Iowa History Project



The Quakers of Iowa




Louis Thomas Jones




Part One


Page 339


Abolition, attitude of Friends toward, 133, 134

Abolitionists, 133; attitude of Quakers toward, 134

Academies, 241; Establishment and maintenance of, by Quakers, 243-247; reasons for

      decline of; 247

Ackworth Academy, history of, 245, 245

Ackworth Quarterly Meeting, 99; propositions introduced by, 106

Adair County, 333

Address, terms of, used by Quakers, 271, 272

Adrian (Michigan) 56

Africa, missionary work in, 239, 330

African Methodist Epsicopal Church, membership of, 296

Alabama, 151

Alaska, missions in, 330

Allegheny Mountains, 34, 98

Allen, John, 141, 143

Allen, Lizzie, 239

Allen, Tristram, 71

Amana Inspirationalists, 333

America, spread of Quaker faith to, 22, 23; landing of, first Quakers in, 24, 25; first

      Yearly Meeting of Friends in, 28, labors of Fox in, 28, stronghold of Quakerism

      in, 30; simplicity of dress among Quakers in, 269; membership of churches in, 295, 296

Amity Hall (Jamaica), 237, 238, 239

Amusements, attitude of Quakers toward, 275-277

Andrews, Alsina M. 238

Andrews, Benjamin c., 238

Anglo-Saxons, 67

Annotto Bay (Jamaica), 239

Antiqua, 297

Anti-Slavery Friends, history of, 133-145, organization of Yearly Meeting of, 136; labors

      of English deputation among, 137-144; resistance of, to summons of London Yearly

      Meeting, 143, 144; purchase of burying ground of, 145

Anti-Slavery Society, American, 134

Appointed Meetings, character of, 303

Arapaho Indians, 208

Arbitration of disuputes, 275

Archdale, John, 299

Arkansas, 151

Arkansas River, 327

Ascension, 254

Asia, missionary work in, 239

Atchison (Kansas), negro school at, 200

Atlantic (Iowa), 229, 230

Atlantic Coast, 31, 86, 241

Atonement, 254

Austin, Ann, landing of, at Boston, 25, deportation of, 26

Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, 56, 81, 147, 206

Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Hicksite Friends, 149

Bangor, 75, 234, 308

Bangor Quarterly Meeting, 77, 79, 99, 332

Baptism, attitude of Quakers toward, 255, 256

Baptist Church, membership of, 295; number of members of, penitentiary, 315

Baptist Missionaries, 234

Baraboo (Wisconsin), 83

Barbadoes, movement of Quakers to, 23; references to, 25, letter of Fox

 Page 340

      to Governor of, 253, 254, 257; labors of Fox in, 207

Barclay, Robert, apology of, 109, 280; reference to, 156; statement by, 255

Barnesville (Ohio), 158

Barrington, Thomas, 324

Bates, Benjamin, 158

Beales family, 34

Bean, Joel, 324

Bear Creek, 172

Bear Creek Monthly Meeting, contest between factions at, 164; separation in, 168

Bear Creek Quarterly Meeting, 99, 233, 246; Separation of 1877 in, 165-168; statement

      drawn up by, 166, 167, 168; action relative to reports of, 169

Beard, Enoch, 50, visit of, among Indians, 203, 204

Beard family, 34, 43

Bedell, Willliam P., 154

Beede, William P., 154

Belmont County (Ohio), 35, 155

Bennett, Justice, 297

Berkley, Lord, Land offered for sale by, 29

Bermuda, movement of Quakers to, 23; reference to, 297

Bernard family, 34

Beven, Stacy, meeting held by, at Bear Creek, 164

Bible, knowledge of, in England, 21; supplying of families with copies of, 97; inspiration

      of, 254

Billings, Edward, purchse of land by, 29

Birth-rate, decrease in, 89; reference to, 150, 309

Black Hawk Purchase, 38, 39, 41, 267

Bloomfield (Indiana), 44

Bloomington (Muscatine), 67

Bloomington Monthly Meeting, 208

Bond, John S., meeting held by, at Bear Creek, 164

Bond, Zedediah, 52

Books, attitude of Quakers toward reading of, 277; presence of, in Quaker homes, 280

Boone, Daniel, explorations of, in Kentucky, 33; reference to 313

Boston, landing of first Quakers at, 25; deportation of Quakers from, 26; execution of

