65th Church Anniversary

LeMars Sentinel
Friday, August 13, 1937

Sixty-Fifth Anniversary Of County's Oldest Church Corporation Celebrated
Choir Is Represented
Address By Old Settler Is Feature Of Day

From California, Nebraska, South Dakota and various points in Iowa, people
came to Plymouth Presbyterian Church last Sunday to celebrate the
sixty-fifth anniversary of the founding church. The activities of the day
began at 10:30 a.m. with a devotional service presided over by the pastor,
Rev. W. E. Smith. The choir of some twenty-four voices sang to special
anthems, the scriptures were read by the Rev. W. O. Harper, of Ireton, and
prayers was offered by the Rev. Irwin G. Smith, of Sioux City. The morning
sermon was delivered by the Rev. Anton F. Proett, of Glenvil, Neb., a former
pastor at Plymouth church.

At the noon hour a cafeteria lunch was served by the men of the church, the
food having been provided by those who came for the day. A table was
provided for the visiting ministers and their wives and for the older people
while the other people ate in the tent which had been erected along the
north side of the church. A public address system was installed making it
possible for all who came to hear the services even though not all could get
into the building. During the noon lunch hour a sacred concert of recorded
music was provided.

History Is Recounted

Visiting was the order of the day following the lunch. After the taking of
a picture of the group, the congregation assembled inside the church and
under the tent for the more informal gathering of the afternoon which, after
a brief devotional service, consisted of historical accounts of the church.
Mrs. A. J. Thomas read a history of the old church and Malcom Brodie, of
LeMars, took the people back through the years in a thirty minute address
which was greatly enjoyed by all. It is no discredit to other features of
the day to say that Mr. Brodie's address was the ranking feature of the day.
With his unstudied eloquence and keen powers of painting word pictures, he
held the people in the palm of his hand as he told the early experiences of
the pioneers who established the church in 1872.

Six Are Present

Six members of the old choir of long ago were present, Mrs. Nellie Ewers,
Chas. Rowe, Alex Morrison, Mrs. Walkup, Mrs. Tolsma and Mrs. Neil Robertson,
Mrs. Ewers being the organist. There good people favored the assembly with
two songs.

The ladies quartet of the church sang in a very acceptable manner, "He Will
Hear and Answer Prayer." Members of the quartet are Mrs. Henry Collman,
Mrs. Louie Collman, Mrs. A. J. Thomas and Mrs. W. E. Smith.

The pastor then read several greetings from former members, pastors and
absent friends. Shirley Rowe played, as only she can play, a piano solo and
the Rev. R. B. Budd, of Hospers, was introduced and brought the greetings of
Sioux City presbytery and a brief address. Rev. Proett spoke briefly
regarding his experiences as pastor at Plymouth. "God Be With You Till We
Meet Again" was sung and Rev. Budd pronounced the benediction, bringing to a
close the exercises of the happy day.

During the devotional services of the afternoon two young ladies requested
membership into the church and were duly received, bringing the membership
to seventy in this church which a few years ago was supposed to fold up and
die in a self-respecting manner.

The Men's Brotherhood of Plymouth church had complete charge of the affairs
of the day and they acquitted themselves with credit.

There will be no further services at Plymouth church until the last Sunday
in August. The pastor and wife will be away for a short vacation period.

Plymouth Chimes - First Plymouth Presbyterian Church (LeMars, Plymouth County, Iowa) of ??/??/1937 {article C003}.

Special Bulletin

It will be remembered by those who were at the ann­ual meeting that it was decided to have a “Home Coming” this summer in honor of the sixty fifth anniversary of the founding of our church.  It was further decided that the Brotherhood should manage this affair.  To this end the officers of the Brotherhood met at the Eilks home and appointed the following committees.

Publicity; Abe Miller, Milton Atkinson, Lyle Stephens.
This committee is to publish to all the world the news of this event.
Program; Harvey Taylor; John Siebens; Harlan Rowe.
This committee is to plan the program for the day in cooperation with the music committee of the church.
History; A. J. Thomas, Alvin Dennler, George Rembe.
This committee is to gather information regard­ing past events having to do with the church.  It should be busy at once gathering such informa­tion.
Local arrangements; Geo. Gabel. R. J. Stephens, Earl Love.
This committee will be responsible for the local arrangements for the day.
Hospitality Committee; Henry Eilks, James Gabel, Floyd Richie.
This committee will see that friends coming in from a distance have places to stay over night and they will also be on the lookout to make every one feel welcome during the day.
Food Committee. Cloyd Gabel, Foster Rowe A. L. Fagan.
This committee will see that the food which is brought for the dinner is cared for and they will arrange with the ladies for the serving of the ta­bles.

