Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

1925 Iowa State Census
Sherman Township

Book 1  |  Book 2  | Book 3  |  Book 4 

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  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
1 McKenzie Katherine Head F W 67 W Scotland Davidson James Scotland . Hannam Marie England . Perth Scotland
2 McKenzie Duncan Son M W 39 W Scotland McKenzie James Scotland . Davidson Katherine Scotland 67 Scotland
3 Dodd Ivangene Granddaughter F W 14 S Iowa Dodd Warren Iowa . McKenzie Lizzie Scotland . Baxter IA
4 Meyer Katherine Head F W 80 W Germany Dahlem Henry Germany . Vogt Susanah Germany . Germany
5 Meyer Edward Son M W 38 M Iowa Meyer Aggie C Germany . Dahluce Katherine Germany 80 Freeport Ill
6 Meyer Hattie A Granddaughter F W 34 M Iowa Kliughbeil Albert F Germany 56 Kruppe Hannah Germany 57 Marshalltown Ia
7 Wintermeier Louis J Head M W 52 M Iowa Wintermeier Louis Germany 84 Miller Charlotte Germany 83 .
8 Wintermeier Alvina S Wife F W 45 M Iowa Kracht Adolph H Germany . Beageman Wilhelmina Germany 78 Sheboygan Falls Wis
9 Wintermeier Elmer L Son M W 9 S Iowa Wintermeier Louis Jr Iowa 52 Kracht Alvina S Iowa 45 Baxter Ia
10 Kracht Adolph G Brother-in-law M W 40 S Iowa Kracht Adloph H Germany . Beageman Wilhelmina Germany 78 Sheboygan Falls Wis
11 Goeke Charles W Head M W 59 M Wisconsin Goeke Louis Germany . Hager Louisa Germany . Wisconsin
12 Goeke Bertha C Wife F W 54 M Wisconsin Klemme Simon Germany 81 Sanderman Wilhelmina Germany . Sheboygan Wis
13 Goeke Roy E Son M W 22 S Iowa Goeke Charles Iowa 59 Klemme Bertha C Wisconsin 45 Baxter Ia
14 Goeke Anna E Daughter F W 19 S Iowa Goeke Charles Iowa 59 Klemme Bertha C Wisconsin 45 Baxter Ia
15 Goeke Ines L Daughter F W 15 S Iowa Goeke Charles Iowa 59 Klemme Bertha C Wisconsin 45 Baxter Ia
16 Goeke Stella G Daughter F W 10 S Iowa Goeke Charles Iowa 59 Klemme Bertha C Wisconsin 45 Baxter Ia
17 Nichols Cleo Head M W 31 M Missouri Nichols Ira O Missouri 59 Hollingsworth Laura Missouri 49 Rich Hill MO
18 Nichols Ethel M Wife F W 29 M Iowa Hammer Marvin E Iowa 61 Compton Dora A Iowa 55 Kilduff Ia
19 Nichols Jack A Son M W 4 S Iowa Nichols Cleo Missouri 31 Hammer Ethel M Iowa 29 Newton Ia
20 Kline Emory E Head M W 42 M Iowa Kline Henry Iowa . Mowry Mary Florence Pennsylvania 62 Newton Ia
21 Kline Alice H Wife F W 39 M Iowa Dodd Silas N Iowa 69 Boweln Helena M Iowa . Toledo Ia
22 Kline Louise A Daughter F W 12 S Iowa Kline Emory E Iowa 42 Dodd Alice H Iowa 39 Toledo Ia
23 Kline Catharine I Daughter F W 9 S Iowa Kline Emory E Iowa 42 Dodd Alice H Iowa 39 Toledo Ia
24 Rucker Marion C Head M W 47 M Iowa Rucker John G Ohio . Greenlee Benna Tennessee 64 Belle Plaine Ia
25 Rucker Katherine Wife F W 46 M Iowa Upah James Ohio 72 Zeman Catherine Bohemia 64 Chelsea Ia
26 Miller Carrie C . F W 69 W Illinois Kaiser Conrad Germany . Hilks Louisa Germany . Freeport Ill
27 Tait August H Head M W 66 M Illinois Tait August H Germany . Hilks Louisa Germany . Freeport Ill
28 Tait Nellie M Wife F W 50 M Ohio Childs Henry Ohio . Croyle Leah Ohio 75 Wausseon Ohio
29 Boyd Ross E Roomer M W 37 W Illinois Boyd Thomas Scotland 90 Ohera Clara Ireland . Money Creek ILL
30 Schorman Fred W . M W 61 S Iowa Schorman Fred Germany . Dravis Henrietta Germany . Waukon Ia
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
31 Schaefer Edward W Head M W 56 M Missouri Schaefer H F Christ Prussia . Hopmann Christma Prussia . Germany
32 Schaefer Amelia C Wife F W 53 M Illinois Huelshorst Will Prussia . Starck Henrietta Prussia . New Minden Ill
33 Schaefer Christiana K Daughter F W 27 S Illinois Schaefer Edward G Illinois 56 Huelshorst Amelia C Illinois 53 St Louis MO
