty world of business. Mr. Weighton came to Audubon seven years ago and engaged in the employ of Captain Charles Stuart, a position which he filled until two years ago, at which time he purchased the lumber business from Stuart & Son and since then has been conducting this trade. He is a native of Arbrooth, Scotland, and is 28 years of age. In social and business circles in Audubon and Audubon county he is a leader, and the people have long since realized his true worth as a citizen of this city, and during his seven years residence in Audubon he has gained hundreds of warm friends and well-wishers who are extremely gratified at the success which has greeted him in the past. During the two years that he has operated his present business he has built up a heavy trade with the people of Auduobn county, and his numerous customers will never have cause to complain of the treatment which they receive at his hands. It is indeeed a pleasure to the writer to endorse this young, energetic, self-made man. He is a member of the Audubon Lodge No. 163 K. of P. and one of the leading spirits of the order.

Transcribed February, 2023 by Cheryl Siebrass from 1878 1892 History of Audubon. (Audubon County,) Iowa, From Its Foundation to the Present Together With a Complete Directory of Its Leading Business Men, State Historical Publishing Company, 1892, pg. 30-31.