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 Iowa History

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A Narrative History of the People of Iowa.
 Vol IV.

Chicago: American Historical Society,  1931

Harlan, Edgar Rubey.



p. 43
     R.W. NEWELL, superintendent of schools at Emmetsburg, was born at Des Moines, Iowa, March 18, 1893. He was educated in public schools of Des Moines, graduated Bachelor of Arts from Des Moines College in 1916 and received his Master of Arts degree from the University of Iowa in 1928.
    His record as a school man included the following positions: Principal of high school at Lynville one year, 1915-16; superintendent of schools three years at Lacey, 1916-19; three years superintendent at Moravia, 1919-22; seven years superintendent at Seymour, 1922-29; and in 1929 he became superintendent of schools at Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, his present location. He is a member of the Phi Delta Kappa fraternity and the Iowa State Teachers Association.
    Mr. Newell is a Baptist and a Mason and Odd Fellow. He married Lucile Schilling, a native of Ottumwa, Iowa, also a graduate of Des Moines College, Bachelor of Music. She is a member of the Eastern Star and P.E.O. Sisterhood. They have two children, Ellen, born November 27, 1918, Dorothy, born February 7, 1921.

p. 430
    NEW MELLERAY ABBEY. Within the borders of Iowa has existed for eighty years a community of the Trappist Monks, whose good works, whose austere and simple life, have been celebrated in literature and history for centuries. The Trappist Monks, now known as Reformed Cisterians of the Strict Observance, follow the rule of St. Benedict and devote themselves to the esthetic or contemplative life, in which prayer is the principal occupation, mingled with manual labor. The Trappists are also committed to the practice of silence, except as speech is necessary, and in their community life no general conversation is permitted. However, many of the stories regarding the Trappists are erroneous. They lead a cheerful, wholesome life, refraining from meat, but otherwise having a wholesome dietary, ample periods of sleep, and, as has been officially stated, their life is so tempered by thousands of peoples of both sexes, age and condition. The Trappist has better health and a longer life than the generality of mankind.
    The home of the Trappist Monks in Iowa is known as the New Melleray Abbey, located at Peosta, about twelve miles from Dubuque. When, on October 28, 1928, the new public chapel and guest house was dedicated, Archbishop James J. Keane in the course of his address described the founding of the community in a few brief sentences. "In 1849," he said, "when these great stretches of fertile land were little more than a wilderness, fifteen members of the Cisterian community of Mt. Melleray in Ireland embarked at Liverpool for Dubuque, then an outpost of civilization. They would, like Jacob, raise a 'holy place' in the wilderness. They landed at New Orleans on the forty-ninth day out, and after a brief rest, took passage on a river boat for the north. Scarcely had the boat weighed anchor when cholera broke out among the passengers and within a week claimed six of the band, already weakened by the sufferings and privations of the voyage. They were buried with all possible reverence on the banks of the river.
   "The survivors reached Dubuque in December, 1849. They had a second baptism of suffering during the winter which had already set in and was to try their spirit in the make-shift home, the best that could be offered them. In the spring they set to work to erect the temporary buildings which enabled them to lead the regular monastic life until 1875, when the stately monastic buildings then, and even now as much admired, replaced the old frame structures.
    "The monks brought with them the traditions and the spirit of a great institution- that of monasticism to which St. Benedict in the early part of the sixth century gave form and life and undying energy.
    "These traditions were revived and that spirit was renewed by the great reformers of monasticism, St. Robert De Rance and St. Bernard. Those who have looked into the history of the Church know something of the great service rendered to Christian religion and civilization by the monks.
    "The purpose of the guest house in this, as in other Trappist monasteries, is to provide accommodation for gentlemen, lay and cleric, who may desire to come aside for a little while from the pressure of business, home and social duties to attend to life's greatest interest-their immortal souls. This house of retreat has been long looked for, longed for, and very many rejoice in this morning that it is now equipped for the splendid service for which it was erected.
