by Norma Jennings
Last updated: 18 October 2014

    This is a large file and you may wish to use the search engine on the index page to find names of your ancestors that are listed here.  However, for entertainment and interesting reading,  you will enjoy many of the tidbits found in our old newspapers reflecting the era at the time of writing. nfj
(The following articles are all from our oldest newspaper—the Washington Press.)

    We call attention to a communication  in today's paper from Richmond. This is right. we shall be glad to publish such an account of the business, health, resources, &c.,&c, of every town in the county. Richmond has set the example, -- who will follow?  Let us hear from Crawfordsville, Brighton, and other points.
    The citizens of Richmond seem to have the right spirit; they are alive to the interests of their town. Her business men are wide awake, stirring fellows. we have received two orders for advertising Bills from her merchants, and can only regret that we are not prepared at present to serve them to better purpose. Hope to be soon.
    And another thing--we have a larger subscription list at Richmond than any other point outside of Washington, that also speaks well. But we are not boasting of the size by any means, understand, but only speak of it comparatively. It is too small by odds, we are ashamed to tell how many it is just now. We feel about it something like the good clergyman of whom Mrs. Child, we believe it was, relates an anecdote. His little child having died, he was much surprised at the number of friends who called to condole with him  at the funeral; and remarked apologetically that he was "sorry it was not a larger child". We are sorry the list at Richmond is not larger--hope it will be soon-- as well as every other point in the county.

9 July 1856 (WCGS Summer 2008)

"Brighton is the second town in size in the county.  It contains some 600 inhabitants, and is pleasantly situated on high rolling ground about 1 1/2 miles from the Skunk River. It is surrounded by a fine flourishing farming community, which affords a large trade to the merchants and mechanics of  the town. It contains 4 churches, Presbyterian, Associate Reform, Christian, and Methodist; also Congregationalists and Baptists have service but no houses of worship.  It has also 1 school house, 2 Hotels, 7 Dry goods Stores, 1 family Grocery, 1 Stove Store, 1 Drug Store, 1 Jeweler, 1 Boot and Shoe Store, 1 Wagon and Carriage Shop, 1 Cabinet Shop, and 1 Furniture Shop. The proprietors of the latter, Mssrs Auld  & Hyatt evince their appreciation of the power of printers ink by advertising in the Press. See their card in today's paper. There is also in the village, a flourishing lodge as there is in the State-a Lodge of Oddfellows and a Lodge Good templars.

    While we find much to commend in the spirit and practice of the citizens of Brighton, we are disposed to criticize one thing. they have but one School House, and hat not a very good one. We understand they voted a tax to build a new and commodious one, some time since, but finding the plan proposed would cost some $4000, it was abandoned as too expensive. this we think was bad policy. Good facilities for educating your children is not to be estimated by dollars and cents. Intelligence and virtue in any community is a pearl of great price. And any means for securing these cannot wisely be neglected for pecuniary considerations. Build a good house and secure good teachers and be assured you will not regret it."
19 May 1858 (WCGS    Summer 2010)

"We understand that a steam saw mill situated about four miles east of Wassonville in this county, and owned by Robert and Isaac Gillam, was blown up on Saturday last by the bursting of the boiler,a nd a man by the name of Elijah Mann instantly killed. Such was the force of the explosion that about four feet of the boiler was broken off, and striking the unfortunate Mann carried him 15 o4 20 yards landing him against another building, and then continued its course several yards further in a bank of earth. There were 12 or 15 persons in and about the mill, and although the building was entirely demolished, no other person was injured.  We learn the facts from Dr. Nugen of Wassonville."

4 Aug 1858 (NEW)

Iowa Insane Asylum--the following letter, with regard to the condition of the work on our State Insane Hospital, which  we find in the Mt. Pleasant Journal, will be of interest to some of our readers, : Mt Pleasant News, Iowa July 1858, Messrs. Editors:--As inquiries by letter and otherwise are constantly made of the Superintendent and others, in regard to arrangements for receiving and taking care of insane persons here, it thought advisable to say, through the public prints, to all interested no such arrangements  have been made, and that none probable will or can be made until the building  in the course of erection  is ready for occupancy, which will not be until next spring or summer. The unfavorable weather of the present season has delayed the completion not less than six months. The work on it has been and is now progressing with all possible dispatch.

11 Aug 1858 (NEW)

We learn from a gentleman just down from the Red River country, that a fierce and bloody battle occurred between bands of the Sioux and Chippewa Indians near Big  Stone Lake in Minnesota on the 14th of July. The Chippewas lay in ambush and when their enemies came within shooting distance dropped twenty of them at the first fire.  A hand to hand encounter then ensued, both parities fighting desperately in this the Sioux lost six more of their men, but killed eleven of the Chippewas.

15 Dec 1858

The M. E. Church at Eureka, six miles south of Washington, will be dedicated on Sunday, 26th inst., by Rev. M.H. Hare of Mt. Pleasant. Friends generally are invited to attend.