      Quakers at 27, 28

Botnen, Knut, 321

Botnen, Lars, 321

Bowles, D. W., 201, 325

Boyer, Peter, part of, in laying out of Salem, 41; reference to, 46

Boys, use of White's Institute as reform school for, 219-222

Bray family, 52

Bronson, Newton, 229

Brown, E. Howard, acknowledgment to 314

Brown, John, relations of Springdale Quakers with, 191-197; members of band of, 323

      reference to, 324

Brown, John R., 172

Brown, Owen, 323

Bruff, James B., management of White's Institute by, 229, 230; report of, 231

Bruff, Jessie, 230

Buffum, Arnold, labors of, in Indiana, 134

Burial, method of, 273

Burlington, land sales at, 45; refernece to, 49, 221; arrival of English Quakers at, 56

Business meeting, method of conducting, 260

Button, Albert, 190

Calendar, character of, udes by Quakers, 280, 281

California, 85, 101, 119, 151, 242; rush of forty-niners to, 205

California Yearly Meeting, establishment of, 92; reference to 310

Camp Supply, 208

Canada, 31, 56, 69, 147, 194

Canada family, 43

Canada Yearly Meeting, establishment of, 92, reference to, 310

Canadian River, 208

Carbonado mines, opening of, 87

Carey, Joseph, Enlish Quakers at home of, 61

 Page 341

Catholic Church, membership of, 295; number of members of, in penitentiary, 315

Catholics, attitude of Quakers toward, 18; maltreament of Quakers by, 29; reference to, 88,

      211, 302

Cavaliers, 17

Cedar County, 57, 163, 192, 197, 304; Quaker settlements in, 68-70; second church

      building in, 69; academy in, 246

Cedar Creek, 49, 50, 55, 336, English Quakers at, 64, 65

Cedar River, 70

Cedar Valley (Jamaica), 234, 235

Center (Ohio), 35

Center Grove, 78; school at, 248

Center Grove Academy, 98

Center Grove Christian Vigilance Band, 310

Central City (Nebraska), 227

Central Superintendency, 207; management of, by Iowa Quakers, 208-211

Certificates of membership, 302, 334

Chambersburg (Pennsylvania), 194

Charles I, 17

Charles II, 28, 295; land granted to Penn by, 30

Chase, Hehmiah, 149

Cherry Grove Monthly Meeting (Indiana), 41, 336

Chestnut Hill, growth and decline of, 51; English Quakers at, 65

Cheyenne Indians, 208

Chicago, 194

Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, 86, 175

Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway, 60

Chicago and Northwestern Railway, 175

Children, clothing of, 161, 271

China, missions in, 330

Christ, belief of Quakers in, 254, 255

Christian Church, number of members of, in penitentiary, 315

Christian Endeavor, contributions of, for mission, 236

Christian Vigilance Band, 98

Christian Workers' Assembly, origin of, 124, 125; former names of, 125; work and

      importance of, 125, 126; reference to, 314

Christian Workers' Training School, 125

Christianity, revival of primitive, 17; reference to, 295

Church machinery, efforts of Hadley to improve, 122

Church of England, 17

Church workers, training of, 124-126

Churches, membership of, in America, 295, 296

Civil War, 256

Claims, purchase of, 49

Clark, Dan E., acknowledgment to, 8

Clark County (Missouri), 189

Clarke County, 333

Clarkson, Thomas, statement by, 269

Clay, Henry, speech of, at Richmond, 135

Clinton County (Ohio), 35, 118

Clothing, rules relative to, at school, 161

Coal, mining of, in Mahaska County, 86,87

Coal Creek, 158

Code of 1851, 267, 268

Code of 1897, 268

Code of Commission of 1873, 268

Coffin, Charles, 80

Coffin, Charles F., 308

Coffin, Emma, 314

Coffin, Levi, 134

Coldstream (Ontario), 147

Colleges, 241; State regulation relative to, 249

Colonies, early experiences of Quakers in, 25-30

Colorado, 151

Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, membership of, 296

Columbia (Missouri), negro school at, 200

Comanche Indians, 208

Comer, James, 138

 Page 342

Comer, John, 323

Commack, Levi, 42

Commons family, 43

Conference of Teachers and Delegates from Friends' First-Day Schools, 81

Congregational Church, membership of, 296; reference to, 310; number of members in

