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Military Involvement


Servicemen * Wr - surnames

Hugh Eldon Wright was born Jan. 17, 1912 to Lloyd Everett and Virgie Lola Meacham Wright. He died Dec. 20, 1944, was buried at sea, and is memorialized at the Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cemetery, Taguig City, Philippines and has a cenotaph in Winterset City Cemetery, Winterset, IA.

Petty Officer Wright served in World War II with the U.S. Naval Air Corps Bomb Squadron 151 which departed from West Field, Tinian Island, the Marianas to participate in a search reconnaissance and bombing flight. During a bombing run on the airstrip on Woleai Island, the Carolinas, the plane crashed into the sea after being hit by enemy anti-aircraft fire. He was MIA/FOD/KIA in the service of his country.

Source: ancestry.com

Franklin Everett Wrightsman was born Feb. 28, 1916 to Everett and Grace Gordon Wrightsman. He died Aug. 15, 1971 and is buried in Oakdale Cemetery, Wilton, IA.

Pvt. Wrightsman served with the U.S. Army in World War II.

Source: ancestry.com

ServiceMen Research done by WWII Researcher, Pat Holt Juon, May 2021



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