Hancock No. 2

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order

LeMars Sentinel
January 3, 1895

HANCOCK: (Special Correspondence)
On Christmas Eve, at No. 2, the good people thereabouts gathered many fine
tokens of love from the fine tree carefully prepared for the occasion. The
house was well filled, all going home happy and ready to join the
festivities arranged for at No. 3 on Xmas evening; the evening being of the
finest; the exercise being immense; the people from far and near doing all
in their power to make all things work well, the entertainments will long be

LeMars Globe-Post
May 29, 1933


A large crowd of patrons and friends gathered at school district No. 2
Hancock township on Thursday evening, May 11, to hear the dedication program
given in honor of Plymouth County’s first superior school. This is an
honorary rating conferred by the Department of Public Instruction upon rural
schools which have reached superior standards. The schools is scored on the
condition of the building and grounds, school equipment, community
activities, teaching methods, and teacher qualifications. This school has
been a standard school since 1924 and is one of the best equipped schools in
the county. Miss Jessie Parker, state inspector of rural schools, Des
Moines, Iowa, who gave the main address of the evening, was introduced by
County Superintendent Petersen. The program of the evening was as follows:

Choir songs, Pupils of the School.
History of Hancock P.T.A., Mrs. C. P. Knapp.
History of Hancock Township Schools, T. A. Ross.
A Patron’s View Point, O. L. Weber.
Iowa Superior Schools, Miss Jessie Parker.

Short talks were given by Miss Tracy, Mrs. O. L. Weber and Miss Violet Fry,
who had formerly taught in the district. Miss Grace Briggs, the present
teacher, of Hancock township, also gave brief talks. A bronze plate with
the wording “Superior School” was presented by Miss Parker to C. P. Knapp,
director of the school.




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