34 Klute Mary Florence . F W 62 W Pennsylvania Mowry John E Pennsylvania . Wilkins Louise Maryland . Pennsylvania
35 Meyers J. Henry . M W 68 W Germany Meyer J Fred Germany . Stark Mary Germany . Germany
36 Cool Peter J Head M W 72 M Illinois Cool John New Jersey . Kline Catharine A Maryland . Freeport Ill
37 Cool Belle L Wife F W 65 M Wisconsin Stone R N Pennsylvania . Carpenter Emma Ohio . Wisconsin
38 Curyea Winifred Daughter F W 41 W Iowa Curyea Arthur H Iowa . Stone Belle L Wisconsin 65 Baxter
39 Curyea Nadine E Grand Daughter F W 14 S Iowa Curyea Arthur H Iowa . Stone Belle L Wisconsin 65 Baxter
40 Curyea Buford Grand Son M W 19 S Iowa Curyea Arthur H Iowa . Stone Belle L Wisconsin 65 Baxter
41 Curyea Maxine A Grand Daughter F W 10 S Iowa Curyea Arthur H Iowa . Stone Belle L Wisconsin 65 Baxter
42 Tipton Lavina J . F W 77 W Ohio Scott John G Ohio . Smith Isabelle J Ohio . Landenary Ohio
43 Kennedy Thomas B Head M W 41 W Iowa Kennedy James Ireland . McMahan Mary Alice Canada . Canada
44 Kennedy Mabel Wife F W 35 M Iowa Bucklin Ulysses Iowa 60 Deeter Sarah E Iowa 54 Iowa
45 Kennedy Kenneth Son M W 13 S Iowa Kennedy Thomas B Iowa 41 Bucklin Mabel Iowa 35 Marshalltown Ia
46 Kennedy Mary E Daughter F W 9 S Iowa Kennedy Thomas B Iowa 41 Bucklin Mabel Iowa 35 Marshalltown Ia
47 Kennedy Thomas B Son M W 7 S Iowa Kennedy Thomas B Iowa 41 Bucklin Mabel Iowa 35 Marshalltown Ia
48 Kennedy Ethel M Daughter F W 2 S Iowa Kennedy Thomas B Iowa 41 Bucklin Mabel Iowa 35 Marshalltown Ia
49 Banninger John W Roomer M W 53 D Switzerland Banninger John Switzerland . Huber Anna Switzerland 1 Switzerland
50 Krampe Mary L Head F W 65 W Iowa Deppe Adolph Germany . Schrader Minnie Germanie 90 Freeport Ill
51 Deppe Minnie Mother F W 90 W Germany Schraeder August Germany . . . . . Germany
52 Goodwin Edward J Head M W 51 M Pennsylvania Goodwin Eugene A Maine . Smith Sarah L New Jersey . New Jersey
53 Goodwin Jennie A Wife F W 42 M Iowa Cool Peter J Illinois 72 Stone Belle L Wisconsin 65 Baxter Ia
54 Goodwin Louise Daughter F W 10 S Iowa Goodwin Edward J Pennsylvania 51 Cool Jennie A Iowa 42 DesMoines Ia
55 Goodwin Russel E Son M W 7 S Iowa Goodwin Edward J Pennsylvania 51 Cool Jennie A Iowa 42 DesMoines Ia
56 Kracht Conrad Head M W 74 M Germany Kracht Conrad Germany . Rosencutter Mary Germany . Germany
57 Kracht Emma Wife F W 66 M Wisconsin Harre Fred Germany . Meyercort Sophia Germany . Germany
58 Kracht Edwin C Son M W 26 M Iowa Kracht Conrad Germany 74 Harre Emma Wisconsin 66 Newton Ia
59 Kracht Violet Daughter-in-law F W 24 M Iowa Jones Romout M Iowa . Schurke Matilda Iowa 48 Charter Oak Ia
60 Yount James G . M W 38 S Nebraska Yount Daniel Pennsylvania . Sell Mary Jane Pennsylvania . Pennsylvania