    "This public chapel will afford opportunity for those who desire to attend the monastic services so solemn and so inspiring. The community is today too limited in number, but we have every confidence that New Melleray will now draw large numbers of young men to that service of God in which it is engaged.
    "I am authorized to say that the guest house is now open to receive those who may desire to spend some days in quiet recollection and prayer, and that the good prior and his associates will meet with as cordial a welcome those who may wish to join them as the saintly bishop of pioneer days extended to the first members who laid the foundation of this home of peace, this shrine of spiritual life."

    JOHN WILLIAM NEASHAM has been a business man of Ottumwa since 1892. He is president and manager of the Ottumwa Iron Works, one of the oldest of the industrial establishments of the city. The Ottumwa Iron Works were established in 1867, and incorporated in 1903. It is well known throughout the world as one of the leading manufacturers of electric hoisting engines, roller hearing trucks, mine and industrial cars and mine equipment, continuous tooth herringbone gears and speed reducers.
    Mr. Neasham is a native of England, son of Joseph and Margaret (Hansell) Neasham. He was born in Easby, Yorkshire, April 8, 1868, and when thirteen years of age his widowed mother brought him, his two brothers and one sister, to the United States. The family located at Nevada, Iowa, where John W. Neasham grew to manhood and had his first commercial experience. He had attended school in England and after wards at Nevada.
    When he was nineteen years of age he engaged in the jewelry business at Nevada, and in February, 1892, moved to Ottumwa, having purchased the jewelry store of F. P. Loomis & Company. Mr. Neasham was in the jewelry business at Ottumwa for thirty-five years, finally selling his business in January, 1927.
    He has been financially interested in the Ottumwa Iron Works since 1895, and is president and general manager of the business. Since 1918 he has been a director of the Ottumwa National Bank and since 1919 vice president of that institution. He is also vice president of the Wapello County Savings Bank. Mr. Neasham is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Wapello Club, Ottumwa Country Club, Rotary Club and the Union League Club of Chicago.
    He married in 1889 Miss Wilda Cessna, of Nevada, Iowa, a daughter of Jonathan W. and Elizabeth Jane (Matthews) Cessna. They have three children, Donald J., Elizabeth, wife of H. M. Dancer, and Margaret, wife of I. W. Sears.
    Donald J. Neasham was born in Ottumwa, July 4, 1895. He attended public schools and the University of Iowa, and for about a year was employed in the Ford plant in Detroit.
    In the fall of 1917 he enlisted in the regular army for service in the World war, being sworn in at Jefferson Barracks, Saint Louis. For a bout six months he was at Fort Riley, Kansas, spent one month at Spartanburg, South Carolina, and on July 7, 1918, sailed for overseas from New York. He was a non-commissioned officer as sergeant in the Sanitary Train of the Sixth Division and participated in the Argonne offensive. He was in France for five months after the armistice, and received his honorable discharge at Camp Mills, New York, May 31, 1919. Since the war he has been associated with the Ottumwa Iron Works as vice president and treasurer. Donald J. Neasham married, May 1, 1918, Ruth Wilkins, of Anita, Iowa.

    DRING D. NEEDHAM is a native son of Iowa, graduated from law college just in time to join the First Officers Training School when American entered the World war, and since the close of the war has been steadily building up a reputation and a successful practice at Des Moines.
    Mr. Needham was born on a farm in Butler County, Iowa, August 4, 1890, son of W. E. and Nancy (Graham) Needham. His father a native of Ontario, Canada, and his mother of Iowa. She is still living, a resident of Bristow, Butler County. W. E. Needham spent all his life as a farmer. He was a Republican in politics, and a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Christian Church, while his wife is a Methodist. They had a family of six children, and the three now living besides the Des Moines attorney are: Joseph E., a farmer at Bristow; Mabel M., wife of A. N. Morford, a farmer at Bristow; and Eunice I., wife of C. H. Bunker, a traveling salesman, with home at Waterloo, Iowa.
