O'Brien and Osceola Counties, Iowa

For O'Brien County
For Osceola County
Indianapolis, Indiana



Abstracts of Title 478
Administrative Period 26
Agricultural Society 481
Agricultural Statistics 474
Agriculture 177
Altitude 482
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 346
Archer 398
  Business Interests 399
  Churches 319
  How Named 398
  Incorporation 398
  Platting of 358
  Postmasters 399
  Schools 399
Archer Bank 241, 247
Archer, John H 191
Archer Superior to Omaha 464
Army Record of Old Soldiers 499
Attorneys, County 121
Attorneys of O'Brien County 262
Auditors, County 108 , 118


Baker Library 214
Baker Township 420
  Early Settlement 420
  Old Soldiers 500
  Organization 420
  Population 420
  Squatters 106
Balkema, Nicholas 469
Bank Statistics 245
Banks and Banking 230
Banquet of Land Attorneys 105
Baptist Church 337
Bar of O'Brien County 262
Beach, Fred, Death of 209
Black Hawk 202
Blizzards 143
Boodle Board 48
Bosler, James W 32, 41
Bounty Money Scalped 51
Burial Mounds 484


Caledonia Township 430
  Old Soldiers 501
  Settlement 430
Calumet 442
  Business Interests 444
  Churches 319
  First Election 443
  Location 442
  Old Soldiers 501
  Park 443
  Platting of 358
  Postofflce 444
  Public Improvements 443
Calumet Bank 242, 247
"Calumet Independent" 300
Cannon, Charles C. 469
Carroll Township 391
  Early Settlers 391
  First School 225
  Old Soldiers 501
  Pioneers 393
  Reminiscences 222
  Squatters 106
Catholic Church 338
Center Township 417
  Early Settlers 417
  Location 417
  Old Soldiers 501
  Organization 417
Chautauquas 198
Chickens, Prairie 488
Christian Churches 332
Christian Reformed Church 331
Christian Science Church 332
Church of Christ 332
Church Schools 199
Church Statistics 343
Churches 311
Circuit Court 249
City Government 354
Clerk of Courts 261
Congregational Churches 322
Congressional Districts 483
Congressional Land Grants 86
Congressmen 483
Constitutional Debt Limitation 76
Contested Election 114
Contests for County Seat 153
County Attorneys 121
County Auditors 108 , 118
County Debt 56
County Debt Rebonded 83
County Expenditures 474
County Farm 123
County Government 108
County Home 123
County Judge 109
County Officials, 1913 170
County Organization Election 31
County Recorders 119
County Records 119
County Seat Contests 153
County Superintendent Schools 194, 199
County Supervisors 120
County Surveyors 120
County Treasurers 113
Court Held in Paine's Store 134
Court House, Log 42, 129, 137
Court House History 129
Court House Public Square 135
Court Proceedings 276
Courts, The 249
Creative Period 26
Crops, First 70
Customs of Early Settlers 68
Cyclones 139, 142


Dale Township 422
  Description 422
  Old Soldiers 501
  Settlement 422
  Soil 422
  Squatters 105
Death of Fred Beach 209
Debt, County 56
Debt, County, Rebounded 53
Debt Limitation 76
Dedication of County Home 124
  District Court 249
  District Judges 249
  Doctor, the First 53
  Doctors, First 302
  Doctors, Registered 306
"Dutch Fred" 36, 45, 446


Early Settlers 65
Early Settlers, Customs of 68
Educational History 194
Edwards, Andrew J. 111
Election Contest 114
Election, County Organization 31
Election, First General 31, 42
Election, Second General 32
English Settlers 66
Entry of First Homestead 45
Estates 285
Evangelical Association 331
Evangelical Churches 327
Eviction of Squatters 96
Expenditures, County 474
Expenses, Curious Early 62


Farm Improvements 188
Farm Products 181
Farmers' Institutes 189
Farmers Mutual Ins. Ass'n 468
Farms, Large 190
Feldman, Fred 36, 45, 446
Fiddle String Township 383
Fires, Prairie 73, 147
First Crops 70
First General Election 31, 42
First Grand Jury 252
First Homestead Entry 45
First Jury Case 253
First Physicians in County 302
First Record Entries 53
First Sermon in County 313
First Things 52
First White Child 41
Flowers, Wild 188
Floyd Township 361
  Early Settlers 362
  How Named 361
  Location 362
  Old Soldiers 501
  Squatters 107
Foreign Fopulation 75
Fort Dodge Crowd 42
Franklin Township 375
  How Named, 375
  Old Soldiers 502
  Population 376
  Settlement 375
  Squatters 106
Fraternal Societies 346
Freemasonry 346
French Settlers 74
Friends, Society of 325
Fruits 187


Game, Wild 489
Gaza 423
  Platting of 358
  Woodstock, Known as 424
Gaza Bank 242, 247
German Evan. Church of No. Am 336
German Evan. Luth. Zion Churches 327
German Settlers 68
Germantown 431
  Location 431
  Platting of 359
  Postoffice 432
Government, County 108
Grand Jury, First 252
Grant Township 426
  First Settlers 427
  Milwaukee Road 429
  Natural Features 427
  Old Soldiers 502
Grasshoppers 149
Groves 180