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
61 Logsdon James ? Head M W 50 M Missouri Logsdon William W Kentucky . Smith Sarah E Ohio 78 Iowa
62 Logsdon Ethel G Wife F W 36 M Nebraska Rose Ander C New York 70 Sager Sarah E Ohio 74 Marengo Ia
63 Logsdon Sarah J Daughter F W 14 S Iowa Logsdon James ? Missouri 50 Rose Ethel G Iowa 36 Omaha Nebr
64 Logsdon Howard J Son M W 9 S Iowa Logsdon James ? Missouri 50 Rose Ethel G Iowa 36 Omaha Nebr
65 Rose Ander C Father-in-law M W 70 M New York Rose Elam L New York . Hood Nancy New York . New York
66 Johnson George F Head M W 61 M Iowa Johnson John W Indiana . Frazier Ellen Iowa . Bluegrass Ia
67 Johnson Bertha Wife F W 58 M Illinois Sturm John T Ohio . Vantassal Lucinda . . Illinois
68 Johnson Clifford E Son M W 26 M Iowa Johnson George Iowa 61 Strum Bertha C Illinois 58 Grand Island Nebr
69 Johnson Leona Daughter F W 19 S Iowa Johnson George Iowa 61 Strum Bertha C Illinois 58 Grand Island Nebr
70 Johnson Hilton L Son M W 15 S Iowa Johnson George Iowa 61 Strum Bertha C Illinois 58 Grand Island Nebr
71 Castleman David C . M W 60 W Indiana Castleman Henry C Ohio . Martin Mary Germany . Indiana
72 Handhorn Sophia W . F W 68 W Iowa Hattebuler August Germany . Torneton Sophia Germany . Freeport Ill
73 Wastier Rupert R Head M W 26 M Iowa Wastier Jacob P Ohio 58 Neighbor Mary O Iowa 57 Baxter Ia
74 Wastier Myrtle L Wife F W 22 M Iowa Berry Charles W Iowa 62 Ferguson Lizzie Iowa 59 Clyde Ia
75 Edler Henry Head M W 72 M Germany Edler Henry Germany . Bergmann Louise Germany . Germany
76 Edler Amelia Wife F W 68 M Germany Waterman Herman Germany . Suikler Wilhelmina Germany . Germany
77 Buchanan Isabella Head F W 52 W Scotland Donaldson David Scotland 82 Galloway Mary Scotland . Scotland
78 Buchanan Sylvia E Daughter F W 18 S Iowa Buchanan Alexander H Alabama 82 Donaldson Isabella Scotland 52 Waterloo Ia
79 Donaldson David C Father M W 82 W Scotland Donaldson John Scotland . Stoddard Grace Scotland . Waterloo Ia
80 Long Francis Head M W 62 W Iowa Long John Canada . Smith Lucy Iowa . .
81 Dodd Grace M Daughter F W 29 M Iowa Long Francis Iowa 62 Deeter Alice Iowa . Collins Ia
82 Dodd Floyd Son-in-law M W 27 M Iowa Dodd John W Iowa 53 Halterman Emma Iowa 50 Nevada Ia
83 Stinson Ruth M Grand Daughter F W 8 S Iowa Stinson Jay C Iowa . Long Grace Iowa 29 DesMoines Ia
84 Wiley Arthur D . M W 41 S Iowa Wiley Mark Ohio . Wier Alice Ohio . Baxter Ia
85 Campbell Samuel K . M W 48 S Indiana Campbell Frances M Indiana . Kelsey Mary Ohio . .
86 Karlson Henry . M W 28 D Germany Karlson Isaac N Germany . Helperin Dweires Germany 58 Germany