    Dring D. Needham grew up on a farm, and took the A. B. degree from Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, in 1914. This was followed by his law course at Harvard University and he graduated from there with a LL. B. degree in 1917.
    He entered the First Officers Training School at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and subsequently attended the second camp and was commissioned a first lieutenant. He was in service under General Wood at Camp Funston, Kansas, until June 1, 1918, and was then assigned to the School of Fire at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, becoming an instructor and promoted to the rank of captain.
    Captain Needham received his honorable discharge in December, 1918, and in June, 1919, was admitted to the Iowa bar and began practice at Des Moines. He is a member of the firm Brown, James & Needham, with offices in the Equitable Building. They handle a general law practice at Des Moines, with offices at Des Moines, Colfax and Stuart. Mr. Needham in 1927 was appointed assistant counsel for the Chicago Joint Stock Land Bank, and in 1928, general counsel for the Iowa Farm Credit Corporation.
    He married, in 1920, Miss Ruth Cline, who was born in Greene County, Iowa, and was educated at Des Moines, attending Drake University. Her father, F. M. Cline, is a painting contractor at Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. Needham have two children: Sarah Jane, born in 1922, and Ruth Mary, born in 1926. Mr. Needham and family are members of the Plymouth Congregational Church, and he is a deacon, and was formerly secretary of the Board of Trustees. He is a York Rite Mason, member of the Acacia College fraternity and a Republican in politics.

    HARRY LUDWIG NEHLS is a native of Iowa, and has been a factor in the business life of Cedar Rapids for over a quarter of a century. His most important achievement in the business field has been in connection with the growth and development of the Iowa Mutual Liability Insurance Company and the Preferred Class Mutual Insurance Company, which in 1929 celebrated their twentieth anniversary. The companies were chartered in 1909, but it was not until 1913 that Dr. Richard Lord, now chairman of the board, and Mr. H. L. Nehls, secretary, treasurer and general manager, became active in the organization. These two men, with the loyal cooperation of a staff of trained insurance men, have carried the business of the companies in increasing volume until they now have made good their claim to the Iowa's leading casualty and automobile insurance companies. These companies have built up their business on the basis of providing sound protection at as low a cost as is consistent with good business on such classes of risks as workmen's compensation, employers' liability, plate glass breakage, fire and tornado on dwellings, general liability to the public, and all hazards in connection with the operation of an automobile.
    Harry Ludwig Nehls was born on a farm in Middlefield Township, Buchanan County, Iowa, March 3, 1880. His people on both sides were early settlers of Iowa. His father, Robert A. Nehls, was born at Dayton, Ohio, and in 1858 accompanied his father, Jacob A Nehls, to Dubuque County, Iowa, where the latter developed a farm. Jacob A. Nehls came from Germany. Robert A. Nehls became a farmer in Buchanan County and in 1902 moved to Independence, where he died in 1927, at the age of seventy-five. He was a very prominent member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, being affiliated with the Subordinate, Canton and Encampment degrees of the order. Robert A. Nehls married Caroline Sauer, who was born in Dubuque County, Iowa, daughter of Henry Sauer, who came from Germany in the early 1850s and acquired extensive bodies of land in Buchanan County and carried on a large business as a farmer and as a private banker.
    Harry L. Nehls attended rural schools while a boy on the farm, finished his education in the high school at Independence, and in 1902 came to Cedar Rapids to attend the Palmer Business College. After leaving school he conducted a general real estate business and in 1913 organized the H. L. Nehls Investment Company, providing a general real estate service for Cedar Rapids. For a number of years he also gave much of his time to homestead colonization and regularly ran excursions to take home seekers over the newer districts of Minnesota, North and South Dakota. Mr. Nehls has been a director and officer since 1913 and has held the offices of secretary-treasurer and general manager of the Iowa Mutual Liability Insurance Company and the Preferred Class Mutual Insurance Company since January 1, 1927.