      in penitentiary, 315

Congress, bill in, relative to Indian Bureau, 207

Conservative Friends, 88, 152, 277, 319; separation of, from main body, 163-170;

      separation of, from Salem and Springdale Quarterly Meetings, 171-174; future of, in Iowa, 181-183; religious beliefs of, 257; uniting of, with other churches, 310; status

      of, in Iowa, 322

Conservation, character of, among Quakers, 278-279

Cook, Darius B., 311; acknowledgment to, 320

Cook, Eli, 50

Cook, Ira, 308

Cook, John E., 323

Cook, Jonathan, 138; complaint against, 138; disownment of, 139

Cook, Thomas, 42

Cook family, 43

Cooper, Trueman, 311

Coppoc, Ann, statement of, to son, 194

Coppoc, Barclay, summons of, by Brown, 194; flight of, to Iowa, 195; complaint against,

      196, 197; disownment of, 197; reference to 325

Coppoc, Edwin, summons of, by Brown, 194; hanging of, 195; disownment of, 196

Costume, meaning of Quaker, 270, 271

Council Grove (Kansas), 204, 326

Craven, Nathan, 308

Creed, objections of Quakers to, 253

Crew, Walter, 63

Crosbie, Archibald, 173

Cuba, superintendent of Friends missions in, 313; missions in, 330

Cumberland (England), 22

Customs, description and explanation of, 269-277

Czar of Russia, literature sent to, by Quakers, 23

Daggs, Ruel, escpae of slaves of, 189; reference to, 323

Dahl, Endre, 177, 178

Dakota Territory, 101

Dallas County, 313, 333

Dancing, attitude of Quakers toward, 275-276

Darlington, Brinton, coming of, to Iowa, 68; reference to, 69, 206, 305; Indian agency of,

       208; appointment of, as Indian agent, 209; early life of, 304; death of, 326

Dashiell, M. A., 219

Dean, Maria, 314

Death-rate, 150

Delaware River, 30

Denmark (Iowa), 323

Denver Quarterly Meeting, 92

Derbyshire, Harvey, 182

Derbyshire (England), 19, 22

Des Moines, 312, 313

Des Moines Valley, geological investigation in, 86

Deweese, William P., 154

Dicks, Zachariah, prophecy of, 36

Dillon, Josiah, 311

Dillon (Iowa), 175

Disciples of Christ, Church of, membership of, 295

Discipline, adoption of, 82, 83; change in 144; reference to, 271, 273, 274, 276; adoption

      of uniform, 306

Disownment, practice of, 91, 139, 158, 196, 197; reasons for, 264, 275, 276, 301;

      breaking down of policy of, 277

Disputes, settlement of, among Quakers, 275

Divorce, attitude of Quakers toward, 262

Dixon, C. R., 311

Sorland, Henry, 190, 238

Page 343

Dorland, Reuben, school founded by, 241, 242; death of, 242

Dorland, Willet, 308

Douglas, John Henry, 98, 116, 120, 122, 311, 312, 313; labors of, as General

      Superintendent, 100, 101, 118, 119; sketch of life of, 118

Drayton (England), 18

Dress of Quakers, description and explanation of, 269-271

Dudley, 60

Dudley, Charles, bill introduced by, 218

Dunbar, 175

Durham (England), 22

Dutch, 62

Dyer, Mary, banishment and execution of, 27

Earlham, Summer School held at, 124; reference to, 163

Earlham Academy, history of, 246

Earlham College, 215

Earlham High School, 246

East Grove, growth and decline of, 51, reference to, 55, 64; visit of English Quakers at, 57

East Grove Monthly Meeting, 63, 64

Edgerton, Joseph, 154

Education, attitude of Quakers toward, 128; provisions for, among Quakers, 240-250

Edwards, David M., acknowledgment to, 8; reference to 332

Eldora, location of reform school at, 222

Elliott, George, 149

Elliott, Reuben, 149

Emancipation Proclamation, 197, 325

Emery family, 43

England, religious turmoil in, 17; rise of Quakerism in, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23; spread of

