Woodbury County

Maj. Edwin B. Haakinson


Maj. Haakinson Here On Leave
Former Sioux Cityan Has Been Serving with Doolittle

On leave after serving with the famous Jimmy Doolittle 15th air force as assistant communications officer in charge of signal security, Maj. Edwin B. Haakinson is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Haakinson, 1802 Jones Street, and a sister, Mrs. Gerald Cassen, 914 31st Street.

Maj. Haakinson formerly was city editor of the Sioux City Tribune, leaving here in 1935 to join the Associated Press staff at Washington, D.C.

He has been in service two years, serving one year in communication in Washington and one year in Italy. He returned from overseas recently on leave and after a week here again will join the communication service in Washington. He is accompanied by his wife, the former Jean Robbins, daughter of the late Dr. J. H. Robbins.

Every soldier overseas, Maj. Haakinson said, is entirely confident of victory and the only question is how soon.

Maj. Haakinson related that he had met several Sioux Cityans while on active duty. He met Judge H. R. Kenaston on a bus in London and David Loepp, former major, in Bari, Italy, and invited himself and a party of sergeants to a meal on a ship in a North African port and was greeted by Lieut. Arnold Baron, of Sioux City. Lieut. Stanley Herzoff, whom the major met in Bari, presented him with more than a dozen copies of The Sioux City Journal.

Source:  The Sioux City Journal, May 9, 1944 (photo included)