Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

1925 Iowa State Census
Sherman Township

Book 1  |  Book 2  |  Book 3  |  Book 4 

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  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
1 Lane Reuben Head M W 81 M Ohio Lane Abraham . . Cross Anna Ohio . Ohio
2 Lane Sarah A Wife F W 73 M Iowa Logsdon Thomas Kentucky . Dawson Martha M Kentucky . Kentucky
3 Lane Laura Daughter F W 39 S Iowa Lane Reuben M Ohio 81 Logsdon Sarah A Iowa 73 Newton Ia
4 Lane Walter G Son M W 32 S Iowa Lane Reuben M Ohio 81 Logsdon Sarah A Iowa 73 Newton Ia
5 Cook Conrad C Head M W 70 M Germany . . . . . . . . .
6 Cook Frederica Wife F W 74 M Germany . . . . . . . . .
7 Cook Leo A Head M W 34 M Iowa Cook Conrad C Germany 70 Baker Frederica Germany 74 Germany
8 Cook Lucile P Wife F W 24 M Missouri Lusk Isaac H Missouri 49 Parks Sallie K Missouri 49 Versailles Mo
9 Dodd Vern Head M W 26 M Iowa Dodd John W Iowa 53 Halterman Emma Iowa 50 Nevada Ia
10 Dodd Reta L Wife F W 26 M Iowa Paulson William G Iowa 52 Cross Izora M Iowa 48 Colfax Iowa
11 Dodd Marjory Daughter F W 1 S Iowa Dodd Vern Iowa 26 Roulson Reta C Iowa 26 Newton Ia
12 Miller William W Head M W 24 M Iowa Miller William B Illinois 60 Catlin Ella Iowa 70 Boone Iowa
13 Miller Dessie D Wife F W 25 M Iowa Glidden Ralph Iowa 59 Sheldon Ida B Iowa 57 Hubbard Iowa
14 Miller William Son M W 1 S Iowa Miller William W Iowa 24 Glidden Dessie D Iowa 25 Denver Colo
15 McConkey Ervin G Roomer M W 26 S Iowa McConkey David Iowa 65 Losh Kate Iowa 60 DesMoines Ia
16 Brown Bernes Roomer M W 23 S Iowa Brown Lorenzo D Iowa 53 Scott Louisa M Iowa 48 Nevada Ia
17 Schorman William F Head M W 56 M Iowa Schorman Fred Germany . Dravis Henrietta Germany . Waukon Ia
18 Schorman Lydia E Wife F W 50 M Iowa Kracht Adolph Germany . Begeman Wilhelmina Germany 78 Sheboygan Falls Wis
19 Schorman Lorena E Daughter F W 23 S Iowa Schorman William F Iowa 56 Kracht Lydia Iowa 50 Baxter Ia
20 Schorman Eleanor Daughter F W 15 S Iowa Schorman William F Iowa 56 Kracht Lydia Iowa 50 Baxter Ia
21 Schorman Sophia Sister F W 42 S Iowa Schorman Fred Germany . Dravis Henrietta Germany 1 Waukon Ia
22 Cambell Allen H Head M W 63 W Indiana Campbell Frank M Indiana . Kelsey Mary Indiana . Indiana
23 Vannote Pearl M Daughter F W 36 W Colorado Campbell Allen H Indiana 63 Lundy Emma A Missouri . Colorado Springs Col