    He is a man deeply interested in civic and public affairs, is a member of the First Christian Church, a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner, member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks and Country Club. He married at Muscatine, Iowa, January 1, 1913, Miss Clara Pelton, daughter of Mr. George W. Pelton, a retired farmer. They have three children, Harry Ludwig, Jr., Rugh Isabelle and George Robert.

     P. MABEL NELSON, PH. D., holds a professorship of foods and nutrition in Iowa State College, at Ames, and has been executive head of this important department since 1926. Professor Nelson is a woman of high scholastic and scientific attainments and is a recognized authority in her special field of educational service. She was born at Brookston, Indiana, a daughter of Robert J. and Rebecca P. (Benjamin) Nelson, who were born and reared in the fine old Hoosier State and who have maintained their home in California, first at Riverside and then at Georgetown, during a period of nearly forty years. Robert J. Nelson was a farmer in Indiana, and in California has been a progressive exponent of the citrus-fruit industry, as the owner of a well improved orange ranch, he being at the present time established in the general mercantile business at Georgetown. Of the four children P. Mabel, of this review, is the first born. Owen B., who was born at Brookston, Indiana, January 9, 1888, is an electrical engineer and resides at Jamestown, California. Robert E., who was born in Indiana on the 11th of March, 1890, is engaged in the practice of law at Riverside, California. Elizabeth, who was born at Riverside, California, April 21, 1897, was librarian of the southern branch of the University of California, in the City of Los Angeles. She married B. L. Kylberg, residing in Fresno. She is continuing library work, being engaged part time in the Fresno Library.
     Professor P. Mabel Nelson was graduated from high school at Riverside, California, in 1906, and thereafter she was a teacher in the public schools of Riverside County until 1909. During the period of 1909-11 she was a student in the University of California; in 1911-12 she attended the Santa Barbara State Normal School at Santa Barbara, in which she pursued a course in home economics. She next gave two years of service as teacher of cooking and sewing in the Riverside public schools. In 1914 she resumed her studies at the University of California, and was graduated in 1915, with honors and with the degree of Bachelor of Science, she having majored in nutrition during this period of study. In May, 1916, she received from the university the degree of Master of Science. She then returned to the State Normal School at Santa Barbara, where she was assistant in the department of home economics until 1919. In the summer of that year she took post-graduate work in the University of California, and in September, 1919, she entered Yale University, in which historic old institution she took graduate work in physiological chemistry, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy having been conferred upon her by that university in 1923. In the summer vacation on 1922 she was a teacher of household science in that department of the University of California. In September, 1923, Professor Nelson became associate professor in the foods and nutrition department of Iowa State College. She was made acting head of the department, from January until June, 1926, when she was advanced to the full professorship and made the executive head of the department. Her administration has been marked by characteristic professional loyalty, by fine service of constructive order and by an enthusiasm that has begotten like enthusiasm in the students and staff of the department.
     Professor Nelson is affiliated with the Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Nu, Iota Sigma Pi, Sigma Delta Epsilon and Phi Upsilon Omicron, and with the Alpha Gamma Delta fraternity, and is a member of the American Chemical Society. She has active membership in the Christian Church.
