Grand Ave, Hinton, Iowa ~photo found & submitted by volunteer, Larry Lundeen

Hinton Cornet Band

About sixty Hinton boosters went to LeMars on Tuesday to take in the Short
Course. The two coaches of the I. C. (Illinois Central) company promised
the Hinton Commercial Club they would put on the nine o'clock freight were
not put on; therefore, the people, as many as could, went into the caboose,
the remainder of the party rode in an empty box car, and about twenty-five
people would not ride in the box car, so did not go to LeMars. The Hinton
Cornet band furnished music during the day, doing very well, in spite of the
fact that they had to play on the street, and it being so cold. The entire
crowd boarded the 3:45 train for home, all thinking LeMars a very
entertaining town. ~Source: LeMars Sentinel, Feb. 17, 1911

Early Hinton Hotel owner was Thomas Daniel Graham

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