Cerro Gordo County

Lt. George Brown


DOUBLE SURPRISE -- The Browns had themselves a happy weekend. Friday Lt. and Mrs. James R. Brown and son, arrived here from Camp Blanding, Fla., and one of the first things they did was to announce their arrival to the lieutenant's mother, Mrs. Lola Brown, at her office in the courthouse.

Mrs. Brown was out for the moment and while they were waiting for her, the telephone rank. Jim answered. It was his brother, Lt. George, calling from St Louis, Mo., telling that he would be home Sunday. So Mrs. Brown had a double surprise when she appeared.

James had been here earlier in the summer when he was returned to the states after being interned in a German prison camp. His terminal leave is until Sept. 21, and after that may consider himself released from the service. He came from Key field, Meridian, Miss.

George was attending his first year of junior college in Mason City when he entered the service in February, 1942, and he may return to school in January.

Source: Mason City Globe-Gazette, September 10, 1945 (photos included of the two sons)