      Quakerism in, 20-23; refernce to, 143, 232, 266, 271, 273, 307; persecution of

      Friends in, 295

English Constitution, 253

Evangelism, rise of, among Quakers, 95-102; effect of, 96; origin of,  96-98; activities

       of Iowa Yearly Meeting in field of, 98-102; decline of, 120; reference to, 257

Evangelistic Board, 314

Evangelistic committee, appointment of, 98, 99; report of, 99, 100; reference to, 106;

      president of executive board of, 121

Evangelistic work, results of, 120; reference to, 150; table relative to 286

Evans, William, visit of, in Iowa, 68, 304

Excelsior Coal Company, 86

Executive Committee on the Relief of the Freedmen, 198, 199; cooperation of, with

      other Yearly Meetings, 199

Fairfax Monthly Meeting (Virginia), 147

Fairfax Quarerly Meeting (Virginia), 147, 149

Fairfield (Maine), 118

Fairview Preparative Meeting, 305

Farquhar, William, 308

Farr, Gilbert L., missionary labors of, in Jamaica, 236, 237; reference to, 311, 330

Fenwick John, land purchased by 29

Fiction, attitude of Quakers toward, 275, 276, 277

Fip, 301

Fisher, Mary, landing of, at Boston, 25, deportation of, 26

Five Years Meeting, 257, 306, 312

Ford, Helen F., 238, 239

Ford, Jefferson W., 238, 239

Foreign Missionary Committee, 239, 330

Foreign missions, 128

Foreign Missions, American Friends' Board of, 121, 232, 239, 313

Formalism, objection of Quakers to, 97

Fort Madison, 39, 49, 51, 221, 228

Fort Sill, 208

Forty-niners, rush of, to California, 205

Page 344

Foster, Josiah, 141, 143

Foster, William, 137, 141, 143

Fourpence, 301

Fox, Christopher, character of, 18, 19,

Fox, George, sketch of life and teachings of, 18-23; message of, 20; spread of teachings

      of, 20, 22; statement of Penn concerning, 21, 22; labors of, in America, 28; reference

      to, 29, 100, 152, 156, 203, 234, 261, 276, 334; death of, 31, 32; letter of, to Governor

      of Barbadoes, 253, 254, 257; journal of, 280; confinement of, in jail, 296; missionary

      labors of, 297

France, visits of Quakers to, 23

Franzen, Florence, acknowledgment to, 8

Frazier, Elihu, 189, 323

Frazier, Gideon, 42, 50

Frazier, Jonathan A., 323

Frazier, Lydia, 42

Frazier, Stephen, 42

Frazier, Thomas, 42, 46, 138; proscription of, 135; Missourians at home of 191

Frazier, Thomas Clarkson, 189, 323

Frazier family, 43

Freedmen, work of Quakers for, 197-202; reference to, 206, 232

French, 67

Friends (see Quakers)

Fry, Abigail M., 224

Fry, John, 224

Funerals, attitude of Quakers, toward, 272, 273

Galleway, Elizabeth Lindsey, 304

General Assembly of Iowa, acts of, 267, 268; reference to, 333

General Superintendent, provision for, 100; labors of Douglas as, 100, 101; list of

      those holding office of, 101, 102; origin of office of, 118; work of, in Iowa, 118-123

Genesee Yearly Meeting of Hicksite Friends, 147

George, Jesse, 330

Gerogia, settlement of Quakers in, 32; emigration of Quakers from, 35, 36

German Baptists, 333

German Evangelical Synod, membership of, 296

Germantown (Pennsylvania), 133

Germantown Friends' Protest agaisnt Slavery, 133, 315

Germany, visits of Quakers to 23

Gibbs, Justice, 190

Gibson, Isaac T., work of, among negroes, 199, 200; Indian agency of, 208; beginning

      of work of, among Osages, 209, 210; work of, among Osages, 211, 212; reference

      to, 219

Gimre, Christian, 176

Girls, use of White's Institute as reform school for, 222, 223

Glen Haaven (Jamaica), 237, 239

God, fatherhood of, 254; communication of, with individuals, 255

Golden Grove (Jamaica), 238

Goose Creek Monthly Meeting (Virginia), 147

Government Boarding School, 224

Grace, saying of, at table, 281

Grant, Ulysses S., peace policy of, 205-208; plan of Quakers adopted by, 207

Gravestones, attitude toward, 273, 274

Great Lakes, settlement of region south of, 34

Greek Orthodox Church, membership of 296

Greenville Quarterly Meeting, 99

Gregg, Caleb, coming of, to Iowa, 155; complaint against, 155; controversy concerning,