    Professor Nelson has been called upon for lectures before the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs, and also before Rotary Clubs and Business and Professional Women's Clubs, besides which her lectures have had radio broadcasting and she has given addresses in connection with Farm and Home Week short courses. Her lectures have been mainly on foods and nutrition, home economics and social work. She has made many and valuable contributions to the literature of her profession. Among such contributions, may be noted the following: "The Cooking of Meats." Iowa Homemaker, March, 1924; "Maternal Diet and Lactation," Journal of Home Economics, Vol. XVIII, July, 1926; "The Role of the Diet in Lactation," Journal American Dental Association, September, 1926; "The Place of Meat in the Diet," Modern Priscilla, December, 1928; She has collaborated in the preparation of various articles that have appeared in Journal of Science of the Iowa State College: Leavell, Gladys and Nelson, P. Mabel, The Soybean as Human Food, Mimeograph Leaflet, Extension Service, 1926. Nelson. P. Mabel. The Cooking of Meats, Iowa Homemaker, p. 10 March, 1924. Nelson P. Mabel, Maternal Diet and Lactation. Jr. H. Ec., Vol. 18, 383, July, 1926. Morgan, Agnes Fay and P. Mabel Nelson. A Study of Certain Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Speed in the Roasting of Meat. Jr. H. Ec., 18, 371, July-August, 1926. Nelson, P. Mabel. The Role of Diet in Lactation. Jr. Amer. Dental Association, p. 1, Sept. 1926. Sunderlin, G., Nelson, P. Mabel and Max Levine. Studies in Home Canning, I. Some Factors Affecting the Keeping Qualities of Vegetables and Meats Canned by the Hot Water Bath Method. I. S. C. Jour, of Sc. 2, 189-212, April, 1928. Sunderlin, G., with Levine, Max and Nelson, P. Mabel. Studies in Home Canning, II. Indices of Spoilage in Home Canned Foods. I. S. C. Jour. of Sci. 2, 289-311, July, 1928. Redfield, Gail M., Nelson, P. Mabel, and Sunderlin, Gertrude. Studies in Home Canning, III. Heat Penetration in Meats and Vegetables Processed in Glass Containers. I. S C. Jour, of Sc. 3, 7-28, 1928. Nelson, P. Mabel. The Place of Meat in the Diet, Priscilla, December, 1928. Nelson, P. Mabel. The Place of Fish in the Diet, Priscilla, March, 1929. Nelson, P. Mabel, Redfield, Gail M. and Sunderlin, G. Pressure Cooker Operation in Home Canning. Jr. H. Ec. 21, No. 2, February, 1929. Nelson, P. Mabel, Honey in Fancy and in Fact. Amer. Bee Jour. 68, 561, November, 1928. House, Margaret C., P. Mabel Nelson and E. S. Haber. The Vitamin A, B, and C. Content of Artificially Versus Naturally Ripened Tomatoes. J. Biol. Chem. 81; 495, March, 1929. House, M. C., Nelson, P. Mabel and Haber, E. S. The Vitamin B Content of Vegetables. Research Bull. No. 120, Iowa Agric. Exp. Station, February, 1930. Nelson, P. Mabel, Lowe, Belle, and Helser, M. D. Influence of the Animal's Age upon the Quality and Palatability of Beef. II. The Roast Beef, Preparation, Quality and Palatability. Iowa Agr. Exp. Station Bul. 272; 311-323. 1930. Nelson, P. Mabel. The Place of Sweets in the Diet. Amer. Bee Jour., p. 444, September, 1930. Nelson, P. Mabel, Irwin, Margaret H., and Peet, Louise J. Meat in Nutrition, I. Preliminary Report on Beef Muscle. Jour. of Nutrition, III, 303, November, 1930. Peet Louise J., Nelson, P. Mabel, and Smith, Erma A. Meat in Nutrition, II. Some Dietary Factors Influencing Lactation. Jour. of Nutrition III, 313, November, 1930. Peet, Louise J., Smith. Erma A., and Nelson, P. Mabel. Meat in Nutrition, III. Hemoglobin Formation. Jour. of Nutrition III, 325, November, 1930.

      CLARENCE J. NESS. The career of Clarence J. Ness, sole proprietor of the C. J. Ness Pattern Company, of Waterloo, is illustrative of the opportunities offered the youth of America in gaining fortune and position through the exercise of industry and good judgment and through giving their inherent talents full sway during the course of every-day opportunities. A resident of Waterloo since 1912, he has been engaged in business son his own account since 1919, and while his personal affairs have been of such a character to demand his constant attention, he has managed to find time to contribute to worthy civic causes.
