Elkhorn No. 4

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order


LeMars Sentinel, Friday, May 27, 1938

ELKHORN: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Agnes Forbes and pupils of district No. 4 closed the school year with a
picnic on the school grounds Friday.

LeMars Globe-Post, Nov. 7, 1938

ELKHORN: (By Special Correspondent)

Miss Lorna Fischer and her pupils gave a splendid Halloween program last
Friday evening at their school in district No. 4. A neat sum was realized
from the sale of pop corn and home made candy and pumpkin pie and coffee was
served free to all.

LeMars Globe-Post, Thursday, Dec. 29, 1938

ELKHORN: (By Special Correspondent)

A very fine Christmas program was give at school district No. 4 last
Thursday evening. After the program Santa Claus made his usual visit. A very
fine lunch was served at the close of the evening. The proceeds were used to
buy an oil stove for the school.




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