Cerro Gordo County

Pvt. Richard W. Horrman




Horrman Stationed at Cavalry School

Private Richard W. Horrman, rural route one, Mason City, has reported to the world’s largest cavalry school at Fort Riley, Kans., for training While at the school Private Horrman will receive a modern corse of instruction in horseshoeing. Upon completion of the course he will return to his regular organization.

Source: The Globe Gazette, Mason City, Iowa, Friday, March 27, 1942, Page 11

Pvt. Richard W. Horrman, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Horrman, route one, has been graduated form the Fort Riley, Kans., school of horseshoers with a class of 75 and sent to Fort Bliss, Tex., with the cavalry. He was at Mare Island shipyard in California until Jan. 1, when he re-enlisted.

Source: The Globe Gazette, Mason City, Iowa, Saturday, June 20, 1942, Page 14

Memorial Services Sunday
For Pvt. Richard Horrman

At St. James Lutheran Church at 2 p. m.
With The Rev. Mall in Charge

Memorial services for Pvt. Richard W. Horrman, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Horrman, route 1, who was killed on Leyte last Nov. 9, will be held at the S. James Lutheran church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock with the Rev. O. Mall, pastor of the church, in charge.

Pvt. Horrman was born a Charles City on April 23, 1915. He attended the Mason City high school for 2 years and was confirmed at the St. James Lutheran church.

He entered the army at the age of 20 and spent 3 years in the service at San Francisco and Hawaii before Pearl Harbor. Then as soon as war was declared, he re-enlisted and took training at Fort Riley, Kans., and Fort Bliss, Tex. He went overseas in June, 1943, and and had taken part in 3 major battles, New Guinea, Admiralities and lately Leyte. Between enlistments Pvt. Horrman was employed in the navy yard at Mare Island, Cal.

Besides his parents he is survived by a sister, Marjorie, at home.

Source: The Globe Gazette, Mason City, Iowa, Thursday, April 18, 1945, Page 7 (photo included)

Honor Memory of Horrman

“God Only Comfort at All Times,” Mall

Memorial service for Pvt. Richard W. Horrman, who was killed in action on Leyte last Nov. 9, was held Sunday afternoon at the St. James Lutheran church. The Rev. O. Mall, pastor of the church, in his sermon based on John 3, 16, said in part:

“We are gathered in the house of God to receive comfort through God’s word. God only can be our comforter and our staff. This was the experience of all God’s children in all times. God loved the lost world to such an extent that He gave His only Son that whosoever would believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life

“We sometimes give up valuable things. Precious lives are given on the battlefields today. But God gave his only begotten Son to save a lost world and bring eternal peace. Let us be thankful for this message and receive a true comfort. Let us go to the Lord and remain with Him.”

Mrs. Mall sang “Come Ye Disconsolate” and “Lead, Kindly Light.” She was accompanied on the organ by Lois Nicholson.

Source: The Globe Gazette, Mason City, Iowa, Tuesday, April 23, 1945, Page 11

In Presentation of Tokens
At Memorial Service

The next of kin of servicemen honored at the 9th joint public memorial service held at Music hall Sunday afternoon. They were present to receive the U. S. burial flags and Gold Star citation scrolls presented by the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The Rev. Paul Peterson of the Wesley Methodist church gave the eulogy.

Lt. Col. Arthur T. Lobdell of the 7th service command was in attendance to present the bronze star medal to Mrs. John J. Vician, a posthumous award for her husband, Capt. Vician.

Mr. Peterson centered his talk around 2 lines of verse from Emerson:

“’Tis man’s perdition to be safe
When for the truth he ought to die.”

“I didn’t know any of these 5 boys personally,” said Mr. Peterson, “but I venture that 2 things dominated them: They didn’t want safety, and for the truth of a world democracy they were willing ‘to give’ their lives. Three things made them heroes: They didn’t play safe; they died for a cause; and they have their immortality . . . that which motivated their lives, lives on.”

Councilman Adrian Hart, in the absence of Mayor Howard E. Bruce, who was unable to be present, read a letter of condolence from the city. It said in part: “It is only fitting that we this day dedicate our lives to comforting and aiding their loved ones, and strive to the utmost to establish a lasting peace – for the future generations – this a tribute to our departed members.”

Mrs. Carl H. Carlson played “Largo” by Handel at the opening of the program. Mrs. Peterson sang “Prayer” by Guion and “There Is No Death” by O’Hara, with Mrs. Carlson accompanying.

The honor guard at the soldier’s shrine and the firing squad were from Company E of the state guard under the command of Capt. Leslie R. Whipple, Participating were 2nd Lt. George C. Mathews, T/Sgt. Dale E. Hyde, T/Sgt. William Cooper, S/Sgt. Carol Schultz, Sgt. Ralph D. Rowley, Cpl. Resser Adams, T/5 Terold T. Tilton, Pfc. Robert Patton, Pvt. Constantine Kregotis and Pvt. J. H. Niederheiser. Bill Nicholas played taps.

The program was under the direction of the American Legion and the V. F. W. with Nick Degen, commander of the V. F. W., presiding. All patriotic organizations participated with their colors.

Source: The Globe Gazette, Mason City, Iowa, Monday, April 30, 1945, Page 11

Richard William Horrman has a cenotaph in Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City, IA.

Source: ancestry.com