Hancock No. 3

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order

LeMars Sentinel, Dec. 11, 1891

HANCOCK: (Special Correspondence)

Miss Nona Shoup, of Sioux City, is teaching in No. 3. Her father
superintends the Woodbury schools. She is very much liked.

LeMars Sentinel
January 3, 1895

HANCOCK: (Special Correspondence)
On Christmas Eve, at No. 2, the good people thereabouts gathered many fine
tokens of love from the fine tree carefully prepared for the occasion. The
house was well filled, all going home happy and ready to join the
festivities arranged for at No. 3 on Xmas evening; the evening being of the
finest; the exercise being immense; the people from far and near doing all
in their power to make all things work well, the entertainments will long be

LeMars Sentinel, March 1, 1897

HANCOCK: (Special Correspondence)

The one hundred and sixty-fifth anniversary birthday of George Washington
was celebrated at District No. 3. The exercises was arranged by the
teacher, Mary I. Harlan. The program lasted over three hours. The occasion
gave evidence of ability not common on such occasions. Mrs. Harlan it
will be remembered has had much experience along the line of education.
Fourteen years ago, she and our able Prof. Wernli labored on the same floor, as
high school educators. Much credit is due to the aged professor for placing in
his field of school work, such instructors as will certainly place his county in the lead,
in the field he has so ably worked.

LeMars Sentinel, May 23, 1930

The rural school district No. 3, Hancock Township, has made an outstanding
record in library reading during the past year. Each pupil enrolled in
schools has read approximately 30 books. These books were obtained from the
school library, from the homes in the district and from the public library
in Sioux City. The books were selected to suit the grade and need of the
individual pupil, the work being done under the direction of the teacher,
Mrs. Gertha Allen.



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