Pioneers of Marion County by Wm. Wm. M. Donnel, 1872

John P. Glenn

John P. Glenn was born in Pendleton county, N. C., September 1, 1793; moved from thence to Jackson county, Tenn., thence to Crawford county, Ind., thence to Sangamon county, Ill., from thence to Jefferson county, Iowa, in '38, and from thence to this county in the spring of '45, and settled in Polk, near Eagle Rock, where he remained one season, and raised a crop on a claim belong to F. M. Clifton. In the spring following he moved to and made a claim on what is now section 27, Pleasant Grove, where he remained till the day of his death, September 16, 1868, aged 75 years and 17 days. Mrs. Glenn survived him 15 months, and died December 5, 1869, aged 75 years and 25 days.

Mr. Glenn was for many years a minister of the gospel, of the Christian denomination; and in connection with Isaac Metcalf, an elder and local preacher of the same order, organized societies in various parts of the township in '48. He also preached and organized churches in Warren and Polk counties, at an early date. James Gill also organized churches of the same order, in the township, in '48-9. Wm. Knite, a brother-in-law to Samuel Tibbett, a preacher of the M. E. Church, preached at Mr. T.'s, and organized a church there at an early date. The first building erected for religious services, was in Pleasantville, in '52, under the pastoral charge of James Woods. The building now belongs to the Methodists.