87 Schaefer Christ W Head M W 32 M Illinois Schaefer Edward Missouri 56 Hurlshorst Amelia C Illinois 53 St Louis MO
88 Schaefer C Cloe Wife F W 29 M Iowa Dodd Samuel P Iowa 72 Thompson Margaret E Iowa 72 Clyde Ia
89 McKinzie Duncan Roomer M W 65 S Scotland McKenzie George Scotland . Dunn Fannie Scotland . Scotland
90 Vansice John M . M W 67 W Pennsylvania Vansice Joseph New York . Brewer Clarinda Pennsylvania . Pennsylvania
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
91 Ferguson Harvey G Head M W 45 M Iowa Ferguson William H Illinois . Steinberger Samanthy Iowa . Union Ia
92 Ferguson Grace E Wife F W 39 M Iowa Lane John H Iowa 62 Ratliff Samanthy Iowa 60 Eldora Ia
93 Cool Perry J Head M W 29 M Iowa Cool Frank C Iowa 62 Davis Francis E Iowa . Iowa
94 Cool May Wife F W 23 M Iowa Ferguson Harvey G Iowa 45 Lane Grace E Iowa 39 Eldora Ia
95 Ferguson John W Head M W 21 M Iowa Ferguson Harvey G Iowa 45 Lane Grace E Iowa 39 Eldora Ia
96 Ferguson Nora A Wife F W 23 M Iowa Petermeier Frederick Iowa 57 Schnathorst Caroline Iowa 56 Iowa
97 Ferguson Shirley M Daughter F W 1 S Iowa Ferguson John W Iowa 21 Petermeier Nora A Iowa 23 Baxter Ia
98 Bucklin Ulyses Head M W 60 M Iowa Bucklin Ransom Vermont . Colyer Elizabeth Indiana . Iowa
99 Bucklin Sarah E Wife F W 54 M Iowa Deeter Robert Ohio 82 Richmond Martha A Iowa 73 Clyde Ia
100 Bucklin Ralph R Son M W 18 M Iowa Bucklin Ulyses Iowa 60 Deeter Sarah E Iowa 54 Baxter Ia
101 Bucklin Nena J Daughter-in-law F W 16 M S Dakota Hughes Adelbert Iowa 43 Burt Jessie B Iowa 39 Iowa
102 Bucklin George E Head M W 29 M Iowa Bucklin Ulyses Iowa 60 Deeter Sarah E Iowa 54 Baxter Ia
103 Bucklin Luretha Wife F W 24 M Iowa Gearhart Frances J Iowa 48 Logsdon Stella Iowa 48 Newton Ia
104 Bucklin Edward U Son M W 6 S Iowa Bucklin George E Iowa 60 Gearhart Luretha Iowa 24 Newton Ia
105 Bucklin Thomas D Son M W 4 S Iowa Bucklin George E Iowa 60 Gearhart Luretha Iowa 24 Newton Ia
106 Gipson George H Head M W 54 M Iowa Gipson George England . Davey Emma England 85 Illinois
107 Gipson Mattie O Wife F W 48 M Iowa Perry Harrison W Ohio . Barbee Minerva Iowa 72 Iowa
108 Jontz G Edward Head M W 63 M Illinois Jontz Jacob Pennsylavania . Smith Mary Ohio . Wynett Ill
109 Jontz Minnie Wife F W 50 M Iowa Wheatcraft James F Ohio . Bishop Helen M Vermont . Newton Ia
110 Ennis Harry H Head M W 44 M Iowa Ennis Charles H Maine 80 Allen Carrie Iowa . Iowa
111 Ennis Margaret E Wife F W 39 M Minnesota Rederus Sypko F Holland . Bruggink Adriana Wisconsin 62 Oostberg Wis
112 Ennis Edith E Daughter F W 6 S Iowa Ennis Harry H. Iowa 44 Redrus Margaret Minnesota 39 Farley Iowa
113 Rederus Horace S Brother-in-law M W 33 S Wisconsin Rederus Sypko F Holland . Bruggink Adriana Wisconsin 62 Oostberg Wis