23 Feb 1859 (NEW)

A Hearse--Since death will come to us all sooner or later, we are pleased to learn that those excellent liverymen, Bacon & Coles have procured in parnership an article that has been long needed in this place on funenral occasions--a good hearse! I may be obtained by calling either of their respective stables together with good carriages for the accommodation of relatives and friends,who may wish to  follow the remains of the departed to the grave. Those who may need these acommodations will doubless gladly avail themselves of them,  instead of the ___ kinds heretofore compelled to be used on such occasions.
.ege. The church numbers but few we believe in town, but a goodly number we are informed in the vicinity. We are not advised who is to be the pastor."
6 April 1859

Washington County Society of Natural History

At the close of the session of the late Teacher's Institute in this place, we are pleased to learn that a society of Natural History was organized, having for its object, the collection and preservation of animal, vegetable and mineral specimens of interest to be found in this county. T. H. Dinsmore was elected President, N. Chipman and N. Everson, Vice Presidents, J. G. Couden Secretary, and N.P. Chipman, treasurer and keeper of the cabinet. The first regular meeing will be held on the first Saturday in June, at which time the following committee will report: (spellings as found)
J. H. Sanders, chairman of committee on Geology and Mineralogy Miss E. King, chairman of committee on Botony  Mr. S. C. Jones, chairman of committee on Lethyology and Conchology. Miss C. W. Chipman, chairman of committee on Entomology. Mr. W. M. Stewart, chairman of committee on Ornithology Mr. J. H. C. Dawson, chairman on Mamology
Nearly forty members have been enrolled, and all who desie a membeship can get it by leaving name and one dollar with the Secretary, Mr. Couden, in this place. We are glad to know that such a society has been organized and hope it may be successful in obtaining and preserving much that will be of interest. In this connection, would it not be well also for this society to take measures for obtaining a history of our county--its early settlement and progress, and whatever of importance has occurred in its history to the present, or may in future transpire.

11 May 1859

"Close of volume--The present number completes the third year of the existence of the Washington Press. It may now be considered a fixed institution, devoted to the upbuilding of home interests, and the interest of the county. We hope that past experience and proper encouragement from our citizens, will enable us to make it more than ever before useful and welcome to all. The fact that our county subscriptions has steadily increased the past year or two, notwithstanding the hard ties, induces us to believe that our efforts towards making the Press a good paper, have not been entirely ineffectual, and nerves our hands with courage for future exertions."
13 July 1859  (NEW)

Brighton Township--In making observation with regard to the census returns of this county for he present year we mentioned a discrepancy between the returns for this year, we mentioned a discrepancy between the returns for this year and that of 1856--showing a large decrease. Mr. Barringer, the Assessor for that township called upon us a day or two since, and stated a fact which had escaped our recollection and which will satisfactorily account for the discrepancy alluded to. Since the census of 1856 was taken, a strip nearly a mile wide from the east side has been detached from the east side of Brighton Township and attached to the west side of Marion . This accounts for the decrease in the population. This accounts for the decrease in the populaton of the former and the increase in the latter.

27 July 1859 (NEW)

"New Church--We notice that the members of the United Brethren denomination are erecting a house of worship in the south part of town. It occupies a pleasant site on a high rolling lot on the street leading to the Coll

28 April 1860-(WCGS - Fall issue 2010}

Mr. Editor—In the Press of last week, in speaking of the appropriation for building a bridge, you say it is to be built on a direct course with the street on the north side of the square, and that it is the most direct and equally as practicable as any other. If that be so, there is some things about it which I, as well as some others cannot exactly understand, and would feel obliged if you would give us a satisfactory explanation. If you refer to the records you will see that the Washington and Sigourney road for near fifteen miles runs on a section line till it comes within about two miles of Washington. That section line runs in on the south side of town and is one hundred and four rods south of the south side of the square. I have never, until now, known of the proposition to set the bridge further north than a place known as the "old brick yard," which is twenty-nine or thirty rods north of the section line or the upper ford.

If the bridge is to be set thirty rods north of the section line then comes the query. The section line running east and west, and you start at the northwest corner of the square and run a direct west course, as the road does for near one mile, how do you expect to reach a point seventy-five rods south of that, nearly a direct course? Or if you continue that direct course one hundred and four rods north of the section line, how far will you have to go to intercept the Sigourney road? There are some who suppose that a road might be made to cross at or within thirty rods of the upper ford and coming into the road now traveled, which would suit fully as well as the one that you recommend; and men can be found who will put it in good traveling order for one hundred dollars. It might not suit some of the city folks who wish to enjoy a rich treat at "hide and seek" when they are out on their evening rides, unless they can persuade the Supervisor to appropriate a part of the eight hundred dollars which he says he intends to spend on your road, (of course not including the Railroad bridge over the road which he will have them make if the Railroad is never built), to making a few mounds and caves for their special accommodation.

30 May 1860

We notice that the County Judge is having a good and substantial improvement placed around the Court Yard  for hitching horses and teams;

This is a much needed convenience, and will serve as a proper protection to the fence which we hope to see built sometime, and to the trees which not withstanding, the shabby treatment they have received, bloom as green and beautiful as ever.
4 July 1860

Schools—The school which has been taught in the public school house by Miss C. W. Chipman and S. E. Jones, closed on Friday of last week. Their labors as teachers have been very satisfactory, and the school was a pleasant and profitable one. That taught in the M. E. church by Miss M. A. Dawson closed with a pleasant picnic in College Grove, which we omitted to mention last week. We learn that it is the intention of the Board to re-open the Public Schools in Washington about the 1" of September.      
We learn that a company of some 20 or 30 Indians have been encamped for a few days six or seven miles northwest of town, where they are engaged in hunting. It is said they had been induced to spend the 4th in Washington, in honor of which event the citizens and military should make suitable demonstrations of welcome. Ugh!