Hartley: 384
  Beginning of 284
   Business Directory 389
   Churches: 317
  First Officers 385
   Incorporation 384
  Mayors 390
  Old Soldiers 503
   Platting of 357
   Postoffice 388
  Present Officers 387
   Public Utilities 388
   School History 385
   Soldiers' Monument 388
Hartley Banks 239, 246
"Hartley Journal" 299
"Hartley News" 300
"Hartley Record" 299
Hartley Township 384
  Old Soldiers 503
Highland Township 423
  Old Soldiers 502
Hay Twister 479
High Schools 195, 197
Hollanders 68
Homestead Entry, First 45
Homestead Law 65
Hospitals 304
Hub Hotel 167
Humorous Incidents 455
Hunter, A Noted 499


Improvements, Farm 188
Incident, Curious Indian 487
Incorporated Towns 354
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 350
Indian Incident, Curious 487
Indian Occupancy 200
Indian Scare 455
Indian Treaties 201
Indians in O'Brien County 37
Inman, Chester W. 192
Institutes, Farmers' 189
Institutes, Teachers' 198
Irish Settlers 67


Jails 136
Jokes Reminiscent 462
Jordan, Samuel J. 193
Judges 249
Judges, County 109
Jury Case, First 253
Justices' Courts 286


Knights of Pythias 352


Land Grants, Congressional 86
Land Investors 244
Land Jumping 43, 92
Land Litigation 94
Land Loans 178
Land Office Trials 93
Land Squatters, List of 105
Land Values 178
Lands, Overlapping 85
Lands, Squatter 85
Law Suits 276
Lawyers of O'Brien County 262
Lecture Courses 198
Legal Questions 277
Liberty Township 442
  Old Soldiers 504
Library, First Circulating 53
Library, Gen. N. B. Baker 214
Library Parties 218
Lincoln Township 382
  Old Soldiers 503
List of O'Brien Soldiers 499
Litigation 276
Litigation, Land 94
Little Sioux River 179
Lodges 346
Log Court House 42, 129, 137


McCormack, B. F. 491
McCormack, F. M. (Pomp) 290
McCormack, John 490


Masonic Order 346
Medical History 302
Medical Progress 309
Meeting, a Notable 81
Memorable Winters 146
Methodist Churches 311
Milwaukee Lands 86, 95
Minerals, Lack of 190
Miscellaneous 468
Moneta 419
  Business Interests 419
  Churches 321
  Fires 420
  First Things 419
  Incorporation 419
  Platting of 357
Moneta Bank 240, 247
Mound Builders 200
Mounds, Burial 484
Murray, Archibald 110


Naming of County 28
Newspapers 287
Norwegian Lutheran Church330
Notable Meeting 81


O'Brien County Agricultural Society 481
"O'Brien County Bell" 290
O'Brien County in the Humorous 465
O'Brien County, Naming of 28
O'Brien County, Organization of 29
O'Brien County Relics 176
O'Brien, Old 208
"O'Brien Pioneer" 289
O'Brien, William Smith 28
Ocheyedan River 179
Odd Fellows 350
Official Vote in 1912 472
Officials, County, 1913 470
Old Log Court House 42, 129, 137
Old O'Brien 208
Old Settlers' Parade 174
Old Settlers' Reunion 169
Omega Township 418
  How Named 418
  Old Soldiers 503
  Population 419
Orchards 184
Organization of O'Brien County 29
Origin of Pioneers 66
Overlapping Land Suit 278
Overlapping Lands 85
Ox-team Trips 37


Paine's Store Court House 134
Parade of Old Settlers 174
Parochial Schools 199, 329
"Pathfinder of O'Brien County" 392
Paulling, D. Edward 190
Paullina 432
  Additions 435
  Churches 319, 333
  Coming of Railroad 434
  First Business Men 439
  Grain Shipments 441
  How Named 439
  Library 437
  Old Soldiers 503
  Organization of 435
  Platting of 358, 434
  Public Utilities 436
  School District 438
Paullina Banks 238, 247
"Paullina Star" 294
"Paullina Times" 294
Physician, the First 53
Physicians, First 302
Physicians, Registered 306
Pioneer Women 220
Pioneers of O'Brien County 25
Pioneers, Origin of 66
Poetry of a Local Flavor 506
Platting of Towns 356, 359
Population Statistics 75, 473
Prairie, Advantages of 70
Prairie Chickens 488
Prairie Features 177
Prairie Fires 73, 147
Prairie Land 177
Preacher, the First 52
Prehistoric Fortifications 484
Prehistoric Races 200
Presbyterian Churches 333
Present Court House 134
Press, The 287
Primghar 402
  Business Interests 415
  Charter Families 404
  Churches 316, 323, 341
  County-Seat Contest 405
  Epidemic 412
  Fires 411
  First Buildings 406
  First Election 411
  Hospital 412
  How Named 402
  Incorporation 411
  Mills 412
  Old Soldiers 503
  Platting of 356
  Present Officers 411
  Public Square 405
  Railroad Building 409
  Schools 413
  Town Plat 404
  Water Works 415
Primghar Banks 230, 245
"Primghar Democrat" 295
"Primghar Times" 294
Products, Farm 181
Public Improvements 127
Public Officials 469
Public Roads 188
Public Square, Primghar 135
Pumphrey's Bank 58, 230