      155-158; disownment of, 158

Grinnell Quarterly Meeting, 99

Gautemala, missions in, 330

Burney, Joseph John, controversy between Wilbur and, 154; sketch of life of, 318, 319

Guthrie County, 333

Hadley, A. W., 201

Hadley, Catherine R., 169

Hadley, James, 174

Hadley, Jesse, 308

Hadley7, Stephen M., acknowledgment to, 8

Page 345

Hadley, William Jasper, 102; labors of, as General Superintendent, 121, 122; sketch

      of life of, 313

Hadley family, 52

Haines, Witham, 149

Haining estate, 329

Hammer, Nathan, 138

Hammer family, 43, 53

Hammer's Settlement, English Quarters at, 60

Hammond, Hiram, 311

Hampton, Amos, 3050324

Hampton, Milton J., 311

Hampton, Messrs, 154

Hanson, John F., 311

Happy Grove (Jamaica), 238

Happy Grove Estate, 329

Happy Grove School (Jamaica), 238

Hardin County, Quaker settlements in, 53; reference to, 222, 313, academy in, 246

Harper's Ferry, attack on, 195, 196, 197

Harris, William, 308

Hartland Academy, 118

Haskell College, 226

Hat, wearing of, by Quakers, 271

Haverford College Library, 306

Hawley, James, 174

Haworth family, 52

Hayes, Rutherford B., 213

Hayworth family, 34

Hazen, W. B., 209

Hector's River, 238

Heggem, Thore, 176

Hendricks County (Indiana), 313

Henry County, first Quaker in, 39; reference to, 44, 58, 318, 323; Hicksite Friends in,

     146, 147, 149; Norwegian Friends in, 175

Heritage, Oswell, 233

Hiatt, Benjamin B., 98; revival held by, 165, 166

Hiatt, John C., 311

Hiatt family, 43

Hiawatha Quarterly Meeting (Nebraska), 92

Hickory Grove, 158, 159

Hickory Grove Quarterly Meeting, 158

Hicks, Elias, preaching of, 145

Hicksite Friends, 88, 158, 257; origin of sect called, 146, 147; first meeting of, in Iowa,

      147-149; growth of settlements of, 149; comparison of Orothodox Friends and, 149-

      153; activities of, 150; decline of membership of, 150, 151; position of, in modern

      life, 151, 152; religious beliefs of, 152, 153; Indian superintendency given to, 207, 208;

      uniting of, with other churches, 310; membership of, 317

High-churchmen, 17

Higher criticism, 257

Highland County (Ohio), 35

Hinshaw family, 43

Historical Society of Iowa, State, 8

Hoag, Amos, English Quakers accompanied by, 57; reference to, 59

Hoag, Edward F., acknowledgment to, 326

Hoag, Enoch, 206, 209, 308, 326; choice of, as Indian superintendent, 208; speech of,

      to Indians, 210

Hoag, Joseph D., 53, 58, 62, 65, 216, 303, 308; English Quakers accompanied by, 57

Hoag, Lindley Murray, visit of, to Norway, 177; reference to, 205, 308

Hobson, Peter, 172

Hobson, William, 308

Hobson Normal School, 201

Hockett, John, 43, 45, 203

Hockett, Stephen, 43, 308

Hockett, Stephen, Jr., 43

Hockett family, 43

Hodgins family, 34

Hoggatt, Harrison, 43

Hoggatt, Isaac M., 46

Holaday, Abraham, 44

Holding associations, schools maintained by 241

Hollanders, first settlements of, in Iowa, 303

Hollingsworth, Benjamin, 308

Holston River, 33

Home life, description of, 278-281

Page 346

Homes, furnishings of, 279, 280

Honey Creek Monthly Meeting, 164

Honey Creek Quarterly Meeting, 99, 126, 312

Hoover, John Y., 98

Hopewell Monthly Meeting (Virginia), 147

Hopkinton (Rhode Island), 318

Hopping block, 258

Hoskins family, 43

Hospitality, prevalence of, among Quakers, 278

Humor, character of, among Quakers, 279

Hunt, David, 206, 308, 311

Huseboe, Mathias, 176

Idaho, 151

Illinois, 39, 41, 49, 56, 66, 151, 302

Illinois Yearly Meeting of Hicksite Friends, 147, 149, 318; activities of, 150; statement

      of religious beliefs by, 152, 153

Independents, 17

India, missions in, 330

Indian Affairs, Associated Executive Committee of Friends on, 206, 207, 208, 210, 213