Fourth Matters—Celebrations of our National Anniversary are to be held today in various parts of the county—at Richmond, at Dayton, at Dutch Creek, and at Eureka—regular old-fashioned festivities have been arranged, we believe, and the day will doubtless wax very patriotic. To all we wish a good time.

Post Office Difficulty—In January 1859, Mr. John Marsden, Post Master at Pottsville, in this county, advertised for proposals to carry the mail from that place to Ainsworth, semi-weekly. One Jonas Kell received the contract, for which he was to be paid the sum of $12.00 per quarter or $48.00 a year. At the end of the first quarter he applied for his dues, but nothing could be paid at that time. He was assured, however, that payment would be made and still continued the contract. Other applications were made before the end of the year, but with the same result, and so on until five quarters were due, and only some six dollars paid on the whole. Seeing no prospect of getting his money, Mr. Kell stopped carrying the mail, and began to think of instituting legal proceedings for securing the debt. The Post Master at Pottsville says he has paid Kell all the receipts of the office, about six dollars; and the question arises whether, knowing the receipts of the office to be, insufficient to pay the contract he had advertised, he did not go beyond his authority in thus letting

The Light Guards of this place have promised to enliven the proceedings of our Dutch Creek friends with their presence.

Post Office Difficulty—In January 1859, Mr. John Marsden, Post Master at Pottsville, in this county, advertised for proposals to carry the mail from that place to Ainsworth, semi-weekly. One Jonas Kell received the contract, for which he was to be paid the sum of $12.00 per quarter or $48.00 a year. At the end of the first quarter he applied for his dues, but nothing could be paid at that time. He was assured, however, that payment would be made and still continued the contract. Other
applications were made before the end of the year, but with the same result, and so on until five quarters were due, and only some six dollars paid on the whole. Seeing no prospect of getting his money, Mr. Kell stopped carrying the mail, and began to think of instituting legal proceedings for securing the debt. The Post Master at Pottsville says he has paid Kell all the receipts of the office, about six dollars; and the question arises whether, knowing the receipts of the office to be, insufficient to pay the contract he had advertised, he did not go beyond his authority in thus letting
it.   If the contract was made without the knowledge of Government, of course, the P.M. will be personally responsible. If with the knowledge of the Department, as claimed, there is a "screw loose somewhere."
11 July 1860
Washington Light Guards
The Military Company of this place made one of its best parades on last Wednesday. Both before starting to and on their return from Dutch Creek, salutes were fired and the Company marched through the principal streets in good order, and with military precision. Their evolutions on the west side of the square in the evening, were witnessed by a crowd of citizens, who were all highly pleased with the very credible manner in which every maneuver was executed, while officers and privates displayed soldierly bearing and tact worthy of much older companies.We publish below the names of the officers and members composing the Company:Officers—Captain, H. R. Cowles; 1st Lieutenant, A. L. Thompson; 2nd Lieutenant, W. B. Bell; Ensign, James Ferguson, First Sergeant, W. P. Crawford; 2nd, A. A. Rodman; 3d, Alex Robinson; 4th J. G. Stewart. First Corporal, Wm. Ramsey; 2nd W. Smith; 3d, G. W. Neal; 4th, H. L. Childs. Privates—Wm. Thompson, L. L. Teas, L. S. Corbin, J. Martin, John Reeves, W. G. Fearis, G.Betz, Jas. Thompson, George Hunter, J. C. Nelson, Jas. Ball, Wm. Styles, R. M. Boyd, R. D. Nelson.Musicians—Dan. Eicher, E. T. Hebener, J. Eicher, S. Eicher.  
H.R. Cowles, President--W.B. Bell, Treasurer
A.A. Rodman, Secreetary,.
1 August 1860
Accident at Dutch Creek—A correspondent sends us an account of an accident or an outrage at Dutch Creek on Saturday. While some citizens were on a visit to some Indians camped on the banks of the creek, a couple of the fast young men, of the pale face tribe, rode their horses on the run into a crowd of people, and badly injuring a decrepit old lady. She was so badly stunned that her life was despaired of for awhile. Such conduct deserves the severest censure.
29 Aug 1860
Public School- The public schools of this district will open next Monday with a full and competent corps of teachers. J. A. Henderson, Esq., of this place takes the first Principal, with Miss Celia W. Chipman for a1assistant. The lower room is to be in charge of Miss Fairbanks alone for the present. The department at the old church is to be in charge of Miss Everson, with Miss Lou. Melville for assistant, and then there is to be an infant department in a room near the School house, in charge of Miss Maggie Axtle. We congratulate our citizens on the prospect of having a very excellent term of schools this winter.
17 August 1860 (WCGS Fall 2008)

Messrs Editors--Today the school taught by Miss  Z Johnson, known as Tyrone School, in Dutch Creek Twp, closed its summer term. At 1 o'clock p.m., the children were conducted to procession by their teacher to the grove of Mrs. Crawford's farm, where a stage had been erected for the occasion.

