Woodbury County

Col. Lyman Robert Talbot




Ex-Resident In Limelight
Col. Lyman Talbot Is In Charge of Oil Supply for Invasion

Col. Lyman Robert Talbot, former Sioux Cityan, is the man who supplied the gasoline and oil for the thousands of ships, tanks, armored cars, ambulances, trucks and other vehicles that are taking part in the invasion. For six years he was engineer in charge of construction and maintenance at the United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.

As Chief of the petroleum and field division, office of chief quartermaster in the European theater of operations, Col. Talbot is today the world’s largest procurer and distributor of gasoline and motor oils dealing in solid fuels rank with those of the largest corporations.

Details of his work of the division include the purchase, inspection, storage, issue and distribution of products which include gasoline, oils, greases, recoil and hydraulic fluids, rust preventives and cutting oils. In addition to the vehicles used in combat, the division has supplied the thousands of others that are used by the service forces to supply and transport the combat elements as well as the ground units of the air forces.

Col. Talbot is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Talbot formerly of 1811 Ross Street. He is a graduate of Central High School, 1907, and the University of Wisconsin where he received a B.S. degree in civil engineering. He was a construction manager before assuming his post at West Point and entered active service in December 1940.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, July 14, 1944