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 207

Indian Affairs, Commissioner of, 211, 213

Indian Committee, 211

Indian reserve (Indiana), 216

Indiana, settlement of Quakers in, 35, 37; reference to, 40, 49, 52, 61, 69, 72, 133, 151,

      216, 230, 313; emgration from, to Iowa, 41, 42

Indiana Meeting for Sufferings, 79, 83, 134, 135

Indiana Yearly Meeting, 35, 54, 55, 56, 81, 147, 199, 206, 274; proposal for separation

      from, 76, 77; committee of, in Iowa, 77, 78; final decision of, 79; anti-slavery separation

      in, 134, 136; English deputation at, 137; development and decline of anti-slavery

      movement in, 144, 145; visit of White to, 215; provision for establishment of  schools

      under, 215, 216; management of White's Insititute by, 216, 127.

Indiana Yearly Meeting of Anti-Slavery Friends, organiztion of, 136; reference to, 142;

      abandonment of, 145

Indianapolis (Indiana), 257, 312

Indianola, 125, 245

Indians, 38, 232, 235; work of Quakers in behalf of, 203-214; driving of, across

      Mississippi, 205; uprising of, 205; school for, at White's Institute, 224-226

Indulged Meeting, petition for privilege of, 49; establishment of, 50, 177

Inner Light, doctrine of, 152, 255, 256, 261

Iowa, 34, 101; moulding of Quakerism in, 37; first settlements of Quakers in, 38-47;

      increase in population of, 48; spread of Quakers into back counties of, 48-55; gateways

      to, 49; reasons for coming of Quakers to, 51; first Quarterly meeting in, 54, 55; number

      of Quakers in, 55, 88, 89; visit of English Quakers in, 56-66; departure of English 

      Quakers from, 65, 66; testing of Quakerism in, 67-73; grownth of population of, 70;

      transformation in, 72; committee of Indiana Yearly Meeting in, 77, 78; emigration of

      Quakers from, 85, 86; decline of Quaker settlements in, 86, 87; rise of evangelism in

      95-102; modern Quakerism in, 127-129; English deputation in, 137-144; stations on

      Underground Railway in, 138, 192; coming of Hicksite Friends to, 147; coming of

      Norwegian Friends to, 175; bringing of slave to, 187; Underground Railway in, 188,

      189; work of Quakers from, among negroes, 199-201; work of Quakers of, among

Indians, 208-214; purchase of land for school in 216; schools and education among

Page 347

Quakers in, 240-250; exemption fee in, during war, 256, 257; exemption of Quakers

      from marriage laws in, 267, 268; Quaker simplicity in, 270; first white men in, 300

Iowa City, 8, 235; English Quakers at, 58, 59

Iowa River, 58, 70, 75, 300

Iowa State Teachers' Association, 218

Iowa Yearly Meeting (referring to Orthodox branch after 1877), vii, 86, 115, 181,

      205, 261; formation of, 74-79; first meeting of, 80-84; committees of, 83; hopeful

      outlook at opening of, 85; decline in membership in, 88, 89, 115, 116; reasons for      

      decline in membership of, 89-92; scattered membership of, 91, 92, 101; separation

      in, 98; evangelistic activities of, 98-102; pastoral system adopted by, 106, 107; amount

      paid in, for pastoral support, 108; number of members of, living living outside of State,

      116; General Superintendent of, 118-123; Christian Workers' Assembly conducted

      by, 124-126; Separation of 1877 in, 163-170; activities of, in behalf of freedmen,

      198-202; Osage agency conducted by, 210-214; control of White's Institute assumed                           

      by 217; White's Institute leased to state by, 219; control of White's Institute again

      assumed by, 223, 224; law suit against, 227-229, responsibility of, for White's

      Institute, 229; missionary activities of, 232-239; Penn College by, 249, 250; provision

      in discipline of, relative to gravestones, 274; table showing results of evangelistic

      work of, 286; average salary and term of pastors in, 312

Iowa Yearly Meeting Boarding School, 247, 332

Iowa Yearly Meeting of Conservative Friends, 159, 172, 173, 174; membership of, 163;

      meeting-places of, 163; origin of, 163; orgainization of, 170; union of Norwegian

