held by title from the county, but the county finally sold all its swamp lands to the American Emigrant

company, through which company many other titles run. Several tracts which were selected as swampy

under the federal grant never were patented, and some persons make their living by searching the

government records to find these pieces that they may file on them. When that is done the question to be

settled is whether the lands were swampy or subject to overflow as to the larger part of their area at the time

of their selection in the fifties. In case they are held to have been swampy at that time the lands are patented

to the occupants, otherwise they are treated as are other government lands. The pieces which Mr.

Hoisington has been examining were the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of 26-94-29, in

Riverdale township; government lot in 31-95-28, Irvington township and the northeast quarter of the

northeast quarter of 1-96-29 in Plum Creek. Mr. Hoisington concluded his examination yesterday, and set

November 8th as the date for hearing in case it shall be found that further evidence is necessary. It is

understood that no hearing is at all likely to be had, as Mr. Hoisington seems to entertain no question

regarding the swampy character of the land, which will be held in that case by the present occupants.

The Plum Creek land is held by Christian Schafer of Illinois. Barnet Devine is the owner of the Riverdale

forty, and the Brass heirs, the heirs of Richard Hodges, Mrs. Raney and others are interested in the


--Upper Des Moines-Republican, 18 October 1905, page 1

Matt Freilinger was up from Algona last week visiting old friends.

--Upper Des Moines-Republican, 8 November 1905, page 8

Court Proceedings

The following cases were settled, dismissed and costs paid . . . Carrie Freilinger vs Matt Freilinger.

--Algona Courier, 17 November 1905, page 5

There was a general getting away from town on Tuesday to sojourn elsewhere for a spell. Bound for the

government lands near Estancia, New Mexico, were J. B. Winkel, John Brass, Matt Freilinger and wife, Joe

and Charles Peterson and Lafe Turner; . . .

--Algona Advance, 21 December 1905, page 7

Mr. Charles Wernert and wife of St. Joe arrived home last week from their summer residence at Bonsteel

[Bonesteel, South Dakota]. It will be remembered that Mr. Wernert drew one of the lucky numbers in the

Bonsteel land drawing and he located his claim two and a half miles from Bonsteel. It is a quarter section

that was partly cultivated before he got it, and he realized on his third of the crop this year $175. He was

offered $40 an acre for his land before he left there, but he thinks he could not reinvest the money to better

advantage than where it is now. He thinks that country will raise crops as good as this country, and he and

Mrs. Wernert enjoyed the summer there very much. Mr. Wernert broke 26 acres and did some fencing. The

rest of the time he simply drove around and enjoyed life.

--Algona Courier, 22 December 1905, page 9

Down near Estancia, New Mexico, a dozen Algona men have taken homesteads and will soon move there,

and those who have families will take them along. Last week the last party of home seekers returned, all

having taken claims except Jasperson and O. W. McMurray. In a short time there will be a Kossuth

settlement in that territory which will consist of the families of Henry Turner, George Turner, John Brass,

G. C. Shelley, J. B. Winkel, Matt Freilinger, Jo Peterson and Frank Scherer, and also young Freilinger, Lafe

Turner, Charles Peterson, and Hal Cowan.

Their claims lie near each other along the Santa Fe and Central road. They are in a valley where the waters

that glide down the mountains on both sides sufficiently moisten the land so that no irrigation is necessary

for the raising of crops. Good water can be had, they say at from 8 to 12 feet deep. They admit however

that after a heavy rain the valley is decidedly moist.

Estancia is a new town started last April, but which contains 1100 people. Those who took claims were

fully advised before doing so that they must make their bona fide home on the land or else they could not


Rachel (Scherf) Levine

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