Quieting Title Litigation 283


Raid, The Sanborn 156
Railroad Contract Men 105
Railroad Land 86
Railroad Land Contest 87
Railroad Land Taxation 278
Railroad Mileage 473
Ranches, Large 190
Rebonding of County Debt 83
Record of County-seat Contest 165
Recorders. County 119
Records, County 119
Records, The First 53
Records, Old, History of 55
Referee in Bankruptcy 284
Reformed Church in No. Am 335
Registered Physicians 306
Relics of O'Brien County 176
Religious History 311
Religious Statistics 343
Reminiscences 205, 222
Reunion of Old Settlers 169
Rivers 179
Road, Public 188
Rural Schools 199


  Banks 237, 246
  Business Interests 380
  Churches 340
  First Things 377
  Library 382
  Municipal History 379
  Old Soldiers 503, 504
  Platting of 357
  Postoffice 380
  Public Utilities 379
  Railroad Interests 381
"Sanborn Journal" 297
"Sanborn Pioneer" 289
Sanborn Raid 156
"Sanborn Sun" 298
Scandinavian Settlers 68
Schee, George W. 196, 268
School Buildings, Modern 197
School Superintendent, County 194, 199
School, the First 52
Schools194, 384, 399, 413
Scotch Settlers 67
Scrub Poet, The 506
Second General Election 32
Second O'Brien Court House 132
Secret Orders 346
Sermon, First in County 313
Sermon, the First 52
Settlers, Customs of 68
Settlers, Origin of 66
Settlers' Reunion, Old 169
Shabbona 431
Sheldon 365
  Banks 233, 245
  Business Interests 373
  Churches 318, 337, 340
  Congregational Church 226
  "Daily Record" 301
  "Eagle" 298
  District Fair 371
  Electric Light Plant 369
  First Events 366
  "Gazette" 298
  Improvements 368
  Library 369
  "Mail" 295
  Mills 372
  Municipal History 367
  National Guard 370
  "News" 291, 297
  Old Soldiers 504
  Platting of 356
  Postoffice 366
  Stock Breeders372
  "Sun" 298
  Water Works 368
Sheriffs 260
Sioux City Land Squatters 99
Snow Storms 143
Sod Church 312
Soil, Quality of 181
Soldiers, Army Record of 499
Soldiers' Bounty Money 51
Soldiers' Monument 388
Squatter Incidents 101
Squatter Lands 85
Squatters Evicted 96
Squatters, List of 105
Squatters' Shanties 91
Squatters, Sioux City Land 99
Squatters Union 104
State Officials 470
Statutes, Inconsistent 92
Stocum, Jonathan 192
Streams 179
Streeter, Elizabeth 282
Summit Township 400
  Deeded Township 401
  Location 400
  Old Soldiers 505
  Organization 400
  Squatters 105
Supervisors, County 120
Supervisors in Contempt 77
Surveyors, County 120
Sutherland 448
  Banks 241, 248
  Business Directory 452
  "Courier" 300
  Fair Ground 450
  First Events 449
  Library 449
  Location 448
  Municipal History 451
  Officers 451
  Old Soldiers 503
  Pioneer Merchants 449
  Platting of 358
  Postoffice History 452
  Public Utilities 451
Swamp Land Contracts 61
Swamp Land Swindle 62


Tax Sale of 1880 82
Taxpayers' Association 76
Taxpayers' Association Picnic 78
Teabout, Franklin 191
Teachers' Institutes 198
Timber 180
Towns 354
Towns, Platting of 356, 359
Township Government 355, 360
Township, the First 52
Township 354
Treasurers, County 113
Treaties with Indians 201
Tree Planting 180
Tribes, Indian 201


Uniformity of the County 184
Union Township 433
  Coming of Railroad 434
  Norwegian Settlers 442
  Old Soldiers 505
  Organization of 433
  Population 442


Value of Land 178
Vital Statistics 473
Vote, Official, 1912 472
Vote on County Seat, 1911 166


Waterman, Anna 41
Waterman Creek 179
Waterman, Hannibal H. 32, 35, 41, 43
Waterman Township 445
  First Settlement 445
  Homesteaders 446
  How Formed 445
  Old Soldiers 505
Wild Flowers 188
Wild Game 489
Winterble, Charles H. 117
Winters, Severe 146
Wolf Scalp Joke 459
"Woman's Standard" 300
Women, Pioneer 220
Woods, William H. (Huse) 392
Woodstock 424


Young Men's Christian Ass'n 344

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