      Mr. Ness was born at Minneapolis, Minnesota, a son of Olaf Ness, who was a native of Trondhjem, Norway, of an old and honorable family. In his youth he acquired a good education and served an apprenticeship to the carpenter's trade, and was still a young man when he came to the United States and settled at Minneapolis. With him came a sister and two brothers: Gena, who married a Mr. Myers and resides at Minneapolis; Charles, who adopted the name of Nash and resides at Minneapolis; and Iver, who likewise changed his name to Nash, lived for a time at Minneapolis, and is now a resident of Warsaw, Wisconsin. After his arrival at Minneapolis, Olaf Ness engaged in business as a carpenter and builder and soon built up a large and prosperous patronage, being known as a skilled workman and a reliable and trustworthy man of affairs. He also bore his full share of the burdens of public life, and was for thirty-six years a member of the board of education of the City of Minneapolis, where he died, honored and respected, at the age of sixty-three years. Mr. Ness married Miss Agnette Sanders, who was born at Faribault, Minnesota. Her father, Richard Sanders, was born at Brugen, Norway, where he married a native of that place, and on coming to the United States settled at Faribault, where he passed the remainder of his life. Mrs. Ness died at the age of thirty-one years, leaving four children: Harold, Clarence J., Valmer and Esther.
     Clarence J. Ness attended the public schools of Minneapolis, including the high school, and then commenced an apprenticeship at the trade of pattern maker. At the completion of his apprenticeship he did journeyman work at Minneapolis until 1912, when he accepted an offer from the John Deere Company, by which Waterloo concern he was employed for seven years. In 1919 he invested his hard-earned capital in a modest pattern works of his own, which he has since developed to large and important proportions, making this enterprise, at 811 1/2 Commercial Street, one of Waterloo's real business assets. He is licensed as a mechanical engineer and is one of the valued members of the Iowa Engineering Society and the Waterloo Technical Society. Mr. Ness was reared a Lutheran, but now belongs to the United Brethern Church. He belongs to Waterloo Lodge No. 500, A. F. and A. M.; Tabernacle Chapter No. 52, R. A. M.; Ascalon Commandery No. 25, K. T.; and El Keher Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., at Cedar Rapids. He is an enthusiastic Rotarian and joins with his fellows in the promulgation and furtherance of constructive movements calculated to be of civic betterment.
     In 1918 Mr. Ness was united in marriage with Miss Bernice Manning, who was born at Waterloo, daughter of Orville Manning, and to this union there has been born one son; Richard, who is now attending school.

     ARTHUR H. NEUMANN. In the broad field of general contracting many accomplishments are necessary to the achievement of real success. These seem to have been embodied and expressed in the career of Arthur H. Neumann, head of the A. H. Neumann Company, who during the eighteen years he has been engaged in this business at Des Moines has built up the largest enterprise of its kind in the state and has to its credit many of the finest structures of Des Moines.
     Mr. Neumann was born in 1884 at Des Moines, and is a son of William and Barbara (Kuefner) Neumann. His paternal grandfather was Martin Neumann, who was born in Germany, and late in life came to the United States, but lived a retired life here and never engaged in business in Iowa. William Neumann was born in Germany, and was still a young man when, in 1867, he came to the United States and took up his residence at Des Moines. Here he engaged in a modest way in carpenter contracting and the manufacture of brick, and gradually gave more and more of his attention to the latter end of the business, in which he was a prominent figure at the time of his death in 1899. He was a man of high character and sound judgment, a faithful member of the Lutheran Church, and a staunch Republican in politics. He married Barbara Kuefner, daughter of John Kuefner, who was born in Germany and came to the United States in 1848, settling in New Orleans, but then moving to Cincinnati, and in 1856 came to Iowa in a covered wagon. He conducted a bakery at Des Moines and was also engaged in farming, becoming a well-to-do man for his day. He was deeply religious and was one of the founders of the first Lutheran faith at Des Moines. Mrs. Neumann survives her husband and resides at Des Moines at the age of seventy-four years. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Neumann of whom the following five survive: Dr. W. J. Cameron, B. D. F. the wife of a prominent Doctor of Dental Surgery of Des Moines; Arthur H., of this review; Walter N.; Oscar D. and Harold C. The four brothers are all identified with the A. H. Neumann Company.
