Woodbury County

Robert Nordgren





Marvin J. Nordgren, chief machinist mate, is spending a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nordgren, 2501 First street, after serving four years in the Aleutians and the South Pacific aboard a destroyer.

Marvin, a graduate of East high school, is a veteran of eight battles. He enlisted March 15, 1937, and took his boot training at San Diego. From there he was sent on a good will trip in the Pacific area aboard a battleship. In June, 1941, he enlisted a second time after spending three months with his parents, and in California. He is now on his first leave home since then.

He met his brother Arthur Nordgren, a coxswain aboard and oil tanker, once in the Aleutians and several times in the South Pacific. Arthur has been overseas for three years and is now in the South Pacific. Another brother, Robert Nordgren, electrian’s mate third class, has been serving aboard an L. C. T., in the South Pacific for the last 16 months.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, April 6, 1945