Woodbury County

Capt. J. Fuller Haskins



Our Men In Service

Fuller Haskins, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fuller Haskins, 3823 Fifth Avenue, is the first of eight Morningside students who enlisted in the United States Marine Corps reserve to go from Sioux City to attend officers’ candidate school at the Great Lakes training station. Mr. Haskins is a June graduate of Morningside College, where he was president of the Preengineers club, was listed in Who’s Who in America Universities and Colleges, and was a member of Sigma Pi Sigma, national physics fraternity and Zeta Sigma honorary society.

Source: Sioux City Journal, August 24, 1942 (photo included)


J. Fuller Haskins, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Haskins, 3823 Fifth Avenue, has been promoted from first lieutenant to captain in the Marine Corps reserve.

Now stationed at the El Toro, California, Marine Air Station, Capt. Haskins is a veteran of 20 months overseas service. He was a radio-radar maintenance officer with the First Marine Air Wing and saw service in Palmyra, Bougainville and in the Philippines of Luzon, for which he wears three service ribbons and four battle stars.

He is now instructor in radio and radar maintenance at El Toro. He is a graduate of East High School and Morningside College.

Source: Sioux City Journal, August 1, 1945 (photo included)