     The plans for Mr. Neumann's education were interrupted through the sudden and early death of his father. Even as a boy Mr. Neumann knew that his calling would be that of a builder, so after seventeen years in the public schools of Des Moines he entered his business career as an apprentice in a leading contracting firm in Des Moines. Studying nights with private instructors he forged ahead rapidly and by 1912 established his own firm. After his brothers had completed their college training, each in a special engineering line, Mr. Neumann took them into his business as partners. The A. H. Neumann Company is now accounted the largest general contracting firm in the state. Among the work done by his organization may be mentioned the Equitable Building, the Steel Building, the Iowa Insurance Exchange Building, the Bell Telephone Building, the Municipal Court Building and the electric power plant, all at Des Moines; the Memorial Union Building and several small structures at Ames; and the Field House at Iowa City. Arthur H. Neumann is justly recognized as one of the best informed and most energetic men in his line, as well as one of the most reliable in fulfilling his contracts to the letter. He is a member of the Lutheran Church and belongs to the Des Moines Club, the Wakonda Club and the Rotary Club. He has always been a Republican, but his business has kept him so constantly engaged that he has been able to take only a public spirited citizen's interest in political affairs.
     In 1914 Mr. Neumann was united in marriage with Miss Elsa Rehmann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rehmann. Mr. Rehmann was born in Germany, and after coming to the United States and settling at Des Moines opened a private studio, where he was a professor of languages and music. Mrs. Neumann was educated in the schools of Des Moines and under the guidance of her father, and also studied music in Europe. A highly talented pianist and organist, her services have been in demand in all of the large churches of Des Moines. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Neumann; Elsa, a student in the junior high school, and Barbara and Elizabeth who are attending public school.

     CLIFFORD L. NILES, banker, theater owner and manufacturer of Anamosa, was born in that Northeastern Iowa city August 4, 1878. His people were pioneers of Iowa, and Mr. Niles in his career has carried out some of the lines of business established by his father and has also broadened his interests and activities.
     His father was the late Charles L. Niles, who was born at Hamilton, New York, and was a child when his parents came to Jones County, Iowa, about 1858, and located on a farm. During the years he was growing to manhood Iowa had great abundance of wild game, and his enterprise showed him a way toward getting financially established. He bought up great quantities of prairie chickens, which could then be shot in almost every field in the state, and hauled them to Dubuque, Iowa, for shipment to the eastern market. Charles L. Niles was best known as a banker. In 1871 he organized the First National Bank of Anamosa. In 1905 this became the Niles & Watters Saving Bank. He was head of the bank for thirty-five years and during his lifetime he made it the largest financial institution in the city. He also had other business interests, being a buyer and dealer in grain, handled farms and was owner of much real estate in Anamosa. He died in 1914. Charles L. Niles married Nellie S. Scroogs, who was born at Anamosa and is a resident of that city.
     Their son, Clifford L. Niles, graduated from the Anamosa High School and completed his college career at the University of Michigan, where he was graduated in 1899. On returning home, at the age of twenty-one, he entered his father's bank, and for thirty years has been its vice president. He owned and operated the American Cooperage Company, comprising a butter tub plant at Anamosa and a lumber mill at Wilson, Arkansas. Mr. Niles for a number of years had been interested in the ownership and operation of theaters and now has a chain of amusement houses in this section of the state. He is a successful business man who has put his support behind many important local and state projects. He is a former chairman of the State Board of Conservation and is now chairman of the Iowa State Highway Commission which last year paved over 1,000 miles of rural roads and spent on roads over forty-seven million dollars. This office gives him statewide prominence. Mr. Niles is a Republican, a member of the Masonic fraternity, B. P. O. Elks, has membership in the Wapsipinicon Country Club and the Methodist Episcopal Church.
     He married, October 29, 1902, Miss Clara Louise Holt, of Anamosa. Her father, E. C. Holt, was a well known contractor in that city. Both her parents are deceased. The six children of Mr. and Mrs. Niles are Charles L., Mary Tirzah, Helen, Jane, Betty and Katherine.