Some of the above committees should be about their task without delay.  The historical events will be tabulated and mimeographed for all who attend and this material should be gathered as fast as possible.  The suggested date for this event is August 8.  The exact date of the founding of this church was Aug 11 and this celebration is to be on the Sunday next be­fore.  All former ministers who are living will be invited to be present and all former members and friends in so far as we are able to contact them.

Let us all work together to make this a real
“Home Coming”

The former pastors who are living are Rev. Proett, Rev. Albright and Rev. Butler.  If you know of others please tell the publicity committee.  Also, if you know of important historical events that would be of general interest please tell the History committee.  Morning and afternoon gatherings will be held with picnic dinner at noon.  Every one brings his own eats and some for the visiting friends who come from afar.

Plymouth Chimes (Akron, Plymouth County, Iowa) of 09/??/1937 {article C027}.



SEPTEMBER          Akron        Iowa                              1937

Hitherto hath the Lord helped us" seemed to be the feeling in the hearts of the members and friends of Plymouth church as they gathered at the church on sunday August 8 for the purpose of celebrating the sixty fifth anniversary of the birth of the church.  In a "little vacant house a mile south of Mr. Wilcox'es" fifteen people met on August 11, 1872 and after devotional services were held those present bound themselves together in a solemn compact of Christian fellowship and gave the new organization the name of First Plymouth Presbyterian church.  Ft. Dodge Presbytery was asked to take the church under its care and Thomas Bowles was elected Elder.
School houses furnished places for the new church for the first eight years of its existence.  The church grew and the people were loyal to every good work.  In 1897 the need for an established meeting place was so strongly felt that the people decided to provide such a meeting house.
On section one in Johnson township the rail road company had given the church a tract of land comprising 37 acres which was to be used for cemetery and other public purposes.  near the north east corner of this tract a modest church building was erected during the summer of 1880 and in November of that year the new church was dedicated free of debt.  Rev. D. W. James was the pastor and with his own two hands he aided not a little in the labor of building.
For fifty long years that church stood.. How many high purposes were born and nurished, how many measures of comfort and hope were distributed within that old building will never be know on this earth.  Certain it is that many a man and woman was helped along life's way because the old church afforded a meeting place for the lovers of the Lord.
The activities on Home Coming day began at ten thirty with a service of worship two musical selections by the choir and the morning sermon by Rev. A. F. Proett of Manville Nebraska.  Rev Proett was formerly the pastor at Plymouth and his many friends were glad to greet him and his family again.  Rev. W. O. Harper of Ireton and Rev. I. G. Smith of Sioux City were present for the morning service and each  had part in the service. "How Amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of Host" was the text used by the speaker and his message was well received and most appropriate for the day.
At noon the people enjoyed a picnic lunch, each family having provided ample food for its own members and some for those for whom nothing was provided.  The men had charge of the preparation of the tables, the distribution of the food and they were ably assisted by several of the ladies.
A picture of the group was taken after the lunch hour by a man from the St Clair studio in LeMars and at two O'clock the meeting of the afternoon began.  First on the afternoon program was a brief devotional service during which time two young ladies, the Marback sisters came requesting membership in the church and they were duly received.
Mrs. Thomas read a brief historical account of the founding and early history of the church, bringing out many interesting features of the happenings of long ago as gleaned from the records and from people who lived here in the early days.
Malcom Brodie was then introduced and for thirty minutes he held us in the edge of our seats with his wonderful powers of description and beautiful eloquence.  It is no discredit to any other feature of the day to say that his address was the top ranking feature of the day.  Several members of the old choir of days gone by were found to be present and after being rounded up they obliged the assembly with the singing of two old songs.  The singers were Chas. Rowe, Alex Morrison, Mrs. Neil Robertson, Mrs. Tolsma and Mrs. Walkup and the organist was Mrs. Nellie Ewers.
Shirley Rowe gave good account of her generation with her exquisit rendition of one of the classics, to the enjoyment of all, on the piano.
The ladies quartet of the Plymouth church sang "He Hears and Answers Prayer", the pastor read several greetings from absent friends.  Rev. R. B. Budd of Hospers was present for the purpose of bringing the greetings of Sioux City presbytery and brought us a brief, interesting message based on the storm-stilling story in the gospels.
Rev. Proett spoke briefly regarding his pastorate at Plymouth in former days and the afternoon session came to a close with the singing of :"God Be With You" and the benediction by Rev. Budd.
We are indebted to Adaville church and the Beeley and Luken firms in LeMars for the use of their chairs; to the Blankenberg and Eyers trucking firms for the use of their truck covers for shade; to the Brunsville lumber Co. for the load of materials and to Floyd Richie and a Sioux City radio and electric firm for the public address system which did such a good service.  By this means people were able to hear the services from any place on the church grounds.
Friends came from Nebraska, South Dakota, California and from many points in Iowa for the Home coming.  John and Mrs. Turton came from Santa Anna California and were with us through out the day.  Oddly enough, several days later as we drew to a stop at a stop sign in Central City, Nebraska, the Turtons passed along the highway as we were stopped there, on their way back home.
The one thing that made the day hard to endure was the fearful heat but folks braved the discomfort and enjoyed the fellowship in spite of the heat.  It was a day long to be remembered and one that never can be duplicated.  God is good and with one voice the people praised Him for His goodness.
who have served Plymouth church through the years include the following:

Rev. C. W. L. Ross

Rev. Hughes

Rev. W. G. Moore

Rev. David W. James

Rev. Emil Muller

Rev. J. C. Hoover

Rev. Reginald Morton

Dr. A. Z. McGogney

Rev. C. A. Butler

Dr. D. W. Fahs

Rev. J. P. Linn

Rev. H. V. Comin

Rev. R. J. Frolkey

Rev. G. C. Albright

Rev. A. F. Proett


Rev. W. E. Smith


Others there were who supplied the church for brief periods; they were Rev. Wood, Rev. Gramco, Rev. McComb, Rev. W. H. Ensign and Rev. W. A. Smith.
Between the services of R. V. Comin and R. J. Frolkey there were several years when the church was inactive, there being no services of any kind.  Missionary Thomas Scotten came in and re-established the sunday school and arranged for ministerial services.  Since that time the church has moved along with very creditable records.  The present minister came to the field in November of 1920 and in March of 1930 work was started on a new church building.  On July 20th of that year the new church was dedicated free of debt, having cost about $13,000.00.  The present Elders ore George Gabel, Victor Taylor, Albert Thomas and Harvey Taylor.  The trustees are M. E. Atkinson, Harlan Rowe, Alex McInnis, Abe Miller and R.J. Stephens.  The Sunday school Sup't is John E. Siebens, the president of the Ladies Aid is Mrs. Frank Jeffers, the president of the Club is Dorothy Taylor and the president of the Brotherhood is Alvin Dennler.
October third has been designated in the Presbyterian world as the day on which Presbyterians all over the world will celebrate their Lord's death in holy communion services.  In far away islands of the sea, in mission lands of the far east and in Europe, at Plymouth Rock, in fact where ever there is a Presbyterian congregation it is hoped that there will be a communion service on that day.
The last sabbath in September is the regular time for our communion service but in keeping with the world wide plan we will observe it a week later.  At this service every member should be present.  If it should be that some of our members cannot be present we ask them to kindly send to the pastor a brief statement as to their hope in Christ and their interest in the church;  in the kingdom of God on earth.  Who ever you be that read this announcement, if you are a member at Plymouth church and unable for any reason to be present at this World Wide Communion service will you not be kind enough to send along a message that we may know your interest in the church.

