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On-Line Communications

Communicate On-line

Iowa Genealogy Boards

A set of message boards developed by IAGenWeb for posting queries, biographies, obituaries, and other genealogical documents for all of our 99 county websites. These boards include a search mechanism that may be used within a county or at a state-wide level.

Visit our County Websites to Find Contacts

All of our counties have a lookup volunteer section offering specific help. The county coordinator might also direct you to an individual or organization to communicate with. Please look for the Research Help section of the county website to start with.

Genealogy Mailing Lists for Iowa and it's Counties

Ask questions, provide answers and share your information with others via mass email. With the demise of Rootsweb mailing lists, replacement lists have been slow to establish. Visit and subscribe to them to increase their usefulness.

Group.io is mailing list provider used by many Iowa Genealogy groups.
Explore Iowa and Iowa county genealogy lists here.

Go here to search some of the old Rootsweb Iowa archived mailing lists.

Iowa Genealogy Resources on the Internet

You may find other ways to communicate with people interested in Iowa genealogy by using the above search link.