     JOHN SCHOLTE NOLLEN, dean of Grinnell College, has a long and distinguished record as an educator, scholar and author. He is one of the well known triumvirate of brothers, the other two being life insurance executives at Des Moines, and there is hardly any family in Iowa that has contributed more to the commercial and cultural life of the state.
     Doctor Nollen was born at Pella, Iowa, January 15, 1869, son of John and Johanna Sara Susanna (Scholte) Nollen, and a grandson of the founder of Pella, Hendrick Peter Scholte, an eminent scholar and religious and business executive, who came from Holland community and settled at Pella, Iowa. An interesting record of Hendrick Peter Scholte is published on other pages. John Nollen was also a native of Holland, settled at Pella in 1854, and for a number of years was engaged in banking and in other lines of business. He served as mayor of Pella, and was a trustee of Central University at Pella. He died in 1914 and his wife in May, 1928. Their three sons are Henry S. Nollen, president of the Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa, Dr. John S. Nollen; and Gerard S. Nollen, president of the Bankers Life Insurance Company of Des Moines.
     John Scholte Nollen was educated in public schools and privately by his father at Pella, graduated with the A. B. degree from Central College in 1885 and was an instructor in the college from 1885 to 1887. He went abroad and tutored the children of David Page at Cham, Switzerland, during 1888-90. He received his A. B. degree from the University of Iowa in 1888 and was engaged in graduate study in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1890-91, at Leipzig, Germany, in 1891-92, and at Paris in 1892-93. Leipzig University gave him his Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1893. During 1900-01 Doctor Nollen was again abroad for study at the University of Berlin.
     From 1893 to 1903 Doctor Nollen was professor of modern languages at Grinnell College. He then accepted the chair of professor of German in the University of Indiana at Bloomington, where he remained from 1903 to 1907. From 1907 to 1918 he was president of Lake Forest University at Lake Forest, Illinois. He resigned to engage in war work, as an overseas Y. M. C. A. secretary, serving in France and later in Italy, where he was general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. with the Italian army during 1918-20, and during 1920 was connected with the American Red Cross Commission in Europe. Since his return from overseas he has resumed his work as an educator and has been dean of Grinnell College, being one of the most popular members of that fine college community. He is a director of the Grinnell State Bank. During 1927-28 Doctor Nollen had a leave of absence from Grinnell College for work at the Pomona and Scripps Colleges at Claremont, California. He attended as a delegate the World Conference on Faith and Order at Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1927.
    Doctor Nollen's research work and scholarship have found publications in the following works: Goethe's Gutz von Berlichingen auf der Buhne, published in 1893, as his Doctor's thesis; Chronology and Practical Bibliography of Modern German Literature, 1903; Outline History of Modern German Literature for Lake German Series, 1903; Two Addresses, 1907; What is That in thy Hand, 1911; The Warfare of Peace, 1913; God and the Nation, 1914; Think on These Things, 1915. He is editor of text books, including Kleist's Prinz Friedrich von Hamburg, 1899, Schiller's Poems, 1905, Schiller's Maria Stuart, 1909, German Poems, 1800-18-50, published in 1912, and for years has been a contributor to philogical and literary magazines.
    Doctor Nollen is a Phi Beta Kappa, member of the Modern Language Association of America, the Religious Education Association, National Education Association, English Speaking Union, was president in 1910-11 of the Presbyterian Social Union of Chicago, and president of the Association of American Colleges in 1917-18. The Italian government bestowed upon him the Italian War Cross and made him a commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy. Doctor Nollen is a member of the Congregational Church and in 1925 was president of the Kiwanis Club at Grinnell.
    He married, September 11, 1906, Emeline Barstow Bartlett, of Providence, Rhode Island. She died November 10, 1910, leaving two children, Anna Barstow, of New York City, and Emeline Bartlett, of Grinnell. On June 25, 1914, Doctor Nollen married Louise Stevens Bartlett, of Providence, Rhode Island.


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