The exercise consisted of songs, select orations, dialogues and essays; which were performed in a manner that did credit to both pupil and teacher. Mr. J. H. Sanders, was called to the stand and delivered an address to parents and children on the subject of education, which was not only appropriate but interesting to all.

There were two tables, each about fifty feet long, covered with everything capable of satisfying the most fastidious. After enjoying a rich repast all returned to their homes delighted and stimulated no doubt to greater diligence in the cause of education in the future.
5 Sept 1860

New Post Office--A post office has been established at the village of Lexington in this county, to be called Cedarville, with M.D. Story as Post Master. It is a special route from Washington to that point to be carried once a week--the conditions being that the proceeds of the people of that vicinity. we should think the citizens of Lime Creek might find it to their advantage to make an arrangement to have the route continued  through to Wassonville. It might be done with little expense, and thus put them in direct communication with the county seat.
The paper on which the Press is now printed is manufactured at the paper mill of S. W. Wheelock, Moline, Ill., and is, we think, a very good article, and sold on reasonable terms. Mr. W. has just completed at very heavy cost a new building and filled it with the best of machinery, and has now one of the best paper manufacturing establishments in the country. He is prepared not only to manufacture print and wrapping papers, but all the higher grades of stationary, such as cap, letter, &c. Such an establishment is an honor to the enterprise of the proprietor and will be a lasting benefit to the west.
3 October 1860
State Fair, Etc.—Several of our citizens have gone to the State Fair, at Iowa City, but there are many more at home attending to their ordinary business. Among these we may mention Eldridge & Williams, who are always on hands with a large stock of new and choice goods and gentlemanly and accommodating clerks, who know how to sell them at astonishing low figures.
(3 October 1860)
We notice the large steam grain elevator of James Dawson is fast approaching completion, and is becoming a conspicuous object in the north part of town.
(10 October 1860)

Population of Iowa—We learn that the Federal census of this State is about completed—all the counties being in but Dubuque and Jackson. The population will be 676,000. This is a gain of about 34,000 over last year, and 250 per cent over the census of 1850.

14 November 1860

Diptheria—The Burlington (Iowa) Hawkeye says the putrid, sore throat, (probably Diptheria) has destroyed many lives in that neighborhood, and has now attacked persons in that city. Rev. A. A. Sellers, of that place recommends the following remedy, vouching for its effectiveness in most cases: Receipt—One teaspoonful of Cayenne pepper, one teaspoonful of Bayberry, put into a half pint of warm water. Take one teaspoonful every half hour. Mouth Wash—White oak bark, sage and alum boiled to a syrup; used as a gargle three or four times a day; warranted to cure nine times out of ten.
16 January 1861

The Stars and Stripes—On the receipt of the war news yesterday, the stars and stripes were hoisted on the flag pole on the public square and on the Court House. Long may they wave over citizens loyal and true.
16 January 1861

A Call For A Mass Meeting of the Citizens Of Washington County
We, the undersigned, would respectfully request the citizens of Washington County, Iowa, irrespective of party, who are in favor of upholding the Constitution, enforcing the laws, and preserving the Union as it is, to meet at the Court House in Washington on Saturday, the 19th of January 1861, at the hour of 11 o'clock a.m. to express their sentiment and take council together in relation to the dangers now threatening the dissolution of our government, and the overthrow of our civil institutions.

S E Rankin                    J Black Jr.
J H Wilson                    Calvin Cravin
Robert Glasgow            J Mathews
Chas H Wilson             Wm R Miller
Thos Melville                P S Sheldon
A Hott                          J C Howe
R H Quinn                    W B Carruthers
Wm Robertson             David McLaughlin
S P Young                    E Lewis
A Kendall                     Benj F Hill
S G Owen                    I G Moore
H Scofield                    Wm McConahey
G G Bennett                 Wm Wilson
W A VanDoren            G W LThompson
Oliver Wallin                 H M Holden
G W Teas                     C Jones
F M Shaw                    Geo W Crosley
C S Streeper                J R Lewis
Wm A Crosley              J A Donell
N McClure                   Wm Wilson Jr.
C S Cleaves                   J D. Farris
Alex Freeman                Robt Martin
E LCook                       A W Chilcote
James Galloway            James R Easton
E Cadwalader               O H Graves
S P Knisely                   J  E Malin
John C Eichelberger      D T Lee
J R Davis                      G C Anderson
R T McCall                   David Mitchell
J S Williams                  Wm Ramsey
A R Wickersham           J A Henderson
Albert Allen                   R H Marsh
R Dewey                       A McMillan
D W French                  G W Neal
William Totten               N P Chipman
Wm Blair                      Geo Brokaw
Thos P Moore

These are the correct spellings)
7 March 1861

At Richmond--We were compelled by the high streams to remain a couple of days at Richmond, Washington County, not long ago, and though it isn't a bit agreeable to be placed in such circumstances,we made out remarkably well. The village of Richmond contains quite a number of intelligent gentlemen who were kind enough to make our stay as pleasant as the nature of the case would admit. The Tremont House is an excellent place to stop at, and take it all in all, if we ever to have to be "water bound" again, we should as "lief" be hemmed in  at Richmond as anywhere. It is one of the best villages we know of.--Iowa City Reporter.
6 April 1861

Shade Trees—We are glad to see that our suggestion with regard to shade trees a week or two since is having some good effect. A Mr. Scott has brought in and disposed of one or two loads of forest trees. He furnishes them at 20c each from the wagon, or 25c to set them out in good style, and 35c to insure them to grow. We hope many more of our citizens will avail themselves of this opportunity to procure nice shade trees. Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a village at so little cost, as to have its streets and private grounds adorned with shade trees.

