Perry No. 3

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order

LeMars Sentinel
October 8, 1929

Appoint Committee Chairman and Present Good Program

The Parent Teachers Association, of Perry district No. 3 met at the
schoolhouse Friday evening, September 27. They were called to order by the
president, Mrs. Harry O'Connor, and actors singing "Iowa," 11 members
responded when the secretary, Mrs. Juzek, called the roll. After approving
the minutes the secretary was instructed to write the county nurse, Miss
Stenger, and invite her to be present at the next meeting. The following
chairman of standing committees were appointed: publicity, Mrs. Charles
Kelly; membership, Mrs. Oscar Crouch; hospitality, Mrs. Juzek; publications,
Harry O'Connor; finances, Wm. Angove. A motion was carried that the meeting
date be changed from the last Thursday to the last Friday of each month.

The program consisted of reading on "Health of Children," by Miss Griffith
and a reading "Cleanliness" by Herbert Angove and Ervin Vehe. The play "The
New Hat" was given by Harold Kelley, Ima Neilson, Mabel Angove and Esther
Cassiday. A tasty lunch was served.

LeMars Sentinel
December 9, 1952

PERRY CENTER, Dec. 4 -- District No. 3 school house was moved Monday to the Al Priborsky farm.


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