Wapello County

Sgt. Alex Davis




AMERICAN DEFENDERS!  Here Are More Than 600 From Wapello County Who Get Buddy Boxes.

The Red Cross and The Courier acknowledge that the list is not complete. The original plan was to tell the name, address, and particular assignment of each.  However, our best interpretation of the wartime regulations is that the least said about the various forts and ships and posts and camps, the better. All reference to any specific assignment has been deleted. 

Alex Davis, son of Mrs. Lilly Davis, Central Addition, coast artillery.

Source: Courier, Ottumwa, Iowa, Tuesday, December 16, 1941

Birth Notice.
July 17, 1943 to Pvt. and Mrs. Alex Davis, a daughter, Margie Kay, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Crickbaum on South Wapello street.

Source: Courier, Ottumwa, Iowa, July 1943

Winning The War—
News About Men and Women of Ottumwa Vicinity In the Service Of Their Country.

Word has been received by Mrs. Maxine Davis that her husband, Sgt. Alex Davis, has been transferred  from Camp Haan, Calif., to Camp Swift, Tex.  He has been in the army three years as a cook.  He is the son of Mrs. Lillie Morrow of South Wapello street.

Source: Courier, Ottumwa, Iowa, Wednesday, July 26, 1944