28 August 1861

The Tremont--During our visit to Richmond last Saturday, we had the pleasure of enjoying the hospitalities of Mr. Oliver and the lady at the Tremont House, which is one of the best hotels in the county. Together with Judge Young and Mr. McJunkin, we return our bet bow for the kindnesses bestowed. the hospitalities of the Tremont are well known to travelers between here and the City.
Washington Press--26 March 1862

Public Schools--The Board of Directors of Washington City district have selected the principal teachers for the summer term of the Public Schools, commencing the first Monday in April and lasting three months.

Principal of the upper room, Brick School house, Mr. S.B. McLain, Principal of the lower room, Miss Amanda Fairbank. Principal of Department at the old church, T.A. Parkinson, of Fairfield, Principal of Infant School, Miss Maggie Axtel. The assistant teachers are not selected yet.
Washington Press--2 July 1862

Commencement--The Commencement exercises at College grove today will be of a very interesting character. A class of eleven--eight ladies and three gentlemen--will receive graduating honors, and deliver appropriate addresses. Four graduate in the full classical course, namely: J. G. Couden, J. L. Winter, A. McMillen and Miss Mary M. Couden. The graduates in the scientific course are Miss Hellen M. Chipman, Clara E. Allen, Marietta E. Conger, Sarah J. Cleaves, Sallie E. Jenkins, Ellen J. Israel and Cordelia A. Ross.
Washington Press--15 July 1862
Petit Jury

The following are the names of the Petit Jury drawn for the September term of the District Court for this county, which meets on Monday, the 15th.
Isaac Varney, English River
Jacob Baker, Clay
John K. Dill, Washington
Morgan Hart, Washington
John Marling, Jr., Iowa
Lemrad Benn, Jackson
David B. Lyon, Highland
Robt. Gammel, Washington
James P. Deutremont, English river
Asael Jeffrey, Oregon
Ambrose Hart, Clay
Joseph Eddlestein, Iowa
J.L. Cox, English River
Robert Speer, Oregon
Alonzo Smith, Crawford
John Twinam, Washington
Washington Press--15 Feb 1865
List of letters

Uncalled for at the Post Office in Washington, Iowa, for the week ending Monday, February 13, 1865, and if not called for in the month will be sent to the dead letter office.

Brown Mrs. Lilie
Bean Wm
Brayhill W. J.
Cook G. D.
Calvert Chas
Dewees Mrs Debby
Dodge, Miss Imogene
Dunton Mrs. Lydia
Drake D H
Davidson Charley
Eliuman L
Fisher Geo
Feitens David
Hankins Rev J W
Hamon Thos
Harrison Catherine
Kirkpatrick Miss Mary
Krewson Virgil
Meek Willie E I
Miller Miss Liza
Myers Miss Ester

McKinney N
Montgomery T F 2
Porter Mrs Mary Ann
Peas C C
Powell W P
Pinkham H H
Reed Thos B
Ray Wm L
Rettenhouse David
Stewart G T
Schlater Jas W
Stevenson Rilla
Stewart Wm A
Smith Miss Sarah
Sailor Samuel
Stevenson Mathew R
Thrail H R
Thomas Sam'l K
Woods Mrs Jane
Youse Miss Abigail

Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "advertised" or they may not get them. A. R. Wickersham
Washington Press-7 June 1865

Public School--Those pupils whose per cent for deportment and scholarship stands highest for the month ending May 26th, 1865 in the High School Departments are as follows:

        High School--Class A, M.E. Kilgore, C. F. Beard and F. C. Conger.
        Class B--Caroline Hays, Jennie Mayer, and Hattie Frisbee.
        Class C--James Higgins, Etha Henderson, and Anna Long
        Class D--E. Habin, M. Davis, A. Ditmars, D. Fulton and M. Maynard

        Grammar School--Class A--Josie Woods, Sarah Srader and Sada Pollock
        Class B--Julia Dickens, Triphenia Bradford and Katie Smith
        Class C--M. Culbertson, L. Ohngemach, and Laura Bradford
        Class D--James McCulley and Seneca Dewey
        J. K. Sweney, Prin.
Washington Press--8 August 1866

English River--New Church--The Catholics having grown too numerous to be accommodated in their present house of worship, have determined to build another of mere commodious proportions. they expect to erect, earl next year, a new church one hundred feet in length by forty-eight in width, to be built of brick and finished in the Gothic style of architecture, they are now at work preparing to burn a kiln of brick this season.
Washington Press
21 Nov 1866

