Scott County, Iowa

Buffalo Township
No. 77 N. Range No. 2 East of the 5th Meridian


Section 1
Jacob Friday
Elisha Carter
John Heinrich Reimers
Jochim Heinrich Reimers
Frederick Schmidt
Jac. Friday
Heinrich Lamthau
Jacob Boettchers
Henry Rohmer

Section 2
Jas. M. McGarvey
Sam Friday
John Beck
Chas. Sass
Lydia Bishop
O.T. Logan
Elisha Carter
Jacob Friday
Mind Noble
Maria Sturgis
Math. Mitchell

Section 3
George Wilds
John R. James
Jas. M. McGarvey
Anthony McGarvey

Section 4
Jacob Brus
Fred Feilke
M. Baker, Est.
Jas. H. Robinson
M. Shaedel

Section 5
Sam Burnside
Amos Burnside
James R. Burnside
G.A. McGarvey
W.L. Clark
Dr. Chas. R. Porter

Section 6  
August Gunther
Andreas Dougherty
Henry Schulte
El. Shry
Amos Burnside
Sam Burnside
J. Burnside
Sam H. Barker
John Gabel

Section 7 
Caecilie Berryman
Alex Burnside
Jacob Brus
Christian Pahl

Section 8 
John Daurer
Martha Havill
Leonhard Kress
F. Nickels
Carl Z.W.
M.B. Holt
Christian Pahl

 Section 9
F.V. Nebergalt
Hy Gabbert
Gabbert Est
J.B.B. Est.
Joseph Hartwell
James Moore
Geo Schindler
Elizabeth B. Durham
Caleb Wheeler
Brus & Goering
J. Budmeier
J. Sch.

Section 10 
C. Wright
John Murray
Henry Mielke
Chas. Rowan
Lawrence Kearns
Wm. Thomas
R. Heeter
C. Taylor
Math. Mitchell
Hannah R. Noble
P. James
H. Coates
K. Joabbers
M. Pringle
G. McGarvey

Section 11 
Robert Williams
John Williams
Ebener Sherman
Jas. Mosier
Adam Fridley
Fredk. Hennings
John D. Morrison
Sam Robinson
Isab. Walker
Elisha Carter

Section 12 
George Henry Stramp
Fredk. Hennings
Magt. Scheerer
Diedrich Bush
Thomas C. Beamer
Hermann Cuhrt
Nathan & Blackman
L.S. Blackman

 Section 13
L.S. Blackman
Charlotte Maxwell
Christian Steinte (or Sleinte)
Fritz Kahl
L.E. Dutcher
Casper Forster
James Murray
John Sauer

Section 14 
G.F. Stickelberger
Eliza M. Dodge
M.W. Dodge
Anna Gold Est.
John Gold
A. Willi
Blase Rectin
Jacob Hinrich
John Pagel
Henry Pagel
Jochim Kahl
Oliver Clarke Est.
Levi Moore

Section 15 
Ignatz Schnurr
P.V. Newcomb
G.F. Stuckelberger
J. Zueriche
J. Miller
Fred Dodge
F. Alford
Peter Willi
A Willi
John Gold
Frank L. Dodge
Francis M Roquet
Ellen K. Cook

Section 16 
M. Backer
Ernst Lehnhard
Christ Harsch
John Inhelder
John Kearney
Fr. Kaucher
Emanuel Harsch
Henry Springmeyer
Fritz Kautz

 Section 17
E.A. Lynde
B.F. Dubois
F. Beh
J. Hopp
Peter C. Fintel
John Spethman
Christ Harsch
Conrad Appel
Jacob Friday

Section 18
Francis H. Beh
Christian Kautz
W.L. Miller
James Wegener

Section 19 
E.L. Miller
Ez. Marder
C. Moorehead

Section 20 
C. Moorehead
B. Campbell
H. Friday
B. Buttnob
Ophelia D. Lynde
Mary Rowan
Johann Forstman

 Section 21
Theod. Kautz
Fritz Kautz
W.L. Clark
Fredk. Kautz
Henry Springmeyer
L. Clark

Section 22 
John Herbgr.
Jas. F. Frank
Hy. Alford
Frank L. Dodge
Marshall W. Dodge
Ellen K. Cook
H.H. Cass

Section 23 
Allen K. Cook
Franz M. Raguet
Wm. Sauer
J.E. Moore
J.G. Dutcher

Section 24 
L.E. Dutcher
H.E. Woods

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