Arie DeReus was born in the Netherlands on April 8, 1836. He has ten children,
ninety-six grand children and twenty-eight great-grandchildren. He came to this
country in 1850.

Peter DeReus was born September 29, 1839. He has nine children and fifteen
grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He has been a resident of this community
since 1850.

M. DeReus is the father of nine children, has forty-nine grandchildren and
eighteen great-grandchildren. He was born December 9, 1842, and has been a
resident of this community since 1850.

N. DeReus was born on August 18, 1845, and is the father of nine children, has
six teen grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

All have followed the vocation of farming with the exception of Peter and all
have retired on account of advanced age, and are living in this community.