24 Vannote Eleanor C Grand Daughter F W 8 S Iowa Vannote Edward . . Campbell Pearl M Colorado 36 DesMoines Ia
25 Campbell Guy F Son M W 34 S Nebraska Campbell Allen H Indiana 63 Lundy Emma A Missouri . Colorado Springs Col
26 Howell B Bryan Head M W 28 M Illinois Howell Charles H Illinois 55 Cummings Mary E Illinois 52 Kinumndy, Ill
27 Howell Millicent M Wife F W 27 M South Dakota Swisher Frederick E Iowa 50 Burris Maybelle Iowa . Elliott Iowa
28 Howell B Bryan Jr Son M W 1 S Iowa Howell B Byran Illinois 28 Sisher Millicent M South Dakota 27 DesMoines Ia
29 Warner Ida M Aunt F W 58 W Illinois Howell James F Illinois . Robb Isabelle J Illinois . Kinmundy Ill
30 Duffey Katheryn M . F W 17 S Iowa Duffey Charlie Kansas 41 Kloppenberg Minnie Iowa . Melbourne Ischormann
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
31 Mason Floyd C Head M W 36 M Iowa Mason Nathan A Michigan 76 Tolton Almira Iowa 67 Mitchellville Ia
32 Mason Joy B Wife F W 36 M Nebraska Boston John I New York . Leighton Martha Iowa . Bristow Ia
33 Stephues Dolpha H Head M W 33 M Indiana Stepheus Edward T Indiana . Hutcherson Emma C Kentucky . Kentucky
34 Stephues Elsie M Wife F W 32 M Indiana Barger William J Indiana . Cooper Emma J Indiana 55 Elizabeth Ind
35 Stephues Evelyn E Daughter F W 7 S Iowa Stepheus Dolpha H Indiana 33 Barger Elsie M Indiana 32 New Albany Ind
36 Stephues Edward Son M W 5 S Iowa Stepheus Dolpha H Indiana 33 Barger Elsie M Indiana 32 New Albany Ind
37 Holdren Dick Boarder M W 46 S Iowa Holdren Dennis Indiana . Smithers Ellen Missouri . Delphi Iowa
38 Harp Royce L Roomer M W 27 S Iowa Harp Isaac N Iowa . Langdon Angie T England 52 Otley Iowa
39 Vansice Matilda Head F W 65 D Iowa Richmond Sims Kentucky . Maggard Susana Indiana . Iowa
40 Krampe Gustav A Head M W 67 M Wisconsin Krampe Frederick Germany . Sanderman Louisa M Germany . Wisconsin
41 Krampe Christina Wife F W 50 M Illinois Umbach John Germany . Peters Anna Germany . Garmany
42 Krampe Harold G Son M W 14 S Iowa Krampe Gustav Wisconsin 67 Umbach Christina A Illinois 50 Baxter Ia
43 Downs Edward Head M W 33 M Iowa Downs Harry B Iowa . Kintz Sarah A Iowa 58 Clyde Ia
44 Downs Merle M Wife F W 28 M Iowa Roberts John T Illinois 63 Wulke Fredericka Illinois 64 Iowa
45 Downs Harry E Son M W 4 S Iowa Downs Edward C Iowa 33 Roberts Merle M Iowa 38 Cedar Rapids Ia
46 Ingle George A Head M W 35 M North Carolina Ingle George Z North Carolina 75 Isley Elizabeth North Carolina 71 Burlington