Personal -- Wm E. Varney, one of the best harness makers in the county, as well as one of our most esteemed citizens, has sold out here, and moved to Dayton in this county, where he intends carrying on his trade. "Ed" is a genuine good fellow, on whom there is no discount, and we congratulate the people of that locality, upon the accession to their midst of one so worthy their confidence and patronage. His successor, Mr. Joseph Escher, late of Iowa City, and a deserving young man, is carry on the same trade at Mr. Varney's old stand.
Washington Press
5 Dec 1866

OREGON Township--J. W. Nichols, local and Agent--Ainsworth High School--Our new school house at Ainsworth is now finished at a cost of about $1, 800. The higher department is to be taught by Professor Doig of Washington, and the primary by Miss Grace Doig. This simple announcement is a sufficient guarantee that the school will be an eminent success. It will commence January 3rd.
Washington Press
19 Dec 1866

OLD SETTLERS-- Association in Brighton--There will be a meeting of the old settlers of Brighton and vicinity on Tuesday, December 25th, 1866 at the hall of J. H. Cadwa-dar, in Brighton, Washington County, Iowa.  All the old settlers and their families are especially invited to attend, and as many more as can make it convenient to do so. Come one and all, and let us have an old-fashioned jollification.  Committee of invitation is as follows:

L. Moreland, J. Stout, S. Mount, G. Weyana, R. McCarty, G. Freeman, R. Disburry, J. W. Prizer, Wm. B. Lewis, L. Barklow, C.W. Wood, L.G. Friend, J. Dillon, J.T. Sales, R. Humphry, M. F. Miller, J. Peasley, J. Parsons, A.Moore, M. Mills, A. Hart, R. I. Henderson, A. Park, W.J. Rogers, -.I. Hogens, F. Thorn, Wm. Pringle, H. Ingham and J. Jones

Morgan Hart, President
Silas Washburn, Vice Pres.
R. C. Risk, Secretary
Washington Press
9 Jan 1867


The first term of the Ainsworth Academy will open on the third of January 1867, under the control of the Rev. Jas.. R. Doig.  Tuition for common branches, including Algebra $8.00. For higher branches $10.00.  Branches usually taught in academies and high schools will receive prompt and energetic attention. All who intend being pupils for the ensuing term, are earnestly urged to be present the first day. Those wishing further information can receive it by calling on any of one of the committee.
W.H. Livingston, President
J. G. Thompson and Dan'l Mickey, Vice President
J. C. Luckey, Treasurer
J. S. McClellan, Secretary

Same issue --
Protracted meeting-- We learn that the United Brethren have been holding meetings nightly for the last three weeks, and will continue them two weeks longer. Rev. John Richards, has been preaching every evening in to large and serious audiences, and the interest is deep and genuine. Several converts, we understand, have been made. People attending services at that church in this revival season will be edified. Mr. Richards has been laboring here since September, and his work seems now to be crowned with success.

Same issue--
DUTCH CREEK--G.L. Reed, Local and Agent School--The District township of Dutch Creek, according to the last enumeration contained 503 youth of school age. the district is divided into ten sub-districts, contains nine school houses, runs ten schools,and has employed for the present term, four male and six female teachers. The Board of Directors at their meeting in April 1866 proposed to have four months school during the present winter, and offered to pay $20 per month therefore, and four months in the summer of 1867 at $15 per month, making an aggregate of $1,400 for teaching 503 youth eight months--or less than $3 per head. We propose to the secretaries of the different townships that we have through the Press a general interchange of statistics in regard to schools . And we request the County Superintendent to inform the people after visiting the schools of the county, which, on an average, are the best taught schools: those that pay the lowest wages, or those that pay the highest wages. We hope that Dutch Creek will take all the railroad stock she ought and then take a little more stock in the education of the youth.
Washington Press
 16 Jan 1967

Methodist Revival--rev. L.S. Ashbaugh has just closed a very interesting revival meeting at the town of Dayton, with the result of about one hundred converts. He proposes to commence a series of meetings in Lexington, on Sunday, January 20th.

Washington Press
23 Jan 1867

DUTCH CREEK -- G. L. Reed, Local and Agent-- Something Pioneerish--Michael Augustine built the first house in Dutch Creek township, in the year 1838. Conrad Temple, Mr. Junkins, David Sykes, and David Bunker were the next settlers and came soon after Augustine. The first school house was a log cabin, on the bank of Dutch Creek, near what is called the "Pennington Place". The first school was taught by one Mr. Bunker;. The second school house was built on the farm of John Iams. The first preaching in the township was done by a Methodist minister named Kirkpatrick. John Iams was the first Justice of the Peace. Mr. Sweet built the first saw mill, and McMartin ground the first grain by water power. In those days "going to mill" was a big performance, as illustrated by the following John Augustine, Albert Augustine and David Sykes, started for mill with ox teams, loaded with corn and wheat. They went to Fox River in Missouri, but failing to get their grain ground there, as "the water was low," they finally brought up to Burlington, and ground their grain on an ox mill and returned home, having been gone four weeks. Who wouldn't be a pioneer".
Washington Press
6 Feb 1867

Case of Wm. Baker vs. Washington county on contract for proving up Swamp lands, was changed to Henry County.

