No. 2, Location: North of Castana and about mile east toward Mapleton, Iowa.

Handwritten Journal by former student, Alice Jensen (Larsen)

"When we moved to Castana farm n. of town in Mar. of 1917, we went to a country school about mile east toward Mapleton.  Maud Benton was Iva & my first teacher there.  Ruby Mathesen (McCall, Hanenflugh) was our teacher, too. 
Fall of 1918, Ervilla Masters was our teacher and 10 pupils: Iva, Maurice, & I, 2 Kenyon boys, William & Ernest Nutt, Angie Manson (Hall), Willard Robbins & Everett Johnson. School closed Xmas that year, for “Flu” was so bad that year.
Grace Bellis was teacher in fall of 1919. School closed at Xmas that year also, for lack of school funds.  Maurice got Diphtheria so we were quarantined for 6 wks, I think, soon after Xmas so we didn’t start to town school until Feb. of 1920. We drove “Pete” a pony on a 2-wheeled cart & put him in Chas. Mathesen’s barn (Ruby’s dad) while we were in school. 
Iva didn’t start school in Castana but took her 8th grade exams and passed into 9th grade, starting in Castana in Fall of 1920.  I finished my 6th grade in Castana.  Then they consolidated the country and town school that year so in Fall of 1920 we were taken to school in a bus, pulled by horses."