114 Phillips Harold T Roomer M W 24 S Illinois Phillips George F England 66 Craig Ida B Wisconsin 56 Illinois
115 Buckles Fye A Head M W 34 M Iowa Buckles Andrew A Kansas . Powers Phoebe E Iowa . Ferguson Ia
116 Buckles Anne Wife F W 27 M Iowa Gauch August Germany 65 Schorman Minnie Iowa 59 Baxter Ia
117 Buckles Wilma I Daughter F W 4 S Iowa Buckles Fye A Iowa 34 Gauch Anna Iowa 27 Marshalltown Ia
118 Buckles Wanda E Daughter F W 2 S Iowa Buckles Fye A Iowa 34 Gauch Anna Iowa 27 Marshalltown Ia
119 Otis Harry L Head M W 39 M Iowa Otis Charles F Wisconsin . Clayton Susanah Illinois . Fisk Iowa
120 Otis Maud Wife F W 39 M Iowa Cross Samuel Iowa 76 Heifner Melina M Iowa 68 Newton Ia
  S/M/ Place of Father Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
121 Terney James M Head M W 55 M Iowa Terney Thomas W Ireland . McGraw Elizabeth S New York 88 Wisconsin
122 Terney Jessie M Wife F W 48 M Iowa Klise James F Ohio . Flarer Amanda Iowa . Baxter Ia
123 Terney Bernice G Daughter F W 21 S Iowa Terney James M Iowa 55 Klise Jessie M Iowa 48 Valeria Ia
124 Terney Donald F Son M W 15 S S Dakota Terney James M Iowa 55 Klise Jessie M Iowa 48 Valeria Ia
125 Pool John A Head M W 42 M Iowa Pool Sylvester . . Hewitt Rebecca Iowa . Newton Ia
126 Pool Maggie Wife F W 41 M Iowa Diehl Julius Germany . . , New York . .
127 Pool Donald F Son M W 5 S Iowa Pool John A Iowa 42 Diehl Maggie Iowa 41 Newton Ia
128 Cammock Clarence Head M W 38 M Iowa Cammack Calvin H Ohio 70 Harp Mary Etta Iowa . Iowa Falls Ia
129 Cammack Hazel Wife F W 38 M Iowa White James T Iowa 62 McCord Nancy E Iowa 70 Nevada Ia
130 Cammack Pauline Daughter F W 16 S Iowa Cammack Clarence Iowa 38 White Hazel Iowa 38 Ames Ia
131 Ketteuhafen Mathew J Head M W 37 M Wisconsin Ketteuhafen John Germany 69 Conar Mary Etta Wisconsin 64 Rubicon Wisconsin
132 Ketteuhafen Mary W Wife F W 32 M Iowa Winters David Iowa . Higgins Margaret Ireland 55 Boone Iowa
133 Hardenburgh Roy C Head M W 35 M Iowa Hardenburgh William I Indiana . McGill Roberta Ohio 81 Indiana
134 Hardenburgh Margaret Wife F W 25 M Iowa Edge George Nebraska 52 Friend Anna England 53 Newton Ia
135 Hardenburgh L Lorren Son M W 14 S Iowa Hardenburgh Roy C Iowa 35 Gruhlkey Elizabeth Illinois . Guyman Okla
136 Hardenburgh M Gean Daughter F W 1 S Iowa Hardenburgh Roy C Iowa 35 Edge Margaret Iowa 25 Newton Ia
137 Hager August H Head M W 49 M Germany Hager Herman Germany . Stock Sophia Germany . Germany
138 Hager Carrie Wife F W 46 M Iowa Kracht Adolph Germany . Begeman Wilhelmina Ger 78 Sheboygan Falls Wis
139 Hager Lorraine Daughter F W 10 S Iowa Hager August H Germany 49 Kracht Carrie Iowa 46 Baxter Ia
140 Noah Selma Head F W 49 S Iowa Noah Henry H Germany . Schnwell Frederica Wisconsin . Wisconsin
141 Noah Rose M Sister F W 37 S Iowa Noah Henry H Germany . Schnwell Frederica Wisconsin . Wisconsin
142 Rethmeier Henry Head M W 77 W Germany Rethmeier Conrad Germany . Goeke Wilhelmina Germany . Germany
143 Maggard Henry Head M W 62 M Iowa Maggard Adam Indiana . Cuthbart Eliza England . Germany
144 Maggard Harriet Wife F W 55 M Illinois Sayers Matthias Ohio . Robey Mary Maryland . Germany
145 Helming Thomas Head M W 60 M Iowa Helming Conrad Germany . . . Germany . .
146 Helming Ida Wife F W 57 M Canada Earley William H Canada 77 Krampe Minnie Ger . Wisconsin
147 Earley Loftud F Head M W 45 M Iowa Carey William T Ohio . Penington Sarah Canada 69 Canada
148 Earley Alice H Wife F W 50 M Iowa . Dawson Anne Ohio . Ohio
149 Krueger Henry Head M W 68 M Sanderman Dorthea Germany . Freeport Ill
150 No Entry

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by IAGenWeb Jasper County

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Added April 28, 2007