A number of divorce cases came on. It seems that the course of true love don't run together smooth in this region. Mary E. accuses David McLaughlin of inhuman treatment endangering her life, and asks for divorce.   Case put over. Felix and Mary Thurman were unyoked and left to range in pastures new.  Case of Lucinda vs. David A. Tilton submitted to court. No decision yet. Sarah A. succeeded in sloughing Albert C. Hayes. Martha J. receied a decree of divorce from Thomas I. Talbert.

These were all the cases of interest to the public.
Washington Press
20 Feb 1867

LOOKING UP--We mean Washington. we have one railroad.   We shall soon have two.  We have been a town. We are now a City.  We shall have four wards to begin with. We expect soon to have a college. We have a population of three thousand, inceasing not slow. We shall one day boast of fifty thousand. We have something less than a dozen churches (we don't mention the size of their salaries.)  We have a Lecture Association which has drawn here some of the best men of America and--Turkey! We are most all good, pious Republicans. and Turkey!!What Democrats we hve got so they wash themselves once in awhile.  We have the best looking courthouse in Iowa. Also more stately dames, pretty girls, and fewere rowdies than any "city" of our size in the state. We have never been put to the blush by furnishing a Governor. Our lawyers never fight, and never let anyone else.  We have a Dramatic Club, Wool Growers', Pomological, and Old Settler's Association. Everybody patronizes the Press office and finds his accounty in it. We are all prosperous and are bound to keep so. We invite immigration.
Washington Press
27 Feb. 1867

Mr. Chris Jones informs us that in glancing over the records he finds that the first divorce in this county was that of John D. Woods vs. Elizabeth Wood., a decree was granted Nov. 11, 1840.

(Same issue)
Presbyterianism--We learn that Rev. F. A. Shearer, paster of the O.S.P. Church in this place will give a historic sketch of the church next Sunday. the sermon cannot fail of having interest.
12 March 1869
Washington Press

Ainsworth items--We are indebted to O.M. Holcomb for the following items relative to school matters at Ainsworth.

The election for school officers in Independent school district of Ainsworth, Washington county, on the 8th inst. resulted as follows: Wm H. Livingston President; O.M. Holcomb, Vice President; Geo. Hunter Secretary; F. Tustison, Treasurer, H. Cool Director

The meeting levied eight mills for school house purposes; five mills for teacher fund; and three mills for contingent fund on taxable property of said district. The assessable property was reported as over $66,000. Very good, we think for a district only one year old.
3 April 1872 - Washington Press

Dutch Creek
Editor Press: The Dutch Creek High School closed its third term on the 15th inst. With an examination, and an address by Dr. S.K. Spaulding. Kossuth Campbell, one of the students died of brain fever on the 5th inst. Dublin sports two egg wagons and proposes to send but at least three pump peddlers.
Washington Press
10 Apriil 1876

Cedar--New School House--Nos. 7 and 9 in this township district are now making arrangements for new buildings to be erected immediately or as soon  as practicable. The officers of the board of Directors--A. R. Krenson, President, W.W. Cook, Treasurer, and T. B. Allen, Secretary, are live and energetic men, at all times working for the interest of the district.
Washington Press
10 April 1876

English River--Religion--A very interesting meeting of the M. E. Church in Richmond of four weeks duration just closed.
Upwards of fifty persons have united with  the church and among the number,some of the most influential citizens of the Township..
Washington Press
27 Aug 1879

Here's a paving story
"The city will as an experiment put down between the National Bank and Wallace's at Knox's, and between Saeger's and the Savings Bank, 2 stringers of Joliet stone pavement 18 inches wide to cost about $40 a string, and macadamize on each side of those strings."
Washington Press
22 October 1879
New Postal Rating

"A new postal regulation which requires the stamping of letters with the date of their reception at the office of delivery went into effect on Monday"
Washington Press
Dec 17, 1879

Telephone in 1879
"Britton and the new bus boy are getting a telephone put up between the Bryson house and the depot.  This will keep them posted on the trains, number of passengers, etc.
John Chilcote's telephone between his house and store works like a charm. At work he hears his piano and his folks hear him sneeze in the store, and ask him if he is taking a cold. Wayne Simmons is putting up one between his house and Bank and the press office will soon be ired to a house on gospel ridges.
Washington Press
14 February 1880

Pray in Saloon
"Some crusading was done last week. On Friday night, a dozen women visited the saloons of Os and Jugenheimer, followed by a considerable crown of curious men and boys. hey prayed in each place that the men might cease this and adopt some other business, and they also sang spiritual songs. Kos, it is said, remarked as they entered."Dis is no f'eater." Norton would not let them into his place, as on a recent previous occasion he had lost a box of cigars, etc. while his attention was diverted to the unusual visitors"
(Since the first half of the 1880 marriages are missing from the marriage database, a few are found here in the news clipping.)
6 October 1880