47 Ingle Alma M Wife F W 31 M Nebraska Peterson Peter Sweden 66 Johnson Carrie Sweden 62 Stanton Nebr
48 Ingle Newell G Son M W 4 S Iowa Ingle George A North Carolina 35 Peterson Alma M Nebraska 31 Rushmon Minn
49 Ingle Richard W Son M W 1 S Iowa Ingle George A North Carolina 35 Peterson Alma M Nebraska 31 Rushmon Minn
50 McCullough William G Head M W 44 M Ohio McCullough Robert F Ohio 69 Carothers Margaret Ohio 67 Kimbol Ohio
51 McCullough Della Wife F W 38 M Iowa Geddes Jay Ohio . Russel Belle Iowa 67 Newton Ia
52 McCullough Maurine J Daughter F W 13 S Iowa McCullough William G Ohio 44 Geddes Della Iowa 38 Knoxville Ia
53 McCullough Robert W Son M W 8 S Iowa McCullough William G Ohio 44 Geddes Della Iowa 38 Knoxville Ia
54 Wilson Alfred O Head M W 47 M Iowa Wilson Elisha Iowa . Barnes Sarah A Iowa . Mt Pleasant Ia
55 Wilson Bessie M Wife F W 47 M Iowa Pitcock William Ohio . Tedrow Matilda Ohio . Crooksville O
56 Wilson Eddie B Son M W 21 S Iowa Wilson Alfred O Iowa 47 Pitcock Bessie M Iowa 47 Colfax Ia
57 Wilson Clyde H Son M W 17 S Iowa Wilson Alfred O Iowa 47 Pitcock Bessie M Iowa 47 Colfax Ia
58 Perin Almira Head F W 73 W Iowa Porter John Ohio . Carpenter Roseanna Pennsylvania . Iowa
59 Coleman Horace B Roomer M W 42 S Illinois Coleman Frederick Massasschusetts . Eno Carrie Illinois 65 Loda Ill
60 Lowderbaugh Clara B Head F W 59 W Iowa Richards James D Ohio . Frahern Rochel Ohio . Iowa
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
61 Troxel William J Head M W 56 M Ohio Troxel Joseph S Ohio . Hunsacker Mary N Pennsylvania . Ohio
62 Troxel Jennie L Wife F W 52 M Iowa Goodwin James Pennsylvania . Morrison Belle Pennsylvania . .
63 Troxel Emery C Son M W 15 S Iowa Troxel William J Ohio 56 Goodwin Jennie L Iowa 52 Baxter Ia
64 Troxel Leland W Son M W 13 S Iowa Troxel William J Ohio 56 Goodwin Jennie L Iowa 52 Baxter Ia
65 Troxel Lorinne B Daughter F W 8 S Iowa Troxel William J Ohio 56 Goodwin Jennie L Iowa 52 Baxter Ia
66 Burdick Charles G Head M W 48 M Illinois Burdick Giles E Ohio . Grosvenor Mary Illinois 68 Watseka Ill
67 Burdick Gertrude R Wife F W 44 M Iowa Thelan John E Germany . Like Katharine Germany 75 Council Bluffs Ia
68 Burdick Mary K Daughter F W 7 S Iowa Adopted Parents Unknown . . . . . . .
69 Hamilton Walter H Head M W 48 M Iowa Hamilton William W Canda . Mauley Laura J Illinois . Centralia Ill
70 Hamilton Nellie J Wife F W 48 M Iowa Walling Alvin C New York 74 Kerns Christina A Pennsylvania . Gilman Iowa
71 Hamilton Leonard P Son M M 14 S Iowa Hamilton Walter H Iowa 48 Walling Nellie J Iowa 48 Grinnell Iowa
72 Hamilton Jean Daughter F W 12 S Iowa Hamilton Walter H Iowa 48 Walling Nellie J Iowa 48 Grinnell Iowa
73 Hamilton Betty M Daughter F W 6 S Iowa Hamilton Walter H Iowa 48 Walling Nellie J Iowa 48 Grinnell Iowa
74 Baker Moses H . M W 55 W Iowa Baker William F Indiana . Porter Rachel J Ohio . Newton Ia
75 Nielsen Nels L Head M W 53 R Denmark Nielsen Lars Denmark . Nielsen Ane Denmark . Denmark
76 Nielsen Elizabeth Wife F W 53 M Illinois Ford . Ireland . Kelley Anna Illinois 72 Starling Ill
77 Deeter Robert A Head M W 82 M Ohio Deeter Andreson Pennsylvania . Warner Hannah Ohio . Ohio
78 Deeter Martha Wife F W 72 M Iowa Richmond Sims Kentucky . Maggard Susana Indiana . Iowa
