by Dee Keegan

The Central Lyon School Board's decision to close the South Elementary Center in Doon at the close of the 1985 school year not only left the town bereft of a public school, but also left the community faced with the problem of what to do with the building.

In 1986 the town of Doon purchased the school from Central Lyon for the sum of $1.00.

Knowing that in similar circumstances, too many of these closed schools fall into disrepair and become the target for vandals, a town meeting was held, and those in attendance voted to convert the old school into a community center.

Much work had to be done and a lot of money was needed. From 1988 until early in 1992, $16,206.00 was raised through donations from individuals and businesses. Fundraisers in the form of basketball tournaments, dances, talen shows, etc...have brought in an additional $4,951.00. Remodeling costs as of April 1, 1992, totaled $74,931. with the town of Doon assuming the bulk of the expenses.

Rooms were cleaned, painted, panelled and carpeted. The Senior Citizens and the American Legion have their own meeting rooms. The Public Library was moved from the former Town Hall (with a lot of volunteer help,) and now occupies a spacious area. The Learning Center Pre School, occupying two rooms, opened in February, 1992. One room is presently used for Centennial merchandise. Another large meeting room, as well as the fully equipped kitchen and gymnasium are available for rent. At present, work is being done, mainly through donations, on a weight room.

The old adage, "when handed a lemon, make lemonade" certainly applies here as the big old brick building which served the community so well for so many years as a school, is now a very busy Community Center.

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