First the marriages
F.E. Young and Laura F. Cochran, Aug 26
Thos. A. Carson and E. A. McLaughlin, Aug 18
John Calvin Cunningham and Sarah E. Easter, Aug. 25
J. W. Maxwell and Mrs. R. D. Stiles, Aug 25
J. A. Kirkpatrick and Millie Torrey, Aug 21
Jas G. Long and Mary B. Chalmers, Sept. 14
Jas. L. Downs and Libbie R. Miller, Sept 29

Next the Births
John Buxbaum, girl, Sept. 3
Sidney Coon, boy, Sept. 5
H.L. Swift, girl, Aug 27
Jas W. McLaughlin, girl, Aug 15
A.J. Hamerton, girl, Aug 18
Amos Schalm, girl, Sept. 8
Levi Knerr, girl, Sept. 8
A. T. Scuber, boy (no date)
Hubert Darbyshire, boy named Grant Garfield  D., Aug 27
John T. Malin, girl, Sept 3
G. D. McCeedy, boy, Aug 30
Jas. N. Henderson, girl, Aug 27
H. E. Gillette, boy, July 8
Sol Long, girl, April 22
T. J. Berdo, girl, Sept 19
John Calvin Cunningham, girl, Sept 19
A. Alexander, boy Sept 21
E. Williams, boy Sept 2
A. Hollopeter, boy, Sept 10
F. E. Pickins, boy, Sept 21
G. Adams, boy Sept 29
W. G. Bear, boy,  Aug 30
C. L. Romine, girl, Aug 20
T. J. Wilson, girl, Aug 31
A. Kulp, girl, Sept 6
S. Collett, boy, Sept 11
E. Lemly, boy, Sept. 25
Jesse Brown, boy, Sept 25
Veronika Miller, Aug 9 - 14 years
Geo. Smith, Aug 4 - aged 13
Martha Miller, July 13, 4 years
Anna Fulk - Aug 14, 1 month
Chas. Van Buren, Sept 14 - 27 years
David Smith, July 31 - 23 years
Wm. Summerthizer, Aug 15 - 53 years
John Bryson, April 3 - 14 years
Sara Wilkens, July 18 - 58 years
Ludwig Meyers, Sept 10 - 68 years
Washington Press
6 February 1889

Street Railway
City Council voted down the street railway scheme then reconsidered and will talk about it next month.

Washington Press
23 April 1890

"Graveyard Point"--is the name of a spot in the N.E. part of this county on the west bank of the Iowa River, not far from Davis Creek. Mounds and earth-works abound there and members of three distinct races are said to have been buried there, the mound builders of whom so little is known, the red Indians, and the whites. The first did not dig graves; laid the dead on or just below the surface and sifting over layers of earth, sand or gravel, in strata. Skeletons have been unearthed, all found in sitting posture, faces to the east; others were found lying prone beneath the mounds. Above these excavation were found remains and relics of modern Indians, the prehistoric men lying far below them. Above them still are the graves of white settlers, dating beyond 1840.

11 February 1891- Neighborhood Notes

   The Ainsworth clipper says the vein of coal on Mrs. Abbott's farm is three feet thick and the coal of good variety. Thos. Hawkings and N.B. Rush leased it; a Sigourney man wants to buy it..
    T.J. Allen of Wellman has an interesting collection of cents--he's a man of cents as well as sense. From 1798 to 1890 our mints  coined each year a one-cent piece except in the year 1815. He has a sample of the entire series, year by year, and has been 26 years gathering them. These coins were nearly all one size till 1857, Nickel and bronze from '56 to' 67, then copper. In '59 they changed from the eagle  to Indian head image. three of them are very rare; the cent of 1799 is worth $2t; that of 1798 commands $8, and that of 1804, $6. He also has specimens of wild-cat and red-dog bank notes from 10 states, dating from 1841 to the establishments of national banks and safe currency.

Washington Press (exact spellings below)
25 March 1891
Petit Jury, April Term

Wencil Soukuk, Anthony Yeggy, David Hafferty, Jabez Hitchcock, Thos Oger, Jas Luckey, Israel Davis, Sam Wolfe, E.W.H. Ashby, J.C. Hamilton, Joseph Shepherd , J. D. Williams, F. W. Harding, Jesse Pearson, G.F. Weiland, W. A.Phillips, J. P. Critz, Wm. Scranton, E.R. Harvey, M.J. Rowned, Frank Webb, C.Lins, Al Darbyshire, Tobias Minnick.

Summoned at 10 o'clock, April 27, 1891, Judge Dewey will hold court.
S. W. Neal, Clerk
13 March 1892 - Washington Press

"Riverside Leader: On the 8th in the northeast part of Jackson township an affray occurred between old friends and neighbors.  The participants were two or three young men in which one lost a part of the upper part of the left ear, bitten off in the scuffle by one of the Connor boys. the same man lost a goodly part of the cuticle of the face and has the face covered with court plaster. People with sharp teeth should not close them on ears and noses."

16 March 1892- Washington Press

Our mill at Kalona, Iowa,called the Bunker Hill, is now ready for business. This is a complete New Mill and nothing has been spared that money and experience could do. Farmers bring your wheat and get 33 lbs of flour and 10 lbs of bran for wheat testing 60 lbs. Chop feed, rye and buck wheat ground as customary. Best flour and all kinds for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. Schroeder & Ord.