Woodbury County

Maj. Frederick Lief Andrews

Sioux Cityan, One of Youngest U.S. Army Majors, Receives Flying Cross
Frederick Andrews of Air Corps Is In Aleutian Islands

Frederick Lief Andrews, a former “our town” boy is causing the Japs a lot of trouble off the Alaskan coast lately. If you don’t believe it, ask some of the Japs who have been pestering our forces out Aleutian Island way.

Frederick who was 26 years old on his last birthday, is believed to be one of the two youngest officers holding the rank of major in the American fighting forces.

A son of Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews, formerly living at 3604 Stone Avenue, young Andrews graduated from East High School here in 1935. Afterwards he attended Northwestern University for a time, and then engaged West Point Military Academy. He was graduated from West Point in 1940 with the rank of second lieutenant. He was promoted from rank of captain to major a short time ago.

Early in September of this year, Maj. Andrews was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his service against the enemy in the Aleutian Islands front. The medal was presented by Maj. Sinmon B. Buckner Jr., of the Alaskan defense command.

“In icing conditions, at a reduced speed without any appreciable safety factor,” the citation stated, “Andrews carried out day and night attacks against enemy concentrations.”

Maj. Andrews’ father was a captain in the First World War and at present is engaged in defense work in Omaha, where the family now resides.

Source:  The Sioux City Journal, November 16, 1942 (photo included)