Accidently Shoots Himself While In-

toxicated at His Home in

Sherman Townnship.


Veteran Hunter and Trapper's Life

Goes Out After Quarreling With

His Wife and Flourishing


Sam Squires, who for upwards of forty years, has been a well known character in Algona and

vicinity, met instant death last Thursday evening from a shot-gun in his own hands, at his home in

Sherman township.

Sam and his fifteen year old grandson, Charlie Haines, had been in Algona all day, and Sam had

been drinking and was quarrelsome. On the way home he abused the boy, and when he reached

home commenced quarreling with his wife, while the young man was putting the team in the barn.

Mrs. Squires in an attempt to pacify her husband, hurried up supper and the meal was eaten amidst

bickering. Several times during the evening Sam made the remark that "There will be someone

dead around here before long." He struck his wife a number of times before supper and after the

meal he picked up an old "pump" shotgun which was standing in the room and flourished it

around, telling what he would do. Suddenly there was a deafening report and poor Sam crumbled

and sank to the floor a shapeless mass of inanimate clay, while his brains and blood bespattered

the wall and the crimson flood spread over the floor. When Mrs. Squires recovered from the

shock, she saw through the haze of smoke the still form of Sam in the corner and her young

grandson, sitting at the table crying. Realizing finally that the tragedy had taken place, she sent the

boy to the nearest neighbor, Theo. Carrell, who phoned to Algona for the Coroner. Coroner Reaser,

Sheriff Brunson and Dr. Kenefick went down to the place, which is near St. Joe, ten miles straight

south of Algona. It was thought best to empanel a coroners jury, which was done on Friday, the

Coroner calling to his aid E. E. Conner, Frank Clarke and Will Ladendorff. After a thorough

investigation the verdict was "accidental shooting." The gun was an old repeating shotgun, which

had at one time belonging to Theo. Carrell, and the latter testified that the lock was defective and

the gun liable to be discharged easily. Mr. Squires had the gun in his left hand and the charge

entered the left side of his forehead carrying away most of that part of the head. It was a ghastly,

and of course instantly, fatal wound.

The Squires family of children are all married and have homes of their own. John lives in Garfield

township, Will and Mrs. Mitchell in South Dakota, Mrs. Chas. Freilinger near St. Joe, and Mrs.

Ramiel in Livermore. The only member of the Squires household at the time of the tragedy was

the 15 year old grandson, Charlie Haines, a son of Mrs. Mitchell by a former marriage. The

Squires had been renters on a place belonging to Barney Devine for several years, and it was there

that the tragedy occurred. The funeral was held Sunday and the burial was at Livermore.

Sam Squires was a native of Ohio, and came to this county upwards of forty years ago. He was a

great lover of hunting and spent a good share of his time with dog and gun. It was Sam that always

showed up with the first wild ducks and geese in spring and fall. His love of hunting came before

everything else and he never acquired any property but a few head of stock, and a large number of

dogs. He is said to have been about seventy years of age. Ordinarily of a cheerful, easygoing

disposition, Sam of late years allowed liquor to poison his good nature and become quarrelsome

and hard to get along with. However, his love of the open, free life with dog and gun were his

distinguishing traits, and there are many who will join in the wish that his spirit may find peace in

the happy hunting grounds of the hereafter.

--Algona Upper Des Moines, 1 February 1911, page 1

Peter Lenertz, formerly of St. Joe but for some years past of Marion Junction, S. D., has come back and

will farm the old Barney Devine place. He thinks Iowa is good enough now.

--Algona Courier, 10 March 1911, page 8


Rachel (Scherf) Levine

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