Another matter of great importance is the celebration being planned for this fall honoring the cause of foreign mission.  One hundred years ago our church took up the Foreign mission work in various lands and through the years has made a name for itself in the field of christian work throughout the world.  So, a program of celebration is being pushed by our Board of Foreign missions and special efforts are being made to revive lagging interest in this most worthy cause.  More about this at a later date.
Since our last issue three fine boys have come to live is[in] three Plymouth homes.  Just now three fond fathers are tying to settle an argument as to which has the finest baby and strange as it may seem they all agree on one point;  they all agree that their own boy is just a little finer that either of the other two.  O yes, we almost forgot to tell who these fathers are.  Cloyd Gabel is the first.  His boy is the first born on the trio and is doing well, thank you.  Cloyd is getting along quite well also and the fond mother is richer than the kings of Europe or the queen of Sheba.  John Siebens is father number two but insists that his boy is a first rator in every respect, and John is a right as a rabbit in his contention.  Mother and son are doing fine,.  Mrs. Siebens has been mothering another woman's son for many years; we rejoice that she can now mother her own fine boy.
Son number three of this trio of new arrivals may be seen at the home of the Dennler family, in one goes there while the girls are away at school.  If there is any doubt in your mind as to whether or not this boy is the finest of the trio ask his dad or any member of the family, for that matter.  Upon being informed of the arrival of a brother, the youngest of the little girls said, "Well, I've been waiting for him ever since I was three years old" and she has now reached the ripe old age of seven.
Well, congratulations to the three dads and the three fond mothers; and may the angels that guard little children from harm keep-careful vigil above the cots of these little ones.  Their names are Keith Arlen Gabel, Gale Duncan Dennler and Daryl Jay Siebens.
A new element has entered into the thinking and planning that is being done for Rally Day within our denomination at least, and perhaps throughout the christian world.  We are seeing that it is not all of life to get a lot of folks into the church building on a sunday morning; what we do for them when they come is quite as important.  Of course, getting large numbers of folks to attend the services is an important thing to do but it is not THE important thing.  Accordingly attention is being given to the quality of work done this year.  Decision for Christ is being urged.  Forward steps in the art of christian living is desired.
Among other things it is suggested that on each evening during the week just preceding Rally Day services be held in the church, which services will be calculated to give the people an opportunity to take stock of their spiritual bank account and repair broken places in the armor.  We have some plans in mind which we hope to be able to announce soon but as yet they are in the making.  Rally Day was never so important a day as it is this year. Can God count on you to do your full share in this important matter?  He counts on all of us.
The good people of Akron held a protest meeting on sunday evening Sept. 5 for the purpose of letting it be known that they were not in favor of a state liquor store in their town.  It appears that a small group within one of the civic bodies in the village railroaded through a request to the liquor commission for such a store at a meeting which was attended by only a small part of the members.  Depend upon it, the liquor interests whether national, state or local politics, will never play the game according to the rules.  This is a typical case.
It is doubtful whether the efforts of the better people of the town will be of any avail but we admire them for their stand any way.  If such a store goes into the town the people living within the trade area will doubtless feel the impact off such a place in the community.  Not only so, the business men who voted it in will find that not a few of the dollars which should, and would otherwise, flow into their coffers will be diverted into the coffers of the state, which already has entirely too many of the hard-earned dollars for which people toiled long hours.
If people must have hard liquor is should not be too much trouble to get it even, perhaps in Akron.  But it is the old, old story told anew.  Liquor ruins and it robs.  The town that invites such a robber into its midst will not be long finding it out, and to their sorrow.  A liquor store in Akron is a direct insult to every sober high minded individual who trades within the village.  Strange that business men who depend on the trade of the people about their village should thus fling insults into their faces.  Such conduct will bring about local option once again and in the end complete prohibition of the whole hellish business of soul and body ruin.
We made our way to Seney the other evening to eat chicken dinner at the M. E. church dinner.  The pastor, Rev. Thomas Batho, was abed with boils and not able to be at the dinner.  We enjoyed the dinner very much and had a brief visit with the young pastor in his home after the dinner.  Rev. Batho is a young man, full of spirit and pep.  We predict he will have a joyful and successful pastorate at Seney.
We greatly enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Orpha Noble one afternoon recently.  It was like taking our trip east again to have her tell us of their trip to Washington and other points east.  From the Black Hills to the easters seacoast is quite a jump but Mrs. Noble and Irene made it during the summer vacation.
Friendship club met with Dorothy and Daryl Taylor for their August meeting.  We are sorry to have missed the gathering but is could not be helped this time.  The young folks enjoyed skating at River Sioux and "Bun" at the Taylor home after the roller skating was over.  Brotherhood met at the Abe Miller home for its September meeting.  What a delicious lunch that was and a good meeting as well.  The new song books were initiated and how the men did sing!



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