Mann School

No. 2, Section 10, known as the Mann School, original site in Mann Hollow, named afer Richard Mann & Sons, settlers in 1867.

Names associated with the school: Mann, Daugaard. Built in 1884, still standing in 1997.

Esther (Eskelsen) Nielsen reminisces about the Mann School she attended as a little girl and where she later enrolled her son, Karl. "I remember the primary book, spell downs, Christmas programs, the last day of school, walking down Fredericksen Canyon and finding a picnic spot where we would hunt Dutch Man's Breeches**Jack-in-the-Pulpit**yellow violets**wild ferns, picnic dinners, and lemonade."

In 1936-37 teacher's salaries were $50/mo. and some walked 2 to 3 miles to school from home.

~Source: Centennial History, Moorhead, Iowa 1900-2000

1942-1943, Teacher: Marjorie Lee Ruffcorn

Family Names in the district:

Clarence Fredricksen
Orlo Shaffer
Ed Eskelsen
Amos Barnett
Irvin Hansen
Harold O. Neilsen
Raymond Nelson
Ernest Stewart

Grades of students attending:

7 – Charles Shaffer
5 – Clarice Fredricksen
5 – James Eskelsen
5 – Darrel Barnett
3 – Jerry Hansen
3 – Joyce Nelson
2 – Lois Stewart
1 – Burnell Stewart
P – Delores Stewart
P – Kent Barnett
P – Karl Nielsen

~Source: The Loess Hills Visitor Center in Moorhead has a binder of info on country schools of the area.

Sioux No. 2, known as the Mann School -- Sioux City Journal from 2001 -- Headline link to news article: Sioux Township School Listed on Historic Register (please wait, could take a little bit to load)