      Friends with, 179

Ireland, spread of Quaker faith to, 22, 23

Italy, visits of Quakers, 23

Jamaica, movement of Quakers to, 23; missionary activities of Quakers in, 232, 239, 330;

      reference to, 250; labors of Fox in, 297; immorality in, 330

James I, 269

Japan, missions in, 330

Jasper County, Quaker settlements in, 53; reference to, 60, 83, 219, 333; academy in 246

Jay, Marmaduke, 138

Jefferson County, settlement of Quakers in, 52; academy in, 246; reference to, 302, 333

Jefferson County (Ohio), 35, 155

Jepson, Samuel, 324

Jerseys, growth of Quakerism in, 28

Jessop family, 43

Jessup, Eli, 138

Jessup, Elias, 311

Jessup, Ely, 98

Johnson, Barclay, 308

Johnson, Caleb, 311

Johnson, William, 189, 323

Johnson family, 43

Johnson County, 58

Joliet, Louis, landing of, in Iowa, 300

Jones County, Quaker settlements in, 70; reference to, 305

Joy, Abram P., 42

Joy, Henry W., meetings at home of, 43; death of, 300

Joy, Reuben, 42

Joy family, 43

Junction City (Kansas), 209

Justification, teaching of, 256

Kagi, John, 323

Kanawha road, 35

Page 348

Kansas, 151, 164, 192, 205, 312, 327; work of Iowa Quakers among negroes in, 199-

      201; negro schools in, 200, 201

Kansas Indians, visit of Stanley among, 203, 204; reference to, 326

Keates, Harry R., 102, 313; labors of, as General Superintendent, 122, 123; sketch of

      life of, 313

Kellum, Rachel, reminiscence of, 303, 323

Kelsey, Rayner W., 304, 306

Kempthorne, Simon, 26

Kennedy, Alice, 238

Kentucky, Boone in, 33; reference to, 299

Kentucky road, 35

Kenworthy, Jesse W., 169

Keokuk, 49, 221

Keokuk County, settlements of Quakers in, 52; Wilburite settlements in, 158; references

      to, 302, 333

Kiowa Indians, 208

Kirkwood, Samuel J., 195, 333

Knudson, Erick, 174

Kurtzholz, Anna, 239

Kurtzholz, Charles, 239

Lancashire (England), 22

Land sales, attendance of Quakers at, 48, 49

Latter Day Saints Church, membership of, 296

Law suits, efforts of Quakers to avoid, 275, 301

Lawrence (Kansas), 208, 226

Leddra, William, banishment and execution of, 27, 28

Lee County, Norwegian Friends in, 175, purchase of land in, for school, 216; reference

      to, 225, 228, 302

Leeman, William, 323

Legislature, act by, relative to reform school, 218, 219, 222

Le Grand, Summer School held at, 1224; reference to, 175, 178, 321; Norwegian

      community near, 176

Le Grand, Academy, 246

Le Grand Monthly Meeting, 177, 246

Le Grand Monthly Meeting, 177, 246

Le Grand Township (Marshall County), 175

Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, 215

Leicestershire (England), 18, 19, 22

Lewelling, Henderson, 45, 138, 190, 300; home of 322

Lewelling, L. D., 222

Lewelling family, 43

Lincoln, Abraham, 197

Lindley, A. H., 311

Lindsey, Robert, visit of, in Iowa, 55, 56-66; hardships of, 62, 63;  departure of, from Iowa, 65, 66; reference to, 152, 154, 192, 305

Linn County, Quaker settlements in, 70, reference to, 152, 154, 192, 305

Little Cedar Creek, 39, 40

London (England), 22, 307

London Yearly Meetine, deputation from, in West, 137-144; address from, 139, 140;

      reply to address from, 141, 142; reference to, 143, 154

Long Island, 146

Lord's Supper, attitude of Quakers toward, 255, 256

Lost Creek (Tennessee), 34

Louisiana, 151, 301

Lowder, Charles, farm leased to, 226, 328

Lowder, Matthew, farm leased to, 226, 328

Lower River, English Quakers at, 61

Lower Settlement, founding of, 49; establishment of Quaker meeting at, 49, 50

Lutheran Church, number of members of, in penitentiary, 315

Lutheran General Council, membership of, 296

Lutheran Synod of Ohio, membership of, 296


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