79 Deeter Anderson Son M W 51 S Nebraska Deeter Robert A Ohio 82 Richmond Martha Iowa 72 Clyde Ia
80 Curtis Jasper C Head M W 29 M Iowa Curtis Franklin p. Iowa . Brydenstine Lillian Iowa 69 Westview Ia
81 Curtis Hattie M Wife F W 28 M Iowa Magnussen Martin L Germany 55 Wessel Bertha Illinois 56 Clinton Ia
82 Curtis Jack Son M W 1 S Iowa Curtis Jasper C Iowa 29 Magnussen Hattie M Iowa 28 Garwin Ia
83 Geise Adolph Head M W 60 M Iowa Geise Henry Germany . Wagoner Louisa Germany . Freeport Ill
84 Geise Pauline Wife F W 61 M Wisconsin Harre Fred Germany . Meyer Court Sophia Germany . Franklin Wis
85 Trussel Roy . M W 26 S Iowa Trussel James Kentucky . Smith Hester Ann Pennsylvania 67 Newton Ia
86 Hardenburgh Roberty Head F W 81 W Indiana McGill . . . . . . . .
87 Hardenburgh Rose M Daughter F W 53 S Indiana Hardenburgh Wm I Indiana McGill Roberty M Indiana 81 Indiana
88 Raley Lloyd K Head M W 23 M Iowa Raley Eli G . 52 Bittner Susie . . Marshalltown Ia
89 Raley Lillie M Wife F W 18 M Iowa Ferguson Cresent . . Clemens Lucinda Iowa 40 Iowa
90 Raley Joyce F Daughter F W 1 S Iowa Raley Lloyd K Iowa 23 Ferguson Nellie M Iowa . DesMoines Ia
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
91 Caufield Herbert W Head M W 48 M Iowa Caufield Warren H. New York C Merril Lottie New York . Burlington Wis
92 Caufield Matie L Wife F W 49 M Indiana Crawford Wm J Illinois . Armsworth Mary F Indiana . Goshen Ind
93 White Ruida G Head F W 41 D Iowa Harrington S Henry England 66 Hall Mary A Iowa . Colfax Ia
94 White Robert H Son M W 14 S Colorado White Walter D Virginia 47 Harrington Ruida G Iowa 41 Colfax Ia
95 White Dorothy Daughter F W 8 S Iowa White Walter D Virginia 47 Harrington Ruida G Iowa 41 Colfax Ia
96 Crawford Mabel H Daughter F W 22 W Iowa White Walter D Virginia 47 Harrington Ruida G Iowa 41 Colfax Ia
97 Crawford Ralph R. Grandson M W 4 S Iowa Crawford Burl Iowa 26 White Mable H Iowa 22 Newton Ia
98 Bishop Morris Head M W 21 M Iowa Bishop Charles S Iowa 63 Wyatt Hannah J Iowa 59 Newton Ia
99 Bishop Dollie E Wife F W 19 M Iowa Benton Thomas Iowa 53 Chamberlin Clara Iowa . Colfax Ia
100 Bishop Gerald B Son M W 1 S Iowa Bishop Morris Iowa 21 Benton Dollie E . 19 DesMoines Ia
101 Marquardt Emily Roomer F W 47 W Wisconsin Krause Carl Germany . Martin Albitena Germany . Wisconsin
102 Raridon Homer W Roomer M W 70 W Iowa Raridon George M New York . Cole Amanda Ohio . Ohio
103 Geise Henry A Head M W 65 M Iowa Geise Henry Germany . Wagner Louisa Germany . Council Bluffs Ia
104 Geise Lizzie M Wife F W 64 M Iowa Hager Simon Germany . Dalbkameyer Minnie Germany . Waukon Ia
105 Geise George R Son M W 32 S Iowa Geise Henry A Iowa 65 Hager Lizzie Iowa 64 Baxter Ia
106 Hager George T Brother-in-law M W 48 W Iowa Hager Simon Germany . Dalbkameyer Minnie Germany . Waukon Ia
107 Hager Emma E Head F W 48 W Iowa Wereman Christopher . . Bergman Elizabeth Germany . Freeport Ill
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  S/M/ Place of Father Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
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Copyright 2007
by IAGenWeb Jasper County

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Added April 28, 2007