"Co K, 1934 Reunion "
LeMars Sentinel newspaper, dated 27 Apr 1934

The Semi-Weekly Sentinel, LeMars, Iowa
Friday, April 27, 1934


Arrangements are being made for a county meeting of the American Legion and a reunion of the old Co. K. boys, who saw served in the World War and on the border on May 30, 1934, in connection with the Decoration Day exercises and the dedication of the memorial athletic field at Western Union College.

This field which was constructed by CWA labor, is on that day to be dedicated as a memorial to the men from Plymouth county who gave their lives to the country in the Spanish-American and World Wars.  A flag staff will be erected before May 30 and Old Glory will fly over the field for the first time on Decoration Day.

The committee in charge hope to make these exercises a patriotic occasion that will attract people from all parts of the country.


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